Famous Quotes & Sayings

Gay Activism Quotes & Sayings

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Top Gay Activism Quotes

Gay Activism Quotes By Maggie Nelson

The time for blithely asserting that sleeping with whomever you want however you want is going to jam its machinery is long past. — Maggie Nelson

Gay Activism Quotes By Anderson Cooper

The tide of history only advances when people make themselves fully visible. — Anderson Cooper

Gay Activism Quotes By Camille Paglia

I hate dogma in any form. I hated it in the Catholic Church and Girl Scout troops of the 1950s, and I hate in in gay activism and established feminism today. — Camille Paglia

Gay Activism Quotes By Larry Niven

Boredom is my worst enemy. It's killed a lot of my friends, but it won't get me. When I get bored, I go risk my life somewhere. — Larry Niven

Gay Activism Quotes By Allen Ginsberg

You know, the guys there were so beautiful - they've lost that wounded look that fags all had 10 years ago. — Allen Ginsberg

Gay Activism Quotes By John Edward Williams

Stafford was late again, as he had expected he would be late. He signaled the bartender and indicated his empty glass. He burrowed a little more securely in his separate awareness, he nestled a little more deeply into his private darkness, and he waited.
In the long run, he thought, that is all one does; wait for people or keep people waiting. — John Edward Williams

Gay Activism Quotes By Maggie Nelson

We struggled to understand how a contract with the so-called secular state could mandate some kind of spiritual ritual. — Maggie Nelson

Gay Activism Quotes By Dean Spade

Trans activism in the US has most frequently been grassroots, centered on poverty and criminalization, and often oppositional to the exclusionary "mainstreaming" threads in gay and lesbian politics and feminist politics. — Dean Spade

Gay Activism Quotes By Anthony Venn-Brown

A review of 850 research papers concluded that people with religious involvement and belief system have better mental health outcomes. They have higher levels of psychological well-being such as life satisfaction, happiness, positive effect, and higher morale and less depression and suicide. If however you are gay or lesbian (in the closet or your sexuality/belief system unresolved) ... ... .. it is the exact opposite ... .it can drive you crazy or kill you (suicide). Also it should be noted that this research has shown that the very places where Christian young people should feel safest (in their churches, Christian homes, schools and with friends) are actually places of harm. — Anthony Venn-Brown

Gay Activism Quotes By Jenny Han

You're keeping me going, Lara Jean. Josh looks at me and I feel it all, every memory, every moment we've ever shared. — Jenny Han

Gay Activism Quotes By Manoj Arora

You do pay a price for your Financial Freedom, but it is far lesser than what you pay for a Lifetime Slavery. — Manoj Arora

Gay Activism Quotes By Anthony Venn-Brown

The enemy is not individuals, churches, 'ex-gay' organisations or political parties; the enemy is ignorance. Change is created by focusing our energies on overcoming the latter instead of attacking the former. — Anthony Venn-Brown

Gay Activism Quotes By Maggie Nelson

There's something truly strange about living in a historical moment in which the conservative anxiety and despair about queers bringing down civilization and its institutions (marriage, most notably) is met by the anxiety and despair so many queers feel about the failure or incapacity of queerness to bring down civilization and its institutions. — Maggie Nelson

Gay Activism Quotes By Larry Kramer

Gay life in 1970 was very bleak, compartmentalized. You didn't take it to work. You had to really lead a double life. There were bars, but you sort of snuck in and snuck out. Activism and gay pride simply didn't exist. I don't even think the word 'gay' was in existence. — Larry Kramer

Gay Activism Quotes By Edmund White

In the past, when gays were very flamboyant as drag queens or as leather queens or whatever, that just amused people. And most of the people that come and watch the gay Halloween parade, where all those excesses are on display, those are straight families, and they think it's funny. But what people don't think is so funny is when two middle-aged lawyers who are married to each other move in next door to you and your wife and they have adopted a Korean girl and they want to send her to school with your children and they want to socialize with you and share a drink over the backyard fence. That creeps people out, especially Christians. So, I don't think gay marriage is a conservative issue. I think it's a radical issue. — Edmund White

Gay Activism Quotes By Maggie Nelson

But really justice has no coordinates, no teleology. — Maggie Nelson

Gay Activism Quotes By Camille Paglia

When feminism and gay activism set themselves against organized religion, they have the obligation to put something better in its place. — Camille Paglia

Gay Activism Quotes By T.J. Klune

So while I drove my little and planned his fantasy night of how I was going to give Otter the key to my soul (his words, not mine), I silently panicked and wrote lines of bad poetry. Normally, I am quite adept at writing poems and lyrics to songs I'l never sing, but this stuff was just atrocious. For example:
I love you
You love me
Thank God for that
I'm so happy
And Ty's personal favorite (which he helped me on):
Otter! Otter! Otter!
Don't lead cows to slaughter
I love you and I know
I should've told you soon-a
But you didn't buy the dolphin-safe tuna!
TY asked me if I got the hidden message in his poem. I told him it was loud and clear. — T.J. Klune

Gay Activism Quotes By Maggie Nelson

Even identical genital acts mean very different things to different people. This is a crucial point to remember, and also a difficult one. It reminds us that there is difference right where we may be looking for, and expecting, communion. — Maggie Nelson

Gay Activism Quotes By Richard Dunphy

The different strategies and visions of 'reformists' and 'radicals' are not the only subject of major debate within lesbian, gay, bisexual and queer politics. The fact is that only a tiny minority of non-heterosexuals are involved in any sort of political activism. Various writers and activists have noted with rising alarm an almost mass depoliticisation of lesbian and gay communities in the 1990s. The crass commercialism of the gay scene and the rise of the so-called pink pound and of 'lifestyle' as a signifier of sexual identity (and human worth) has allowed huge profits to be reaped. Playing on the insecurities of people sells 'packages' which can include everything from 'gay apartments' to 'gay holidays' and 'gay clothes' to designer drugs. — Richard Dunphy

Gay Activism Quotes By Camille Paglia

There is no gay leader anywhere near the stature of Martin Luther King, because black activism drew on the profound spiritual tradition of the church, to which gay political rhetoric is childishly hostile. — Camille Paglia

Gay Activism Quotes By Anthony Venn-Brown

Sadly, in the volatile arena of the sexuality/Christianity debate, interaction is often reduced to name calling by angry gay activists and self-righteous Christian conservatives. Name calling never enhances conversation, rational discussion or creates a constructive dialogue. It only reinforces each other's perceptions/positions. It must be remembered however, that one of the reasons some LGBT people are quick to revert to name calling (bigot, homophobe, hater) is because they learnt about its impact early in life (faggot, queer, pervert). — Anthony Venn-Brown

Gay Activism Quotes By Chantal Zabus

Stonewall" has come to mark the origins of gay political activism although earlier groups in countries such as Germany, the Netherlands, Switzerland and the French movement that grew out of the May 1968 events cannot be ignored. — Chantal Zabus

Gay Activism Quotes By Maggie Nelson

To devote yourself to someone else's pussy can be a means of devoting yourself to your own. — Maggie Nelson

Gay Activism Quotes By Laura Ricketts

Being a woman and being gay is really a unique position in our society. I know in my experience of activism, oftentimes it makes a difference if something is women-focused. It's likely to get the attention of women much more easily. — Laura Ricketts

Gay Activism Quotes By Mona Charen

Liberalism in various guises - feminism, the sexual revolution, gay activism - has been at war with marriage and family for several decades now. And when do-gooders look around at the wreckage of human lives caused by disintegrating families, they call for government to act as father, mother, brother, and sister. — Mona Charen

Gay Activism Quotes By Bayard Rustin

My activism did not spring from my being gay, or, for that matter, from my being black. Rather, it is rooted fundamentally in my Quaker upbringing and the values that were instilled in me by my grandparents who reared me. — Bayard Rustin

Gay Activism Quotes By Ilana Mercer

Gays have become colossal bores. Once interesting and iconoclastic, all they seem to crave nowadays is the State's pension and seal of approval. They ought to go back to the days of the Stonewall Riots, when the police's violations of privacy and private property were the object of their anger and activism. — Ilana Mercer

Gay Activism Quotes By Camille Paglia

In insisting, for political purposes, on a sharp division between gay and straight, gay activism, like much of feminism, has become as rigid and repressive as the old order it sought to replace. — Camille Paglia

Gay Activism Quotes By Angela Carter

The white hands of the tenebrous belle deal the hand of destiny. Her fingernails are longer than those of the mandarins of ancient China and each is pared to a fine point. These and teeth as fine and white as spikes of spun sugar are the visible signs of the destiny she wistfully attempts to evade via the arcana; her claws and teeth have been sharpened on centuries of corpses, she is the last bud of the poison tree that sprang from the loins of Vlad the Impaler who picnicked on corpses in the forests of Transylvania.
The walls of her bedroom are hung with black satin, embroidered with tears of pearl. At the rooms four corners are funerary urns and bowls which emit slumbrous, pungent fumes of incense. In the centre is an elaborate catafalque, in ebony, surrounded by long candles in enormous silver candlesticks. In a white lace negligee stained a little with blood, the Countess climbs up on her catafalque at dawn each morning and lies down in an open coffin. — Angela Carter

Gay Activism Quotes By Liev Schreiber

I direct in the same way that I act, which is thinking about what the scene needs. — Liev Schreiber