Famous Quotes & Sayings

Gar As Quotes & Sayings

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Top Gar As Quotes

Gar As Quotes By Miguel De Cervantes Saavedra

At this the duchess, laughing all the while, said: Sancho Panza is right in all he has said, and will be right in all he shall say ... — Miguel De Cervantes Saavedra

Gar As Quotes By Marina Keegan

There are so many places I still want to go, so many things I still want to do! — Marina Keegan

Gar As Quotes By J.K. Rowling

Wingardium Leviosa!" he shouted, waving his long arms like a windmill.
"You're saying it wrong," Harry heard Hermione snap. "It's Wing-gar-dium Levi-o-sa, make the 'gar' nice and long."
"You do it, then, if you're so clever," Ron snarled. — J.K. Rowling

Gar As Quotes By Olive Ann Burns

We can ast for comfort and hope and patience and courage ... and we'll git what we ast for. They ain't no gar'ntee thet we ain't go'n have no troubles and ain't go'n die. But shore as frogs croak and cows bellow, God'll forgive us if'n we ast Him to. — Olive Ann Burns

Gar As Quotes By Karen Traviss

Darman was determined to make him welcome. "'Cuy, vod'ika." He slapped the seat next to him. "Park your shebs there. We'd pour you some of the GAR-issue caf but we like you too much for that. We're waiting for Sergeant Kal." Corr sat down as ordered, and Niner and Atin leaned across to clasp his arm. — Karen Traviss

Gar As Quotes By J. Michael Morgan

It was not for you to save Me, but for Me to save all who come to Me. What has come to pass was to glorify the Father, for this was written long before the foundation of Gar was laid. Thank you Dowd for your strength, you have helped me to accomplish all that I have needed to accomplish. Now I will send One to go before all of the Kosmos to bring forth the Kingdom of Heaven. Pnuemagios!" Yeshua called out. There was a brief silence and then a strong gust of wind whipped by and there standing before us was a man of yellow gold who looked like Yeshua and that of Iam. "Go," Yeshua commanded. Pnuemagios smiled and with a bold voice started singing. — J. Michael Morgan

Gar As Quotes By Henry Seidel Canby

Good writing is always a breaking of the soil, clearing away prejudices, pulling up of sour weeds of crooked thinking, stripping the turf so as to get at what is fertile beneath. It would be amusing to carry the simile further. Those bulbs that flower in the sand and wither! The gay fiction annual that has to be planted again every year! Those experimental plants from Russia, France, and Greenwich Village that are always getting winter killed - confound 'em! - is it worth while planting them again? The stocky perennial that keeps coming up and coming up - so easy to grow and so ugly. Scarlet sage that gives a touch of fiery sin to the edge of the suburbanite's concrete walk! And then the good flowers - as honest as they are beautiful! The well-ordered gar den! The climbing rose that escapes and is the most beautiful of all! — Henry Seidel Canby

Gar As Quotes By Karen Traviss

Gar taldin ni jaonyc; gar sa buir, ori'wadaasla. (Nobody cares who your father was, only the father you'll be.) - Mandalorian saying — Karen Traviss

Gar As Quotes By Gar Alperovitz

The most recent estimate is that a mere 400 individuals in the United States now own more wealth than the bottom 180 million Americans taken together -- a degree of wealth concentration that is accurately, not rhetorically, properly designated medieval. — Gar Alperovitz

Gar As Quotes By Gar Alperovitz

We've been following many forms of democratized ownership, starting with co-ops, land banks at the neighborhood level, municipal ownership and state ownership of banks - there's a whole series of these that attempt to fill the small-scale infrastructure that can build up to a larger theoretical vision. — Gar Alperovitz

Gar As Quotes By Gar Alperovitz

There are areas using what's called the "checkerboard strategy." They are different cities where you can move around the "checkerboard," doing things you can't do in every square, that you can do in some of them, building a mosaic of these kinds of practices. There are about 400 cable television networks, for example, that are publicly owned. That's a big fight for big private companies. In some areas, this is a political struggle, in some it's conventional common sense. — Gar Alperovitz

Gar As Quotes By Gar Alperovitz

Internationally, there are countries going well beyond the course, with airlines, transportation. There are systems around the world that have explored mining, rail transport, television, communication, Internet service - there very common examples around the world that we can draw examples from. — Gar Alperovitz

Gar As Quotes By P.T. Deutermann

anymore, just reacting. Suddenly the beating stopped and hands were grabbing at his legs. He kicked back at them, but it was no use. He simply wasn't strong enough. When they pulled him out from under the coal car, one of the Jap sergeants was standing there with a pistol in his hand. Gar figured this was it and, at that juncture, almost didn't care. The other prisoners had stopped working when Gar had cold-cocked the little Jap. The sergeant said something to Gar in Japanese. One of the Brits, who apparently understood, told Gar to stand — P.T. Deutermann

Gar As Quotes By George MacDonald

Winna ye be gaein' awa', to write buiks, an' gar fowk fin' oot what's the maitter wi' them? — George MacDonald

Gar As Quotes By Arthur Conan Doyle

Where's your warrant?" asked McGinty. "By Gar! a man might as well live in Russia as in Vermissa while folk like you are running the police. It's a capitalist outrage, and you'll hear more of it, I reckon. — Arthur Conan Doyle

Gar As Quotes By John McCain

We should exhibit no self doubt to our friends, ... Credibility is a strategic asset. — John McCain

Gar As Quotes By Marcus Vitruvius Pollio

Architects should be educated, skillful with the pencil, instructed in geometry, know much history, have followed the philosophers with attention, understand music, have some knowledge of medicine, know the opinions of the jurists, and be acquainted with astronomy and the theory of the heavens — Marcus Vitruvius Pollio

Gar As Quotes By Eliot Schrefer

General Gar, the leader of the Conquerors, was waiting for them. The Devourer. — Eliot Schrefer

Gar As Quotes By Lewis Nordan

She said, "Daddy thinks that all the world's magic is almost evolved out."
I thought of Roebuck Lake, its swamps and sloughs and loblollies and breaks of cypress and cane, its sunken treetops and stobs and bream beds and sleepy gar rolling over and over and over, its baptizing pools and bridges and mussels and mosquitoes and turkey vultures and, now in the drought, the gray flaking mud-flats and logs crowded with turtles and sometimes a fat snake yawning its tame old cottony mouth like a well-fed dog in a pen.
I said, "Is that what the freak show is?"
She said, "Dirty miracles. — Lewis Nordan

Gar As Quotes By Daniel Pipes

You can't just read the Koran to understand Muslim life. You have to look at history, at personalities, at economics, and so on. — Daniel Pipes

Gar As Quotes By Daniel Handler

Phil Needle supposed what he meant was that he wanted to be God, just long enough to find his daughter. It was not a prayer but a promotion. This was why nobody liked God: they wanted his job. — Daniel Handler

Gar As Quotes By Lisa Kleypas

One can only hope you feel better than you look," Amelia said.
"I'll feel better once I can find some decent refreshment. I've asked thrice for wine or spirits, and the servants all seem damnably absentminded."
She frowned. "Surely it's too early in the day even for you, Leo."
He extracted a pocket watch from his waistcoat and squinted at its face. "It's eight o'clock in Bombay. Being an internationally minded fellow, I'll have a drink as a diplomatic gesture. — Lisa Kleypas

Gar As Quotes By Gar Alperovitz

The top 400 people own more wealth now than the bottom 185 million Americans taken together. That is a medieval structure. — Gar Alperovitz

Gar As Quotes By Gar Alperovitz

If you don't have a way to speak to ordinary Americans, you're not in the game. — Gar Alperovitz

Gar As Quotes By Gar Alperovitz

The federalism term is a good term, but it's just below the surface; it's just about to come up into wider public understanding that these practices are happening and are politically viable. — Gar Alperovitz

Gar As Quotes By Bukka White

First time I saw an alligator gar I damn near threw up. They ain't natural anything get that big. It's ten feet long and three feet at the girth. Not one of God's creations like you and meSome say they ain't afraid of alligator gar fish. Bullshit. You look at that thing. It's big and mean. Swallow both of us. Them people say they ain't afraid tellin' lies. — Bukka White

Gar As Quotes By Conan O'Brien

Nietzsche famously said, 'Whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger.' What he failed to stress is that it ALMOST kills you. — Conan O'Brien

Gar As Quotes By Sal Martinez

A revolution in the eyes of man carries purpose.
A revolution in the eyes of the awakened carries bliss. — Sal Martinez

Gar As Quotes By Edward Abbey

Down at the beginning of the new road, at park headquarters, is the new entrance station and visitor center, where admission fees are collected and where the rangers are going quietly nuts answering the same three basic questions five hundred times a day: (1) Where's the john? (2) How long's it take to see this place? (3) Where's the Coke machine? Progress has come at last to the Arches, after a million years of neglect. Industrial Tourism has arrived. What — Edward Abbey

Gar As Quotes By Amir Khusrau

Farsi Couplet:
Ba khak darat rau ast maara,
Gar surmah bechashm dar neaayad.

English Translation:
The dust of your doorstep is just the right thing to apply,
If Surmah (kohl powder) does not show its beauty in the eye! — Amir Khusrau