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Heads And Tail Quotes & Sayings

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Top Heads And Tail Quotes

Heads And Tail Quotes By L.M. Montgomery

In geometry Anne met her Waterloo. "It's perfectly awful stuff, Marilla," she groaned. "I'm sure I'll never be able to make heads or tail of it. There is not scope for imagination in it at all. — L.M. Montgomery

Heads And Tail Quotes By Tony Tulathimutte

Everyone had very uncreased necks, which meant no prolonged inclining of the head, which meant no reading. Linda's own neck looked like a finger, but she reassured herself that the creases were like tree rings marking her substance. — Tony Tulathimutte

Heads And Tail Quotes By Katherine Dunn

You must have wished a million times to be normal."
"I've wished I had two heads. Or that I was invisible. I've wished for a fish's tail instead of legs. I've wished to be more special."
"Not normal?"
"Never. — Katherine Dunn

Heads And Tail Quotes By John Updike

Being a great writer is not the same as writing great. — John Updike

Heads And Tail Quotes By Colin Firth

Most actors will tell you they have some sort of dream of doing something other than what they're doing. — Colin Firth

Heads And Tail Quotes By Mark Zuckerberg

If you just work on stuff that you like and you're passionate about, you don't have to have a master plan with how things will play out. — Mark Zuckerberg

Heads And Tail Quotes By John Heywood

It is a poor dog that is not worth the whistling — John Heywood

Heads And Tail Quotes By A.L. Jackson

Tears resurfaced. I tried to bite them back, but they bled free. And I knew they would fall endless, ceaseless, even when my eyes were dry. Never would I stop grieving her. This love was eternal. — A.L. Jackson

Heads And Tail Quotes By Jean-Paul Sartre

When you live alone you no longer know what it is to tell a story: the plausible disappears at the same time as the friends. You let events flow by too: you suddenly see people appear who speak and then go away; you plunge into stories of which you can't make head or tail: you'd make a terrible witness. — Jean-Paul Sartre

Heads And Tail Quotes By Justin Verlander

Actually, I'm a very good golfer. — Justin Verlander

Heads And Tail Quotes By Jim Butcher

A pair of dolphins swept by us in the water, flicking their heads out to get a look at us as they went. One of them made a chittering sound that wasn't very melodic. The other twitched its tail and splashed a little water our way, all in good fun. They weren't the attractive Flipper kind of dolphins. They were regular dolphins that aren't as pretty and don't get cast on television. Maybe they just refused to sell out and see a plastic surgeon. I held up a fist to them. Represent. — Jim Butcher

Heads And Tail Quotes By Anthony Hopkins

I love to read, and so I've been reading everything I can, not intensely, but I love to read so I read "Origin of Species" by Darwin and I can't make head or tail of E=MC squared by Einstein, but I try to baffle my way through that. — Anthony Hopkins

Heads And Tail Quotes By Nauman Khan

Even if 1000 people test something and come up with the same conclusion, I can be the 1001st person to bring out a different result — Nauman Khan

Heads And Tail Quotes By Timothy Keller

The problem is not with marriage itself. According to Genesis 1 and 2, we were made for marriage, and marriage was made for us. Genesis 3 tells us that marriage, along with every other aspect of human life, has been broken because of sin. If our views of marriage are too romantic and idealistic, we underestimate the influence of sin on human life. If they are too pessimistic and cynical, we misunderstand marriage's divine origin. If we somehow manage, as our modern culture has, to do both at once, we are doubly burdened by a distorted vision. Yet the trouble is not within the institution of marriage but within ourselves. — Timothy Keller

Heads And Tail Quotes By Terry Pratchett

A streak of green fire blasted out of the back of the shed, passed a foot over the heads of the mob, and burned a charred rosette in the woodwork over the door.
Then came a voice that was a honeyed purr of sheer deadly menance.
"This is Lord Mountjoy Quickfang Winterforth IV, the hottest dragon in the city. It could burn your head clean off."
Captain Vimes limped forward from the shadows. A small and extremely frightened golden dragon was clamped firmly under one arm. His other hand held it by the tail. The rioters watched it, hypnotized.
"Now I know what you're thinking," Vimes went on, softly. "You're wondering, after all this excitement, has it got enough flame left? And, y'know, I ain't so sure myself ... "
He leaned forward, sighting between the dragon's ears, and his voice buzzed like a knife blade: "What you've got to ask yourself is: Am I feeling lucky? — Terry Pratchett

Heads And Tail Quotes By Robert Breault

As a gardener, I'm among those who believe that much of the evidence of God's existence has been planted. — Robert Breault

Heads And Tail Quotes By T.H. White

It was Christmas night, the eve of the Boxing Day Meet. You must remember that this was in the old Merry England of Gramarye, when the rosy barons ate with their fingers, and had peacocks served before them with all their tail feathers streaming, or boars' heads with the tusks stuck in again - when there was no unemployment because there were too few people to be unemployed - when the forests rang with knights walloping each other on the helm, and the unicorns in the wintry moonlight stamped with their silver feet and snorted their noble breaths of blue upon the frozen air. Such marvels were great and comfortable ones. But in the Old England there was a greater marvel still. The weather behaved itself. — T.H. White

Heads And Tail Quotes By Mary J. Blige

I suffered from self hatred so much. It's like I didn't want to look like that any more. I didn't to feel like that any more. It had to be another way. — Mary J. Blige

Heads And Tail Quotes By Winston Churchill

The Chinese said of themselves several thousand years ago: China is a sea that salts all the waters that flow into it. Theres another Chinese saying about their country which is much more modernit dates only from the fourth century. This is the saying: The tail of China is large and will not be wagged. I like that one. The British democracy approves the principles of movable party heads and unwaggable national tails. It is due to the working of these important forces that I have the honour to be addressing you at this moment. — Winston Churchill

Heads And Tail Quotes By Wayne Dyer

I've always been a generous and a kind person and so on, but never, ever have I experienced that kind of love. The world just looked different to me and still does. — Wayne Dyer

Heads And Tail Quotes By John Piper

Conversion, then, involves repentance (turning from sin and unbelief) and faith (trusting in Christ alone for salvation).9 They are really two sides of the same coin. One side is tails - turn tail on the fruits of unbelief. The other side is heads - head straight for Jesus and trust His promises. You can't have the one without the other any more than you can face two ways at once or serve two masters. — John Piper