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Quotes & Sayings About Givers And Takers

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Top Givers And Takers Quotes

Givers And Takers Quotes By Simon Sinek

Givers advance the world. Takers advance themselves and hold the world back — Simon Sinek

Givers And Takers Quotes By Tiffany Madison

I believe the world is divided in three groups: givers, takers and the few that can balance both impulses. Giving and loving is a beautiful thing. It is the currency of compassion and kindness, it is what separates good people from the rest. And without it, the world would be a bleak place. If you are a giver, it is wise to define your boundaries because takers will take what you allow them to; all givers must learn to protect that about themselves or eventually, there is nothing left to give. — Tiffany Madison

Givers And Takers Quotes By Donald Miller

I've learned there are givers and takers in this life. I've slowly let the takers go and I've had it for the better. God bless them, when they learn to play by the rules they are welcomed back, but my heart is worth protecting. — Donald Miller

Givers And Takers Quotes By Phil Crane

As my dad said, you have an obligation to leave the world better than how you found it. And he also reminded us to be givers in this life, and not takers. — Phil Crane

Givers And Takers Quotes By Francis Chan

People who are obsessed with God are known as givers, not takers. Obsessed people genuinely think that others matter as much as they do, and they are particularly aware of those who are poor around the world (James 2:14-26). — Francis Chan

Givers And Takers Quotes By Laura Schlessinger

Most people are weak and frightened, and run from anything which could be upsetting. Most people, also, are takers and not givers. — Laura Schlessinger

Givers And Takers Quotes By Gloria Furman

Eve means "giver of life." I don't think this redemptive calling to be a life giver is only biological. The life of Christ in us enables women to be life givers, rather than life-takers, in every relationship, circumstance, and season of life. — Gloria Furman

Givers And Takers Quotes By Shiv Khera

This one phrase, "It is my life, I will do what I want," has done more damage than good. People choose to ignore the spirit and derive the meaning that is convenient to them. Such people have tied this phrase to selfishness and I'm sure that was not the intent.
These people forget that we don't live in isolation. What you do affects me and what I do affects you. We are connected. We have to realize that we are sharing this planet and we must learn to behave responsibly.
There are two kinds of people in this world
takers and givers. Takers eat well and givers sleep well. Givers have high self-esteem, a positive attitude, and they serve society. By serving society, I do not mean a run-of-the-mill pseudo leader-turned- politician who serves himself by pretending to serve others.
As human beings, we all have the need to receive and take. But a healthy personality with high self-esteem is one that not only has its need to take but also to give. — Shiv Khera

Givers And Takers Quotes By Henry Ford

Givers have to set limits because takers rarely do. — Henry Ford

Givers And Takers Quotes By Francis Chan

Non-churchgoer s tend to see Christians as takers rather than givers. When Christians sacrifice and give wildly to the poor, that is truly a light that glimmers. The Bible teaches that the church is to be that light, that sign of hope, in an increasingly dark and hopeless world. — Francis Chan

Givers And Takers Quotes By Adam M. Grant

So if givers are most likely to land at the bottom of the success ladder, who's at the top - takers or matchers? Neither. When I took another look at the data, I discovered a surprising pattern: It's the givers again. — Adam M. Grant

Givers And Takers Quotes By Sonya Lamonakis

Sure they say we (women) are life givers not takers, but guess what, most women can multi-task and be life givers and fighters. Boxing is not a life-taking sport. Boxing is not a violent sport; it's an art, a dance, a science. Sometimes the smarter boxer wins and sometimes the stronger boxer wins. Of course aggression is a feminine quality. It's a quality that exists in human beings whether they are men or women. — Sonya Lamonakis

Givers And Takers Quotes By Marlo Thomas

My father (Danny Thomas) used to tell me there are two kinds of people, the takers and the givers. 'The takers sometimes eat better,' he would say, 'but the givers always sleep better.' — Marlo Thomas

Givers And Takers Quotes By Shannon L. Alder

A friend is not the shadow that mimics you, but the one who casts all shadows away. — Shannon L. Alder

Givers And Takers Quotes By Mehmet Murat Ildan

The greatest masters are the greatest apprentices as well; they are not only greatest givers but also greatest takers. — Mehmet Murat Ildan

Givers And Takers Quotes By Adam M. Grant

The worst performers and the best performers are givers; takers and matchers are more likely to land in the middle. This pattern holds up across the board. The Belgian medical students with the lowest grades have unusually high giver scores, but so do the students with the highest grades. Over the course of medical school, being a giver accounts for 11 percent higher grades. Even in sales, I found that the least productive salespeople had 25 percent higher giver scores than average performers - but so did the most productive salespeople. The top performers were givers, and they averaged 50 percent more annual revenue than the takers and matchers. Givers dominate the bottom and the top of the success ladder. Across occupations, if you examine the link between reciprocity styles and success, the givers are more likely to become champs - not only chumps. — Adam M. Grant

Givers And Takers Quotes By Adam M. Grant

Although many successful givers start from the default of trusting others' intentions, they're also careful to scan their environments to screen for potential takers, always ready to shift from feeling a taker's emotions to analyzing a taker's thoughts, and flex from giving unconditionally to a more measured approach of generous tit for tat. And when they feel inclined to back down, successful givers are prepared to draw reserves of assertiveness from their commitments to the people who matter to them. — Adam M. Grant

Givers And Takers Quotes By Adam Grant

This is what I find most magnetic about successful givers: they get to the top without cutting others down, finding ways of expanding the pie that benefit themselves and the people around them. Whereas success is zero-sum in a group of takers, in groups of givers, it may be true that the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. — Adam Grant

Givers And Takers Quotes By Alton Brown

In the end, all journeys are spiritual. So go off the main road. Be givers of hospitality and gracious takers of it too. Accept the serendipitous moments of life because, when all is said and done, you may find out that they were not serendipitous at all. And know that faith is as real as bread broken among friends. What you believe will take you far on your journey. If you search carefully, you will find good food all along the way. — Alton Brown

Givers And Takers Quotes By Steven Aitchison

Life will give to the givers, and take from the takers — Steven Aitchison

Givers And Takers Quotes By GE Paulus

There are two types of people on earth: givers and takers. Life is not about taking and having but about giving and living. — GE Paulus

Givers And Takers Quotes By Adam Grant

People tend to have one of three 'styles' of interaction. There are takers, who are always trying to serve themselves; matchers, who are always trying to get equal benefit for themselves and others; and givers, who are always trying to help people. — Adam Grant

Givers And Takers Quotes By Marlo Thomas

My father said there were two kinds of people in the world: givers and takers. The takers may eat better, but the givers sleep better. — Marlo Thomas