Famous Quotes & Sayings

Quotes & Sayings About Genomics

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Top Genomics Quotes

Genomics Quotes By Robert Winston

Now we have technology where we can modify the genomics of individuals by gene transfer and genetic meddling, we may find that people will want to modify their children, enhance their intelligence, their strength and their beauty and all the other so-called desirable characteristics. — Robert Winston

Genomics Quotes By Nadia Abu El Haj

A Machine to Make a Future is an insightful and creative contribution to the literature
both scholarly and journalistic
on contemporary genomics. By 'experimenting' with narrative genre, the authors hope to generate different insights into the world of genomics and biotechnology than ones generally presented in existing accounts. They succeed at that goal, providing an account that is ethnographically rich and analytically open to a world whose structure, implications, and outcomes are very much in the making. — Nadia Abu El Haj

Genomics Quotes By David Mitchell

I ... asked why purebloods despised me so. He replied, 'What if the difference between social strata stem not from genomics or inherent xcellence or even dollars, but merely differences in knowledge? Would this not mean the whole Pyramid is built on shifting sands? ... fabricants are mirrors held up to purebloods' consciences; what purebloods see reflected there sickens them. So they blame you for holding up the mirror — David Mitchell

Genomics Quotes By Francis Collins

We are still working with an incomplete compass. The time is right to bring the full power of genomics to bear on the problem of cancer. — Francis Collins

Genomics Quotes By Craig Venter

Genomics are about individuals. It's about what's specific to you, not your siblings, not your parents - each of us is totally unique. We will only see that uniqueness by drilling down to the genetic code. — Craig Venter

Genomics Quotes By Christopher Hitchens

(One of the great emancipating results of genomics is to show that all "racial" and color differences are recent, superficial, and misleading.) — Christopher Hitchens

Genomics Quotes By Michael Specter

Now, as the world's scientists focus with increasing intensity on transforming the genetic codes of every living creature into information that can be used to treat and ultimately prevent disease, Shenzhen is home to a different kind of factory: B.G.I., formerly called Beijing Genomics Institute, the world's largest genetic-research center. — Michael Specter

Genomics Quotes By Svante Paabo

The dirty little secret of genomics is that we still know next to nothing about how a genome translates into the particularities of a living and breathing individual. If — Svante Paabo

Genomics Quotes By Christopher G. Chute

When you think about it, caring for patients is 99 percent information and 1 percent intervention, so it's clear that with or without genomics, the paradigm is shifting. Bioinformatics brings a cutting edge capacity to healthcare. — Christopher G. Chute

Genomics Quotes By Kenneth R. Miller

In an age of molecular genomics, it is ever more apparent that the fingerprints of evolution are pressed deeply into human DNA, just as they are into the genomes of every other organism. Biologists understand this, and so do students who study the science of life. — Kenneth R. Miller

Genomics Quotes By Gregory Stock

The genomics revolution, proteomics, metabolomics, all of these 'omics' that sound so terrific on grants and on business plans. What we're doing is we are seizing control of our evolutionary future. I mean we're essentially using technology to just jam evolution into fast-forward. — Gregory Stock

Genomics Quotes By Bill Maris

In genomics, there's a massive amount of information in which you can look for patterns and develop insights. — Bill Maris

Genomics Quotes By Steven Pinker

Like the early days of the Internet, the dawn of personal genomics promises benefits and pitfalls that no one can foresee. — Steven Pinker

Genomics Quotes By Harold E. Varmus

In the 1960s and '70s, there wasn't much evidence at all. We knew vaguely the causes of cancer, but methods like genomics were very new. — Harold E. Varmus