Famous Quotes & Sayings

Goldust Movie Quotes & Sayings

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Top Goldust Movie Quotes

Goldust Movie Quotes By Ronald Reagan

Have we the courage and the will to face up to the immorality and discrimination of the progressive tax, and demand a return to traditional proportionate taxation? ... Today in our country the tax collector's share is 37 cents of every dollar earned. Freedom has never been so fragile, so close to slipping from our grasp. — Ronald Reagan

Goldust Movie Quotes By Heinz R. Pagels

Nature knows nothing of imperfection; imperfection is a human perception of nature. Inasmuch as we are part of nature we are also perfect; it is our humanity that is imperfect. And, ironically, because of our capacity for imperfection and error we are free beings - a freedom that no stone or animal can enjoy. Without the possibility of error and real indeterminacy implied by the quantum theory, human liberty is meaningless. The God that plays dice has set us free. — Heinz R. Pagels

Goldust Movie Quotes By Gretchen Rubin

I have a terrible memory of my own past. I can barely remember my childhood. I have few memories from college and law school - though once I got married, I got the advantage of being able to consult my husband's memory. — Gretchen Rubin

Goldust Movie Quotes By Alan King

I had a sympathetic role in 'thirtysomething,' and in two weeks I'm going to do the role again. But in the movies, I just love the heavies. It's much more fun. Villains are a ball. People have been laughing at me for 50 years, so I love to sit in the back of the theater and listen to them hate me. — Alan King

Goldust Movie Quotes By Alice Steinbach

Women would be better off when they no longer needed men more than they needed their own independent identities ... How long a time it took me after my divorce to understand that being alone is not the same as being lonely. — Alice Steinbach

Goldust Movie Quotes By Jaha Knight

When you set a goal, you have a responsibility to yourself to see it through. No matter how impossible it may seem, resolve to accomplish it. — Jaha Knight

Goldust Movie Quotes By Ronald Reagan

Without God, democracy will not and cannot long endure. — Ronald Reagan

Goldust Movie Quotes By Dave Ramsey

You're not a bad parent if you don't save for your kid's college because instead you had to choose to feed them and clothe them. Those things come first. They can go to school and do this thing called 'work' while they're in school. — Dave Ramsey

Goldust Movie Quotes By William Ewart Gladstone

Liberalism is trust of the people tempered by prudence. Conservatism is distrust of the people tempered by fear. — William Ewart Gladstone

Goldust Movie Quotes By Ellen Meloy

Of all the things I wondered about on this land, I wondered the hardest about the seduction of certain geographies that feel like home - not by story or blood but merely by their forms and colors. How our perceptions are our only internal map of the world, how there are places that claim you and places that warn you away. How you can fall in love with the light. — Ellen Meloy

Goldust Movie Quotes By Michael Ende

Now, for the first time ever, a story had escaped his control. It had taken on a life of its own, and all the imagination in the world would be insufficient to halt it. He felt numb. — Michael Ende

Goldust Movie Quotes By Shelley Long

In television, and especially in a situation comedy, you kind of play yourself, or at least the essence of yourself. — Shelley Long

Goldust Movie Quotes By Jim Ramstad

America's veterans deserve the very best health care because they've earned it. — Jim Ramstad