Famous Quotes & Sayings

God Saved Me Quotes & Sayings

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Top God Saved Me Quotes

God Saved Me Quotes By Rick Riordan

And, whoa!" He turned to Mr.D. "Your the wine dude? No way!"
Mr.D turned hi eyes away from me and gave Nico a look of loathing. "The wine dude?"
"Dionysus, right? Oh, wow! I've got your figurine!"
"My figurine."
"In my game, Mythomagic. And holofoil card, too! And even though you've only got like five hundred attack points and everybody thinks your the lamest god card, I totally think your powers are sweet!"
"Ah." Mr.D seemed truly perplexed, which probably saved my life. "Well, that's ... gratifying. — Rick Riordan

God Saved Me Quotes By Kiese Laymon

When you get saved, act like you got some sense. You hear me? Whole lotta folks get saved and it take them an entire life before they start living by God's word. That's them ol' deathbed conversioners, them ol' heathens trying to get to heaven a lifetime too late. — Kiese Laymon

God Saved Me Quotes By Paris Reidhead

I have talked with people that have no assurance of sins forgiven. They want to feel saved before they're willing to commit themselves to Christ. But I believe that the only ones whom God actually witnesses by His Spirit are born of Him, are the people whether they say it or not, that come to Jesus Christ and say something like this: 'Lord Jesus, I'm gonna obey You and love You and serve You and do what You want me to do as long as I live even if I go to hell at the end of the road simply because You are worthy to be loved, obeyed and served. And I'm not trying to make a deal with You.' — Paris Reidhead

God Saved Me Quotes By Jim Gilliam

The internet illuminates what has always been -- our interconnectedness. The internet is not a tool or a thing. It is how we communicate with God. It is sacred. Holy. All that time I thought I'd been far from God I wasn't. I'd been talking to God everyday for years -- online. The internet saved me from the hell of Christian fundamentalism and the despair of atheism. And then it saved my life. — Jim Gilliam

God Saved Me Quotes By Annie Barrows

I swung the door open and relaxed. She wasn't there. I stepped in and shut the door behind me. I had promised God I wouldn't touch anything. I'd just look at what was lying around. If Jane Eyre had only looked around a little, she might have saved herself a lot of heartache. — Annie Barrows

God Saved Me Quotes By Lailah Gifty Akita

Only God can save every soul. — Lailah Gifty Akita

God Saved Me Quotes By Tullian Tchividjian

From the time God saved me at 21 years old, I've always been fascinated by the parables of Jesus. — Tullian Tchividjian

God Saved Me Quotes By Sheldon Vanauken

Her death ... brought me as nothing else could do to know and end my jealousy of God. It saved her faith from assault. — Sheldon Vanauken

God Saved Me Quotes By Jennifer Egan

In the Food-Star parking lot, a young blond woman asks Ivy if she has been saved. "What are you talking about?" says Ivy. "Saved!" The young woman's smile brightens distinctly. "You know," she says, "have you found Jesus?" "There's no point in talking to me," says Ivy. When the young woman only blinks and ups her smile volume, Ivy says, "I don't believe in God." "Why not?" "Because I know that I am entirely insignificant, doomed to complete extinction, and I see no reason to pretend otherwise. — Jennifer Egan

God Saved Me Quotes By King Hussein I

God is the one who saved me. He who believes in God, in His cause and His truth is capable of standing up to the greatest power. — King Hussein I

God Saved Me Quotes By Mary J. Blige

As a child I always wanted to be a singer. The music my mother played in the house moved me - Aretha Franklin, Chaka Khan, Mahalia Jackson. It was truly spiritual. It made you understand what God was. We are all spirits. We get depressed. But music makes you want to live. I know my music has saved my life. — Mary J. Blige

God Saved Me Quotes By George R R Martin

The Red God takes what is his, lovely girl. And only death may pay for life. You saved me and the two I was with. You stole three deaths from the Red God. We have to give them back. Speak three names and the man will do the rest. Three lives I will give you - no more, no less, and we're done. — George R R Martin

God Saved Me Quotes By John McCain

I'm not running for president because I think I'm blessed with such personal greatness that history has anointed me to save our country in its hour of need. My country saved me. My country saved me, and I cannot forget it. And I will fight for her for as long as I draw breath, so help me God. — John McCain

God Saved Me Quotes By Kwame Kilpatrick

I know in the Christian church the old ladies use to say "what the devil meant for bad God meant for good." So some of the things that I think they went out and tried to be detrimental to my life saved me in a lot of ways. — Kwame Kilpatrick

God Saved Me Quotes By Lailah Gifty Akita

You are a new creation by the blood of Jesus. — Lailah Gifty Akita

God Saved Me Quotes By Zhang Yun

I alone stretch out the heavens and tread on the waves of the sea. My way is in the whirlwind and the storm, and clouds are the dust of my feet. My arm is endued with power; my hand is strong, my right hand exalted. Death is naked before me; destruction lies uncovered. Turn to me and be saved, all you ends of the earth. Every knee will bow before me; every tongue will confess to me. — Zhang Yun

God Saved Me Quotes By Tullian Tchividjian

When God saved me, He gave me a thirst to learn and to read and to study. I thrived in college. I got a bachelor's degree in philosophy and then went to Reformed Theological Seminary in Orlando. — Tullian Tchividjian

God Saved Me Quotes By Lailah Gifty Akita

I have experience near-death many times but a divine power saved me. — Lailah Gifty Akita

God Saved Me Quotes By Wendy Higgins

Anna ... the night of the summit, when you were saved, it was the only time in my life I've thenked God for anything
Those words. They would melt me over and over for all time — Wendy Higgins

God Saved Me Quotes By Gene Edward Veith Jr.

So, in God's relationship to us, we might wonder, "Am I really saved?" "Am I of the elect?" "Is God angry with me?" "Why does God allow suffering in the world?" In each case, if we leave out the Cross, questions like these can drive us to despair or insanity. — Gene Edward Veith Jr.

God Saved Me Quotes By Linnea Sinclair

She didn't understand, I hope to God she never understands what I do, what I am. To be dammed by the darkness that lives inside me.
To be saved by her love.
No more half-truths. No more omissions. — Linnea Sinclair

God Saved Me Quotes By Kevin DeYoung

Sometimes Christians live in a terror of universal obligation: AIDS over here, people to be saved over here, a crushing sense of low-level guilt every day of our lives. Question to ask: Where has God put me right now? I need to say no to a whole bunch of other things because if I don't say no I can't say yes to others. — Kevin DeYoung

God Saved Me Quotes By Augustine Of Hippo

Chapter XV.--He Entreats God, that Whatever Useful Things He Learned as a Boy May Be Dedicated to Him. 24. Hear my prayer, O Lord; let not my soul faint under Thy discipline, nor let me faint in confessing unto Thee Thy mercies, whereby Thou hast saved me from all my most mischievous ways, that Thou mightest become sweet to me beyond all the seductions which I used to follow; and that I may love Thee entirely, and grasp Thy hand with my whole heart, and that Thou mayest deliver me from every temptation, even unto the end. For lo, O Lord, my King and my God, for Thy service be whatever useful thing I learnt as a boy--for Thy service what I speak, and write, and count. For when I learned vain things, Thou didst grant me Thy discipline; and my sin in taking delight in those vanities, Thou hast forgiven me. I learned, indeed, in them many useful words; but these may be learned in things not vain, and that is the safe way for youths to walk in. — Augustine Of Hippo

God Saved Me Quotes By Chris Tomlin

My dad taught me to play the guitar. We grew up with country music. We had every Willie Nelson record (laughs). I was saved at a young age and had a great desire to follow God. I was really focused on that through my whole life, even as a kid and through high school. — Chris Tomlin

God Saved Me Quotes By Gregory Of Nazianzus

I gave as an offering my all to Him Who had won me and saved me, my property, my fame, my health, my very words ... In considering all these things, I preferred Christ. And the words of God were made sweet as honeycombs to me, and I cried after knowledge and lifted up my voice for wisdom. There was moreover the moderation of anger, the curbing of the tongue, the restraint of the eyes, the discipline of the belly, and the trampling under foot of the glory which clings to the earth. — Gregory Of Nazianzus

God Saved Me Quotes By Richard Paul Evans

As a boy I heard this story in church.
A man was patching a pitched roof of a tall building when he began sliding off. As he neared the edge of the roof he prayed, "Save me, Lord, and I'll go to church every Sunday, I'll give up drinking, I'll be the best man this city has ever known."
As he finished his prayer, a nail snagged onto his overalls and saved him. The man looked up to the sky and shouted, "Never mind, God. I took care of it myself."
How true of us. — Richard Paul Evans

God Saved Me Quotes By Watchman Nee

From the evening I was saved, I began to live a new life, for the life of the eternal God had entered into me. — Watchman Nee

God Saved Me Quotes By Immaculee Ilibagiza

This is the same power that I feel propelling me forward into the next phase of my life. God saved my soul and spared my life for a reason: He left me to tell my story to others and show as many people as possible the healing power of His love and forgiveness. — Immaculee Ilibagiza

God Saved Me Quotes By Paul Hoffman

As it happens I don't think it was God- the woman who saved me, she doesn't look like she's had much to do with angels, Perhaps the Devil was behind me all the time. — Paul Hoffman

God Saved Me Quotes By Sarah Vowell

It goes without saying that in order for me to buy a teapot at the Oneida, Ltd., outlet store at the Sherrill Shopping Plaza, the second coming of Jesus Christ had to have taken place in the year 70 A.D. To the Oneida Community, 70 A.D., the year the temple in Jerusalem was destroyed, marks the beginning of the New Jerusalem. Which means we've all been living in heaven on earth for nearly two thousand years. Everyone knows there is no marriage in heaven (though one suspects there's no shortage of it in hell). So, the Oneidans said, we're here in heaven, already saved and perfect in the eyes of God, so let's move upstate and sleep around. (I'm paraphrasing.) — Sarah Vowell

God Saved Me Quotes By Samuel I. Prime

Relying on the atonement which Christ has made, and desiring to be saved in no other way, I commit myself into Thy hands, O God, my Father! Take me, and do with me as Thou seest to be for Thy glory. I consecrate myself forever to Thy service, and trust for acceptance in the merits of Thy Son. — Samuel I. Prime

God Saved Me Quotes By Nicole Trope

Lockie stood with his arms by his sides as she ran her hands over his hair and squeezed his arms. Tina could see how uncomfortable Lockie felt at being touched. Margie hugged him again and again. She didn't notice Lockie's face or she would have stopped. When Margie stood up she was crying. Pete, meanwhile, was watching Tina.
'Start talking,' he said to her and Tina could see he had already decided who was to blame for Lockie's disappearance.
'Her name's Tina,' said Lockie. 'She saved me. Can you take us home, Pete?'
Pete looked at Lockie. 'You know I will, Lockie, but first - '
'Please, Pete,' said Lockie. 'Can you just take us home?'
'Oh god,' said Margie. 'Doug and Sarah - we have to call them. We have to let them know.' She kept touching Lockie, on his head, on his arms and on his back. Tina could see Lockie wince. People wouldn't know that they needed to be careful when they touched him. Some touches can make you feel sick. — Nicole Trope

God Saved Me Quotes By Jacqueline Carey

super-size emotions had saved me. God knows, I'd spent enough time wrestling with them, but I'd never thought before about how much of what animates us as human beings - or semi-human beings - depends on our feelings. Without — Jacqueline Carey

God Saved Me Quotes By Trevor Treharne

The entire Jesus concept, that human sacrifice should be the substratum of a moral religion of love, strikes me as incongruous. God condemned us and Jesus saved us, and they are actually the same being? Christianity is the idea that you are so abhorrent that God had to kill himself. He had to embody the human form and send himself on a bizarre suicide mission just to revoke the disgustingness of the humans he created. I balk at suggestions that these ideas dictate to the concepts of morality and love. — Trevor Treharne

God Saved Me Quotes By A.E. Via

He finally let his eyes focus on God's. "I didn't save her." Ronowski wrung his hands together. "Day did. He saved both of us. I treat him like shit all the time because he knows the truth about me and he almost got himself killed to save me." God — A.E. Via

God Saved Me Quotes By Cynthia Hand

Fog rolls between the blackened trees.
Reminds me of hell, actually.
I pull away from Tucker, shivering.
God, I need therapy, I think.
Right. As if I can picture telling my story to a shrink, stretched out on a sofa talking about how I'm part angel, how all angel-bloods have this purpose we're put on earth to fulfill, how on the day of my purpose I happened to bump into a fallen angel. Who literally took me to hell for about five minutes. Who tried to kill my mother. And how I fought him with a type of holy light. Then I had to fly off to save a boy from a forest fire, only I didn't save him. I saved my boyfriend instead, but it turns out that the original boy didn't need saving, anyway, because he's part angel, too.
Yeah, somehow I have a feeling that my first visit to a therapist would end up with me in a straitjacket getting comfy in my new padded cell. — Cynthia Hand

God Saved Me Quotes By Jeanette Winterson

St Paul said it is better to marry than to burn, but my mother taught me it is better to burn than to marry. She wanted to be a nun. She hoped I would be a priest and saved to give me an education while my friends plaited rope and trailed after the plough.
I can't be a priest because although my heart is as loud as hers I can pretend no answering riot. I have shouted to God and the Virgin, but they have not shouted back and I'm not interested in the still small voice. Surely a god can meet passion with passion?
She says he can.
Then he should. — Jeanette Winterson

God Saved Me Quotes By Alicia A. Willis

God is my authority. He saved me from sin. And I live my life rightly, not to earn my way to His heaven, but to please Him." Jack spoke softly. His heart swelled, and he could have teared up. — Alicia A. Willis

God Saved Me Quotes By A.R. Gurney

Andy: But they gave us an out in the Land of Oz. They made us write. They didn't make us write particularly well. And they didn't always give us important things to write about. But they did make us sit down, and organize our thoughts, and convey those thoughts on paper as clearly as we could to another person. Thank God for that. That saved us. Or at least it saved me. So I have to keep writing letters. If I can't write them to you, I have to write them to someone else. I don't think I could ever stop writing completely. — A.R. Gurney

God Saved Me Quotes By Jonas Perez

Last was man. One by one God judged them all; Those who were his He saved for his pleasure,
Those who were Satan's he stomped them as they sprawled,
Tossed - t' burn with their family together.
I was last. Alone I stood. Before God of all.
I wasn't his. No! I still wasn't his.
It's all I want'd! Still I lost him - still I'd fall! Still I lost. No, I'd never be his!
Angels grabbed my hands and feet and flung me with th' damned,
To lie and let th' fire burn and through our lungs expand. — Jonas Perez

God Saved Me Quotes By Jim Butcher

I used the knife.
I saved a child.
I won a war.
God forgive me. — Jim Butcher

God Saved Me Quotes By Eve Langlais

- Please God, Yahweh, Aslan, Buddha or whatever name you prefer, it's me, Penelope. I know we've never talked before probably because, according to science, you don't exist. But if, by chance, research is wrong and you are actually real, I don't suppose you'd find it in your heart, if you have a heart that is, to save me, somehow, I'd be ever so grateful.
- I am hear to answer your prayer, earthling. Concider yourself saved.
At the sound of the deep voice behind her and the hand that touched her shoulder, Penelope screamed, and in a very illogical move, especially for her, passed out. — Eve Langlais

God Saved Me Quotes By Elizabeth May

I promised Gavin I'd be down a half hour ago." I lean toward him and whisper. "Come get me in fifteen minutes just in case I need to be saved."

"From whom?" Derrick flicks his wings. "Don't tell me you're already fighting with Kiaran after you and he had - "

"For god's sake." I glare at him. "Not Kiaran. Daniel. Or possibly Catherine. I still haven't told her we're leaving yet."

Derrick sputters a laugh. "You haven't . . . ? Oh, I can't wait to see that."

I glare at him. "Fifteen minutes."

"Thirty. I plan to eat everything on the food tables."

"You can eat them in ten. I'll give you twenty-five, just in case you need to go outside and vomit it all up."

He looks satisfied with that. "Deal. — Elizabeth May

God Saved Me Quotes By Marianne Williamson

If we're talented at music, that talent is of god. If something makes our heart sing, that's god's way of telling us its a contribution he wants us to make. Sharing our gifts is what makes us happy. We're most powerful and god's power is most apparent on the earth when we're happy. A course in miracles teaches that we are only truly happy when we're doing god's will. The only thing to be saved from is our own negativity and fear. The crux of salvation in any area is a shift in our sense of purpose. That shift is a miracle, as always we consciously ask for it: 'Dear god, please give my life some sense of purpose. use me as an instrument of your peace. Use my talents and abilities to spread love. I surrender my job to you. Help me to remember that my real job is to love the world back to health. — Marianne Williamson

God Saved Me Quotes By Alice Lok Cahana

When I was in Auschwitz, I kept asking, why am I here, what did I do wrong? What did my grandfather do wrong? And a young American man, he put me in the right knowledge. You didn't do anything wrong, he said, the world did something wrong, terribly wrong. This young man, he went to Budapest in the beginning of it all, and he saved Jews, he gave out passports of Sweden, and because the Hungarians didn't know how to read Swedish, this was how my father was saved. And thousands of others too, with these pieces of paper. I am here to tell you that one man can make a difference, and that man can be you, any of you ... — Alice Lok Cahana

God Saved Me Quotes By Lewis Carroll

When, as a child, I first opened my eyes on a Sunday-morning, a feeling of dismal anicipation, which began at least on the Friday,culminated. I knew what was before me, and my wish, if not my word, was "Would God it were evening!" It was no day of rest, but a day of texts, of catechisms (Watts'), of tracts about converted swearers, godly charwomen, and edifying deaths of sinners saved ... There was but one rosy spot, in the distance, all that day: and that was "bed-time," which never could come too early! — Lewis Carroll

God Saved Me Quotes By Beth Moore

We need more than a leader on our road to freedom. We need a Savior - One who keeps on saving. Although we need to be saved from eternal separation from God only once, Christ continues His saving work in us for the rest of our lives. If you're like me, you can think of more than a few potential disasters from which Christ has saved you since your initial experience of salvation. — Beth Moore

God Saved Me Quotes By Max Lucado

Reasons for Joy Happy are the people whose God is the LORD. Psalm 144:15 "How's life?" someone asks. And we who've been resurrected from the dead say, "Well, things could be better." Or "Couldn't get a parking place." Or "My parents won't let me move to Hawaii." Or "People won't leave me alone so I can finish my sermon on selfishness." ... Are you so focused on what you don't have that you are blind to what you do? You have a ticket to heaven no thief can take, an eternal home no divorce can break. Every sin of your life has been cast to the sea. Every mistake you've made is nailed to the tree. You're blood-bought and heaven-made. A child of God - forever saved. So be grateful, joyful - for isn't it true? What you don't have is much less than what you do. — Max Lucado

God Saved Me Quotes By Mark Vonnegut

I often took him as one of God's little jokes on me. When I was in desperate trouble, what saved me from a fate worse than death? To what do I owe my life? Was it love, affection, understanding, friends, wisdom? No no no. It was a man who looks like a poor copy of Walt Disney, drives pink Cadillacs, wears baby-blue alligator shoes, and appears to have the emotional depth of a slightly retarded potato. — Mark Vonnegut

God Saved Me Quotes By Os Guinness

above all the temptation to think that God is no more certain than our best arguments for him. As C. S. Lewis admitted, I have found that nothing is more dangerous to one's own faith than the work of an apologist. No doctrine of that Faith seems to me so spectral, so unreal as one that I have just successfully defended in a public debate. For a moment, you see, it has seemed to rest on oneself: as a result, when you go away from that debate, it seems no stronger than that weak pillar. That is why we apologists take our lives in our own hands and can be saved only by falling back continually from the web of our own arguments . . . from Christian apologetics into Christ Himself. — Os Guinness

God Saved Me Quotes By Matt Chandler

Get over yourself. You were saved by grace alone through faith alone. Therefore, God gets all the glory alone. And when you understand this one basic issue, you'll stop going into you and start going into the Lord - just laying out all the smelly, rotten groceries, shaking all the stuff out of your pockets, bringing it all out into the open, and saying, Here, would You please get rid of this for me? — Matt Chandler

God Saved Me Quotes By Nikos Kazantzakis

When everyone drowns and I'm the only one to escape, God is protecting me. When everyone else is saved and I'm the only one to drown, God is protecting me then too. — Nikos Kazantzakis

God Saved Me Quotes By Isaiah Austin

God has really blessed me. He could've allowed me to keep playing, but instead he saved my life. — Isaiah Austin

God Saved Me Quotes By Lana Del Rey

God has saved me a million times, so I think He mustve enjoyed my song. — Lana Del Rey

God Saved Me Quotes By Sandi Lynn

I could never understand my purpose in this world. I have had nothing but pain and loss my hole life. But now I know why god saved me the first time. It was so I could find you. Then he saved me the second time so I could love you forever. This house is perfect; you are perfect and no one will ever take that away from us. Our love is infinite and I'm going to spend the rest of my life showing you. — Sandi Lynn

God Saved Me Quotes By Katherine J. Walden

When it comes to giving thanks to God, there isn't a card, a sentiment, a picture, or a word that can adequately express the gratitude in my heart. What can I say to the One who not only saved my life but who also adopted me into His family? How can I possibly express my thankfulness for His riches? How can I express my gratitude for His friendship and His healing touch? How does one find the words to thank Him for His unconditional love, unmerited favour, and forgiveness? Dictionaries and thesauruses can't help me. All I can say is 'Thank you, God' with the hope that those humble words convey all that is in my heart. — Katherine J. Walden

God Saved Me Quotes By Larry Burkett

What does impress both the unsaved and saved alike are those rare individuals who have learned to control their lifestyles and use the abundance they have to help others and spread God's Word. ... Let me propose a radical idea from God's Word: Determine God's best for your life, and be satisfied with it, even if it means moving down in lifestyle. — Larry Burkett

God Saved Me Quotes By Timothy Keller

I asked her what was so scary about unmerited free grace? She replied something like this: If I was saved by my good works
then there would be a limit to what God could ask of me or put me through. I would be like a taxpayer with rights. I would have done my duty and now I would deserve a certain quality of life. But if it is really true that I am a sinner saved by sheer grace
at God's infinite cost
then there's nothing he cannot ask of me. — Timothy Keller

God Saved Me Quotes By John Eudes

O admirable Mother of God! How many sins have I committed for which thou hast obtained pardon for me, and how many others would I have committed if thou hadst not preserved me? How often have I seen myself on the brink of Hell in obvious danger of falling into it but for thy most benign hand which saved me? How often would the Roaring Lion of Hell have devoured and swallowed up my soul had not the charity of thy heart opposed him? Alas! Without thee, my dearest and my all-good Mother, where should I be today? I should be in the fiery furnace of Hell from which I would never emerge! — John Eudes

God Saved Me Quotes By Peter Orner

Would my head were a head of lettuce. I drove the last car over the Sagamore Bridge before the state police closed it off. The Cape Cod Canal all atempest beneath. No cars coming, no cars going. The bridge cables flapping like rubber bands. You think in certain circumstances a few thousand feet of bridge isn't a thousand miles? The hurricane wiped out Dennis. Horace thanked God for insurance. I saved our little girl. You want me to say, Hurrah! Hurrah! but I can't, I won't, because to save her once isn't to save her, and still she thumps as if the world was something thumpable. As if it wasn't silence on a fundamental level. Yap on, wife, yap on. Thump, daughter, thump. Louder, Orangutan, louder. I can't hear you. — Peter Orner

God Saved Me Quotes By Clay Wallace

Moses prayed and the Lord parted the Red Sea. Joshua prayed and the walls of Jericho fell. David prayed and God protected him from Saul. Esther prayed and the lives of the children of Israel were saved. Daniel prayed and the Lord closed the lion's mouths. Jesus prayed in the garden until He was ready to face Calvary. I don't think any of those prayers were "Now I lay me down to sleep". — Clay Wallace

God Saved Me Quotes By Rebecca Ann Parker

I recognized that Christianity had taught me that sacrifice is the way of life. I forgot the neighbor who raped me, but I could see that when theology presents Jesus' death as God's sacrifice of his beloved child for the sake of the world, it teaches that the highest love is sacrifice. To make sacrifice or to be sacrificed is virtuous and redemptive.

But what if this is not true? What if nothing, or very little, is saved? What if the consequence of sacrifice is simply pain, the diminishment of life, fragmentation of the soul, abasement, shame? What if the severing of life is merely destructive of life and is not the path of love, courage, trust, and faith? What if the performance of sacrifice is a ritual in which some human beings bear loss and others are protected from accountability or moral expectations? — Rebecca Ann Parker

God Saved Me Quotes By Arthur W. Pink

Should the reader exclaim, I was not conscious of the heinousness of sin nor bowed down with a sense of my guilt when Christ saved me. Then we unhesitatingly reply, Either you have never been saved at all, or you were not saved as early as you supposed. True, as the Christian grows in grace he has a clearer realization of what sin is - rebellion against God - and a deeper hatred and sorrow for it; but to think that one may be saved by Christ whose conscience has never been smitten by the Spirit and whose heart has not been made contrite before God, is to imagine something which has no existence whatever in the realm of fact. — Arthur W. Pink

God Saved Me Quotes By Lailah Gifty Akita

My greatest gratitude; I thank God for saving me from my sins. — Lailah Gifty Akita

God Saved Me Quotes By J. Gresham Machen

What I need first of all is not exhortation, but a gospel, not directions for saving myself but knowledge of how God has saved me. Have you any good news? That is the question that I ask of you. I know your exhortations will not help me. But if anything has been done to save me, will you not tell me the facts? — J. Gresham Machen

God Saved Me Quotes By Gary Sheffield

This is what people don't understand. When they might see me do something that's not 'God-like,' then they say, 'Well, I thought you were saved?' I am saved. I'm not perfect. I have emotions still. My name's still Gary. These things here are not all cleaned up. I'm showing you my path. — Gary Sheffield

God Saved Me Quotes By Diane Von Furstenberg

Eighteen months before I was born, my mother was in Auschwitz. She weighed 49 pounds. She always told me that God saved her so she could give me life. I was born out of nothing. — Diane Von Furstenberg

God Saved Me Quotes By Cyril Of Jerusalem

O God of our fathers, and Lord of mercy, who has made all things with your word, and ordained man through your wisdom, that he should have dominion over the creatures which you have made, give me wisdom that sits by your throne so that I might understand what is your will and be saved. For I am your servant. Amen. — Cyril Of Jerusalem

God Saved Me Quotes By Anonymous

LUK18.35 And it came to pass, that as he was come nigh unto Jericho, a certain blind man sat by the way side begging: LUK18.36 And hearing the multitude pass by, he asked what it meant. LUK18.37 And they told him, that Jesus of Nazareth passeth by. LUK18.38 And he cried, saying, Jesus, thou son of David, have mercy on me. LUK18.39 And they which went before rebuked him, that he should hold his peace: but he cried so much the more, Thou son of David, have mercy on me. LUK18.40 And Jesus stood, and commanded him to be brought unto him: and when he was come near, he asked him, LUK18.41 Saying, What wilt thou that I shall do unto thee? And he said, Lord, that I may receive my sight. LUK18.42 And Jesus said unto him, Receive thy sight: thy faith hath saved thee. LUK18.43 And immediately he received his sight, and followed him, glorifying God: and all the people, when they saw it, gave praise unto God. — Anonymous

God Saved Me Quotes By Zora Neale Hurston

Don't say you'se ole. You'se uh lil girl baby all de time. God made it so you spent yo' ole age first wid somebody else, and saved up yo' young girl days to spend wid me. — Zora Neale Hurston

God Saved Me Quotes By Tony Campolo

Because I am not yet living up to what Jesus expects me to be in those red letters in the Bible, I always define myself as somebody who is saved by God's grace and is on his way to becoming a Christian. ( ... ) Being saved is trusting in what Christ did for us, but being Christian is dependent on the way we respond to what he did for us. — Tony Campolo

God Saved Me Quotes By Phil Callaway

Back when I was a devout Pharisee, I scowled at those who talked about grace, assuming they wanted both salvation and permission to do whatever they pleased. And when I came to discover grace as a biblical concept, it frightened me at first. The old idea of being saved by works has its benefits. It's a system where God owes you. You've been helping him out with all your good deeds. He can't very well put you through difficulty, since you're a taxpayer. You've paid your dues, you have your rights. But the beyond-belief teaching of grace is that we get what we can never pay for and more, including joy and hope and the desire to please him. I like living by God's grace a lot better than relying on my own efforts. — Phil Callaway

God Saved Me Quotes By Shannon McKenna

You saved me, you moron!" she yelled. "You're being deliberately stupid and dense about this! My God, you ask a lot of yourself!"
He touched his forehead to hers. "I can't help it," he blurted. "I love you. — Shannon McKenna

God Saved Me Quotes By Benny Hinn

The Lord also tells me to tell you in the mid 90's, about '94-'95, no later than that, God will destroy the homosexual community of America. [audience applauds] But He will not destroy it - with what many minds have thought Him to be, He will destroy it with fire. And many will turn and be saved, and many will rebel and be destroyed. — Benny Hinn

God Saved Me Quotes By Lailah Gifty Akita

The Saviour saved me. So I can serve God without fear, in sacredness as long as I live. — Lailah Gifty Akita

God Saved Me Quotes By Noel Piper

Christ loved me enough to die for me while I was yet His enemy. If God had waited for me to learn to love Him before He died, I would never have been saved. I knew that with my head, but when I met someone who behaved in such a completely Christlike way, I was amazed. - Helen Roseveare — Noel Piper

God Saved Me Quotes By Robert Bowman

Turn to me and be saved, all the ends of the earth! For I am God, and there is no other.
(Isa. 45:22) — Robert Bowman

God Saved Me Quotes By David Platt

Jesus said, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to [God] the Father except through me." Peter, one of the four fishermen Jesus called, later said of Jesus, "Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved." Jesus did not claim to be one dish on the buffet line of spirituality from which we can pick and choose the elements that best suit our taste. And if his claims are true, then his call demands everything, and we have no other choice - like those fishermen before us - but to drop everything and follow him. — David Platt

God Saved Me Quotes By Nora Roberts

I'm not in love with someone!" he shouted at her, infuriated because she was right and he couldn't do a thing about it. "I'm in love with you, and damn it,I don't like it."
"You've made that abundantly clear." She straightened her shoulders and lifted her chin.
"Don't pull that regal routine on me," Grant began. Her eyes sharpened to dagger points. Her skin flushed majestically. Abruptly he began to laugh.When she tossed her head back in fury,he simply collapsed against her. "Oh,God,Gennie,I can't take it when you look at me as though you were about to have me tossed in the dungeon."
"Get off me,you ass!" Incensed, insulted, she shoved against him, but he only held her tighter. Only quick reflexes saved him from a well-aimed knee at a strategic point. — Nora Roberts

God Saved Me Quotes By Elizabeth Edwards

I'm not praying for God to save me from cancer. I'm not. God will enlighten me when the time comes. And if I've done the right thing, I will be enlightened. And if I believe, I'll be saved. And that's all he promises me. — Elizabeth Edwards

God Saved Me Quotes By John R. Rice

Jesus Himself also said, "He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life" (John 3:36). When you trusted Jesus Christ, He saved you. I will pray for you that you will believe God and quit depending on your feelings and emotions. It would be wrong for me to be praying for God to give you the kind of feeling you want. That is not the way we are to know we are saved. We know we are saved because God said it and we have faith to believe it. Faith takes God's Word as true and relies upon it. — John R. Rice

God Saved Me Quotes By Charles Haddon Spurgeon

A monument of grace, A sinner saved by blood; The streams of love I trace Up to the Fountain, God; And in His sacred bosom see Eternal thoughts of Love to me. — Charles Haddon Spurgeon