Famous Quotes & Sayings

Heart Gripping Quotes & Sayings

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Top Heart Gripping Quotes

Heart Gripping Quotes By Rachel Higginson

It was impossible to breathe at this point. This man, this brilliant talented, gorgeous man had just poured out his heart tome, and I was going to die before I could respond because I'd stopped breathing. He continued "At some point, we'll fight. In the future, things might get difficult. I'm never going to be an easy person to get along with. But Vera, on the other hand, we can fight for each other. Life will likely get difficult whether we're together or not, so why not tackle it together? And I might be an asshole, but I'm an asshole that cares a very great deal for you. In fact, I might even love you."

Basically it was impossible to breathe now. I had probably turned purple. "You what?"

His hands moved up my forearms, gripping for support. Whether it was for him or me, I didn't know.

"I love you, Vera. I do. I love you. — Rachel Higginson

Heart Gripping Quotes By Kristan Higgins

He only stopped walking when his arms were around her and his mouth was on hers. She made a surprised little squeak, but oh, God, her lips were so soft, and he kissed her hard, too hard, maybe, one hand sliding through her silky, cool hair, gripping the back of her head, a kiss that reached right in and clamped his heart in a fist ... the taste of her, the smell of her, her softness melded against him. The kind of kiss that ruined a man.
Then he let her go, turned around and left her standing on the dock, one hand over her lips, her dog standing at her side. — Kristan Higgins

Heart Gripping Quotes By Lily Velez

Noah was a funeral pyre. He was burning. The flames rose to staggering heights and blazed in white, hot tongues. Jeremie had once told him a story of the burial rites of the Norse. They'd burn their dead, believing the high smoke carried their loved ones' souls to Valhalla.

Noah was beyond Valhalla. Beyond the creamy spaciousness above the clouds, beyond the limits of the very earth. He floated among the stars, joined them in holy communion, knew each one by name. Then they were within him, scores of them, bright and hot, turning his ribs into a furnace as they shifted and created constellations in his soul. And all the while, the summer sang in his lungs.

There was no space between him and Jeremie. Where one ended, the other began, and still Jeremie pulled him closer like the moon pulls the tide, gripping him tightly in the same way he'd gripped Noah's heart, had gripped his entire being. — Lily Velez

Heart Gripping Quotes By Tahereh Mafi

You," he says to me, his hands gripping me tighter now, "are one of the bravest, strongest people I've ever met. You have the best heart, the best intentions - " He stops. Takes a tight, shaky breath. "You're the best person I've ever known," he says to me. "You've been through the worst possible experiences and you survived with your humanity still intact. How the hell," he says, his voice breaking now, "am I supposed to let go of you? How can I walk away from you? — Tahereh Mafi

Heart Gripping Quotes By Xun Zi

If the quickness of the mind and the fluency of the tongue are too punctilious and sharp, moderate them in your activity and rest. — Xun Zi

Heart Gripping Quotes By Tamara Thiel

I was barely breathing now, my head felt light. I stumbled to the nearest bench and I clasped my hands together, my fingers gripping each other painfully in an attempt to feel useful. Their job had been to hold fast and it had been so long since they had been empty. They had done their job well, they had clung to those memories even in the dead of night when I was fast asleep, remaining vigilant, keepers of my heart's most inner desires. My icy hands with their narrow fingers had done my heart's work for so long that they felt bereft now. Good sense was still with me and it reminded me that it was time, way past time. It spoke of better days and of substance, of actuality. It asked for the hardest thing, trust. — Tamara Thiel

Heart Gripping Quotes By Nicole Gulla

I saw out of the corner of my eye, Gigi gripping at her heart.
I jumped forward with concern. "Gigi, what is it?"
She glared at me. "He's marked you, — Nicole Gulla

Heart Gripping Quotes By Deb Olin Unferth

Howard's enchanting Hospice obeys its own magical inner logic with excellent prose and a sadness that will split open hearts. You have in your hands a story that is inquisitive, gripping, and triumphant. — Deb Olin Unferth

Heart Gripping Quotes By Cynthia Eden

Definitely my own room," Sully muttered. Mark — Cynthia Eden

Heart Gripping Quotes By Estelle Morris

Where the private sector, or anyone else, has skills, knowledge and resources that can help to deliver a high quality of education and to raise standards, we should use them. — Estelle Morris

Heart Gripping Quotes By John Stuart Mill

And it is not difficult to show, by abundant instances, that to extend the bounds of what may be called moral police, until it encroaches on the most unquestionably legitimate liberty of the individual, is one of the most universal of all human propensities. — John Stuart Mill

Heart Gripping Quotes By Khaled Hosseini

At the door , she made him promise to go without goodbyes .She closed the door on him . Laila leaned her back against it , shaking against his pounding fists , one arm gripping her belly and a hand across her mouth , as he spoke throughout the door and promised that he would come back for her . She stood there until he tired , until he gave up , and then she listened to his uneven footsteps until they faded , until all was quiet , save for the gunfire cracking in the hills and her own heart thudding in her belly , her eyes , her bones . — Khaled Hosseini

Heart Gripping Quotes By Colleen Hoover

I barely know the guy, yet somehow I can feel that familiar clench of a fist gripping at my heart. I have to see him one more time, even if it's just to say good-bye. — Colleen Hoover

Heart Gripping Quotes By Richard Watson Gilder

My name may have buoyancy enough to float upon the sea of time. — Richard Watson Gilder

Heart Gripping Quotes By Donald Maass

Beautiful writing is more than pretty prose. It creates resonance in readers' minds with parallels, reversals, and symbols. It conjures a story world that is unique, highly detailed, and brought alive by the characters that dwell there. It offers moments of breath-catching surprise, heart-gripping insight, revelation, and self-understanding. It engages the reader's mind with an urgent point, which we might call theme. — Donald Maass

Heart Gripping Quotes By Shilpa Sandesh

Literature is the heart and the soul of a society. Like music it's the words expressing multitude of emotions, self riposte and gripping thoughts. — Shilpa Sandesh

Heart Gripping Quotes By Jewel E. Ann

I try to swallow back emotion as he catches my tear with his thumb. "You're not going to stop until you've claimed every single piece of my heart, are you?" I whisper. He ghosts his fingers along my jaw, tilting his head to the side with a gripping intensity to his eyes. "I'm not going to stop until I feel your soul take my last breath." I think his just took mine. — Jewel E. Ann

Heart Gripping Quotes By Charles Baxter

As the poet says, all happy couples are alike, it's the unhappy ones who create the stories. I'm no longer a story. Happiness has made me fade into real life. — Charles Baxter

Heart Gripping Quotes By Claire Contreras

How would you describe the #feeling of #love in 140 or less characters?
Answer : Like somebody is gripping your heart, but you don't want them to let go because the ache would worsen without them. — Claire Contreras

Heart Gripping Quotes By Sandra Vischer

Life is to BIG that I'm suddenly overcome by the highs and lows of it. — Sandra Vischer

Heart Gripping Quotes By Marcus Allen

But there is something to the fact that we don't see games on the West Coast, or we don't see games on the East Coast, and stuff like that. It's so unfair, because there is a bias that takes place. — Marcus Allen

Heart Gripping Quotes By JR

Art is not meant to change the world, but when you see people interacting, when you see an impact on their lives, then I guess in a smaller way, this is changing the world. So, that's what I believe in. That's why I'm into creating more and more interactions. — JR

Heart Gripping Quotes By Mavis Leno

When I was 7, I wanted to be a jockey. My father told me women weren't allowed. I couldn't believe it. I was perfectly willing to fail on my own merits, but to be flunked at birth? — Mavis Leno

Heart Gripping Quotes By Hal Duncan

With undead armies, psychotic angels and exploding airships, Scar Night is a gripping, ripping yarn which rattles along at a great pace. Tether all that to the knock-out image at the heart of the novel-Deepgate, a Gothic city built on a network of chains over a great abyss-and you have urban fantasy at its best. — Hal Duncan

Heart Gripping Quotes By Hanya Yanagihara

When he came down, he was slower, and clutching something his hand. He leapt down the last 5 feet or so and came over to me, uncurling his fingers. In his palm was something trembling and silky and the bright, delicious pale gold of apples; in the gloom of the jungle it looked like light itself. Uva nudged the thing with a finger and it turned over, and I could see it was a monkey of some sort, though no monkey I had ever seen before; it was only a few inches larger than one of the mice I had once been tasked with killing, and his face was a wrinkled black heart, its features pinched together but its eyes large and as blankly blue as a blind kitten's. It had tiny, perfectly formed hands, one of which was gripping its tail, which it had wrapped around itself and which was flamboyantly furred, its hair hanging like a fringe. — Hanya Yanagihara

Heart Gripping Quotes By Laura Kreitzer

I'll stab him," offers Jaden as she makes a stabbing motion.
"You expect me to play along?" Rob scoffs, gripping his arm protectively.
"Pretty much," replies Landon earnestly.
"You're serious?"
"As a heart attack."
"No," argues Rob. "I'm not going to let Jaden - or anyone else - skewer me." He's greeted with an amused silence. "Bleedin' crime is what it is," he mutters. "Why can't someone else go all noble sacrifice-y? It's because I'm English, ain't it? — Laura Kreitzer

Heart Gripping Quotes By Alan Brennert

Carve the peg by looking at the hole.' Eddie looked at me blankly and I explained, 'An old Korean saying. It means, Do things to fit the circumstances. — Alan Brennert

Heart Gripping Quotes By Melanie Dickerson

And if Magdalen was waiting for her at the balcony, then she must already be with Lord Thornbeck. A pang of jealousy attacked her like a bird of prey, its talons gripping her heart. No. She stomped her foot to force her heart to listen. I will not allow jealousy to get hold of me. Magdalen was her friend, and Avelina could never have Lord Thornbeck anyway. She hurried toward the balcony. She would be joyful for Lord Thornbeck and Magdalen. So why did she have to blink away tears as she walked? When — Melanie Dickerson

Heart Gripping Quotes By Edith Wharton

Undine was fiercely independent and yet passionately imitative. She wanted to surprise every one by her dash and originality, but she could not help modelling herself on the last person she met. — Edith Wharton

Heart Gripping Quotes By Sheldon Whitehouse

When counting on learning from innovation, there are great successes but also failures. The Wright Brothers invented the aircraft and started an amazing process of innovation, where we now have planes that carry 500 passengers. Along the way there were some silly looking vehicles that crashed early on. — Sheldon Whitehouse

Heart Gripping Quotes By Andrew Sean Greer

We think we know people, and dismiss the scenes as aberrations, as the lightning strikes of madness, but surely we are wrong. Surely these are the truest moments of their lives. — Andrew Sean Greer

Heart Gripping Quotes By Derek Sivers

When you make a business, you get to make a little universe where you control all the laws. — Derek Sivers