Famous Quotes & Sayings

Goto Quotes & Sayings

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Top Goto Quotes

Goto Quotes By Erik Naggum

Gotos aren't damnable to begin with. If you aren't smart enough to distinguish what's bad about some gotos from all gotos, goto hell. — Erik Naggum

Goto Quotes By Steven Howlett

10 Print "The 80s are fab!" 20 Goto 10 Run — Steven Howlett

Goto Quotes By Garth Risk Hallberg

The Lonliest Man in the World, she said, only has room in his heart for one person, and if he can't have that person, he locks himself away. He tells himself no one could possibly love him, but really, it's that he refuses to love anyone else. — Garth Risk Hallberg

Goto Quotes By Mark Twight

The simple fact is this: when you goto Alaska, you get your ass kicked. — Mark Twight

Goto Quotes By Kenji Goto

I have seen horrible places and have risked my life, but I know that somehow God will always save me. — Kenji Goto

Goto Quotes By Raymond Simard

GOTO, n.: A programming tool that exists to allow structured programmers to complain about unstructured programmers. — Raymond Simard

Goto Quotes By Hiromi Goto

To be able to bring change into a fixed world, [she] thought. There is power in that. — Hiromi Goto

Goto Quotes By Gerard Way

I'd rather goto Hell than be in Purgatory — Gerard Way

Goto Quotes By Edsger Dijkstra

Please don't fall into the trap of believing that I am terribly dogmatical about [the goto statement]. I have the uncomfortable feeling that others are making a religion out of it, as if the conceptual problems of programming could be solved by a single trick, by a simple form of coding discipline! — Edsger Dijkstra

Goto Quotes By Larry Wall

I wouldn't ever write the full sentence myself, but then, I never use goto either. — Larry Wall

Goto Quotes By John Brown

The act of focusing our mightiest intellectual resources on the elusive goal of goto-less programs has helped us get our minds off all those really tough and possibly unresolvable problems and issues with which today's professional programmer would otherwise have to grapple — John Brown

Goto Quotes By Hiromi Goto

She was responsible for the things she chose. That's all. She almost managed a tiny smile. It was simultaneously an incredible responsibility and almost nothing at all, she thought wonderingly. — Hiromi Goto

Goto Quotes By Midori Goto

Honor isn't about making the right choices. It's about dealing with the consequences. — Midori Goto

Goto Quotes By Larry Wall

It would be possible to optimize some forms of goto, but I haven't bothered. — Larry Wall

Goto Quotes By Elizabeth Kolbert

By a pair of herpetologists. It was titled Are We in the Midst of the Sixth Mass Extinction? — Elizabeth Kolbert

Goto Quotes By Ken Thompson

If you want to go somewhere, goto is the best way to get there. — Ken Thompson

Goto Quotes By Hiromi Goto

I mutter and mutter and no one to listen. I speak my words in Japanese and my daughter will not hear them. The words that come from our ears, our mouths, they collide in the space between us.
"Obachan, please! I wish you would stop that. Is it too much to ask for some peace and quiet? You do this on purpose, don't you? Don't you! I just want some peace. Just stop! Please, just stop."
"Gomennasai. Waruine, Obachan wa. Solly. Solly."
Ha! Keiko, there is method in my madness. I could stand on my head and quote Shakespeare until I had a nosebleed, but to no avail, no one hears my language. So I sit and say the words and will, until the wind or I shall die. Someone, something must stand against this wind and I will. I am. — Hiromi Goto

Goto Quotes By Kenji Goto

Closing my eyes and holding still. It's the end if I get mad or scream. It's close to a prayer. Hate is not for humans. Judgment lies with God. That's what I learned from my Arabic brothers and sisters. — Kenji Goto

Goto Quotes By Ra'ad Ammari

Be Strong , Have Faith and Always Smile . — Ra'ad Ammari

Goto Quotes By Rachel Held Evans

For two people to commit themselves not simply to marriage, but to a lifetime of mutual love and submission in imitation of Christ is so astounding, so mysterious, it comes close to looking like Jesus' stubborn love for the church. — Rachel Held Evans

Goto Quotes By Nanamoli Thera

What the scientists are apt to forget: the difference between quantity and quality is one of quality, not of -quantity. — Nanamoli Thera

Goto Quotes By Jen Lancaster

As I paddle along, I slowly become aware that it's been fear keeping me out of this pool for so many years. I never came here before because I was afraid I'd make a fool of myself by not having the endurance to complete a lap. The swimming wasn't what scared me; failure was. My fear locked me in a state of arrested development for so many years. Fear kept me from tackling my weight, which I understand has simply been symptomatic of my greater fear, growing up. I glide down the lane on my back and reflect on how good I feel right now. It's not because I've lost more than thirty pounds. I feel incredible because I've stopped being afraid. — Jen Lancaster

Goto Quotes By C.S. Goto

Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment. — C.S. Goto

Goto Quotes By Midori Goto

Girls Who Rocked the World is full of inspiring stories about young women who demonstrate that people of all ages have the power to create change in the world. — Midori Goto

Goto Quotes By Kenji Goto

No matter what happens to me, I will always love the people of Syria, — Kenji Goto

Goto Quotes By Bernard Kelvin Clive

When it comes to what you really want in life. Dont take no for an answer. Take no for a question and Go for it! — Bernard Kelvin Clive

Goto Quotes By Hiromi Goto

Thank you to the crows that amass on Vancouver evenings and fly home to the darkness of Burnaby Mountain. Thank you to the brilliance of wet moss and lichen. Thank you to the rays of golden brown light slanting in the cool of a green lake. Thank you to the shoals of glinting fish. Thank you to the sweet gems of salmonberries. Thank you to the decaying leaves for their rich brown smell. Thank you to the slugs and wood lice beneath the leaves. Thank you to to my plant friends who keep me company as I write. I am deeply grateful to share this cycle with you. — Hiromi Goto

Goto Quotes By Neal Stephenson

Spoken like a true Nipponese," Enoch says bitterly. "You never change." "Please make me understand what you are saying." "What of the man who cannot get out of bed and work, because he has no legs? What of the widow who has no husband to work, no children to support her? What of children who cannot improve their minds because they lack books and schoolhouses?" "You can shower gold on them," Goto Dengo says. "Soon enough, it will all be gone." "Yes. But some of it will be gone into books and bandages. — Neal Stephenson

Goto Quotes By Anonymous

Shared memory could reasonably be called the GOTO of our time: — Anonymous

Goto Quotes By Larry Wall

A 'goto' in Perl falls into the category of hard things that should be possible, not easy things that should be easy. — Larry Wall

Goto Quotes By Watchman Nee

The clerical system of church management is exceedingly popular, but the whole thought is foreign to Scripture. In a church all the members are active. He [God] appointed some to take oversight of the work so that it might be carried on efficiently. It was never His thought that the majority of the believers should devote themselves exclusively to secular affairs and leave church matters to a group of spiritual specialists. — Watchman Nee

Goto Quotes By Khalil Gibran

I have passed the mountain peak and my soul is soaring in the firmament of Complete and unbounded freedom; I am in comfort, I am in peace. — Khalil Gibran

Goto Quotes By Hiromi Goto

A child isn't born bitter. I point no fingers as to who tainted the clean, pure pool of my childhood. Let's just say that when I realized that I didn't want to grow up, the damage was already done. Knowing that being grown up was no swell place to be means that you are grown up enough to notice. And you can't go back from there. You have to forge another route, draw your own map. — Hiromi Goto

Goto Quotes By J.R. Ward

They never held hands. Never kissed in front of anyone. And there were no covert hot glances, either. But then again, Blay was a gentleman. And Saxton the Classy Slut put on a good show.
His cousin was a straight-up whore - — J.R. Ward

Goto Quotes By Midori Goto

Honesty comes only with sound health, physically and psychologically, and an honest mind cannot be separated from the most genuine acknowledgment of expression. It should be recognized that pure perfection is unobtainable. Therefore, the realization that one's irrevocable faults and deficiencies must be faced guides us toward the first step of learning. We must each accept any situation as it actually is, with dignity. In that fine balance of acceptance of self and the mission to better oneself, compassion, humility, and discipline are nurtured. — Midori Goto

Goto Quotes By Martin Van Creveld

The defense of the West Bank by Arab forces would be a truly suicidal enterprise. The late King Hussein understood these facts well. Until 1967, he was careful to keep most of his forces east of the Jordan River. When he momentarily forgot these realities in 1967, it took Israel just three days of fighting to remind him of them. — Martin Van Creveld

Goto Quotes By Christopher Goto-Jones

... the modern era should not see an end to cultural diversity, but modern people should engage with their traditions in a transformed way: they should be recognized as 'traditions,' rather than as 'truths. — Christopher Goto-Jones

Goto Quotes By C.S. Goto

And so even the righteous heart is besieged by the blinding light of false knowledge. Falsity is like an ocean that presses around solitary moments of truth, treatening to overwhelm or blind the seekers of knowledge, to eradicate them in an instant of self-deceiving brilliance.
Knowledge is power; it guards our souls - guard it well. — C.S. Goto

Goto Quotes By Neal Stephenson

You bent my words again," says Goto Dengo. "You spoke crooked words and I straightened them, — Neal Stephenson

Goto Quotes By R.v.m.

We are FREE, not bound like a Tree. We can Move, we can Dance ... we can take a Chance! -RVM — R.v.m.

Goto Quotes By John Milton

He who receives
Light from above, from the Fountain of Light,
No other doctrine needs, though granted true;
But these are false, or little else but dreams,
Conjectures, fancies, built on nothing firm. — John Milton

Goto Quotes By Andy Miller

We are creatures made as much by art as by experience and what we read in books is the sum of both. — Andy Miller

Goto Quotes By Gilbert White

I want to be better informed with regard to ichthyology. — Gilbert White