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Quotes & Sayings About Gentlemen And Ladies

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Top Gentlemen And Ladies Quotes

Gentlemen And Ladies Quotes By Stuart MacBride

Steel squared her shoulders. "Ladies, and gentlemen, are are no' at home to Mr Fuckup today. Who are we no' at home to?"

The response wasn't much more than an embarrassed murmur. "Mr Fuckup."


Better this time: "Mr Fuckup."


They bellowed it out: "WE ARE NOT AT HOME TO MR FUCKUP!"

"Damn right we're no'." She smiled, nodded. "Now get out there and catch me those bloody killers. — Stuart MacBride

Gentlemen And Ladies Quotes By Lionel Suggs

Human hypocrisy: When one judges humanity as a whole, people have the habit of disagreeing, saying that everyone is different - unique. Yet people turn around and say that at the end of the day, everyone is the same. Ladies and gentlemen, the joyful paradoxical nature of humanity. If you really want to dismiss the paradox, show me that your an imaginary number, rather than a real number. — Lionel Suggs

Gentlemen And Ladies Quotes By Rush Limbaugh

[T]hese people have shown a remarkable ability, ladies and gentlemen, to cross borders, boundaries - they get anywhere they want to go. They can do it without water for a long time. They don't get apprehended, and they will do things other people won't do. So, our money, early money, is on the Hispanics. — Rush Limbaugh

Gentlemen And Ladies Quotes By Jane Austen

Mr. Bingley was good-looking and gentlemanlike; he had a pleasant countenance, and easy, unaffected manners. His sisters were fine women, with an air of decided fashion. His brother-in-law, Mr. Hurst, merely looked the gentleman; but his friend Mr. Darcy soon drew the attention of the room by his fine, tall person, handsome features, noble mien, and the report which was in general circulation within five minutes after his entrance, of his having ten thousand a year. The gentlemen pronounced him to be a fine figure of a man, the ladies declared he was much handsomer than Mr. Bingley, and he was looked at with great admiration for about half the evening, till his manners gave a disgust which turned the tide of his popularity; for he was discovered to be proud; to be above his company, and above being pleased; and not all his large estate in Derbyshire could then save him from having a most forbidding, disagreeable countenance, and being unworthy to be compared with his friend. — Jane Austen

Gentlemen And Ladies Quotes By William T. Vollmann

This book was written by a traitor to his class. It is dedicated to bigots everywhere. Ladies and gentlemen of the black shirts, I call upon you to unite, to strike with claws and kitchen pokers, to burn the grub-worms of equality's brood with sulfur and oil, to huddle together whispering about the silverfish in your basements, to make decrees in your great solemn rotten assemblies concerning what is proper, for you have nothing to lose but your last feeble principles. — William T. Vollmann

Gentlemen And Ladies Quotes By Daniel O'Brien

Only one president in this book was a supervillain. Ladies and gentlemen, meet Chester A. Arthur, the Lex Luthor of the American Presidency. — Daniel O'Brien

Gentlemen And Ladies Quotes By Gustav Heinemann

Ladies and gentlemen, I take office at a time in which the world is living in extreme contradictions. — Gustav Heinemann

Gentlemen And Ladies Quotes By Dana Carvey

You know ladies and gentlemen, a long time ago , there were lots of people, but that was a long time ago — Dana Carvey

Gentlemen And Ladies Quotes By Kenneth Eade

And how about doing the job we hired you gentlemen and ladies for? Start doing it by reading the legislation you pass. If you don't know what it says, don't vote for it. — Kenneth Eade

Gentlemen And Ladies Quotes By Jennifer Ashley

Get me into the game, Izzy," Cameron said when he reached Isabella at the edge of Hart's well-groomed lawn. Pairs of ladies and gentlemen waited beyond, a few gentlemen swinging mallets and rolling shoulders to show off for the ladies.
Isabella turned to Cameron in surprise. "We're playing croquet."
"Yes, I know what the devil it is. Give me a damned mallet."
"But you hate croquet." Isabella continued to blink green eyes at him.
"I don't hate it today. I want you to pair me with Mrs. Douglas."
"Ah." Isabella's surprised look turned to one of interest. "Mrs. Douglas, is it? — Jennifer Ashley

Gentlemen And Ladies Quotes By Ellie Keaton

This is war, ladies and gentlemen, so the first thing you do is forget about behaving 'properly'. We are not interested in winning a fight fairly, we just want to win. — Ellie Keaton

Gentlemen And Ladies Quotes By Don King

Ladies and gentlemen of the press, I stand before you a free man. Free in body, free in spiret and free in mind! It has been a long, hard and excruciatingingly painful road. For more than five years there has been one investigation after another and now, vindication. And to give the proper dimension I take the cherished words of the late great Dr Martin Luther King: Free at last ... thank God Almighty, I'm free at last. — Don King

Gentlemen And Ladies Quotes By Carol Leifer

Time flies, though, huh? But I feel young. And do you know how I stay feeling young, ladies and gentlemen? I'll share my secret with you: I live in a senior citizen retirement community. — Carol Leifer

Gentlemen And Ladies Quotes By Virginia Graham

In society it is etiquette for ladies to have the best chairs and get handed things. In the home the reverse is the case. This is why ladies are more sociable than gentlemen. — Virginia Graham

Gentlemen And Ladies Quotes By Clint Eastwood

I would just like to say something, ladies and gentlemen. Something that I think is very important. It is that, you, we - we own this country. We - we own it. It is not you owning it, and not politicians owning it. Politicians are employees of ours. — Clint Eastwood

Gentlemen And Ladies Quotes By George Eliot

At home, at school, among acquaintances, she had been used to have her conscious superiority admitted; and she had moved in a society where everything, from low arithmetic to high art, is of the amateur kind politely supposed to fall short of perfection only because gentlemen and ladies are not obliged to do more than they like - otherwise they would probably give forth abler writings and show themselves more commanding artists than any the world is at present obliged to put up with. — George Eliot

Gentlemen And Ladies Quotes By Jean Rhys

....one of those long, romantic novels, six hundred and fifty pages of small print, translated from French or German or Hungarian or something -- because few of the English ones have the exact feeling I mean. And you read one page of it or even one phrase of it, and then you gobble up all the rest and go about in a dream for weeks afterwards, for months afterwards -- perhaps all your life, who knows? -- surrounded by those six hundred and fifty pages, the houses, the streets, the snow, the river, the roses, the girls, the sun, the ladies' dresses and the gentlemen's voices, the old, wicked, hard-hearted women and the old, sad women, the waltz music -- everything. What is not there you put in afterwards, for it is alive, this book, and it grows in your head. 'The house I was living in when I read that book,' you think, or 'This colour reminds me of that book. — Jean Rhys

Gentlemen And Ladies Quotes By George Augustus Henry Sala

Happily there exists more than one kind of beauty. There is the beauty of infancy, the beauty of youth, the beauty of maturity, and, believe me, ladies and gentlemen, the beauty of age. — George Augustus Henry Sala

Gentlemen And Ladies Quotes By Arthur C. Clarke

Ladies and gentlemen, those flames from the port engines are perfectly normal. The stewardess will be coming around in a moment to serve coffee, tea, or milk. I'm sorry we don't have anything stronger on this flight - regulations don't permit it. — Arthur C. Clarke

Gentlemen And Ladies Quotes By Amanda Grange

A good turnout at church today. It had nothing to do with the mild weather and a desire to gossip and everything to do with my oratory skills, I am perfectly convinced. Indeed, if not for Mrs Attwood's new bonnet, I would have had the ladies' undivided attention. The gentlemen I was more certain of. They had no interest in bonnets, new or otherwise, and listened in pleasing silence, broken only by an occasional snore. — Amanda Grange

Gentlemen And Ladies Quotes By Robin Green

Ladies and gentlemen, today we're here to honor electricity, the charge that charges everything from those electrons snapping in our brain to our father the sun. What's the sun It's kind of like a brain. Electromagnetic field, solar flares sparking back and forth from those nerve cells. We're all one, folks, giant blobs of electricity, all of us. Positive & negative, electromagnetic fields just circling each other. Positive, negative, north, south, male and female. Looking for that electric moment. Magnet to magnet, opposites attract. — Robin Green

Gentlemen And Ladies Quotes By Bob Riley

Ladies and gentlemen: There can be no greater investment in Alabama's future than an investment in education. — Bob Riley

Gentlemen And Ladies Quotes By Julia Quinn

But there she was, standing next to his mother, so beautiful, so radiant that he could not see anyone else.
Suddenly the rest of the world seemed like such a chore. He didn't want to be here at this dance, with people he didn't want to talk to and messages he didn't particularly wish to deliver. He didn't want to dance with young ladies he didn't know, and he didn't want to make polite conversation with people he did. He just wanted Billie, and he wanted her all to himself.
He forgot about Tallywhite. He forgot about pease, porridge, and pudding, and he stalked across the room with such single-minded purpose that the crowds seemed to melt from his path.
And somehow, amazingly, the rest of the world had not yet noticed her. She was so beautiful, so uncommonly alive and real in this room full of waxen dolls. She would not go undiscovered for long.
But not yet. Soon he would have to fight the throngs of eager young gentlemen, but for now, she was still his alone. — Julia Quinn

Gentlemen And Ladies Quotes By Theodore Roosevelt

Ladies and gentlemen, I don't know whether you fully understand that I have just been shot, but it takes more than that to kill a Bull Moose. — Theodore Roosevelt

Gentlemen And Ladies Quotes By Vladimir Nabokov

Lolita, light of my life, fire of my loins. My sin, my soul. Lo-lee-ta: the tip of the tongue taking a trip of three steps down the palate to tap, at three, on the teeth. Lo. Lee. Ta. She was Lo, plain Lo, in the morning, standing four feet ten in one sock. She was Lola in slacks. She was Dolly at school. She was Dolores on the dotted line. But in my arms she was always Lolita. Did she have a precursor? She did, indeed she did. In point of fact, there might have been no Lolita at all had I not loved, one summer, an initial girl-child. In a princedom by the sea. Oh when? About as many years before Lolita was born as my age was that summer. You can always count on a murderer for a fancy prose style. Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, exhibit number one is what the seraphs, the misinformed, simple, noble-winged seraphs, envied. Look at this tangle of thorns. — Vladimir Nabokov

Gentlemen And Ladies Quotes By William F. Buckley Jr.

Ladies and Gentlemen, we deem it the central revelation of Western experience that man cannot ineradicably stain himself, for the wells of regeneration are infinitely deep. No temple has ever been so profaned that it cannot be purified; no man is ever truly lost; no nation is irrevocably dishonored. Khrushchev cannot take permanent advantage of our temporary disadvantage, for it is the West he is fighting. And in the West there lie, however encysted, the ultimate resources, which are moral in nature. Khrushchev is not aware that the gates of hell shall not prevail against us. Even out of the depths of despair, we take heart in the knowledge that it cannot matter how deep we fall, for there is always hope. In the end, we will bury him. — William F. Buckley Jr.

Gentlemen And Ladies Quotes By George R R Martin

One more book, he had told himself, then i'll stop. one more folio, just one more. one more page then i'll go up and rest and get a bite to eat. But there was always another page after that one, and another after that, and another book waiting underneath the pile. "I'll just take a quick peek to see what this one is about", he'd think, and before he knew he would be halfway through it.
Ladies and Gentlemen, SAMWELL TARLY IS ONE OF US! — George R R Martin

Gentlemen And Ladies Quotes By Mabel Osgood Wright

That is the stimulus of nature; it is never, never old, and always developing. Even the scarred, wrinkled earth herself is a mere infant among the old ladies and gentlemen that tread foot-paths in the sky ... — Mabel Osgood Wright

Gentlemen And Ladies Quotes By Meredith Duran

If you mean to be wicked, here's my first piece of advice: never fish for compliments by demeaning yourself. Assume there is no place I'd rather be than by your side."
"But I know that's not true."
"It doesn't matter what my truth is. Know your worth and assume others do, too. Modesty, if you consider it, is the most unforgivable sort of falsehood: it's a lie that does damage to no one but yourself."
She laughed. "Damage? I like that. Of course, you're a heretic by profession. Most gentlemen consider modesty very becoming to a lady."
"No doubt they do," he agreed. ... "The same gentlemen who liken ladies to flowers, no doubt." ... "Others of us," he said courteously as his hand dropped, "do not believe a woman's main aim is to decorate a room. — Meredith Duran

Gentlemen And Ladies Quotes By Rush Limbaugh

Ladies and gentlemen, the economic disaster, the tailspin, the destruction of the greatest economic engine in the history of the world, these policies of Barack Obama's, which have led us to this point, are precisely why I fearlessly said and still say, I hope he fails. — Rush Limbaugh

Gentlemen And Ladies Quotes By Lionel

Ladies and gentlemen, Im going to prove to you not only that Freddy Quimby is guilty, but that he is also innocent of not being guilty — Lionel

Gentlemen And Ladies Quotes By G. Norman Lippert

Ladies and gentlemen," Damien's voice echoed throughout the grandstands from his place in the announcer's booth, "we seem to be experiencing some sort of highly localized weather phenomenon. Please stay in your seats. You are probably safe there. Those on the field, please remain where you are. Cyclones cannot see you if you don't move."
In the crowd, someone shouted out, "That's dinosaurs, you crazy fruitbat!"
"Same concept," Damien answered in his amplified voice. — G. Norman Lippert

Gentlemen And Ladies Quotes By George Carlin

Ladies and gentlemen, we have just begun our gradual descent into the Indianapolis area, a descent similar in many ways to the gradual slide of the United States from a first-class world leader to an aggressive, third-rate debtor nation of overweight slobs, undereducated slob children and aimless elderly people who can't afford to buy medicine. — George Carlin

Gentlemen And Ladies Quotes By Brian Regan

"Ladies and Gentlemen, we're about to begin boarding. If we could ask for your cooperation, please stay seated until you row has been called." ... That's what they say-but somehow, by the time it comes out of the speaker, it sounds like, "Everybody up and rush the door! Everybody up and try to squeeze your big fat butts in the small gate door area! Immediately! ... Do whatever you have to do to get on board. This is the last helicopter out of Vietnam!" — Brian Regan

Gentlemen And Ladies Quotes By Nilantha Ilangamuwa

Ladies and gentlemen, it is time for us to change the mindset which has tended to create ad hoc solutions for the political madness and social farce. In fact, our age of tragedy which has been represented by the so-called "Marxists" in the Sinhalese community and "liberalists" in Tamil community since the 70s to the late 90s, has been replaced by the age of farce. — Nilantha Ilangamuwa

Gentlemen And Ladies Quotes By Edmond Manning

Perry does not love the cost of this adventure, but his investor brain is going to run the numbers. The brain always insists on being the last committee member to cave. The brain likes to make speeches that usually begin with a familiar opening:Ladies and gentlemen, I have been wronged. — Edmond Manning

Gentlemen And Ladies Quotes By George M. Cohan

Ladies and gentlemen, my mother thanks you, my father thanks you, my sister thanks you, and I thank you! — George M. Cohan

Gentlemen And Ladies Quotes By Halle Berry

First of all, I'm not pretty. I'm not a world class beauty, ladies and gentlemen. I'm just a guy. I was slow going and stuff like that. I was just never that brand of news. — Halle Berry

Gentlemen And Ladies Quotes By Henry David Thoreau

Most men would feel shame if caught preparing with their own hands precisely such a dinner, whether of animal or vegetable food, as is every day prepared for them by others. Yet till this is otherwise we are not civilized, and, if gentlemen and ladies, are not true men and women. This certainly suggests what change is to be made. — Henry David Thoreau

Gentlemen And Ladies Quotes By Louis-Ferdinand Celine

You've probably noticed that after the first half-century practically everybody gets leaky, they can't keep it in ... hence the cruelty of long drawn-out meals and drinking sessions ... ships and apartment houses are the same ... everything starts to leak ... sphincters, bladders, drain pipes, bowels ... the half-century is merciless for ladies and gentlemen ... worse for dogs and cats! ... with them it comes sooner! ... five ... six years ... — Louis-Ferdinand Celine

Gentlemen And Ladies Quotes By Kazuo Ishiguro

Why should one not enjoy in a light-hearted sort of way stories of ladies and gentlemen who fall in love and express their feelings for each other, often in most elegant phrases? — Kazuo Ishiguro

Gentlemen And Ladies Quotes By James Dashner

save what little resources we have, to be able to feed those people they deemed worthy to live. But who are they to decide who's worthy?" He paused for a moment before he continued. "Well, ladies and gentlemen, it seems that we are not worthy. They sent us here to do their dirty work and now they've decided to cut us off. Who are they, I ask all of you! — James Dashner

Gentlemen And Ladies Quotes By Sarah MacLean

Lord Nicholas St. John was their only hope, and she had been on the roof when he arrived, for heaven's sake. Ladies did not go traipsing about on rooftops.
And certainly gentlemen did not frequent the homes of those ladies who did traipse about on roortops.
It did not matter if the rooftop in question was in dire need of repair.
Or that the lady in question had no choice. — Sarah MacLean

Gentlemen And Ladies Quotes By David Letterman

How about those Olympics, ladies and gentlemen. Didn't London look like the place to be? New York City was in the running for this Olympics. But here's what happened. We got outbribed. — David Letterman

Gentlemen And Ladies Quotes By Dennis Reynolds

I want to talk about faith. It's not about whether something is true, or-or-or based in fact or reality or the laws of physics or nature or even basic common sense. It's about whether or not we're dumb enough to believe in it that matters. Oh, folks, who the hell am I to say that there is no God? Who am I? Or to say that anybody's belief in the church doesn't make their life better? Maybe it does. Or that this man, Dr. Jinx - who am I to say that he can't cure diseases with his sorcery? I don't know. I say maybe he can. And I believe that maybe he can.

Ladies and gentlemen, if we believe... if we just believe... then we can do anything!

Oh, yeah, ladies and gentlemen. I feel it now! Do you feel it? Do you feel the spirit? Do you feel the invisible things around you that don't really exist? Oh, it doesn't matter! — Dennis Reynolds

Gentlemen And Ladies Quotes By Rush Limbaugh

Do you know what the primary infrastructure of the United States actually is, ladies and gentlemen? It's freedom - freedom and liberty - and that infrastructure certainly does need some rebuilding. — Rush Limbaugh

Gentlemen And Ladies Quotes By Charles Haddon Spurgeon

Perhaps the only people who need go thirsty through the street where there is a drinking fountain, are the fine ladies and gentlemen who are in their carriages. They are very thirsty - but cannot think of being so vulgar as to get out to drink. It would demean them, they think, to drink at a common drinking fountain - so they ride by with parched lips. Oh, how many there are who are rich in their own good works and cannot therefore come to Christ! — Charles Haddon Spurgeon

Gentlemen And Ladies Quotes By Texe W Marrs

Ladies and Gentlemen, if you have a friend who says he does not believe in conspiracy, look him straight in the eye and tell them that they are ignorant. 'I love you brother, I love you sister, but you are stupid. — Texe W Marrs

Gentlemen And Ladies Quotes By David Letterman

Newt Gingrich wants to repeal child labor laws. Ladies and gentlemen, this is the man that we need to lead us into the 18th century. — David Letterman

Gentlemen And Ladies Quotes By Truman Capote

Miss Bobbit came tearing across the road, her finger wagging like a metronome; like a schoolteacher she clapped her hands, stamped her foot, said: "It is a well-known fact that gentlemen are put on the face of this earth for the protection of ladies. Do you suppose boys behave this way in towns like Memphis, New York,London, Hollywood or Paris?" The boys hung back, and shoved their hands in their pockets. Miss Bobbit helped the colored girl to her feet; she dusted her off, dried her eyes, held out a handkerchief and told her to blow. "A pretty pass," she said, "a fine situation when a lady can't walk safely in the public daylight. — Truman Capote

Gentlemen And Ladies Quotes By Sunday Adelaja

Ladies and gentlemen, let us hear the demand of life and adhere to it. It would do us good — Sunday Adelaja

Gentlemen And Ladies Quotes By Ray Nagin

Ladies and gentlemen, I wish I had better news for you but we are facing a storm that most of us have feared. This is a threat that we've never faced before. — Ray Nagin

Gentlemen And Ladies Quotes By Donald McCaig

I'm afraid, Belle, that being a lady is more than proper clothes. It is an attitude. From your ... experience, you may know more of business and politics than ladies are supposed to know. Gentlemen are pleased to think ladies are ornamental, and it is an ill-advised ornament who contradicts her gentleman. — Donald McCaig

Gentlemen And Ladies Quotes By Jane Austen

The ladies here probably exchanged looks which meant, 'Men never know when things are dirty or not;' and the gentlemen perhaps thought each to himself, 'Women will have their little nonsense and needless cares. — Jane Austen

Gentlemen And Ladies Quotes By Lord Dunsany

Come with me, ladies and gentlemen who are in any wise weary of London: come with me: and those that tire at all of the world we know: for we have new worlds here. — Lord Dunsany

Gentlemen And Ladies Quotes By John Kasich

I want to tell you ladies and gentlemen, the actions that we took were not always easy. The actions that we took were not always popular. But when you get yourself in public office, you must lead, you must do what's necessary. — John Kasich

Gentlemen And Ladies Quotes By David Letterman

Moammar Gadhafi was found hiding in a storm sewer with a gold-plated gun. That's me in retirement, ladies and gentlemen. — David Letterman

Gentlemen And Ladies Quotes By Joey Comeau

I've always known I'd be a bank robber. So judge all you want, ladies and gentlemen. Because you never did become an astronaut. — Joey Comeau

Gentlemen And Ladies Quotes By Frances Trollope

Mixed dinner parties of ladies and gentlemenare very rare, which is a great defect in the society; not only as depriving themof the most social and hospitable manner of meeting, but as leading to frequent dinner parties of gentlemen without ladies, which certainly does not conduce to refinement. — Frances Trollope

Gentlemen And Ladies Quotes By Mary Schmich

Unusual commencement advice: Ladies and gentlemen of the class of '97: Wear sunscreen. If I could offer you only one tip for the future, sunscreen
would be it. — Mary Schmich

Gentlemen And Ladies Quotes By Jessica Lyn Cozzi

I'm just an average teenager. Sure, I've traveled the world and seen many things, but I'm still just your average Leah Rosewood. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is my final switch. — Jessica Lyn Cozzi

Gentlemen And Ladies Quotes By Vladimir Nabokov

Being a murderer with a sensational but incomplete and unorthodox memory, I cannot tell you, ladies and gentlemen, the exact day which I first knew with certainty that the red convertible was following us. — Vladimir Nabokov

Gentlemen And Ladies Quotes By Mira Grant

We live in a world of our own creation. We've made our bed, ladies and gentlemen, whether we intended to or not. Now, we get the honor of lying down in it. — Mira Grant

Gentlemen And Ladies Quotes By William Faulkner

Ah, Mr Compson said, Years ago we in the South made our women into ladies. Then the War came and made the ladies into ghosts. So what else can we do, being gentlemen, but listen to them being ghosts? — William Faulkner

Gentlemen And Ladies Quotes By Lauren Smith

Come now, gentlemen." Ashton's steely tone stopped the two men. "Do we need to solve this in a ring?"
"I wouldn't recommend that," Godric said with a wry grin. "But if it does come to it, I'll stake ten pounds on Charles."
Both Cedric and Charles shared cautious looks with one another before declining, perhaps in part because none of the others would take that bet. Ashton dropped his hand when he seemed satisfied that Cedric would not resume trying to kill Charles. Lucien gave a sigh of relief. He had no desire to jump between his friends. Charles was a champion boxer and Lucien didn't want a blackened eye simply because he'd try to impose peace. If Ashton wished to risk his face, that was entirely up to him.
Jonathan, who had lingered at the edge of the group, suddenly spoke up. "Is this how all of your League meetings go? Perhaps we might focus ourselves back on the real problem and the importance of protecting the ladies."

-His Wicked Seduction — Lauren Smith

Gentlemen And Ladies Quotes By P.G. Wodehouse

If you are ignorant of Lora Delane Porter's books that is your affair. Perhaps you are more to be pitied than censured. Nature probably gave you the wrong shape of forehead. Mrs. Porter herself would have put it down to some atavistic tendency or pre-natal influence. She put most things down to that. She blamed nearly all the defects of the modern world, from weak intellects to in-growing toe-nails, on long-dead ladies and gentlemen who, safe in the family vault, imagined that they had established their alibi. She subpoenaed grandfathers and even great-grandfathers to give evidence to show that the reason Twentieth-Century Willie squinted or had to spend his winters in Arizona was their own shocking health 'way back in the days beyond recall. — P.G. Wodehouse

Gentlemen And Ladies Quotes By David Letterman

I believe I have voted for both Democrats and Republicans. Am I either one? Absolutely not. Ladies and gentlemen, I am an American. — David Letterman

Gentlemen And Ladies Quotes By Charles Dickens

It was observable, too, that ladies and gentlemen who were in passions of anguish during the ceremony of interment, recovered almost as soon as they reached home, and became quite composed before the tea-drinking was over. All — Charles Dickens

Gentlemen And Ladies Quotes By Billy Graham

We have been proud and thought we were better than any other race, any other people. Ladies and gentlemen, we are going to stumble into hell because of our pride. — Billy Graham

Gentlemen And Ladies Quotes By David Letterman

Now how about this, ladies and gentlemen? The Governor of Alaska, Sarah Palin, has announced she is stepping down. She will no longer be the Governor of Alaska. First thing, she woke up and went out on her porch and waved goodbye to Russia. — David Letterman

Gentlemen And Ladies Quotes By Strom Thurmond

I wanna tell you, ladies and gentlemen, that there's not enough troops in the army to force the Southern people to break down segregation and admit the nigra race into our theaters, into our swimming pools, into our homes, and into our churches. — Strom Thurmond

Gentlemen And Ladies Quotes By Claude Debussy

First of all, ladies and gentlemen, you must forget that you are singers. — Claude Debussy

Gentlemen And Ladies Quotes By Gustav Heinemann

Ladies and gentlemen, on the occasion of my election I received many letters from people representing all segments of the population and all professions, especially from the younger generation, linking my inauguration with great - far too great - expectations. — Gustav Heinemann

Gentlemen And Ladies Quotes By Olivia Wilde

Ladies and gentlemen, Otis Alexander Sudeikis has LEFT the building! (I'm the building) — Olivia Wilde

Gentlemen And Ladies Quotes By Amos Oz

There are places in the world where real life is still happening, far away from here, in a pre-Hitler Europe, where hundreds of lights are lit every evening, ladies and gentlemen gather to drink coffee with cream in oak-panelled rooms, or sit comfortably in splendid coffee-houses under gilt chandeliers, stroll arm in arm to the opera or the ballet, observe from close-up the lives of great artists, passionate love affairs, broken hearts, the painter's girlfriend falling in love with his best friend the composer, and going out at midnight bareheaded in the rain to stand alone on the ancient bridge whose reflection trembles in the river. * — Amos Oz

Gentlemen And Ladies Quotes By Louisa May Alcott

Rose sat all alone in the big best parlor, with her little handkerchief laid ready to catch the first tear, for she was thinking of her troubles, and a shower was expected. She had retired to this room as a good place in which to be miserable; for it was dark and still, full of ancient furniture, somber curtains, and hung all around with portraits of solemn old gentlemen in wigs, severe-nosed ladies in top-heavy caps, and staring children in little bobtailed coats or short-waisted frocks. It was an excellent place for woe; amd the fitful spring rain that pattered on the windowpane seemed to sob,Cry away; I'm with you. — Louisa May Alcott

Gentlemen And Ladies Quotes By Adam Ross

Ladies and gentlemen, if you ask someone to marry you and the person pukes, that's a sign. — Adam Ross

Gentlemen And Ladies Quotes By Emily Dickinson

This quiet Dust was Gentlemen and Ladies,
And Lads and Girls;
Was laughter and ability and sighing,
And frocks and curls.
This passive place a Summer's nimble mansion,
Where Bloom and Bees
Fulfilled their Oriental Circuit,
Then ceased like these. — Emily Dickinson

Gentlemen And Ladies Quotes By Josephine Baker

When I was a child and they burned me out of my home, I was frightened and I ran away. Eventually I ran far away. It was to a place called France. Many of you have been there, and many have not. But I must tell you, ladies and gentlemen, in that country I never feared. It was like a fairyland place. — Josephine Baker

Gentlemen And Ladies Quotes By Susan B. Anthony

It is perfectly right for a gentleman to say "ladies and gentlemen," but a lady should say, "gentlemen and ladies." You mention your friend's name before you do your own. I always feel like rebuking any woman who says, "ladies and gentlemen." It is a lack of good manners. — Susan B. Anthony

Gentlemen And Ladies Quotes By Debra Anastasia

Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to a ceremony celebrating Blake Hartt and Livia McHugh. Today is not the start of their lives together. It will mark the day we all stood, clapped, and gave good wishes. But their fates were destined for each other long before they even met. True love, the kind that lasts forever, is very rare indeed. It takes compromise, continued growth, and trust."
Cole paused to look from Blake to Livia and back again. "Livia and Blake have a head start on all those things," he continued. "Time has tested them already, asking a fresh love to face terrifying and life-changing tasks. These two had to find and hold onto their love, even when it felt like all was lost. — Debra Anastasia

Gentlemen And Ladies Quotes By Hugo Chavez

The Devil is right at home. The Devil, the Devil himself, is right in the house. And the Devil came here yesterday. Yesterday the Devil came here. Right here. And it smells of sulphur still today. Yesterday, ladies and gentlemen, from this rostrum, the president of the United States, the gentleman to whom I refer as the Devil, came here, talking as if he owned the world. Truly. As the owner of the world. — Hugo Chavez

Gentlemen And Ladies Quotes By Graham Moore

On westminster Bridge, Arthur was struck by the brightness of the streetlamps running across like a formation of stars. They shone white against the black coats of the marching gentlefold and fuller than the moon against the fractal spires of Westminster. They were, Arthur quickly realized, the new electric lights, which the city government was installing, avenue by avenue, square by square, in place of the dirty gas lamps that had lit London's public spaces for a century. These new electric ones were brighter. They were cheaper. They required less maintenance. And they shone farther into the dime evening, exposing every crack in the pavement, every plump turtle sheel of stone underfoot. So long to the faint chiaroscuro of London, to the ladies and gentlemen in black-on-black relief. So long to the era of mist and carbonized Newcastle coal, to the stench of the Blackfriars foundry. Welcome to the cleasing glare of the twentieth century. — Graham Moore

Gentlemen And Ladies Quotes By Stephen King

Ladies and gentlemen, attention, please!
Come in close where everyone can see!
I got a tale to tell, it isn't gonna cost a dime!
(And if you believe that,
we're gonna get along just fine.) — Stephen King

Gentlemen And Ladies Quotes By Jerry Seinfeld

Have you ever seen that guy who has the record for fattest man in the world? Bob Hughes, the fattest man in the world ... 1400 pounds. Ladies and gentlemen, the man has let himself go. — Jerry Seinfeld

Gentlemen And Ladies Quotes By David Letterman

I know these jokes aren't great, ladies and gentlemen, see this is the problem you run into when you're between impeachments. — David Letterman

Gentlemen And Ladies Quotes By Stella Gibbons

Mrs Poste, who had wished people to live beautiful lives and yet be ladies and gentlemen. — Stella Gibbons

Gentlemen And Ladies Quotes By Harper Lee

We know all men are not created equal in the sense some people would have us believe- some people are smarter than others, some people have more opportunity because they're born with it, some men make more money than others, some ladies make better cakes than others- some people are born gifted beyond the normal scope of men.
But there is one way in this country in which all men are created equal- there is one human institution that makes a pauper the equal of a Rockefeller, the stupid man the equal of an Einstein, and the ignorant man the equal of any college president. That institution, gentlemen, is a court. — Harper Lee

Gentlemen And Ladies Quotes By Feather Stone

Too bad that miserable tribe died with their secrets." Tossing the crystal
across the table, she announced, "Ladies and gentlemen, the kingdom of the gods is within our grasp. — Feather Stone

Gentlemen And Ladies Quotes By Greg Proops

Don't say 'No,' say 'Gilbert,' ladies and gentlemen. — Greg Proops

Gentlemen And Ladies Quotes By Louis C.K.

I'd like to name my kid a whole phrase. You know, something like Ladies and Gentlemen. That'll be a cool name for a kid. This is my son, Ladies and Gentlemen! Then, when he gets out of hand, I get to go, Ladies and Gentlemen, please! — Louis C.K.

Gentlemen And Ladies Quotes By Caitlin Moran


Gentlemen And Ladies Quotes By Diane Arbus

Ladies and Gentlemen, take my advice, pull down your pants and slide on the ice. — Diane Arbus

Gentlemen And Ladies Quotes By Rod Serling

This highway leads to the shadowy tip of reality: you're on a through route to the land of the different, the bizarre, the unexplainable ... Go as far as you like on this road. Its limits are only those of mind itself. Ladies and Gentlemen, you're entering the wondrous dimension of imagination ...
Next stop The Twilight Zone. — Rod Serling

Gentlemen And Ladies Quotes By George Lincoln Rockwell

I think it's wrong, ladies and gentlemen, for anybody to to be terrorized out of investigating anything. You have the right to read any book. You have the right to hear any speaker and that includes the vile communist that I'd just as soon gas - but you ought to hear him before we gas him. — George Lincoln Rockwell

Gentlemen And Ladies Quotes By Rush Limbaugh

Ladies and gentlemen, even my own staff challenges me. When I issue edicts, commands, orders, ideas, you would think that there would be overwhelming blanket acquiescence, approval, and support. — Rush Limbaugh

Gentlemen And Ladies Quotes By John Cena

Ladies and Gentlemen, King of the Stupid Question: Todd Grisham! — John Cena

Gentlemen And Ladies Quotes By Sarah MacLean

First, I thought we'd already established that I am not a gentleman. That ship sailed long ago. And second, you'd be surprised what gentlemen do...and what ladies enjoy."

~Lord Bourne — Sarah MacLean

Gentlemen And Ladies Quotes By Natasha Tsakos

We are reaching levels of high experiential comfort
and our standards will keep rising.
We want to feel, we want to experience,
we want to connect, we want intelligence,
and we want to play;
Ladies and Gentlemen:
A new theatre is on its way. — Natasha Tsakos

Gentlemen And Ladies Quotes By Mike Lange

Ladies and gentlemen, Elvis has just left the building! — Mike Lange