Famous Quotes & Sayings

Helena Cassadine Quotes & Sayings

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Top Helena Cassadine Quotes

Helena Cassadine Quotes By Genevieve Dewey

Just one word, infused with naked desperation; half prayer, half enchantment. It felt like a freezing charm on her soul making her his prisoner, yet setting her free all at once. — Genevieve Dewey

Helena Cassadine Quotes By Gene Edward Veith Jr.

Modern Christians should not mistake our post-Victorian sense of propriety for moral purity. — Gene Edward Veith Jr.

Helena Cassadine Quotes By Antonio Di Benedetto

But a man cannot renounce his life for half a day: There is either the rest of eternity or nothing. — Antonio Di Benedetto

Helena Cassadine Quotes By Meredith Duran

He was a bloody genius with these people, slicker than any confidence artist, more popular than whisky in a room full of Irishmen. — Meredith Duran

Helena Cassadine Quotes By Gilles Deleuze

Of course, Kafka doesn't see himself as a sort of party. He doesn't even pretend to be revolutionary, whatever his socialist sympathies may be. He knows that all the lines link him to a literary machine of expression for which he is simultaneously the gears, the mechanic, the operator, and the victim. So how will he proceed in this bachelor machine that doesn't make use of, and can't make use of, social critique? How will he make a revolution?
He will act on the German language such as it is in Czechoslovakia. Since it is a deterritorialized language in many ways, he will push the deterritorialization farther, not through intensities, reversals and thickenings of the language but through a sobriety that makes language take flight on a straight line, anticipates or produces its segmentations. Expression must sweep up content; the same process must happen to form ... It is not a politics of pessimism, nor a literary caricature or a form of science fiction. — Gilles Deleuze

Helena Cassadine Quotes By Nick Hornby

People worry about kids playing with guns, and teenagers watching violent videos; we are scared that some sort of culture of violence will take them over. Nobody worries about kids listening to thousands - literally thousands - of songs about broken hearts and rejection and pain and misery and loss. — Nick Hornby

Helena Cassadine Quotes By Peter Kreeft

When I think how much my Protestant brothers and sisters are missing in not having Christ's Real Presence in the Eucharist; when I kneel before the Eucharist and realize I am as truly in Christ's presence as the apostles were but that my Protestant brothers and sisters don't know that, don't believe that - I at first feel a terrible gap between myself and them. What a tremendous thing they are missing! — Peter Kreeft

Helena Cassadine Quotes By Brian Andreas

There really is only one story that you need to tell as a scientist or a technologist. It's Prometheus stealing fire. That's it. That's what we do as scientists or technologists. — Brian Andreas

Helena Cassadine Quotes By John C. Maxwell

People naturally follow leaders stronger than themselves. — John C. Maxwell

Helena Cassadine Quotes By M. Kirin

You're writing someone's 'future' favorite book. — M. Kirin