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Hearts Images With Quotes & Sayings

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Top Hearts Images With Quotes

Hearts Images With Quotes By Sarah Addison Allen

The outside world might have finally turned into autumn, but inside the Waverley house it still smelled of summer. It was lemon verbena day, so the house was filled with a sweet-tart that conjured images of picnic blankets and white clouds like true-love hearts. — Sarah Addison Allen

Hearts Images With Quotes By Andrei Tarkovsky

My objective is to create my own world and these images which we create mean nothing more than the images which they are. We have forgotten how to relate emotionally to art: we treat it like editors, searching in it for that which the artist has supposedly hidden. It is actually much simpler than that, otherwise art would have no meaning. You have to be a child - incidentally children understand my pictures very well, and I haven't met a serious critic who could stand knee-high to those children. We think that art demands special knowledge; we demand some higher meaning from an author, but the work must act directly on our hearts or it has no meaning at all. — Andrei Tarkovsky

Hearts Images With Quotes By Thomas S. Monson

There is no finer way to demonstrate love of God than by serving Him in the positions to which we may be called. Occasionally, the reward for that service will be prompt, and we'll see the light in the eyes of the person whom we have helped. Other times, however, the Lord will let us wait a little while and let our reward come another way. — Thomas S. Monson

Hearts Images With Quotes By Thomas Jefferson

The man who reads nothing at all is better educated than the man who reads nothing but newspapers. — Thomas Jefferson

Hearts Images With Quotes By Leslie Haskin

We see with our hearts. Our eyes are simple catalysts that carry images. Our eyes capture flowers and out heart knows serenity. Our eyes capture a child at play and our heart knows joy. They capture beauty and we know love. They capture war and we are acquainted with mortality. My eyes captured hatred and suffering, and my heart knew sorrow. They captured death and destruction and my heart knew fear. — Leslie Haskin

Hearts Images With Quotes By Ralph Waldo Emerson

Rude poets of the tavern hearth,
squandering your unquoted mirth,
which keeps the ground, and never soars,
while jake retorts, and reuben roars;
tough and screaming, as birch-bark,
goes like bullet to its mark;
while the solid curse and jeer
never balk the waiting ear. — Ralph Waldo Emerson

Hearts Images With Quotes By Omar Epps

I like boxing movies. One of the hardest things for me to watch as far as boxing films, is the boxing. The actual boxing usually sucks. — Omar Epps

Hearts Images With Quotes By Michael C. Feathers

Legacy code. The phrase strikes disgust in the hearts of programmers. It conjures images of slogging through a murky swamp of tangled undergrowth with leaches beneath and stinging flies above. It conjures odors of murk, slime, stagnancy, and offal. Although our first joy of programming may have been intense, the misery of dealing with legacy code is often sufficient to extinguish that flame. — Michael C. Feathers

Hearts Images With Quotes By Debasish Mridha

A generous heart filled with gratitude is a magnet for abundance. — Debasish Mridha

Hearts Images With Quotes By George Lois

My concern has always been with creating images that catch people's eyes, penetrate their minds, warm their hearts and cause them to act. — George Lois

Hearts Images With Quotes By Charlie Munger

I have concluded that most PhD economists under appraise the power of the common-stock-based "wealth effect", under current extreme conditions.. "wealth effects" involve mathematical puzzles that are not nearly so well worked out as physics theories and never can be ... what has happened inJapan ... has shaken up academic economics, as it obviously should, creating strong worries about recession from "wealth effects" in reverse. — Charlie Munger

Hearts Images With Quotes By Arthur Rimbaud

Hire myself out to whom? What beast must I worship? What sacred images should I destroy? What hearts shall I break? What lies am I supposed to believe? March through whose blood? — Arthur Rimbaud

Hearts Images With Quotes By Michael Scott

When in doubt, we follow our hearts. Words can be false, images and sounds can be manipulated. But this ... ' He tapped his chest, over his heart. 'This is always true. — Michael Scott

Hearts Images With Quotes By Seneca.

If an evil has been pondered beforehand, the blow is gentle when it comes. — Seneca.

Hearts Images With Quotes By Patricia Grasso

Heavy hearts, heavy eyelids," said the master of the caravan.
"Huh?" Heather looked up in dismay, shocked to find she'd nearly been left behind as the caravan prepared to move on. Her last night's sleep had been fitful, full of dreams where Khalid made her suffer for running away. Now she felt drained and groggy, unable to get the images of Khalid spanking her over his knee and then ravishing her out of her tired head.
"Look," the caravan master said. "Riders approaching, a great armed party. No doubt they are searching for escaped slaves."
"No doubt." Heather straightened up wearily in the saddle, determined to outwit Khalid and conceal her true identity as a runaway. The one thing she was sure of was that capture would bring a fate worse than death. Already she could imagine Khalid tying her up, spanking her bottom, making her howl for mercy until she had no pride or will to resist. And then would come the true test of her virtue ... — Patricia Grasso

Hearts Images With Quotes By Brennan Manning

Grace abounds in contemporary movies, books, novels, films and music. If God is not in the whirlwind, He may be in a Woody Allen film, or a Bruce Springsteen concert. Most people understand imagery and symbol better than doctrine and dogma. Images touch hearts and awaken imaginations. One theologian suggested that Springsteen's 'Tunnel of Love' album, in which he symbolically sings of sin, death, despair and redemption, is more important for Catholics than the Pope's last visit when he spoke of morality only in doctrinal propositions. — Brennan Manning

Hearts Images With Quotes By Peter M. Senge

A shared vision is not an idea. It is not even an important idea such as freedom. It is, rather, a force in people's hearts, a force of impressive power. It may be inspired by an idea, but once it goes further - if it is compelling enough to acquire the support of more than one person - then it is no longer an abstraction. It is palpable. People begin to see it as if it exists. Few, if any, forces in human affairs are as powerful as shared vision. At its simplest level, a shared vision is the answer to the question, "What do we want to create?" Just as personal visions are pictures or images people carry in their heads and hearts, so too are shared visions pictures that people throughout an organization carry. — Peter M. Senge

Hearts Images With Quotes By Robert Henri

A work of art is the trace of a magnificent struggle. — Robert Henri

Hearts Images With Quotes By Marc Auge

Don't we all have a certain number of images that stay around in our head, which we undoubtedly call memories and improperly so, and which we can never get rid of because they return in our sky with the regularity of a comet - torn away also from a world about which we know almost nothing? They return more frequently than comets do, in fact. It would be better, then, to speak of them as loyal satellites, a bit capricious and therefore even troublesome: they appear, disappear, suddenly come back to badger our memory at night when we cannot sleep. But, little as we may care to, as our hearts tell us to, we can also observe them at will, coldly, scrutinize their shadows, colors, and relief. Only, they are dead stars: from them we shall never grasp anything other than the certainty that we have already seen them, examined them, questioned them without really understanding the laws that the line of their mysterious orbits obeyed. — Marc Auge

Hearts Images With Quotes By Baruch Spinoza

It will be said that, although God's law is inscribed in our hearts, Scripture is nevertheless the Word of God, and it is no more permissible to say of Scripture that it is mutilated and contaminated than to say this of God's Word. In reply, I have to say that such objectors are carrying their piety too far, and are turning religion into superstition; indeed, instead of God's Word they are beginning to worship likenesses and images, that is, paper and ink. — Baruch Spinoza

Hearts Images With Quotes By Haruki Murakami

We had been playing our assigned roles on the office stage, but stepping down from the stage, abandoning the images that we had been projecting there, we were both just unstable, awkward lumps of flesh, warm pieces of meat kitted out with digestive tracts and hearts and brains and reproductive organs. — Haruki Murakami

Hearts Images With Quotes By Jean-Paul Sartre

The sun was clear and diaphanous like white win. Its light barely touched the moving figures, gave them no shadow, no relief: faces and hands made spots of pale gold. — Jean-Paul Sartre

Hearts Images With Quotes By Mike Wilson

Our developers will make great games for whatever high-end platforms exist. — Mike Wilson

Hearts Images With Quotes By Sally Clarkson

Home is to be a safe place, a refuge for all who enter, a protection from the harm and storms of the world. Yet often or even daily we open our doors
usually via television or the internet
to ideas and images that can damage our faith, abuse our hearts and minds, sear our psyches, and tear apart our peace. Home should be a place where, behind its doors, one should expect to find protection and safety from all the harms of life, including voices that do not speak truth or wisdom. Only the foolish would invite just anyone to enter the door of their home. — Sally Clarkson

Hearts Images With Quotes By Hermann Hesse

He thought, that all men, trickled away, changing constantly, until they finally dissolved, while the artist-created images remained unchangeably the same. He thought that the fear of death was perhaps the root of all art, perhaps also of all things of the mind. We fear death, we shudder at life's instability, we grieve to see the flowers wilt again and again, and the leaves fall, and in our hearts we know that we, too, are transitory and will search for laws and formulate thoughts, it is in order to salvage something from the great dance of death, to make something that lasts longer than we do. Perhaps the woman after whom the master shaped his beautiful Madonna is already wilted or dead, and soon he, too, will be dead; others will live in his house and eat at his table- but his work will still be standing hundreds of years from now, and longer. It will go on shimmering in the quiet cloister church, unchangingly beautiful, forever smiling with the same sad, flowering mouth. — Hermann Hesse

Hearts Images With Quotes By Nancy Etcoff

Beauty ensnares hearts, captures minds, and stirs up emotional wildfires. From Plato to pinups, images of human beauty have catered to a limitless desire to see and imagine an ideal human form. — Nancy Etcoff

Hearts Images With Quotes By Firooz Zahedi

The problem is you bring up the name Elizabeth Taylor, people think of jewelry; they think of husbands; the 'la dolce vita' lifestyle. I'm happy to have gotten to know her when I got to know her. — Firooz Zahedi

Hearts Images With Quotes By Rainer Maria Rilke

Piously we produce our images of you
till they stand around you like a thousand walls.
And when our hearts would simply open,
our fervent hands hide you. — Rainer Maria Rilke

Hearts Images With Quotes By Ann Brashares

Bridget cried for the leavers and the left. For the people, like herself, grimly forsaking what precious gifts they would ever get. — Ann Brashares

Hearts Images With Quotes By Jamie McGuire

And when a Maddox boy falls in love, he loves forever. — Jamie McGuire

Hearts Images With Quotes By John Hodgman

By the way, if I have my own cult of personality with my own geodetic dome in western Massachusetts, I will have a hurt yurt for anyone who crosses me. — John Hodgman

Hearts Images With Quotes By Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Thanks, thanks to thee, my worthy friend,
For the lesson thou hast taught!
Thus at the flaming forge of life
Our fortunes must be wrought — Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Hearts Images With Quotes By Jean-Paul Sartre

The rain has stopped, the air is mild, the sky slowly rolls up fine black images : it is more than enough to frame the perfect moment ; to reflect these images, she would cause dark little tides to be born in our hearts. I don't know how to take advantage of the occasion : I walk at random, calm and empty, under this wasted sky. — Jean-Paul Sartre

Hearts Images With Quotes By Sarah Addison Allen

It was lemon verbena day, so the house was filled with a sweet-tart scent that conjured images of picnic blankets and white clouds shaped like true-love hearts. — Sarah Addison Allen

Hearts Images With Quotes By Daphne Du Maurier

Every word he wrote would be strong with that sweet purity and simplicity that was his gift alone, placing him higher than any living poet, secure on his pedestal apart from the world, like a great silent god above the little dwarfs of men tossed hither and thither in the stream of life. From the crystal clearness of his brain the images became words, and the words became magic, and the whole was transcendent of beauty, one thread touching another, alike in their perfection and their certitude of immortality. Thus it seemed to me he was not a living figure of flesh and blood, but a monument to the national pride of his country, his England, and now and then he would bow gravely from his pedestal and scatter to the people a small quantity of his thought, which they would grub for on their poor rough ground, then clasp to their hungry hearts as treasure. — Daphne Du Maurier

Hearts Images With Quotes By Zachary Schomburg

Natalie Lyalin is writing some of the best poems in the world. There is an evil in her gorgeous poem-hearts. She must have sold her heart to the devil to write like this - so beautiful, so funny and so strange. Her images stack and stack down the page without spilling, each line such a bombshell you'll start reading backward to the first line. These poems are like babies - they will pop out of trees. — Zachary Schomburg