Famous Quotes & Sayings

Hormone Therapy Quotes & Sayings

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Top Hormone Therapy Quotes

Hormone Therapy Quotes By Amy Harmon

I crept into his bed and curled myself around him, resting my head against his back, wrapping my arms around his chest. I wanted to seal him to me, to fuse him to my skin, to reassure myself that he was actually mine. I pressed my lips against his back and slid my hands up under his T-shirt, pressing my hands against his flat abdomen, stroking upward to his chest. — Amy Harmon

Hormone Therapy Quotes By Gerry Lopez

What gods do you pray to? — Gerry Lopez

Hormone Therapy Quotes By Nicole Hardy

If the second-greatest commandment is to love our fellow man, where is that commandment in this? Dear God, where is the love in this? — Nicole Hardy

Hormone Therapy Quotes By Edna Ferber

Living the past is a dull and lonely business; looking back strains the neck muscles, causing you to bump into people not going your way. — Edna Ferber

Hormone Therapy Quotes By Lillian Faderman

In California, there was Atascadero State Hospital, constructed in 1954 at the cost to taxpayers of over $10 million (almost $110 million in today's money). Atascadero was a maximum-security psychiatric prison on the central coast where mentally disordered male lawbreakers [including homosexuals] from all over California were incarcerated. Inmates were treated at Atascadero by a variety of methods, including electroconvulsive therapy; lobotomy; sterilization, and hormone injections. Anectine was used often for 'behavior modification.' It was a muscle relaxant, which gave the person to whom it was administered the sensation of choking or drowning, while he received the message from the doctor that if he didn't change his behavior he would die (10). — Lillian Faderman

Hormone Therapy Quotes By Willow Bay

The 'science' behind hormone replacement therapy has put women on a medically engineered, press-fueled, big pharma funded roller coaster ride. — Willow Bay

Hormone Therapy Quotes By Gary Taubes

If insulin fattens those who receive it, as the evidence suggests, then how does it work? The prewar European clinicians who used insulin therapy to treat anorexics accepted the possibility, as Falta suggested, that the hormone can directly increase the accumulation of fat in the fat tissues. Insulin was "an excellent fattening substance," Erich Grafe wrote in Metabolic Diseases and Their Treatment. — Gary Taubes

Hormone Therapy Quotes By Albert Einstein

Intuition,, not intellect, is the 'open sesame' of yourself. — Albert Einstein

Hormone Therapy Quotes By Ariana Reines

Maybe what made me cry in class was how tired I was and how sad and hard it is, and how rare, to undertake an act that's truly free, and not just a response to a confused surge of drives and fears. — Ariana Reines

Hormone Therapy Quotes By Recep Tayyip Erdogan

The Muslim world and its subset the countries of the Middle East have been left behind in the marathon of political, economic and human development. For that, there is a tendency to blame others as the primary cause. — Recep Tayyip Erdogan

Hormone Therapy Quotes By Santiago Ramon Y Cajal

I would be the last to deny that the greatest scientific pioneers belonged to an aristocracy of the spirit and were exceptionally intelligent, something that we as modest investigators will never attain, no matter how much we exert ourselves. Nevertheless ... I continue to believe that there is always room for anyone with average intelligence ... to utilize his energy and ... any man could, if he were so inclined, be the sculptor of his own brain, and that even the least gifted may, like the poorest land that has been well-cultivated and fertilized, produce an abundant harvest.. — Santiago Ramon Y Cajal

Hormone Therapy Quotes By Kaui Hart Hemmings

Scottie and I walk down the hall. Her T-shirt says MRS. CLOONEY, — Kaui Hart Hemmings

Hormone Therapy Quotes By Laetitia Pilkington

A third volume of Memoirs is really a bold undertaking ... I cannot, like a certain female writer, say, I hope if I have done nothing to please, I have done nothing to offend; for truly I mean to give both pleasure and offense ... — Laetitia Pilkington

Hormone Therapy Quotes By Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

Very few people love others for what they are; rather, they love what they lend them, their own selves, their own idea of them. — Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

Hormone Therapy Quotes By Walter Annenberg

Don't worry about it. Babe Ruth struck out on occasion, too. — Walter Annenberg

Hormone Therapy Quotes By Taiye Selasi

The summer I finished my first novel 'Ghana Must Go,' I drove across west Africa: from Accra to Lome to Cotonou to the deliciously named Ouagadougou. — Taiye Selasi

Hormone Therapy Quotes By Randi Rhodes

You know, these conservative women, somebody really needs to go repossess their ovaries. Really, truly, they have no right to them. They are fabulous, little organs and they have absolutely no right to be estrogen-bearing beings. Okay? Just cut 'em off, let 'em go through the hot flashes, let 'em just sit there and complain about hormone therapy, okay? Just take the ovaries and get it over with. Because they don't deserve to have estrogen. They really don't. It's a privilege. — Randi Rhodes

Hormone Therapy Quotes By Nick Pageant

She's a lot more than nice," Gran said with a leer, "after our last date, I came home with my face looking like a glazed donut. That gal's juices are flowing. She must be on some kind of hormone replacement therapy. — Nick Pageant

Hormone Therapy Quotes By Arnold Lobel

Wishes on their way to coming true will not be rushed. — Arnold Lobel

Hormone Therapy Quotes By Chelsea Manning

I am Chelsea Manning. I am a female. Given the way that I feel, and have felt since childhood, I want to begin hormone therapy as soon as possible. I hope that you will support me in this transition. — Chelsea Manning