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Quotes & Sayings About Having Faith In God's Plan

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Top Having Faith In God's Plan Quotes

Having Faith In God's Plan Quotes By Tara Leigh Cobble

God's plan for your life is happening right now. It doesn't begin when you get married or when you get your dream job or when everything feels perfect. You are IN the plan. - TLC's friend Kris (p.159) — Tara Leigh Cobble

Having Faith In God's Plan Quotes By James Buchanan

I know you, you believe that God tests people and you have to have faith that things are going according to His plan.."
"God is not in my bedroom." That was just nine kinds of wrong. — James Buchanan

Having Faith In God's Plan Quotes By Juanita Ray

Prayer works (unless God has a different plan for you, that is different than what you want). Pray now. It works best if God is undecided. — Juanita Ray

Having Faith In God's Plan Quotes By Vincent De Paul

It is God's plan that those who are to help others spiritually fall into the temptations of mind and body by which others can be tormented ... Scorn both these evil suggestions and the wickedness of their author, who is the devil. — Vincent De Paul

Having Faith In God's Plan Quotes By Criss Jami

We tend to think that refusing to exalt Christ is staying true to our self-will and personal freedom when really we are condemning ourselves. Sure, we can pretend to stay true to ourselves, but if you want to talk about reality, all of that is completely trivial if this life is an island and He's the only pilot with a plane and a flight plan. — Criss Jami

Having Faith In God's Plan Quotes By Francis Chan

LUKEWARM PEOPLE do not live by faith; their lives are structured so they never have to. They don't have to trust God if something unexpected happens - they have their savings account. They don't need God to help them - they have their retirement plan in place. They don't genuinely seek out what life God would have them live - they have life figured and mapped out. They don't depend on God on a daily basis - their refrigerators are full and, for the most part, they are in good health. The truth is, their lives wouldn't look much different if they suddenly stopped believing in God. — Francis Chan

Having Faith In God's Plan Quotes By Women Of Faith

Frankly, I love the fact that God has a plan for every tomorrow of my life on earth and beyond. Even though I can't figure it all out, he's got it wired. This reassures me that I'm loved and safe. God knows our course, and he knows us. He loves us. He provides. He plans ahead. — Women Of Faith

Having Faith In God's Plan Quotes By Kristiana Gregory

But no matter which path we take, Nessa, there will always be trying times. Faith is believing that God has a plan for our lives even when things seem to be falling apart. Trust Him with all your heart, dear. Trust yourself. Your faith is bigger than you realize. — Kristiana Gregory

Having Faith In God's Plan Quotes By Joyce Rachelle

When I trust someone I do it without doubt or fear or reservation. And then I work on a Plan B. — Joyce Rachelle

Having Faith In God's Plan Quotes By Pravin Agarwal

We all wish something or other in our life in our own way, but God have other plans and they are best for us to realize our dream and destiny. All we need is to have faith in him always and never to lose hope. — Pravin Agarwal

Having Faith In God's Plan Quotes By Barbara Cameron

All was in God's plan, and he had to accept even as he didn't understand. — Barbara Cameron

Having Faith In God's Plan Quotes By Elizabeth George

Like completing a run, living today begins with preparation, planning, and prayer. — Elizabeth George

Having Faith In God's Plan Quotes By Brother Andrew

I think you're like one of your own lumps of clay, Andy. God has a plan for you, and He's trying to get you into the center of it, and you keep dodging and slithering away. — Brother Andrew

Having Faith In God's Plan Quotes By Martin Luther

God orders us to believe and trust in his goodness, but at the same time, we should never test him. We must take advantage of opportunities that God gives us. If we don't, we aren't living according to his plan. But we must continue to maintain our faith and hope in God. — Martin Luther

Having Faith In God's Plan Quotes By Christopher West

God's plan remains God's plan despite our sin. — Christopher West

Having Faith In God's Plan Quotes By Jim George

God has a plan for the future and, because He is sovereign, it will come to pass. You can count on it! — Jim George

Having Faith In God's Plan Quotes By Michele Woolley

God made you the way He wanted you to be and He does not make mistakes. He has a plan for your life that is much bigger than you can imagine. — Michele Woolley

Having Faith In God's Plan Quotes By Caryll Houselander

It is part of God's plan for us that Christ shall come to us in everyone; it is in their particular role that we must come to know him. He may come as a little child, making enormous demands, giving enormous consolation. He may come as a stranger, so that we must give the hospitality to a stranger that we should like to give to Christ ... — Caryll Houselander

Having Faith In God's Plan Quotes By Johnnie Dent Jr.

Everything that is online is not necessarily in line. — Johnnie Dent Jr.

Having Faith In God's Plan Quotes By Jamie Larbi

God wants you to live each day expecting a miracle, but beyond that, it's God's plan for you to become someone else's miracle. — Jamie Larbi

Having Faith In God's Plan Quotes By Bryan Chapell

Yet when our eyes see the full rainbow in Scripture - the completeness of God's plan - and know by faith that our lives are a part of God's design no matter what happens, then we can take whatever comes because we know that we are for the praise of his glory. — Bryan Chapell

Having Faith In God's Plan Quotes By Hannah Harrington

In some ways I admire Aunt Helen's unwavering certainty in God's divine plan. It must be comforting, to have faith like that. To believe so concretely that there's someone - something - out there watching guard, keeping us safe, testing us only with what we can handle. I've never believed in anything the way Aunt Helen believes in God. — Hannah Harrington

Having Faith In God's Plan Quotes By Eric Van Lustbader

If you insist on reducing it to its basic elements, it's the sure and simple knowledge that there's something more out there, something greater than yourself, than mankind: a grand plan, a design that can't be comprehended by you or by any other human being, because it is numinous, it is God's design, something only He can fathom. — Eric Van Lustbader

Having Faith In God's Plan Quotes By Philip Yancey

Why the delay? Why does God let evil and pain so flagrantly exist, even thrive, on this planet? ... He holds back for our sakes. Re-creation involves us; we are, in fact, at the center of his plan ... the motive behind all human history, is to develop us, not God. Our very existence announces to the powers in the universe that restoration is under way. Every act of faith by every one of the people of God is like the tolling of a bell, and a faith like Job's reverberates throughout the universe. — Philip Yancey

Having Faith In God's Plan Quotes By Jerry Bridges

God does not believe for us, but through His Spirit He creates spiritual life in us so that we can believe. Faith is the gift of God. It's part of the whole salvation package that God gives to us through the work of Christ for us and the work of the Holy Spirit in us. It's not our contribution, so to speak, to God's great plan of salvation. God does it all. It's part of the unsearchable riches of Christ. — Jerry Bridges

Having Faith In God's Plan Quotes By George W. Bush

"Americans do not presume to equate God's purposes with any purpose of our own ... "[Prayer] teaches us to trust, to accept that God's plan unfolds in his time, not our own. — George W. Bush

Having Faith In God's Plan Quotes By Diane Goold

It's easy to give God a list of excuses for not feeling worthy or as capable as someone else, in our service to him. The problem is that God doesn't call those who are unprepared or incapable. He calls those who have the talent and ability to serve. He has it all planned out for us. Our challenge is to accept his calling and move out in faith believing in his promises of help and support. — Diane Goold

Having Faith In God's Plan Quotes By Joe Thorn

What is clear is that Scripture requires both head and heart, and you need to see it not just as a text but as the very words of God. This will encourage you to pay close attention to the very words he uses, but it will also compel you to feast on those words as light-shedding, wisdom-dispensing, and life-giving counsel from on high.

For all your longing for God to speak, to make his will plain and his plan clear, you should be daily immersed in God's Word. This is his voice, his will, and his plan made known to you. Consider these words, "Make your face shine upon your servant, and teach me your statutes." God's face shines on you when you are learning - experientially - his Word. — Joe Thorn

Having Faith In God's Plan Quotes By V.L. Thompson

What you are asking God to do will induce a major impact on your life. That major impact cannot happen with minor faith. He will carry out His divine plan by providing you with opportunities to advance yourself in Him. Jesus said, in Luke, 10:19, "Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you." He will teach you the skills you need to be a force in your industry, but He will not force you into success. You must reach out and walk through those doors, which are open just for you. — V.L. Thompson

Having Faith In God's Plan Quotes By Elaine Orabona Foster

The battle for the lead between faith and reason can be settled by accepting the guiding hand of an experienced navigator. — Elaine Orabona Foster