Hickman Quotes & Sayings
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So dark. Endless darkness, eternal. It was not the absence of light that was so frightening as the absence of thought, of knowledge, of comprehension. Our lives, the lives of the living will go on. The sun shines, the moons rise, we will laugh and talk, and he will know nothing, feel nothing. Nothing.
So final. It will come to us all. It will come to me. — Tracy Hickman

Humans need each other for equilibrium and support. But writers must pull aside to take a quiet walk alone, not just for the sake of serenity but to hear the Voice inside. That is how the storyteller connects with with others--listen, write, share. — Patricia Hickman

Your soul rages. You cannot control your spirits within your body, so you need this to force others to your will." The king stepped boldly toward Meklos, holding the dragonstaff in front of him, the Eye shining even in the dim light of the temple chamber. "You need this
this crutch to compel the great spirits, and they rebel against you, Meklos! They are fighting you and calling the gods' displeasure against you. Your life is diminished by the length of this rod! — Tracy Hickman

There's that old cliche that art is never finished, only abandoned. That's the nice thing about comics. It forces you to abandon it long before maybe you're ready to let it go. — Jonathan Hickman

When you come fact to face with love, and before the sun sets, you become someone you didn't used to be. It makes the old things new. Makes dead things live. Love makes you into something better. — Jonathan Hickman

As far as personal philosophies go, I think you should know your ending. I know that's radically different from a lot of other writers who just organically like to find the story. Other than that, I try different things and mess around. I'm still just playing a good bit. — Jonathan Hickman

I was, without a sliver of a doubt, a no-good, lazy slacker of a child, and after I discovered literature, I was totally and utterly a no-good, lazy slacker of a child who read books. A lot of books, good and bad, but my favourite - the books I read and reread in my teens - were by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman. — Ben Peek

Raistlin opened his eyes, looking at her without recognition. And in them, she saw deep, undying sorrow
the look of one who has been permitted to enter a realm of deadly, perilous beauty, and who now finds himself, once more, cast down into the grey, rain-swept world. — Tracy Hickman

'100 Bullets' is probably my favorite thing, ever. It's pretty close with early 'Hellboy' stuff. — Jonathan Hickman

...how gracious seem the small gifts that may come - a patch of sunlight on a cold floor, an unexpected gesture of friendship, the fragrant steam of hot tea. — Martha Whitmore Hickman

You're either on team Republican or team Democrat, and it's the idea that one of these sides has a perfect record of being correct and is worth supporting on 100% of the causes. I find that kind of thinking extremely dangerous and very intellectually dishonest. — Jonathan Hickman

-Besides, lead someone down an unknown road and soon there're completely lost without you. I just have to keep the others from interfering for a short while. Any suggestions?
-Kill them.
-Kill them.
-Kill them.
-Kill them.
-Hmmm. Okay. — Jonathan Hickman

The show has brought a lot of pleasure and entertainment to an entire generation of Baby Boomers and now their own teens who watch the show on cable. — Dwayne Hickman

While writing the first draft is an exercise in shutting down all of the things we think we know so that the story features come tumbling out, the revision is the end of the joy ride. We pull on the gloves and sort of poke around inside the body. Is that a tumor? Will that limb need amputation? I nearly second-guessed myself into heart failure while learning to self-edit. — Patricia Hickman

The confessional writer will treat her story like a wailing wall. She kneels, and her story spills out, messy, improper. It isn't a protest or even graffiti, but her story is an offering of things that she overlooked or notices that others have overlooked. She is in danger of exposure but she remembers when she lived in hiding and that was worse. She cannot turn back now because this is how life has spun out of her, part vexing passage and part prayer. — Patricia Hickman

The print on canvas is the closest to the original work. I personally sign them as well. — Dwayne Hickman

My background with Cummings was rehearse, rehearse, rehearse, but Tuesday liked to walk in and do the scene. I must say that she was really wonderful. Aggravating, but wonderful. — Dwayne Hickman

The central character is an incomplete package of yearning that takes the length of the novel to complete. Completion, though, is not to be confused with perfection. — Patricia Hickman

Facing the sagging middle when writing a novel, while inevitable, may be
overcome by pre-planning. I divide my collection of proposed scenes into three acts, each scene inciting tension that builds toward the final crisis in Act Three. If by Act Two the emotional river isn't spilling over the banks, I reassess the plot so that once the writing is flowing I don't slide into a dry creek. The central character should be struggling to navigate life well into the end of Act One, even if her fiercest antagonist is only from within. — Patricia Hickman

Passing competitors always gives you a lift. It probably has a physical effect, too, because you get a surge of adrenaline. — Libbie Hickman

I think that between the egos of the actors and the wrestlers in this country we are taking away from the truly dedicated and informed people who should be getting their voice heard. — Dwayne Hickman

There is a scene in one comic from the '60s-'70s where Batman finds a film, a newsreel film, of his father. This newsreel film is from the '50s, and his father has come to this costume ball in a Zorro costume, which strangely enough looks a lot like a Batman suit in the footage. — Tracy Hickman

I don't understand, Your Majesty."
"Of course you don't; you academics!" Skarmak snarled. "All you do is sit in your towers, trying to think your way into a reality that exists only in your own minds, and then you judge the world as wrong because it does not conform to your impossible standards. I live in a real world, academic. And it's my real world that keeps pumping blood into your dead, idealistic one. — Tracy Hickman

There is no pain you or anyone could inflict on me worse than the pain I bear within myself. — Tracy Hickman

Love sends a man half way around the world ...
Just for the hope of catching it. — Jonathan Hickman

My life for your life.' That means while we live, we share the joy of living with each other. 'My death for your life.' I would be willing to lay down my life to save yours. 'My life for your death.' I will spend my life avenging your death, if I can't prevent it. 'My death for your death.' A part of me will die when you do. — Tracy Hickman

Artwise, I'm kind of a chameleon. I don't have an established style or anything like that. — Jonathan Hickman

I've always been a sci-fi/fantasy guy. My book reports in school, whenever you didn't have to do it on Shakespeare, I did it on, like, Piers Anthony and Raymond Feist. — Jonathan Hickman

Go early. Stay late. Be MEMORABLE. — Jenny Hickman

What words are in you that can change the world? — Tracy Hickman

No. It's not a game. This is the world. It is not the one we were supposed to have, but it's the one we made.
We did this. We did it with open eyes and willing hands. We broke it, and there is no putting it back together.
But I'm damned already... so at least I'm going to try. — Jonathan Hickman

Do you know what the people will say about this day thousands of years from now? What they will say about these creatures and their valiant last stand? Nothing... because we will not tell them. Oblivion is all there is for-- — Jonathan Hickman

I think that, whether you liked the outcome or not, the reasons for doing 'Ultimatum' were necessary. The Ultimate Universe had become too much like the regular Marvel Universe, and that was certainly not a good thing for the line. — Jonathan Hickman

Ever boy deserves a father. — Jonathan Hickman

When our identities are tethered to externals, our sense of self-worth is always in danger. In the end, we become hypersensitive, insecure, and discontent, always comparing ourselves to the next parent, the next young professional, the next pastor across town. But — David Hickman

One of the things about a great team is that the whole exceeds the sum of its partners. — Tracy Hickman

That said, let me add that Joan and I never want him to be a child actor. We both feel that it takes away their childhood and puts untold pressure on children. — Dwayne Hickman

We planned for betrayal. They planned for deceit. No one ever thought to plan for harmony. — Jonathan Hickman

God's best work occurs in the margins. If we have the courage to step into that wide-open space, God will meet us there. — Lisa Nichols Hickman

Listen, I'm going to tell you this because no one else will, Franklin. Spider-Man sucks. — Jonathan Hickman

Perhaps the reassuring thing about grieving is that the process will not be cheated. — Martha Whitmore Hickman

Don't be ridiculous! Mystic arts be damned, a dog with machine guns is always problematic. — Jonathan Hickman

[A] couple I had known - who were old friends - asked me what I was going to work on next. I told them I wanted to write a near future book about AIDS concentration camps. They were vehement in their response: they thought it was a terrible idea. Their words both shocked and saddened me. "Do you really want to write a book about homosexuals?" they asked me. "Won't people who read your work be influenced toward sin?"
I notice that I don't hear from them much lately. — Tracy Hickman

Fuck your science, Doctor...
I've got a machine gun. — Jonathan Hickman

If you had ever heard my album you would know that I could never consider the music business! — Dwayne Hickman

An ambitious and beautifully produced fever dream. Don't wake me up, I want to stay in. — Jonathan Hickman

In a world of such beauty as birds in flight, surely I can come to feel at home again, even after my loss. — Martha Whitmore Hickman

Some couples could not work together but we enjoy working on our projects and building our art business. — Dwayne Hickman

Riverwind: Why is it that you are called half-elf and not half-man?"
Tanis Half-Elven: "According to humans, half an elf is but part of a whole being. Half a man is a cripple. — Margaret Weis & Tracy Hickman

Tanis blinked with disbelief, then he heard a sound behind him that nearly made him leap into a tree in panic. He whirled around, heart in his throat, sword in his hand. Raistlin was laughing. — Tracy Hickman

I think the hardest step in any journey is not the first one -- it's the next one. We are on a journey where each step that God directs us toward is going to seem to require greater faith and sacrifice than the last one. Once we've begun, we look back at the first step and laugh. It was hard then, but it is never as difficult as the next step. We are going to see that the people God involves in His journey are not people who have incredible, unwavering faith; so much as they are normal people who are willing to take the next step down the path. — Claude Hickman

The Things That Divide Us Are Stronger Than The Things That Unite Us. — Jonathan Hickman

I do believe that sci-fi or historical fiction finds an easy home in comics because there are no budget constraints in regards to the necessary world-building or visual effects necessary to bring those stories to life in other mediums. — Jonathan Hickman

The conflict each day is whether to immerse in books or writing. I can't do one without the other, but I can't do both at the same time. It is the writer's paradox. — Patricia Hickman

If we can choose where to cry, at home or with a few people who will be fully understanding, perhaps we will feel easier. But if we can't - if we are in church and a hymn catches us off guard, or at a football game and we remember being there with a son or daughter now gone - well, the earth is our home and we can cry where we want. — Martha Whitmore Hickman

Acting in its purest form is an urge from deep in the human psyche to celebrate our aliveness, to act our dreams and fantasies in a public display of our most private selves. — Darryl Hickman

The catalyst of action is intent.
It's the other end of the bullet. — Jonathan Hickman

Don't seek to be published, seek to be read. — Tracy Hickman

What is the true cost of a man's mistakes? — Jonathan Hickman

Noble words, my friend; you can't drink them or wrap them around your feet or burn them in your firepit or give them to children crying in hunger ... They will cry for a month, then they will eat his share of the food. And wouldn't he want it that way? — Tracy Hickman

There's a thing, Father, where men who have thought they were giants their entire lives actually see one for the first time.
It sparks a reaction.
It shows them their true worth.
It shows them their place. — Jonathan Hickman

I tried to get into comics initially after I graduated Clemson in 1994. I spent a year trying to get in, and I quit reading books because not getting in made me sad. — Jonathan Hickman

I will do this. Nothing in my life matters except this. No moment of my life exists except this moment. I am born in this moment, and if I fail, I will die in this moment. — Tracy Hickman

One of the wonderful things about Batman is that he is just a man. He doesn't have superpowers or extraordinary powers other than his tremendous intellect and physical prowess. — Tracy Hickman

You can never spend enough time with children. — Dwayne Hickman

Folks, who don't know the Lord, have asked the question: "Why can't religions accomplish world peace?" It took me a while to come up with the answer, and it is biblical. "When He opened the second seal, I heard the second living creature saying, 'Come and see.' Another horse, fiery red, went out. And it was granted to the one who sat on it to take peace from the earth, and that people should kill one another; and there was given to him a great sword," Revelation 6:3-4, NKJV. — Gaynell E. Hickman

Yu come face to face with love, and before the sun sets you've become someone you didn't used to be...
It's the reason a wolf would chase a crow, even knowing he can't fly and she don't ever need to touch the ground. — Jonathan Hickman

My overall artistic goal is to marry graphic design with comic books and traditional storytelling. — Jonathan Hickman

I'm not like Jonathan Hickman, who's able to sort of plot out three years of a book ahead of time. I'm much more of a guy who plots out an arc or two at a time. — Marc Guggenheim

Exploring an ever-expanding world of diverse cultures and beliefs is at the very heart of the 'Dragonships' series. — Tracy Hickman

I will do anything to save
Laurana, he swore beneath his breath, clenching his fist. Anything! If it means sacrificing myself or -
He stopped. Would he really give up Berem? Would he really trade the Everman to the Dark Queen,
perhaps plunge the world into a darkness so vast it would never see light again?
No, Tanis told himself firmly. Laurana would die before she would be part of such a bargain. — Margaret Weis

You need not be afeerd. Wm. Shakespeare The Tempest — Gerald Hickman

Warren Beatty has always acted like a Movie Star even when no one knew who he was. — Dwayne Hickman

Spiderman: You're going to have to do something about those children, Stark.
Tony: What children?
Spiderman: The annoying, ill-mannered ones.
Tony: I need more.
Spiderman: Bomb Boy and Solar Flare.
Tony: I think you mean Cannonball and Sunspot. What did they do this time?
Spiderman: We were in the kitchen and they decided to - rather rudely - confront me about eating the leftovers in the refrigerator.
Tony: Was it your food?
Spiderman: No.
Tony: Was it theirs?
Spiderman: Possibly. It was an honest mistake. My point - I think THE point - is I won't be spoken to that way by infants.
Tony: Then don't eat their food. — Jonathan Hickman

Do you know what it's like to find yourself drawn to another person who gives you that missing piece? Who electrifies you with just the sound of his voice? — Trice Hickman

I always thought I was going to be an artist. All I ever did was draw. I only ever turned to writing because I couldn't find somebody to write the kind of stuff I wanted to do. That just spiraled out of control. — Jonathan Hickman

This wasn't in the histories", Raistlin murmured to himself, staring down at the little wretched bodies, his brow furrowed. His eyes flashed. "Perhaps", he breathed, "this means time has already been altered?"
For long moments he sat there, pondering. Then suddenly he understood.
None saw Raistlin's face, hidden as it was by his hood, or they would have noted a swift, sudden spasm of sorrow and anger pass across it.
"No," he said to himself bitterly, "the pitiful sacrifice of these poor creatures was left out of the histories not because it did not happen. It was left out simply because-"
He paused, staring grimly down at the small, broken bodies. "No one cared ... — Tracy Hickman

It is your only way home, my brother! And maybe our only way out of here alive. — Tracy Hickman

I've always been fascinated by the Norsemen, their lives, history and cosmology. The more we study them the more interesting they become ... breaking their own stereotypes. We usually think of them as barbarians, but there were aspects to their society that shows a tremendous level of civilization, sophistication and social advance. — Tracy Hickman

Because of sorrow, my awareness of life's pulse is strongly detectable. It is syncopation while I journey, a lap of ocean in the eyes of every person I meet. This awareness informs the flesh of my stories. Grief has been an odd companion, at first a terror, but now I am all the better having accepted it for its intrinsic worth. — Patricia Hickman

I was just standing around and suddenly I was cast as an extra. I hated it because I was so shy. — Dwayne Hickman

I think it's good that we're not embarrassed that we're comic book creators anymore. It's good that people are able to make a good living at doing it, and not doing the traditional sort of mainstream fare. — Jonathan Hickman

As for inflicting our sorrow on other people, one does not want to go around blathering and crying all the time. But perhaps it is our gift to others to trust them enough to share our feelings with them. It may help them deal with some of their own. — Martha Whitmore Hickman

The first comic book I ever read was an issue of 'Legion of Super-Heroes' where the earth was surrounded by all of these chains. I remember the cover; I got it at a birthday party. — Jonathan Hickman

I started out hoping to remind people at some point in the novel that we should be loving and kind. But then the theme usurped my life, spilling over into my novels until love was no longer a small voice, but now my purpose as a writer. — Patricia Hickman

Even as a small child I never felt that I should have to compete with anyone - even my older brother. — Dwayne Hickman

... forgiveness doesn't have to be synonymous with being a doormat. — Shelly Hickman

Sometimes people do much wrong unintentionally, meaning for the best — Tracy Hickman

Darkis pointed toward the dwarf sitting btween them on the ground. "Uh, don't you think that's a bit much?"
Turi and Ethis each held separate ropes around the bound hands and feet of the dwarf. A gag was tied tightly over hi mouth.
Ethis considered the prisoner for a moment before replying. "No, it seems a resonable precaution." "Why? What did he do?" Darkis said. The chimera looked at each other, thier blank faces considering for a moment. "He kept promising not to escape," Thuri answerd at last. "He promised not to escape," Darkis asked, his brow furrowed with the puzzle, "and so you tied him up?"
"He wouldn't shut up about it," Ethis replied, his large eyes blinking indignantly. "He kept going on and on about how we could trust him and how he had nowhere to run and how he was glad it was us who took him as a slave captive of war."
"It was unnerving," Thuri finished. — Tracy Hickman

The thing that probably trips me up the most are people getting tattoos of stuff that I've designed in my books. That always spins me out in a weird way. It seems like such a permanent commitment to something I've done. I don't know that I could do that for anyone else. — Jonathan Hickman

I have an architecture degree; that's what my college degree is in. And that sucked. I started doing Web and CD-ROM development really early on, and then that grew into being an art director and doing advertising work. — Jonathan Hickman

In Ski Party we are reading up on how to have fun without sex. That was the theme of every AIP picture! — Dwayne Hickman

He remembered a dog - the only living thing they found in the entire village - curled around the body of a dead child. Caramon stopped to pet the small dog. The animal cringed, then licked the big man's hand. It then licked the child's cold face, looking up at the warrior hopefully, expecting this human to make everything all right, to make his little playmate run and laugh again. — Tracy Hickman