Hasan Can Quotes & Sayings
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Top Hasan Can Quotes
I wondered why people consider escapism so bad, even the escapism on display right then. At first it might appear unseemly, but in the end its lack of pretension gives it its own sort of beauty. — Saadat Hasan Manto
We Are Always Scared of Wild Beasts, Yet We Are Unaware About The Wildest Beast Within Us Which Does More Harm Than The Ordinary One ... — Muhammad Imran Hasan
The field that cannot feed even its tiller Burn down every stalk that stands on it. — Saadat Hasan Manto
To Hear What Silence Is Saying, You Must Have Inner Peace. A Violent Mind Can't Understand It ... — Muhammad Imran Hasan
But love, whether in Multan or on Siberia's icy tundra, whether in the winter or the summer, whether among the rich or the poor, whether among the beautiful or the ugly, whether among the crude or refined, love is always just love. There's no difference. — Saadat Hasan Manto
To Be Happy, You Must Know The Pass Code of Life. And Life Gives You Many Attempts To Unlock It ... — Muhammad Imran Hasan
How do we know when someone like Hasan is going to make his move and do we know he's an Islamist until he's made his move? He makes a phone call or whatever, according to Reuters right now. Apparently he tried to contact al-Qaida. Is that the point at which you say, "This guy is dangerous?" That's not a crime to call up al-Qaida, is it? Is it? I mean, where do you stop the guy? — Chris Matthews
His last years were beset with financial troubles; he drank heavily; he wrote to Chughtai on more than one occasion, pleading with her to find a way for him to come back to India. She was surprised to learn that far from large protests and signed declarations on his behalf, many in Pakistan felt he deserved to be punished. He died on January 18, 1955 in Lahore at the age of forty two. — Saadat Hasan Manto
We Born, Get Education, Get Jobs, Earn, Spend, Save And Eventually Die. That Can't Be Right. There Must Be Something Important We're Missing. We're Too Busy Following That Same Circle That We Forget Our Main Purpose of Life, To Know Ourselves ... — Muhammad Imran Hasan
Aditi is a comedy superstar over in India. She's only one of three female English-speaking comedians in India. — Hasan Minhaj
For me, remembrance of things past has always been a waste of time, and what's the point of tears? I don't know. I've always been focussed on today. Yesterday and tomorrow hold no interest for me. What had to happen, did, and what will happen, will. — Saadat Hasan Manto
This Land Is Protected By Million's Blood Bath, If Needed, We'll Fight Again By Sipping The Death Bowl ... — Muhammad Imran Hasan
I've pretty much accepted the fact that you're going to meet ignorant people, and that's okay. You can't control that. You can't change that. — Hasan M. Elahi
What is wrong with two people falling in love?"
"There is nothing wrong with love."
"Then what is wrong with homosexuality? — Hasan Namir
There's all sorts of terrible things that happen around the world. And comedy's one of those few things where you can discuss those things. — Hasan Minhaj
thought a glass of lassi would be refreshing. In the shop I noticed that the fan was on, but turned away from both customers and the owner. I was curious and asked why it was so. The owner glared at me and said: 'Can't you see?' I looked. The fan was pointed in the direction of a poster of our great leader, Muhammad Ali Jinnah. I shouted, 'Pakistan Zindabad!' and left without the lassi. In front of a shop, a man — Saadat Hasan Manto
As the people of Ein Hod were marched into despossession, Moshe and his comrades guarded and looted the newly emptied village. While Dalia lay heartbroken, delirious with the loss of Ismael, Jolanta rocked David to sleep. While Hasan tended to his family's survival, Moshe sang in drunken revelry with his fellow soldiers. And while Yehya and the others moved in anguished steps away from their land, the usurpers sand "Hatikva," and shouted, "Long live Israel! — Susan Abulhawa
How do you manage your online identity? It's something I talk about with my students all the time. — Hasan M. Elahi
Be firm and upright upon the commands of Allah, work to His obedience and keep away from His disobedience. — Hasan Of Basra
I had a huge Indian wedding, and I did it for my wife, and I did it for my white friends. — Hasan Minhaj
Nidal Hasan communicated with Anwar al-Awlaki, a known radical cleric, asked about waging jihad against his fellow soldiers. The problem is because of political correctness, the [Barack] Obama administration, like a lot of folks here, want to search everyone's cell phones and e-mails and not focus on the bad guys. And political correctness is killing people. — Ted Cruz
Love Has No Color ... No Race ... Love Is Pure And Divine But Only A Little of Us Are Able To Preserve It's Purity ... Sadly, In This Digital World, Purity Is Rare To Find In Human ... — Muhammad Imran Hasan
SMILE Is Not Just A Word ... It Means A Lot, Love, Trust, Warmth, Tenderness Etc, In Fact It Means WORLD ... So SMILE ALWAYS ... That Means, YOU Are Giving A WORLD To SOMEONE ... — Muhammad Imran Hasan
Don't text me while I'm in the middle of texting you! Now I have to change everything I wrote!" -Hasan Tutar — Hasan
You hear these horrible stories about the FBI just doing all these nasty things to people. And you know what? In my case, I didn't experience any of that, probably because the way I treated them. I was like, 'Okay, what do you want to know?' So I kept going back to their offices on a regular basis. — Hasan M. Elahi
These Days, Keeping Anything "Simple" Is The Most "Complex" Task To Do ... — Muhammad Imran Hasan
One Crack On A Mirror Can Ruin The Beauty of It But Most Importantly, It Ruins The Reflection of The Individual, By Making It Twisted, Zigzag And Ugly. Character Is Like A Mirror. So Build Your Character In Such A Way That It Reflects All The Good In Others Who Follows You Or Treat You As An Idol ... — Muhammad Imran Hasan
How can it be that this town is so full of people they're falling off the pavements and yet only in dreams am I in someone's arms? — Anjum Hasan
If you want a great replacement, like, who can follow Barack and still have that swag, that charisma, that charm and be historic - I think it would be Tina Fey for president. — Hasan Minhaj
There were moments, Hasan, when I like to think that the stars are bullet-holes. For every bullet shot by an oppressor there springs to life a star, with so great a radiance that it can never be put out, it can never be imprisoned. But if that really were true, the last three months in this city would have erased every trace of blackness from the sky. — Kamila Shamsie
I think that after a revolution a man needs a few years to get used to the new era. I knew from my limited and worthless experience that those who tear down and destroy one era cannot build another. Just as weapons can't suddenly become flowers, a killer can't suddenly turn gardener.
Hasan-i Tofan, an earlier killer and member of "The Finishing-Off Sports Club — Bakhtiyar Ali
As you know not all sleep is the same. It has different phases. It's shallow and then it's deep, it curves and goes down tunnels and staircases and wells. Sometimes it's so thick as to carry you off this Earth, sometimes it holds you underneath a veil as thin as muslin. When sleep's that thin, some things can pierce it. A sharp-edged memory, for example. Or sharp words that are still bothering us, or a thought that's settled outside our minds, in our limbs, or a feeling that's done the same, or something in our midst that we haven't even noticed - things like these can pierce our sleep. — Hasan Ali Toptas
I'm Tiny And My Reach Is Limited. I Can Give YOU Only What I Have And Surely When I Give, I Don't Keep Anything For Me. To YOU, It's Nothing Probably As YOU've Got Everything. My Everything Would Be Unnoticed. It Seems Like "A Rain Drop To The Ocean" ... (From The Romantic Story "Reflection of The Rainbow") ... — Muhammad Imran Hasan
To show that a comedian on stage in India talking about sanitation or in South Africa talking about HIV and AIDS awareness, if you follow the joke into their lives, you can see that, like, oh, these things aren't just contrived in joke books. This is real life. I think the best comedians have that bravery and courage to say, Oh, this is what it is. — Hasan Minhaj
I Couldn't Look Straight In HER Eyes As I Already Know SHE Can Read My Eyes Without Reading My Lips ... — Muhammad Imran Hasan
You can accuse me of being a terror suspect, but I can prove to you that I'm not. — Hasan M. Elahi
The traditional Hollywood system is pretty rigid, but the film scene in, say, South Africa is booming with a lot of possibilities. If you have the cameras and reasonable capital, you can put your film in theatres next to 'Guardians of the Galaxy.' A great example of that was Kagiso Lediga's film 'Blitz Patrole.' — Hasan Minhaj
I Prefer Reading Eyes As Eyes Are Very Powerful. It Can Reveal The Ins And Outs of A Man ... — Muhammad Imran Hasan
Reading Is Very Powerful ... It Gives You The Illusion To See The Past, Present, Future And Even Seeing The Invisible ... So READ ... — Muhammad Imran Hasan
Look this is hardly fair. You sold me impure petrol at black-market price and not even one shop could be put to the torch. — Saadat Hasan Manto
Despite the barrage of information about me that is publicly available, I live a surprisingly private and anonymous life. — Hasan M. Elahi
Don't Have The Power To Stare At The Sun. I Can Only Try Even I Know I'll Fail. At Least I Have The Courage To Do That. I Know My Power And I Know My Shortcomings Which Most of The People Cannot Even Realize About Their Own. I'm Powerful In My Own Little Innocent World ... — Muhammad Imran Hasan
For this world has neither worth nor weight with God; so slight it is, it weighs not with God so much as a pebble or a single clod of earth; as I am told, God has created nothing more hateful to Him than this world, and from the day He created it He has not looked upon it, so much He hates it. — Al-Hasan Al-Basri
You May Understand The Value of Time Well During Pressure. It's Totally A Relative Matter ... — Muhammad Imran Hasan
I'm interested in things women do that aren't spoken about. Manto's stories let me breathe. They make me feel like less of a monster. — Mohsin Hamid
If I Could Read The Last Page of My Life ... — Muhammad Imran Hasan
Do not sit idle, for indeed death is seeking you — Hasan Of Basra
If a man has to make a woman the center of his love, why should he integrate animality into this sacred human emotion? ... Is love incompelete without it? ... Is love the name of physical excersize ? — Saadat Hasan Manto
And it is also possible, that Saadat Hasan dies, but Manto remains alive. — Saadat Hasan Manto
As a writer I find the relationship fascinating. Consider it. There is tension, and often unpleasantness, in both the union of man and woman, and of State and citizen. There is a great deal of hypocrisy too, but the relationship is not ever severed. The intercourse between State and citizens (it will be appropriate to call it forcible intercourse) also produces offspring as a marriage does. But frightening ones, like the "Safety Act and Ordinance". Offspring that resemble their father, the State, more than the citizenry. — Saadat Hasan Manto
I asked a child, walking with a candle, 'From where comes that light?' Instantly he blew it out. 'Tell me where it is gone - then I will tell you where it came from.' (Hasan of Basra) — Idries Shah
One thing I found very interesting about comedians around the world was their knowledge of stuff outside of their own culture and comfort zone. That's not very common in the States. We produce our own soft power, which is pop culture, but we rarely try to absorb and learn information from other cultures and countries. — Hasan Minhaj
My Heart May Change Over Time (Boyhood->Manhood->Old) But The Love It Carries, Will Remain The Same ... — Muhammad Imran Hasan
Dear God, master of the universe, compassionate and merciful: we who are steeped in sin, kneel in supplication before your throne and beseech you to recall from this world Saadat Hasan Manto, son of Ghulam Hasan Manto, who was a man of great piety. Take him away, Lord, for he runs away from fragrance and chases after filth. He hates the bright sun, preferring dark labyrinths. He has nothing but contempt for modesty but is fascinated by the naked and the shameless. He hates sweetness, but will give his life to taste bitter fruit. He will not so much as look at housewives but is in seventh heaven in the company of whores. He will not go near running waters, but loves to wade through filth. Where others weep, he laughs; and where others laugh, he weeps. Faces blackened by evil, he loves to wash with tender care to make visible their real features. He never thinks about you but follows Satan everywhere, the same fallen angel who once disobeyed you. — Saadat Hasan Manto
I feel like I am always the one tearing everything up and forever sewing it back together. — Saadat Hasan Manto
Allah sends down natural disasters to control population explosion. He encourages us to go to war, He creates Pakistan and Akhand Bharat. In doing this, He teaches humans new and innovative methods of birth control. — Saadat Hasan Manto
Never Give Up, Just Follow Your Dreams ... — Muhammad Imran Hasan
When a man sought knowledge, it would not be long before it could be seen in his humbleness, his sight, upon his tongue and his hands, in his prayer, in his speech and in his disinterest (zuhd) in worldly allurements. And a man would acquire a portion of knowledge and put it into practice, and it would be better for him than the world and all it contains - if he owned it he would give it in exchange for the hereafter. — Hasan Of Basra
'Shantaram' is fantastic. An Australian prisoner escapes & joins the mafia in India? Sign me up. I love stuff that is based on true stories. — Hasan Minhaj
The World is three days: As for yesterday, it has vanished, along with all that was in it. As for tomorrow, you may never see it. As for today, it is yours, so work in it. — Hasan Of Basra
CHILDREN Are Like ANGELS And On Earth, ANGELS Have No Color ... It's The Society To Blame That Teaches Racism, Turning An ANGLE To A Civilized Beast While They Are Growing Up ... — Muhammad Imran Hasan
I am honoured to join education innovators like Ms. Vicky Colbert, Dr. Madhav Chavan, and Sir Fazle Hasan Abed as the fourth WISE Prize for Education Laureate. I accept this prize on behalf of the million girls Camfed is committed to supporting through secondary education. — Ann Cotton
Don't Judge People By Their Outer Appearances, Even The Bright Beautiful Moon Has Its Dark Side Which It Keeps Hidden All The Time ... — Muhammad Imran Hasan
Never let your Enemies become your Advocates." by A. K. Hasan — A.K. Hasan
Failure Is Not Permanent, So Is The Success. So, Don't Look Down Upon People Who Are Failed While You're Succeeded. Table Can Turn Anytime. Be Gentle To Every Creation, It Ain't Cost A Thing ... — Muhammad Imran Hasan
There's Nothing To Hide When Your Soul Is Not Guilty ... — Muhammad Imran Hasan