Famous Quotes & Sayings

Gertjan Medema Quotes & Sayings

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Top Gertjan Medema Quotes

Gertjan Medema Quotes By Henry Chang

Once you open your heart, you will start to absorb many things that come from the source - from Tao itself. — Henry Chang

Gertjan Medema Quotes By Ezra Klein

Everyday sexual practices on college campuses need to be upended, and men need to feel a cold spike of fear when they begin a sexual encounter. — Ezra Klein

Gertjan Medema Quotes By Anne Zoelle

The normal seething mass of emotion that never seemed to be directed at me was still there. But the elements that were directed towards me contained humor, disbelief, fondness, resignation, possessiveness and a weird jumbled mass that I couldn't identify - but it wasn't negative. — Anne Zoelle

Gertjan Medema Quotes By Arthur C. Clarke

Moon-Watcher felt the first faint twinges of a new and potent emotion. It was a vague and diffuse sense of envy
of dissatisfaction with his life. He had no idea of its cause, still less of its cure; but discontent had come into his soul, and he had taken one small step toward humanity. — Arthur C. Clarke

Gertjan Medema Quotes By Glen Cook

Relway mused, "Now that it's happened I'm not so sure I'm happy with the outcome. Spared their racial theories The Call would've been good for TunFaire." He would appreciate their interest in law and order and proper behavior. "Here's a challenge you still need to meet. Glory Mooncalled. He's weak now but he's still out there somewhere. If you don't get him now he'll try to put something back together someday. He can't help himself." "It's still great day for TunFaire, Garrett. One of pure triumph." I don't know if he meant that or was being sarcastic. You never quite know anything with Relway. And he wants it that way. "I liked the way you put it, Garrett. Faded steel heat." I'd mentioned that to him the night he'd discovered the tanks in the old Lamp brewery. "But the war goes on." "The war never ends. Tell you what. Send me a note when you do decide to roast that pigeon. I've got dibs on a drumstick. — Glen Cook

Gertjan Medema Quotes By Terence McKenna

Basically, for me the psychedelic experience was the path to revelation. It actually worked on somebody who thought nothing would work. — Terence McKenna

Gertjan Medema Quotes By Sathya Sai Baba

For the progress of humanity, work alone is not adequate, but the work should be associated with love, compassion, right conduct, truthfulness and sympathy ... — Sathya Sai Baba

Gertjan Medema Quotes By Brigitte Nielsen

I was shooting a bikini promotion in Mahe in the Seychelles in 1980 when there was a military coup and I, along with a roomful of other people, ended up being kidnapped and held hostage at gunpoint in a windowless room with no ventilation for 36 hours. — Brigitte Nielsen

Gertjan Medema Quotes By Tupac Shakur

Behind every sweet smile, there is a bitter sadness that no one can ever see and feel. — Tupac Shakur