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Heralded In A Sentence Quotes & Sayings

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Top Heralded In A Sentence Quotes

Heralded In A Sentence Quotes By William Penn

Frugality is good if liberality be joined with it. The first is leaving off superfluous expenses; the last is bestowing them to the benefit of others that need. The first without the last begets covetousness; the last without the first begets prodigality. — William Penn

Heralded In A Sentence Quotes By Marcus Tullius Cicero

So it may well be believed that when I found him taking a complete holiday, with a vast supply of books at command, he had the air of indulging in a literary debauch, if the term may be applied to so honorable an occupation. — Marcus Tullius Cicero

Heralded In A Sentence Quotes By John Milton

The great Emathian conqueror bid spare The house of Pindarus, when temple and tower Went to the ground. — John Milton

Heralded In A Sentence Quotes By Samuel Johnson

ALKALI (A'LKALI) n.s.[The word alkali comes from an herb, called by the Egyptians kali; by us glasswort.] This — Samuel Johnson

Heralded In A Sentence Quotes By Marvin J. Ashton

The gospel is one of harmony, unity, and agreement. It must be presented in love, and with glad tidings, by those who are calm. — Marvin J. Ashton

Heralded In A Sentence Quotes By Kresley Cole

Naturally, the first time Garreth encountered his mate - the one he'd awaited so long - she'd seen him calling his competitors pussies and playing by dirty rules. He was shirtless, well on his way to being drunk, and filthy with blood and mud. He wasn't even wearing shoes. And it probably appeared as if he'd been about to take part in an orgy. — Kresley Cole

Heralded In A Sentence Quotes By Mitch Albom

Counting life's moments had led, inevitably, to counting them down. — Mitch Albom

Heralded In A Sentence Quotes By Ben Edlund

And Supernatural, in fact, going there wasit felt like a place where I had to actually, um, learn to be kind of manly. I felt like I had to kind of change my, like, way of speaking for a little bit, just to kind of fit in, oddly enough. Which was weird. — Ben Edlund

Heralded In A Sentence Quotes By Kim Harrington

The gossip mill runs on estrogen. — Kim Harrington

Heralded In A Sentence Quotes By William Wordsworth

And when the stream Which overflowed the soul was passed away, A consciousness remained that it had left Deposited upon the silent shore Of memory images and precious thoughts That shall not die, and cannot be destroyed. — William Wordsworth

Heralded In A Sentence Quotes By Jack Johnson

The fight between life and death is to the finish, and death ultimately is the victor ... I do not deplore the passing of these crude old days. — Jack Johnson