Famous Quotes & Sayings

Grave Stones Quotes & Sayings

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Top Grave Stones Quotes

Grave Stones Quotes By Charles Spurgeon

If you tell your troubles to God, you put them into the grave; they will never rise again when you have committed them to Him. If you roll your burden anywhere else, it will roll back again like the stone of Sisyphus. — Charles Spurgeon

Grave Stones Quotes By Tony La Russa

Losing sucks. I don't think most people understand how bad it feels. — Tony La Russa

Grave Stones Quotes By Jackson C. Frank

I want to be alone. I need to touch each stone, face the grave that I have grown. I want to be alone. — Jackson C. Frank

Grave Stones Quotes By Pio Of Pietrelcina

Don't consider me too demanding if I ask you once again to set great store by holy books and read them as much as you can. This spiritual reading is as necessary to you as the air you
breathe. — Pio Of Pietrelcina

Grave Stones Quotes By Izaak Walton

He directed that the stone over his grave be inscribed: Hic jacet hujus sententiae primus auctor: DISPUTANDI PRURITUS ECCLESIARUM SCABIES. — Izaak Walton

Grave Stones Quotes By William Makepeace Thackeray

So they pass away: friends, kindred, the dearest-loved, grown people, aged, infants. As we go on the down-hill journey, the mile-stones are grave-stones, and on each more and more names are written; unless haply you live beyond man's common age, when friends have dropped off, and, tottering, and feeble, and unpitied, you reach the terminus alone. — William Makepeace Thackeray

Grave Stones Quotes By Orson Scott Card

I didn't want to see you." "They told me." "I was afraid that I'd still love you." "I hoped that you would. — Orson Scott Card

Grave Stones Quotes By Diane Wilson

The loss of that oral tradition and the breakdown of communication between generations had set my family adrift, floating aimlessly without history and all its accumulated experience to guide us. We need context, we need myths, we need family legends in order to see the invisible legacy that follows us, that tells us who we are. — Diane Wilson

Grave Stones Quotes By Mark Bauerlein

For education to happen, people must encounter worthwhile things outside their sphere of interest and brainpower. — Mark Bauerlein

Grave Stones Quotes By Diane Stein

The goddess is not an out-there force among the far stars or beyond death, but is here and now and living. In philosopher Mary Daly's concept of active creation, she is a verb rather than none and is women's Be-ing. Since the goddess is everyone within and all around us, the powers of divinity and creation are both individual and shared by all. She is the power to make of women's lives what women will. With the tenant, "Thou Art Goddess", free of choice is a central issue; women take charge of who they are and what they do, not with blame or guilt, but with responsibility for their actions and choices. — Diane Stein

Grave Stones Quotes By Hudson Stuck

Johnny had killed four mountain-sheep and a caribou while we were gone, and not only had fed the dogs well, but from time to time had put aside choice portions expecting our return. But what was most grateful to us and most extraordinary in him, the boy had saved, untouched, the small ration of sugar and milk left for his consumption, knowing that ours was all destroyed; and we enjoyed coffee with these luxurious appurtenances as only they can who have been long deprived of them. There are not many boys of fifteen or sixteen of any race who would voluntarily have done the like. — Hudson Stuck

Grave Stones Quotes By Thomas Browne

Grave-stones tell truth scarce forty years. Generations pass while families last not three oaks. — Thomas Browne

Grave Stones Quotes By Israelmore Ayivor

Some people die and you realize that the only mark they left on earth are the tomb stones under which they lie. The impacts you make on earth should be something worthy to improve lives. — Israelmore Ayivor

Grave Stones Quotes By Marilyn Manson

Actors always want to be musicians, and musicians want to be actors. — Marilyn Manson

Grave Stones Quotes By William Shakespeare

To persevere
In obstinate condolement is a course
Of impious stubbornness: 'tis unmanly grief. — William Shakespeare

Grave Stones Quotes By Alfie Kohn

What matters is not just how motivated someone is but the source and nature of that motivation.13 — Alfie Kohn

Grave Stones Quotes By Rick Riordan

I stared at him. 'You're scared of bunnies?' 'Blah-hah-hah! They're big bullies. Always stealing celery from defenceless satyrs!' Thalia coughed. 'What?' Grover demanded. 'We'll have to work on your bunny phobia later,' I said. 'Here they come.' The — Rick Riordan

Grave Stones Quotes By L.M. Montgomery

Monstrosities of tall "monuments" and draped urns. One of the latter, the biggest and ugliest in the graveyard, was sacred to the memory of a certain Alec Davis who had been born a Methodist but had taken to himself a Presbyterian bride of the Douglas clan. She had made him turn Presbyterian and kept him toeing the Presbyterian mark all his life. But when he died she did not dare to doom him to a lonely grave in the Presbyterian graveyard over-harbour. His people were all buried in the Methodist cemetery; so Alec Davis went back to his own in death and his widow consoled herself by erecting a monument which cost more than any of the Methodists could afford. The Meredith children hated it, without just knowing why, but they loved the old, flat, bench-like stones with the tall grasses growing rankly about them. They made jolly seats for one thing. They were all sitting on one now. Jerry, tired of leap frog, was playing on — L.M. Montgomery

Grave Stones Quotes By Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

When we see the many grave-stones which have fallen in, which have been defaced by the footsteps of the congregation, which lie buried under the ruins of the churches, that have themselves crumbled together over them; we may fancy the life after death to be as a second life, into which man enters in the figure, or the picture or the inscription, and lives longer there than when he was really alive. But this figure also, this second existence, dies out too, sooner or later. Time will not allow himself to be cheated of his rights with the monuments of men or with themselves. — Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

Grave Stones Quotes By Ziggy Marley

Everything is connected. There is nothing that is not connected. — Ziggy Marley

Grave Stones Quotes By Edward Abbey

One mile farther and I come to a second grave beside the road, nameless like the other, marked only with the dull blue-black stones of the badlands. I do not pause this time. The more often you stop the more difficult it is to continue. Stop too long and they cover you with rocks. — Edward Abbey

Grave Stones Quotes By Kim Addonizio

You were a town with one pay phone and someone else was using it.
You were an ATM temporarily unable to dispense cash.
You were an outdated link and the server was down.
You were invisible to the naked eye.
You were the two insect parts per million allowed in peanut butter.
You were a car wash that me as dirty as when I pulled in.
You were twenty rotting bags of rice in the hold of a cargo plane sitting on the runway in a drought-riddled country.
You were one job opening for two hundred applicants and you paid minimum wage.
You were grateful for my submission but you just couldn't use it.
You weren't a Preferred Provider.
You weren't giving any refunds.
You weren't available for comment.
Your grave wasn't marked so I wandered the cementary for hours, part of the grass, part of the crumbling stones. — Kim Addonizio

Grave Stones Quotes By John Squire

I have no desire whatsoever to desecrate the grave of seminal Manchester pop group the Stone Roses. — John Squire

Grave Stones Quotes By William Shakespeare

Therefore I tell my sorrows to the stones;
Who, though they cannot answer my distress,
Yet in some sort they are better than the tribunes,
For that they will not intercept my tale:
When I do weep, they humbly at my feet
Receive my tears and seem to weep with me;
And, were they but attired in grave weeds,
Rome could afford no tribune like to these. — William Shakespeare

Grave Stones Quotes By Chief Joseph

We live, we die, and like the grass and trees, renew ourselves from the soft earth of the grave. Stones crumble and decay, faiths grow old and they are forgotten, but new beliefs are born. The faith of the villages is dust now ... but it will grow again ... like the trees. — Chief Joseph

Grave Stones Quotes By Tahar Ben Jelloun

Pain, too, comes from depths that cannot be revealed. We do not know whether those depths are in ourselves or elsewhere, in a graveyard, in a scarcely dug grave, only recently inhabited by withered flesh. This truth, which is banal enough, unravels time and the face, holds up a mirror to me in which I cannot see myself without being overcome by a profound sadness that undermines one's whole being. The mirror has become the route through which my body reaches that state, in which it is crushed into the ground, digs a temporary grave, and allows itself to be drawn by the living roots that swarm beneath the stones. It is flattened beneath the weight of that immense sadness which few people have the privilege of knowing. So I avoid mirrors. — Tahar Ben Jelloun

Grave Stones Quotes By Crazy Horse

At my death paint my body with red paint and plunge it into fresh water to be restored back to life, otherwise my bones will be turned into stone and my joints into flint in my grave, but my spirit will rise — Crazy Horse

Grave Stones Quotes By Sheri Webber

He'd seen a lot of bizarre items left at gravesides, like a carton of eggs, a pair of reading glasses, a bag of licorice, smooth stones, a spoon. — Sheri Webber

Grave Stones Quotes By Erik Larson

The bells on the streetcars ring, buses clatter by honking their horns, stuffed full with people and more people; taxis and fancy private automobiles hum over the glassy asphalt," he wrote. "The fragrance of heavy perfume floats by. Harlots smile from the artful pastels of fashionable women's faces; so-called men stroll to and fro, monocles glinting; fake and precious stones sparkle." Berlin was, he wrote, a "stone desert" filled with sin and corruption and inhabited by a populace "borne to the grave with a smile. — Erik Larson

Grave Stones Quotes By Sebastian Faulks

And when I die all the memories of my own life will go to the grave with me, God willing, and Dick will never have to look back at them. And his children will never even know what my life was like. They'll know nothing of grinding stones and being hungry and ashamed all day and being beaten by a teacher who couldn't write himself and being sure you kept your mind so empty that you had no thoughts at all. And that's what I've done for them, that's my gift to them and to all their children ever after, so don't talk to me about being hard. — Sebastian Faulks

Grave Stones Quotes By Jerry Spinelli

She's alone, they kept telling themselves, and surely she danced in no one's arms, yet somehow that seemed to matter less and less. As the night went on, and clarinet and coyote call mingled beyond the lantern light, the magic of their own powder-blue jackets and orchids seemed to fade, and it came to them in small sensations that they were more alone than she was. — Jerry Spinelli

Grave Stones Quotes By Cornelia Funke

She felt as if the grave stones were whispering those names to her as she walked past ... Those stones that bore no names seemed like closed mouths, sad mouths that forgotten how to speak. But perhaps the dead didn't mind what their names had once been? — Cornelia Funke

Grave Stones Quotes By Frederick Lenz

Finally, we see that there is no one and nothing but God. — Frederick Lenz