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Quotes & Sayings About Having A Bad Hair Day

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Top Having A Bad Hair Day Quotes

Having A Bad Hair Day Quotes By Chloe Neill

I was impressed that she looked so good on so little sleep. I'd have looked like a plague victim on a bad hair day. — Chloe Neill

Having A Bad Hair Day Quotes By Julianne Hough

I think every girl needs to love herself, regardless of anything. Like if you're having a bad day, if you don't like your hair, if you don't have the best family situation, whatever, you have to love yourself and you can't do anything until you love yourself first. — Julianne Hough

Having A Bad Hair Day Quotes By Kathy Reichs

Good hair day. Bad hair day. Dead hair day. — Kathy Reichs

Having A Bad Hair Day Quotes By Sarah Dessen

I always started studying with the best intentions, telling myself that today just might be the day it all fell into place, and everything would be different. But more often than not, though, after a couple of pages of practice problems, I'd find myself spiraling into an all-out depression. When it was really bad, I'd put my head down on my book and contemplate alternate options for my future.
"whoa," I heard a voice say. It was muffled slightly by my hair, and my arm, which I locked around my head in an effort to keep my brain from seeping out. — Sarah Dessen

Having A Bad Hair Day Quotes By Kris Kristofferson

Well I work up Sunday morning,
With no way to hold my head that didn't hurt,
And the beer I had for breakfast wasn't bad,
So I had one more for dessert.
Then I fumbled through my closet for my clothes,
And found my cleanest dirty shirt.
An' I shaved my face and combed my hair,
An' stumbled down the stairs to meet the day. — Kris Kristofferson

Having A Bad Hair Day Quotes By Krista Ritchie

I notice Ryke sitting on the edge of the bed with Daisy lounging drunkenly across his lap. "Big bad wolf ... " She reaches up to touch his hair but her arm sags limply next to her. "Eat me."
It's a provocative, intoxicated statement that I do my best to block out.
Ryke lowers his head to her, kissing Daisy once ... twice and then he says, "Every fucking day, sweetheart. — Krista Ritchie

Having A Bad Hair Day Quotes By Cecelia Ahern

She was a woman who made mistakes, who sometimes cried on a Monday morning or at night alone in bed. She was a woman who often became bored with her life and found it hard to get up for work in the morning. She was a woman who more often than not had a bad hair day, who looked in the mirror and wondered why she couldn't just drag herself to the gym more often; she was a woman who sometimes questioned what reason had she to live on this planet. She was a woman who sometimes just got things wrong.
On the other hand, she was a woman with a million happy memories, who knew what it was like to experience true love and who was ready to experience more life, more love and make new memories. — Cecelia Ahern

Having A Bad Hair Day Quotes By Ellen DeGeneres

You know, there's probably a lot of moisture in caves, too, which would be bad for my hair. And all those sharp edges. I wouldn't want to move. I'd just sit in the cave all day long and think about how scared I was to — Ellen DeGeneres

Having A Bad Hair Day Quotes By Carol Ann Duffy

But behind each player sttod a line of ghosts unable to win. Eve. Ashputtel. Marilyn Monroe. Rapunzel slashing wildly at her hair. Bessie Smith unloved and down and out. Bluebeard's wives, Henry VIII's, Snow White cursing the day she left the seven dwarves, Diana, Princess of Wales. The Sheepish Beast came in with a tray of schnapps at the end of the game and we stood for the toast -"fay wray"- then tossed our fiery drinks to the back of our crimson throats. Bad girls. Serious ladies. Mourning our dead. — Carol Ann Duffy

Having A Bad Hair Day Quotes By K.M. Shea

young maidens now days get misty eyed thinking about true love and the fathomless adoration you will share. It's not like that. Real love is looking at someone and knowing that you wouldn't mind waking up to their bad breath for the next century, and you are fine with them seeing you before you brush your hair and fix your face for the day. — K.M. Shea

Having A Bad Hair Day Quotes By Mark R. Woodward

Everyone has a bad hair day; the trick is not to have one on picture day. — Mark R. Woodward

Having A Bad Hair Day Quotes By Kiera Cass

I love your hair!" Marlee gushed. "I wish I'd been born with red hair. It makes you look so alive. I hear that people with red hair have bed tempers. Is that true?
Despite my rotten day, Marlee's manner was so vivacious that my smile grew wider. "I don't think so. I mean, I can have a bad temper at times, but my sister is a redhead, and she's as sweet as can be. — Kiera Cass

Having A Bad Hair Day Quotes By Nancy Butcher

If you're having a bad hair day or a bad boy day, he'll whip up one of his yummy mango smoothies for you, sit you down, and say, "Little one, remember what's really important in life: a family that loves you, good friends, and not putting too much garlic in the pesto."
- Chloe Carlson — Nancy Butcher

Having A Bad Hair Day Quotes By Colleen Atwood

I get more distracted by hair or a really bad wig than I do costumes any day of the week. — Colleen Atwood

Having A Bad Hair Day Quotes By Mitt Romney

If I have a bad hair day, I just think, 'Well, it will be an OK hair day tomorrow. Just put your head down and go.' — Mitt Romney

Having A Bad Hair Day Quotes By Lilly Singh

I think what people like about my channel is that I am not perfect. I always point to my pimple, my bad hair day ... people relate to that. They are watching somebody who is exactly like them and talking about things that they experience as well. — Lilly Singh

Having A Bad Hair Day Quotes By Jenny Lawson

People almost never look as bad on the outside as I do on the inside, but that's sort of nice because it reminds me that even when I'm having a bad hair day my ponytail is still more aesthetically pleasing than Gwyneth Paltrow's bile duct. — Jenny Lawson

Having A Bad Hair Day Quotes By Cathy Freeman

I have a friend who, if she has a bad hair day, it affects her whole mood because it is part of her sexuality, her confidence. I don't have that problem any more. — Cathy Freeman

Having A Bad Hair Day Quotes By Olivia Thirlby

I feel naked without jewelry. If I'm having a bad hair day, I pick something from my huge collection of hats. — Olivia Thirlby

Having A Bad Hair Day Quotes By P.M. Terrell

Among the top ten things I've learned in life: when your hair stylist is having a bad day, reschedule. — P.M. Terrell

Having A Bad Hair Day Quotes By Tove Jansson

Listen," said the Hemulen. "I was born bald on top and really I get along very well. — Tove Jansson

Having A Bad Hair Day Quotes By Abigail Breslin

It's cheesy, but having a pimple or a bad hair day isn't going to matter in five years. I don't always remember that, but I try. — Abigail Breslin

Having A Bad Hair Day Quotes By Marissa Jaret Winokur

I find that the 'moms club' is a very, very exclusive club! It's the club of mothers who wear skinny jeans and white button-down shirts and wash their hair twice a day! I do not, and mothers who do make me feel really bad. You know who I am talking about! — Marissa Jaret Winokur

Having A Bad Hair Day Quotes By Mary Anne Radmacher

Judgment is discernment on a bad hair day. — Mary Anne Radmacher

Having A Bad Hair Day Quotes By Mary Pipher

At thirteen, I thought more about my acne than I did about God or world peace. At thirteen, many girls spend more time in front of a mirror than they do on their studies. Small flaws become obsessions. Bad hair can ruin a day. A broken fingernail can feel tragic. — Mary Pipher

Having A Bad Hair Day Quotes By Zhuangzi

A beam or pillar can be used to batter down a city wall, but it is no good for stopping up a little hole - this refers to a difference in function. Thoroughbreds like Qiji and Hualiu could gallop a thousand li in one day, but when it came to catching rats they were no match for the wildcat or the weasel - this refers to a difference in skill. The horned owl catches fleas at night and can spot the tip of a hair, but when daylight comes, no matter how wide it opens its eyes, it cannot see a mound or a hill - this refers to a difference in nature. Now do you say, that you are going to make Right your master and do away with Wrong, or make Order your master and do away with Disorder? If you do, then you have not understood the principle of heaven and earth or the nature of the ten thousand things. This is like saying that you are going to make Heaven your master and do away with Earth, or make Yin your master and do away with Yang. Obviously it is impossible. — Zhuangzi

Having A Bad Hair Day Quotes By Sylvia Day

I had never seen hair that purely black. It was glossy and slightly long, the ends drifting over his collar. That sexy length was the crowning touch of bad boy hotness over the successful businessman, like whipped cream topping on a hot fudge brownie sundae. As my mother would say, only rogues and raiders had hair like that. (Eva about Gideon) — Sylvia Day

Having A Bad Hair Day Quotes By Jaye Wells

Sure. What's the worst that could happen."
Twenty minutes later, we had our answer. "I can't frecking believe this."
I cringed. "I'm so sorry."
"I'm bald!" Giguhl continued. "I look like a freak."
"It's not that bad," I said. But it was. Oh, my lord was it bad. I'd never seen an uglier cat in my entire life. — Jaye Wells

Having A Bad Hair Day Quotes By Emily Giffin

Cremation was definitely the way to go. It was the way I wanted to go, rather than risk the possibility of going out on a bad-hair day. — Emily Giffin

Having A Bad Hair Day Quotes By Alysha Speer

On a second note, though, I have something to say about pain. There are lots of kinds of pain. Pain of smashing your fingers in a car door, pains of loosing a baby, pain of failing a test. But in their own little ways, these pains are all agonizing. Which is sad, and yet, happy, if you really think about it. If we never lost our car keys, or stepped in gum, or had a bad hair day, what kind of people would we be? In a word? Boring. We wouldn't be passionate; we wouldn't know it was exciting to get pregnant, or score an A on a final. So that's why, today at least, I am grateful for pain. Because it's part of what makes me the whacky, goofy, jaded, person that I am. Peace. — Alysha Speer

Having A Bad Hair Day Quotes By Chelsea Cain

I've had a really bad day," she said to Jack. "Your party sucked. I think my boyfriend and I are breaking up. I got taken hostage by a serial killer. I have spiders in my hair. And you're being a pig-headed asshole. I'm telling you," she added, with a glance over her shoulder at Razor Burn, "if someone points a gun at me again, or threatens me in any way, I'm going to lose it. — Chelsea Cain

Having A Bad Hair Day Quotes By K.M. Shea

Let me tell you something, missy. You young maidens now days get misty-eyed thinking about true love and the fathomless adoration you will share. It's not like that. Real love is looking at someone and knowing that you wouldn't mind waking up to their bad breath for the next century, and you are fine with them seeing you before you brush your hair and fix your face for the day. Elle — K.M. Shea

Having A Bad Hair Day Quotes By Tove Jansson

Moomintroll bent down to wake the Snork Maiden up, and then he noticed a terrible thing. Her beautiful fluffy fringe was burnt right off. It must have happened when the Hattifatteners brushed against her. What could he say? How could he comfort her? It was a catastrophe!
The Snork Maiden opened her eyes and smiled.
"Do you know," said Moomintroll hastily, "it's most extraordinary, but as time goes on I'm beginning to prefer girls without hair?"
"Really?" she said with a look of surprise. "Why is that?"
"Hair looks so untidy!" replied Moomintroll. — Tove Jansson

Having A Bad Hair Day Quotes By Kaley Cuoco

I was having a bad day, and my friend said, 'Go wash your hair.' I thought it was really silly - but it made me feel so much better. It might be a small thing, but it works. Washing it off and starting over. — Kaley Cuoco

Having A Bad Hair Day Quotes By Beth Kephart

Step out from behind the words. When you're a writer you can imagine that the words speak for you and are you, but they're not. You are this living breathing bad hair day kind of person. — Beth Kephart

Having A Bad Hair Day Quotes By Charles Bukowski

And my own affairs were as bad, as dismal, as the day I had been born. The only difference was that now I could drink now and then, though never often enough. Drink was the only thing that kept a man from feeling forever stunned and useless. Everything else just kept picking and picking, hacking away. And nothing was interesting, nothing. The people were restrictive and careful, all alike. And I've got to live with these fuckers for the rest of my life, I thought. God, they all had assholes and sexual organs and their mouths and their armpits. They shit and they chattered and they were dull as horse dung. The girls looked good from a distance, the sun shining through their dresses, their hair. But get up close and listen to their minds running out of their mouths, you felt like digging in under a hill and hiding out with a tommy-gun. I would certainly never be able to be happy, to get married, I could never have children. Hell, I couldn't even get a job as a dishwasher. — Charles Bukowski

Having A Bad Hair Day Quotes By Judith Viorst

I went to sleep with gum in my mouth and now there's gum in my hair and when I got out of bed this morning I tripped on the skateboard and by mistake I dropped my sweater in the sink while the water was running and I could tell it was going to be a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day. — Judith Viorst

Having A Bad Hair Day Quotes By A.E. Via

Although Genesis didn't deepen their kiss or steal his own taste, he did lick his own lips, taking the taste of Curtis off his lips and into his mouth. With their lips still barely touching, Genesis murmured, "You are a little bad boy, aren't you?" Genesis brought his hand up and brushed a lock of hair behind Curtis' ear. "A very pretty bad boy." Genesis gave him another soft kiss, and Curtis swore he was in heaven. "You said we're supposed to be good. You have to stop touching me like that." Curtis panted. "I don't know how," Genesis whispered almost painfully. Leaning back in and kissing Curtis again. "Well, like brother like brother, huh?" Day's sarcastic voice killed their moment as he sauntered into the room without knocking. "Better pull back, Casanova, 'my two dads' are right behind me." Genesis — A.E. Via

Having A Bad Hair Day Quotes By Evan Davis

Black Friday is not another bad hair day in Wall Street. It's the term used by American retailers to describe the day after the Thanksgiving Holiday, seen as the semi-official start of Christmas shopping season. — Evan Davis

Having A Bad Hair Day Quotes By Yasmine Al Masri

Although I come from a family who are Muslim - my mother is Egyptian, my father is Palestinian - my mother only puts a veil on her head when she has a bad hair day. — Yasmine Al Masri

Having A Bad Hair Day Quotes By Tadahiko Nagao

A bad hair day is not a valid excuse for calling in sick. — Tadahiko Nagao

Having A Bad Hair Day Quotes By Janet Evanovich

I took a shower and spent some time on my hair, doing the blow-drying thing, adding some gel and some spray. When I was done I looked like Cher on a bad day. Still, Cher on a bad day wasn't all that bad. I was down to my last clean pair of spandex shorts. I tugged on a matching sports bra that doubled as a halter top and slid a big, loose, purple T-shirt with a large, droopy neck over my head. I laced up my hightop Reeboks, crunched down my white socks, and felt pretty cool. — Janet Evanovich

Having A Bad Hair Day Quotes By Courtney Robertson

When Ben arrived, he was having a bad hair day. He looked like Francine from those Arthur cartoons on PBS, and yet I was still very attracted to him. — Courtney Robertson

Having A Bad Hair Day Quotes By Sarah Brianne

The Sun Will Rise Tomorrow Everyone suffers from one bad day. Others suffer for months on end. Just know that the sun will rise tomorrow, And then the wind can blow in your hair again. Giving up is easy, But living life is well worth the reward. So wake up tomorrow. It's another day closer, another step forward to feel the wind. It's worth waking up tomorrow to see your suffering end. -Sarah Brianne — Sarah Brianne

Having A Bad Hair Day Quotes By Ilona Andrews

Outside the windows the day was bright: golden sunshine, blue sky, pleasant wind ... I wanted to punch the happy day in the face, grab it by the hair, and beat it until it told me what the hell it was so happy about. — Ilona Andrews

Having A Bad Hair Day Quotes By Dean Koontz

It's only life. We all get through it. Not all of us complete the journey in the same condition. Along the way, some lose their legs or eyes in acidents or altercations, while others skate through the years with nothing worse to worry about than an occassional bad-hair day.
I still possessed both legs and both eyes, and even my hair looked all right when I rose that Wednesday morning in late January. If I returned to bed sixteen hours later, having lost all my hair but nothing else, I would consider the day a triumph. Even minus a few teeth, I'd call it a triumph. — Dean Koontz

Having A Bad Hair Day Quotes By Elle Fanning

One boy made fun of me because one day, I had really curly hair, and I wear glasses normally, and I also bite my nails. I feel like everyone is different in their own way, so, people shouldn't try to make them feel bad because of that. — Elle Fanning

Having A Bad Hair Day Quotes By Marion Jones

It's hard to have a bad hair day when you're famous. — Marion Jones