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God And Coincidences Quotes & Sayings

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Top God And Coincidences Quotes

God And Coincidences Quotes By Charlie Puth

The only thing that my fans expect out of me is for it to be natural and not forced. They know me really well, and the moment I start to force something and pretend to be something I'm not, they're gonna pick up on it. They'll literally call me out on Twitter, like, 'Charlie, this is not you.' — Charlie Puth

God And Coincidences Quotes By Homer Hickam

So, you met Steinbeck," mused Hemingway over his port after the women had left. "It is a fateful peculiarity that you might meet him and me at virtually the same time. To what do you attribute that, Homer?" "I don't know, sir," Homer answered. "Just the way it worked out, I guess." "Don't you believe it. There are no coincidences in life. Although the big God of the Hebrews might be the greatest of them, I believe there are small gods who watch out and sometimes determine our fate. I believe they also like to have a little fun with us from time to time. Kismet. You heard of it?" "I — Homer Hickam

God And Coincidences Quotes By Irina Serban

Coincidence is just the hand of God who pushes you on the right track. That path will lead your steps towards an epiphany that will change your life. Don't believe in coincidences, believe in the righteousness of everything that happens to you. — Irina Serban

God And Coincidences Quotes By Shannon L. Alder

There are no coincidences in life. What person that wandered in and out of your life was there for some purpose, even if they caused you harm. Sometimes, it doesn't make sense the short periods of time we get with people, or the outcomes from their choices. However, if you turn it over to God he promises that you will see the big picture in the hereafter. Nothing is too small to be a mistake. — Shannon L. Alder

God And Coincidences Quotes By Cindy Woodsmall

There are no coincidences in God's providence. — Cindy Woodsmall

God And Coincidences Quotes By Lana Del Rey

Synchronicites . It's been said that coincidences are God's way of remaining anonymous. Synchronicities are a sign of divinity. You breathe in deeply and say: 'I don't want anything. I'm going to let things happen' — Lana Del Rey

God And Coincidences Quotes By Jane Fonda

In psychologist Marion Woodman's Leaving My Father's House I read: "When humans suffer they are vulnerable. Within this vulnerability lives the humility that allows flesh to soften into the sounds of the soul." Maybe this was what was happening to me. I felt lighter, as if a space had been cleared around me allowing coincidences (God's way of remaining anonymous) to manifest. Maybe these coincidences had been happening all along and I just hadn't been open to them. Now it was as though I were being led to them. — Jane Fonda

God And Coincidences Quotes By Matthew Quick

God doesn't do coincidences. You can bet your ass. — Matthew Quick

God And Coincidences Quotes By Avril Lavigne

You can't complain about the pressures, the paparazzi, the madness. Because that is the job. I've always understood that's the deal. — Avril Lavigne

God And Coincidences Quotes By Shirley Corder

All the seeming "coincidences" ... were actually God catching me in his arms. — Shirley Corder

God And Coincidences Quotes By Albert Einstein

Coincidences are God's way of staying anonymous. — Albert Einstein

God And Coincidences Quotes By Simone Elkeles

Listen Chica-" Carlos says when we're driving to my mom's store
"don't call me that anymore" I tell him
"what do you want me to call you, then?"
I shrug "whatever. Just not Chica"
Carlos holds his hand up "what do you want me from me? You want me to tell you lies? Okay. Kara, without you i'm nothin'. Kara, you own my heart and soul. Kara,, i love you. Is that what you to hear?
"No guy who actually says those things really mean them"
"I bet your brother says them to Brittney and means them"
"that's because he's lost all common sense. I though you the one girl who didn't fall for my bull"
"I don't. Consider my wanting you as my real boyfriend a lapse of judgement," I tell him "But i'm over it — Simone Elkeles

God And Coincidences Quotes By John Muir

God never made an ugly landscape. All that sun shines on is beautiful, so long as it is wild. — John Muir

God And Coincidences Quotes By Delia Parr

There are No real coincidences in life for those with faith strong enough to recognize coincidences for what they really are: intricate pieces of the providential design God created for each of our lives — Delia Parr

God And Coincidences Quotes By Sarah Ockler

Aunt Jayne asks if we'd like to stop somewhere for dessert, and since nodding and smiling is easier than shaking our heads and inventing a reason for not wanting dessert, we okay it without thinking.
And since the universe has worked in its own mysterious way all vacation, tonight shouldn't be any different, which is why neither of us is particularly surprised to discover that Jayne is craving a smoothie.
Once Sam returns to his post behind the counter, Frankie stops kicking me and we slurp down our drinks in about two minutes, anxious to get out of here before anyone recognizes us. Uncle Red and Aunt Jayne, on the other hand, act like this is the last smoothie shop they'll ever see, like smoothies are an endangered species to be appreciated and savored and drawn out as long as possible. With each passing minute, Frankie and I sink lower in our chairs, praying to the God of Annoying Coincidences that Jake doesn't show up and blow our cover. — Sarah Ockler

God And Coincidences Quotes By Shannon L. Alder

Trust in God enough to know that there are no coincidences. — Shannon L. Alder

God And Coincidences Quotes By John Barth

On the proper role of coincidence in fiction
- more exactly in storymaking, ... Aristotle declares in effect that since real life now and then includes unlikely coincidences both idle and consequential ... a storymaker may legitimately deploy such a possible-though-improbable happenstance to begin the tale or to give its plot-screws an early turn. Thereafter, however, the Plausible (even when strictly impossible) is ever to be preferred to the Possible-but-Unlikely; and in the resolution of a plot, most particularly, coincidence ought to be eschewed. Fate in fiction, decrees the great A, ought to flow from character and situation, not from chance; let no god on wires drop down at climax-time to rescue the storymaker from whatever dramaturgical corner his want of experience, talent, or judgment has painted him into. — John Barth

God And Coincidences Quotes By Frederick Buechner

Coincidences are God's way of getting our attention. — Frederick Buechner

God And Coincidences Quotes By Emmanuelle De Maupassant

There is no joy greater than the triumph of living. — Emmanuelle De Maupassant

God And Coincidences Quotes By Antony Beevor

School-leavers unfortunately will come away thinking the First World War consisted simply of 'going over the top' on the Western Front to slaughter in no-man's-land, when the conflict extended so much further, to the collapse of four empires and numerous civil wars. — Antony Beevor

God And Coincidences Quotes By Echo Bodine

Most souls attend their funerals and have some feelings about them, but it's such an individual event. Some souls don't care what happens to their physical bodies. They see the funeral as a ritual for the living so they don't always attend. — Echo Bodine

God And Coincidences Quotes By Alisa Hope Wagner

Prayer reaches into the supernatural with seeds of faith that grow into natural occurrences disguised as coincidences, but we know better. — Alisa Hope Wagner

God And Coincidences Quotes By Peter Santos

There are no coincidences and no mistakes. Every role has a purpose and every path has merit. Everything we do and experience is for learning to remember our connection with God. — Peter Santos

God And Coincidences Quotes By Richard Dawkins

Let us understand what our own selfish genes are up to because we may then at least have the chance to upset their designs. — Richard Dawkins

God And Coincidences Quotes By Ron White

I'm a comedian, and I like to work on my live show, and if I'm doing television, I don't have time to work on my live show, and I can become a lame comic, and that sucks. — Ron White

God And Coincidences Quotes By Fiina

I don't just love him, I adore him — Fiina

God And Coincidences Quotes By George MacDonald

And if we believe that God is everywhere, why should we not think Him present even in the coincidences that sometimes seem so strange? For, if He be in the things that coincide, He must be in the coincidence of those things. — George MacDonald

God And Coincidences Quotes By Dave Reichert

While port security remains one of our single greatest vulnerabilities, it makes little sense to give operational control of our ports to a foreign nation without first doing proper investigations. — Dave Reichert

God And Coincidences Quotes By Linda J. White

There are no coincidences with God," she claimed. "Everything that comes into your life is filtered through His hand. — Linda J. White

God And Coincidences Quotes By Shannon L. Alder

Love of God and people will pave roads where there once were none. — Shannon L. Alder

God And Coincidences Quotes By Mike Mason

Real love is always fated. It has been arranged before time. It is the most meticulously prepared of coincidences. And fate, of course, is simply a secular term for the will of God, and coincidence for His grace. — Mike Mason

God And Coincidences Quotes By Gary Kinnaman

How do you know if an angel has crossed your path? Sometimes you don't, because angels often appear as coincidences. That is, they seem like chance events, but they are really part of God's carefully orchestrated plan for your life ... — Gary Kinnaman

God And Coincidences Quotes By Mark Batterson

When you pray regularly, you never know when God will show up or speak up. Today could be the day. When you live in prayer mode, you live with holy anticipation. You know that coincidences are providences. Any moment can turn into a holy moment. God can invade the reality of your life at three o'clock one afternoon and change everything. — Mark Batterson

God And Coincidences Quotes By Wally Lamb

It's just a coincidence, I guess, but just the day before at the dry cleaner's, one of our customers, Mrs. Chudy, said to me- I forget what we were even talking about, but she said, "My dear, there are no coincidences. That's just God's way of remaining anonymous." And I was like, to myself not to her, yeah? How do you know? But hey, maybe she's right. — Wally Lamb

God And Coincidences Quotes By Virchand Gandhi

I have heard your orators speak on many questions. One among them the so-called vital question of money which is above all things the most coveted commodity but I, as a Jainist, in the name of my countrymen and of my country, would offer you as the medium of the most perfect exchange between us, henceforth and forever, the indestructible, the unchangeable, the universal currency of good will and peace, and this, my brothers and sisters, is a currency that is not interchangeable with silver and gold, it is a currency of the heart, of the good life, of the highest estate on the earth. — Virchand Gandhi

God And Coincidences Quotes By Woody Allen

When I naturally write a story and I feel that the guy (is) sitting across the table from the girl and flirting with her ... I think, 'God, that can't be me' because I'm just too old for that part. You need a 30-year-old or a 35-year-old for that part. And so I've given myself less and less roles. — Woody Allen

God And Coincidences Quotes By Shannon L. Alder

Sometimes, you have to go through a bunch of life lessons before God unites you with the person you were meant to be with. — Shannon L. Alder

God And Coincidences Quotes By M. Scott Peck

I've had all kinds of experiences with God in terms of revelation through a still, small voice or dreams or coincidences. — M. Scott Peck

God And Coincidences Quotes By Doris Lessing

Coincidences are God's way of remaining anonymous. — Doris Lessing

God And Coincidences Quotes By John Of Kronstadt

Remember that God, during your prayers, is watching for your affirmative answer to the question which He is inwardly asking you: 'Do you believe I am able to do this?' To which question you must from the depth of your heart reply, 'Yes, Lord' — John Of Kronstadt

God And Coincidences Quotes By Shannon L. Alder

Time is too swift for those who fear, too long for those who wait, too short for those who finally find peace, but for those who love, time is eternal. For nothing is ever lost that God wants you to find. — Shannon L. Alder

God And Coincidences Quotes By Haruki Murakami

There are people who drive luxury cars, but have only second- or third-rate sofas in their homes. I put little trust in such people. — Haruki Murakami

God And Coincidences Quotes By Shannon L. Alder

God is going to send you someone that will rescue you. Then one day you will rescue them in return and together your story will rescue others. He has always been a God of rescues and a maker of warriors for his grace. You only need to believe that you are part of something greater than you know. — Shannon L. Alder

God And Coincidences Quotes By Wallace Brown

Coincidences' happen when God is invited into the situation. We have learned to call them 'God-incidences — Wallace Brown