Famous Quotes & Sayings

Giant Snake Quotes & Sayings

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Top Giant Snake Quotes

Giant Snake Quotes By A.O. Peart

The ground under their feet rolled violently as if a giant snake was pushing through. — A.O. Peart

Giant Snake Quotes By Iris Chang

The whole story of the comfort women, the system of forced sexual slavery, the medical experiments of Unit 731, is not something that is in the US psyche. That is changing because many books are coming out. — Iris Chang

Giant Snake Quotes By Phil Cooke

Education was my father's way out of poverty. He taught me that learning was incredibly valuable. — Phil Cooke

Giant Snake Quotes By Napoleon Hill

We begin to see, therefore, the importance of selecting our environment with the greatest of care, because environment is the mental feeding ground out of which the food that goes into our minds is extracted. — Napoleon Hill

Giant Snake Quotes By Adrian Cristian Proca

Prizes were announced for any superhero that could take down the Evil, and more people showed up with weapons, bombs, fumes, and other inventions to kill the giant bugs and clean the land, the air and the waters. But none succeeded. All they succeeded was to harm the planet even more, make the Evil Snake, the Evil Scientist and his superbugs become more Evil. Prizes were getting bigger and bigger with no one to collect them, just as the bugs were getting bigger and more numerous, sweets were everywhere and people were eating them, getting sicker and complaining about tooth and tummy aches. The future looked grim. — Adrian Cristian Proca

Giant Snake Quotes By Rick Riordan

If you're listening to this, congratulations! You survived Doomsday.
I'd like to apologize straightaway for any inconvenience the end of the world may have caused you. The earthquakes, rebellions, riots,tornadoes, floods, tsunamis, and of course the giant snake who swallowed the sun - I'm afraid most of that was our fault. Carter and I decided we should at least explain how it happened. — Rick Riordan

Giant Snake Quotes By Jennifer L. Armentrout

Nothing will." Sam shot Stacey a look. "We'll stay out of it, but if you need our help, we'll be there for you."
"Like the Scooby-Doo gang," Stacey said with a smile. "But cooler and without the dog." She paused, wrinkling her nose. "We have a giant demon snake instead. — Jennifer L. Armentrout

Giant Snake Quotes By Rick Riordan

Our problems started in Dallas, when the fire-breathing sheep destroyed the King Tut exhibit. — Rick Riordan

Giant Snake Quotes By Frank Crowninshield

We Americans are mildly interested, of course, in reading about the discovery of radium by Madame Curie, but what we really yearn to know is the name of the uncommemorated French female who first mixed a sauce bearnaise. — Frank Crowninshield

Giant Snake Quotes By Dan Quayle

The Democrats talked about putting people first. Well, they put people first unless you happen to be a spotted owl or a giant garter snake or some other endangered species and then that seems to have priority. Obviously, you take the bald eagle and things of that sort, of course you're going to make sure that they are saved and that they can live and you're going to take every precaution that you can. But others - we just need a little flexibility. — Dan Quayle

Giant Snake Quotes By Rick Riordan

Let me explain: there are dragons, and then there are drakons.
Drakons are several millennia older than dragons, andmuch larger. They look like giant serpents. Most don't have wings. Most don't breathe fire (though some do). All are poisonous. All are immensely strong, with scales harder than titanium. Their eyes can paralyze you; not the turn-you~to-stone Medusa-type paralysis, buttheoh~my~gods-that~big~snake~is~going~to~eat~me type of paralysis, which is just as bad. — Rick Riordan

Giant Snake Quotes By Hannah Rush

There were many young princes
Who wanted this princess
Some fair themselves
Some as ugly and terrible
As a giant snake
-The Prince and the Princess — Hannah Rush

Giant Snake Quotes By Kathy Mattea

Standing knee deep in a river and dying of thirst. — Kathy Mattea

Giant Snake Quotes By Jennifer L. Armentrout

I ... can't believe you have kittens." I wiggled my fingers and the little guy strained to reach them. "What're their names?"
Roth snorted. "That one is Fury. The white one is Nitro and the black one is named Thor."
"What? You called these cuties something like that, but named a giant snake Bambi?"
He bent forward, placing a kiss on my shoulder. It was so fast I wasn't sure he'd actually done it. "There's sweetness in evil," he said. "And remember, looks can be deceiving. — Jennifer L. Armentrout

Giant Snake Quotes By Isabella Bird

The Malays have many queer notions about tigers and usually only speak of them in whispers, because they think that certain souls of human beings who have departed this life have taken up their abode in these beasts, and in some places, for this reason, they will not kill a tiger unless he commits some specially bad aggression. — Isabella Bird

Giant Snake Quotes By Sarah Dessen

The only thing I can't stand more than seeing something done wrong is seeing it done slowly. — Sarah Dessen

Giant Snake Quotes By Kai Meyer

How are you?"
Rosa shrugged her shoulders. "My sister turned into a giant snake last night. And your cousin Tano - "
"Second cousin."
"He was there too. He was a tiger. I recognized him from his eyes. Then I fainted." She looked at him. "How does that sound? — Kai Meyer

Giant Snake Quotes By Allen Ginsberg

No monster vibration, no snake universe hallucinations. Many tiny jeweled violet flowers along the path of a living brook that looked like Blake's illustration for a canal in grassy Eden: huge Pacific watery shore, Orlovsky dancing naked like Shiva long-haired before giant green waves, titanic cliffs that Wordsworth mentioned in his own Sublime, great yellow sun veiled with mist hanging over the planet's oceanic horizon. No harm. — Allen Ginsberg

Giant Snake Quotes By Kinky Friedman

This is called "spiritual lifting." It's not heavy lifting. The governor of Texas should not be confused with Arnold Schwarzenegger. That's a powerful position. The governor of Texas can't do any heavy lifting really. It's not that powerful a position. — Kinky Friedman

Giant Snake Quotes By Joseph Fink

Along those lines, to get personal for a moment, I think the best way to die would be swallowed by a giant snake. Going feet first and whole into a slimy maw would give your life perfect symmetry. — Joseph Fink

Giant Snake Quotes By Bill Maher

New Rule: For at least the next generation, the Crocodile Hunter clan has to leave nature alone. This week, the late Steve Irwin's youngest son was bitten by a boa constrictor. Authorities don't know exactly what went wrong, but they think the accident might have happened when a bunch of idiots let a four-year-old fuck around with a giant snake. — Bill Maher

Giant Snake Quotes By Ernest Hemingway,

He was just a coward and that was the worst luck any many could have. — Ernest Hemingway,

Giant Snake Quotes By Rick Riordan

Yes, an actual full-sized camel. If you find that confusing, just think how the criosphinx must have felt.
Where did the camel come from, you ask? I may have mentioned Walt's collection of amulets. Two of them summoned disgusting camels. I'd
met them before, so I was less than excited when a ton of dromedary flesh flew across my line of sight, plowed into the sphinx, and collapsed on top
of it. The sphinx growled in outrage as it tried to free itself. The camel grunted and farted.
"Hindenburg," I said. Only one camel could possibly fart that badly. "Walt, why in the world - ?"
"Sorry!" he yelled. "Wrong amulet!"
The technique worked, at any rate. The camel wasn't much of a fighter, but it was quite heavy and clumsy. The criosphinx snarled and clawed
at the floor, trying unsuccessfully to push the camel off; but Hindenburg just splayed his legs, made alarmed honking sounds, and let loose gas.
I moved to Walt's side and tried to get my bearings. — Rick Riordan

Giant Snake Quotes By Jen Hatmaker

If God is really at the center of things and God's good future is the most certain reality, then the truly realistic course of action is to buck the dominant consequentialist ethic of our age - which says that we should act only if our action will most likely bring about good consequences - and simply, because we are people who embody the virtue of hope, do the right thing. — Jen Hatmaker

Giant Snake Quotes By Wayne McGregor

I heard Joby Talbot's Hovercraft piece for orchestra and felt its immediate physical impact - visceral, unsettling, hungry and direct. These short five minutes became our keystone to unlocking a strangely seductive score that tensions the aggressive force of the White Stripes with the enigmatic beauty of Talbot's own compositions. — Wayne McGregor

Giant Snake Quotes By Oscar Wilde

resist nothing but temptation — Oscar Wilde

Giant Snake Quotes By Robert Hunter

Destroy yourself physically and morally and insist that all true brothers do likewise as an expression of unity. — Robert Hunter