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Haven't Slept Quotes & Sayings

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Top Haven't Slept Quotes

Haven't Slept Quotes By Ally Condie

It doesn't matter much anyway. I haven't slept well since he left. I can't dream. In some ways, that's the hardest part of having him gone."
I understand. "Because if you can't dream you can't pretend that he's still here. — Ally Condie

Haven't Slept Quotes By Mitch Hedberg

I haven't slept for ten days, because that would be too long. — Mitch Hedberg

Haven't Slept Quotes By Maggie Stiefvater

Gansey sat down in the seat in front of Adam with a sigh. He turned around. "Jesus Christ, I haven't slept a second." He remembered his manners and extended his fist. As Adam bumped knuckles with him, he felt an extraordinary rush of relief, of fondness. "Ronan, feet down."

Ronan put his feet down. — Maggie Stiefvater

Haven't Slept Quotes By Matthew Norman

Sometimes in life, it doesn't matter that you've just woken up on a floor. Or that you haven't brushed your teeth. Or that your hair is a mess and you're wearing the clothes you slept in. Sometimes you just have to be polite. — Matthew Norman

Haven't Slept Quotes By Ford Madox Ford

You will then. Listen here ... I've always got this to look forward to: I'll settle down by that man's side. I'll be as virtuous as any woman. I've made up my mind to it and I'll be it. And I'll be bored stiff for the rest of my life. Except for one thing. I can torment that man. And I'll do it. Do you understand how I'll do it? There are many ways. But if the worst comes to the worst I can always drive him silly ... by corrupting the child!' She was panting a little, and round her brown eyes the whites showed. 'I'll get even with him. I can. I know how, you see. And with you, through him, for tormenting me. I've come all the way from Brittany without stopping. I haven't slept ... But I can ... — Ford Madox Ford

Haven't Slept Quotes By Augusten Burroughs

We haven't slept together. But we've napped — Augusten Burroughs

Haven't Slept Quotes By Emma Chase

I sleep naked, by the way. You should try it. If you haven't slept naked, you haven't lived. But that's beside the point. — Emma Chase

Haven't Slept Quotes By Pamela Anderson

I've been fortunate - I haven't had too many auditions. I slept with the right people. — Pamela Anderson

Haven't Slept Quotes By Jane Harvey-Berrick

I just don't want you thinkin' about any other guy when you're with me. I want you with me - all of you. It's not just fuckin'. Not for me, not with you. I know you think it's because I haven't slept with a woman in a long time, but it's not. It's because it's you, and I meant it when I said I wanted to make love to you. — Jane Harvey-Berrick

Haven't Slept Quotes By Jim Butcher

It gets too hot in there after a long test," he told Ehren. "The air gets all squishy." "It's called humidity, Tavi," Ehren said. "I haven't slept in almost two days. It's squishy. — Jim Butcher

Haven't Slept Quotes By Paula Hawkins

I can't sleep. I haven't slept in days. I hate this, hate insomnia more than anything, just lying there, brain going round, tick, tick, tick, tick. I itch all over. I want to shave my head. — Paula Hawkins

Haven't Slept Quotes By N.M. Silber

You've slept with Gabrielle?" Adam asked. "You haven't slept with her too, have you, Mark?"

"No!" Mark answered.

"Good, or I would have felt really left out. — N.M. Silber

Haven't Slept Quotes By Paco Ignacio Taibo II

What they don't know is that we all belong to the places we've never even been before. If there's any kind of legitimate nostalgia, it's for everything we've never seen, the women we've never slept with, never dreamed of, the friends we haven't made, the books we haven't read, all that food steaming in the pots we've never eaten out of. That's the only kind of real nostalgia there is. — Paco Ignacio Taibo II

Haven't Slept Quotes By Drake

I haven't slept in days. And me and my latest girl agreed to go our separate ways. — Drake

Haven't Slept Quotes By James S.A. Corey

You're cranky because you're tired," Amos said. "You got that I-have-to-save-everyone hangup, so I make it that you haven't slept in about two days. But listening to people bitch? Yeah, that's sorta your job. It's why you make the big money." "We make the same money." "Then I guess you're doing it for the fame and glory." "I hate you," Holden said. — James S.A. Corey

Haven't Slept Quotes By Elizabeth Camden

Mollie, tell me what happened. I haven't slept in two days." "Guilty conscience?" "Yes!" he bellowed. "I never should have let you stay in that church so long! I wish I'd thrown you over my shoulder and dragged you to my house that first night." He tried to wrap his arms around her, but a stiff arm kept him at bay. The expression in her eyes was even worse. "For pity's sake, talk to me. Scream at me, hit me . . . just quit glaring like that. — Elizabeth Camden

Haven't Slept Quotes By J.D. Robb

He came back, sat on the ledge again, and handed her a glass. "You haven't slept; you haven't eaten."
"It goes with the territory." The wine tasted like liquid gold. "Nonetheless, you worry me, Lieutenant."
"You worry too easily."
"I love you." It flustered her to hear him say it in that lovely voice that hinted of Irish mists, to know that somehow, incredibly, it was true. Since she had no answer to give him, she frowned into her wine. — J.D. Robb

Haven't Slept Quotes By L.D. Davis

I haven't slept with him, Mom." I whispered, lying through my teeth. I just didn't want to discuss my sex life with her. She would probably critique my oral skills or something.
"I should have known. You don't sleep with anybody. That's why you can't keep a man. — L.D. Davis

Haven't Slept Quotes By Kristen Ashley

Jeez, we haven't even slept together and already you don't trust me."
"I've known you all your life not to mention the fact that my idiot sister is in the next room and when you two get together it's like Laurel and Hardy do Denver. — Kristen Ashley

Haven't Slept Quotes By Shelby Harris

Some patients are still having insomnia, but it's seems worse to them than actually it is. So, if they say they're sleep deprived, they haven't slept at all in three days; if we actually take them into a lab, most of the time we actually do see they're sleeping on and off here and there. — Shelby Harris

Haven't Slept Quotes By T.J. Klune

Oh, you know ... , I start. In my head, I finish: Oh, you know, just the usual. I've slept in Otter's bed two or three times now. Oh, don't worry! We haven't really done anything. Except tell stories about you. And me. And him. Did you know he's wanted me for a long time? He really left because he needed me so bad that it hurt, and he thought he was projecting. Remember when I used to say that to you? That you're projecting? Well, he thought it too. But his was so bad that he used it as an excuse and got the hell out of Dodge, but then he came back, and I still don't completely understand why yet. Oh, and we may have made out. And I may have liked it. And this is after you and I broke up, like ... what? Two days ago? Three days ago? After being together since like second grade? So you know, the usual. — T.J. Klune

Haven't Slept Quotes By Kiersten White

He knocked on the wall again. "Go check on Reth. But be careful. I haven't slept on purpose in way too long, so I'm going to bed. And since I'll be asleep anyway, come sleep next to me when you get back in, okay?"
I forced my voice to come out light and teasing. "Only if you're wearing footie pajamas."
He laughed. "I'll see if I can find a pair. — Kiersten White

Haven't Slept Quotes By Kristen Ashley

Two nights ago, I fucked up and hurt a woman I'd come to care about. I been waiting for this morning, hopin' you'd roll up to Ride and I wouldn't have to hunt you down. But if you were really pissed at me in a way I couldn't fix, this morning could have gone different. Thinkin' on that and all the other shit swirling in my life, the last two nights I haven't slept all that great. But I ate good, I just came hard, I'm in your bed, you like me here and you called me honey so I'm thinkin' tonight's my night. That is, if you'd shut up and let me sleep. — Kristen Ashley

Haven't Slept Quotes By Gabrielle Zevin

I can't keep a baby," A.J. says firmly. "I haven't slept in two nights. She's a terrorist! She wakes up at, like, insane times. Three forty-five in the morning seems to be when her day begins. I live alone. I'm poor. You can't raise a baby on books alone. — Gabrielle Zevin

Haven't Slept Quotes By Colin Montgomerie

I haven't slept properly for 12 years because of this bloody game. I don't think you do in a competitive game. You toss and turn and you don't sleep. — Colin Montgomerie

Haven't Slept Quotes By Michael Thomas Ford

To be fair he is Lord Byron," Jane said. "I don't know many people who haven't slept with him at one time or another."
Jane Fairfax — Michael Thomas Ford

Haven't Slept Quotes By Jennifer L. Armentrout

And for the record, there are plenty of women I haven't slept with." Several sets of eyes turned on him in disbelief. Geez. — Jennifer L. Armentrout

Haven't Slept Quotes By Sarah Brianne

You're the only girl I have looked at these past few months and imagined my dick sliding into. I haven't fucked since the night I fucked you, Elle, and you're the last one I will ever fuck. Tonight will be the first night anyone has slept in that bed and in this place. I couldn't sleep here until you were in the bed beside me where you fucking belong. — Sarah Brianne

Haven't Slept Quotes By Lyndsay Faye

As he passed a hand over his eyes, I recalled the he could not have slept more than twenty hours in the last seven days. For the first time since I had known him, Sherlock Holmes appeared to be exhausted by work rather than inaction.
"Because if I am right," he murmured, "I haven't the first idea what to do. — Lyndsay Faye

Haven't Slept Quotes By Violet Trefusis

Nothing and no one in the world could kill the love I have for you. I have surrendered my whole individuality, the very essence of my being to you. I have given you my body time after time to treat as you pleased. All the hoardings of my imagination I have laid bare to you. There isn't a recess in my brain into which you haven't penetrated. I have clung to you and caressed you and slept with you and I would like to tell the whole world that I clamour for you. You are my lover and I am your mistress, and kingdoms and empires and governments have tottered and succumbed before now to that mighty combination
the most powerful in the world. — Violet Trefusis

Haven't Slept Quotes By Scott Raab

If you are the leader, you don't have the right to say things like "Ugh, didn't eat this week I was so busy." "Haven't slept." I look sideways at those signs of bravado, which are intended to make one feel that the person is working so hard. I don't think that way. — Scott Raab

Haven't Slept Quotes By Leta Blake

Wait, this guy has a kid?" Elliot gasped over the phone. "What hot mess have you gotten yourself into, girl?"
"Shut up, Elliot. Like you haven't slept with a load of hairy daddies in your time."
"But they weren't, like, actual daddies. — Leta Blake

Haven't Slept Quotes By Jack Bauer

I have killed two people since midnight, I haven't slept in over 24 hours. So maybe ... maybe you should be a little more afraid of me than you are right now. — Jack Bauer

Haven't Slept Quotes By Jeffrey Dean Morgan

Working exterior nights in Vancouver, when it's raining and snowing, is a little daunting, when you haven't slept. — Jeffrey Dean Morgan

Haven't Slept Quotes By Amy Poehler

Calling someone equally as anxious on the phone makes you feel less alone. Sometimes the best thing to hear is not "Don't worry, it's going to be okay" but actually "Tell me about it! The whole world is going to explode and I haven't slept for weeks. Now let me tell you about my specific fears of small boats and big businesses! — Amy Poehler

Haven't Slept Quotes By Mohsin Hamid

What happens is my mind starts to go in circles, thinking and thinking, and then I can't sleep. And once a couple of days go by, if you haven't slept, you start to get sick. You can't eat. You start to cry. It just feeds on itself. — Mohsin Hamid

Haven't Slept Quotes By Layne Staley

My bed isn't made, I'm tired, I haven't slept well for two weeks. I haven't been laid in a month. I don't have a girlfriend. I have a warrant for my arrest. — Layne Staley

Haven't Slept Quotes By J.D. Robb

Is there any exceptionally beautiful woman you haven't slept with?"
"I'll make you a list. So, you knocked her down. — J.D. Robb

Haven't Slept Quotes By Paco Ignacio Taibo II

If there is any kind of legitimate ostalgia, it's for everything we've never even seen, the women we've never slept with, never dreamed of, the friends we haven't made, the books we've never read, all the food steaming in the pots we've never eaten out of. That's the only real kind of nostalgia there is. — Paco Ignacio Taibo II

Haven't Slept Quotes By Cindi Madsen

How'd you sleep?"

"Like the dead," she said, a smile spreading across her face. "I meant to leave after you fell asleep, but apparently I crashed, too. Seriously, I haven't slept that well in forever."

I fought the urge to tell her maybe we should sleep together every night, then. — Cindi Madsen