Famous Quotes & Sayings

Fussed Quotes & Sayings

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Top Fussed Quotes

Fussed Quotes By Larry McMurtry

If he didn't like the way she did things, he was free to do them different - but he never did them different. He just fussed at her. — Larry McMurtry

Fussed Quotes By Derek Landy

Well," her mother said, looking at the engine, "at least that's still there."
"Do you know anything about engines?" Stephanie asked.
"That's why I have a husband, so I don't have to. Engines and shelves, that's why men were invented."
Stephanie made a mental note to learn about engines before she turned eighteen. She wasn't too fussed about the shelves. — Derek Landy

Fussed Quotes By Linda Lael Miller

When they reached Fairhaven, Jubal rushed out to collect her. "I knew you shouldn't have gone to that ole trial, Miss Emma," fussed Jubal. "I tried to tell Mr. Steven that. You's makin' a baby, you can't go gallivantin' all over the parish - " Emma might have smiled if her husband hadn't been accused of a murder he didn't commit. As it was, she just let Jubal prattle. She — Linda Lael Miller

Fussed Quotes By Daniel Craig

Doing a film and saying, I've done a really dark film and now I have to do a comedy ... That's not me. If a script comes along and it's dark I'll absolutely do it and take the consequences. I'm not fussed about the image that goes along with it. — Daniel Craig

Fussed Quotes By Donna Tartt

For humans-trapped in biology-there was no mercy: we lived a while, we fussed around for a bit and died, we rotted in the ground like garbage. Time destroyed us all soon enough. But to destroy, or lose, a deathless thing-to break bonds stronger than the temporal-was a metaphysical uncoupling all its own, a startling new flavor of despair. — Donna Tartt

Fussed Quotes By Fiona McIntosh

Then they had a day together in Melbourne and Jenny stayed in her first hotel, with Luc sparing no expense and treating her to the Windsor for the night. Here, Jenny experienced a luxury that had her wide-eyed, where men in their fine uniform of burgundy jackets, trimmed with gold, fussed around them and suggested an afternoon tea like never before. Luc couldn't help but grin to see his daughter engulfed in a leather chair, near the huge arched picture windows that fronted Spring Street, choosing cucumber sandwiches and beautiful little cakes and pastries from a silver tiered cake stand. — Fiona McIntosh

Fussed Quotes By Sharyn McCrumb

A man is always a little shamefaced on his wedding day, like a fox caught in a baited trap, ensnared because his greed overcame his better judgment. The menfolk laughed at Charlie that spring day, and said he was caught for sure now. As the bride, I was praised and fussed over, as if I had won a prize or done something marvelous that no one ever did before, and I could not help feeling pleased and clever that I had managed to turn myself from an ordinary girl into a shining bride. Now I think it is a dirty lie. The man is the one who is winning the game that day, though they always pretend they are not, and the poor girl bride is led into a trap of hard work and harsh words, the ripping of childbirth and the drubbing of her man's fists. It is the end of being young, but no one tells her so. Instead they make over her, and tell her how lucky she is. I wonder do slaves get dressed up in finery on the day they are sold. — Sharyn McCrumb

Fussed Quotes By Kit Harington

I actually don't do much to my hair. It gets fussed over a lot on projects because there's a lot of it, and it's boy's hair, but as far as me, I tend to let it do what it wants. — Kit Harington

Fussed Quotes By Janet Fitch

They congratulated themselves and went back out to their sodas and Chex mix, leaving me in front of the mirror, a toddler's fussed-over Barbie abandoned in the sandbox. I blinked back my tears and forced myself to look in the mirror. Looking — Janet Fitch

Fussed Quotes By T.L. Shreffler

He cared about the girl - maybe, partially, why not - but it was only because she was still alive. If she had been killed in the fight, would he have fussed over her empty body? — T.L. Shreffler

Fussed Quotes By Grace Burrowes

How lovely, to meet a man who helped rather than fussed and scolded. — Grace Burrowes

Fussed Quotes By Sue Hubbell

Got me as fussed as a fart in a mitten. — Sue Hubbell

Fussed Quotes By Linda Beutler

ample confidence to flirt with her bridegroom from across the crowded room. Whether she could maintain such command over herself in six or eight hours was quite another proposition. How easy she is in company. Everyone seems to love her. As I do. Well, perhaps not quite as I do... Darcy glanced over at Jane, who sat in state in an armchair with Bingley standing at her side. They looked golden together with their honey-coloured hair. Jane's serenity greeted everyone who approached with the same smile and blush, and one might surmise Jane could still not believe such happiness was to be hers. However, she seemed a little nervous, and Darcy could guess why. Bingley fussed over her, touching her — Linda Beutler

Fussed Quotes By Lynn Kurland

Jessica tended Kendrick's hurts before the fire and Richard only had to unclench his fists two or three times. And then his turn came. He sat down on the floor and Jessica fussed over him. He couldn't remember the last time someone had done the like. It had probably been at Artane years ago. Somehow, Lady Anne's touch hadn't pleased him as Jessica's did. When she pulled away, he opened his eyes to beg her not to cease, then realized there was nothing left to do. He caught her by the hand and pulled her close, not caring that Kendrick sat behind him and was likely on the verge of laughing. He very carefully pressed his lips against hers. "Thank you." "You're extremely welcome. — Lynn Kurland

Fussed Quotes By John Muir

I have heard of Texas pioneers living without bread or anything made from the cereals for months without suffering, using the breast-meat of wild turkeys for bread. Of this kind, they had plenty in the good old days when life, though considered less safe, was fussed over the less. — John Muir

Fussed Quotes By Toni Morrison

Knowing that there was such a thing as outdoors bred in us a hunger for property, for ownership. The firm possession of a yard, a porch, a grape arbor. Propertied black people spent all their energies, all their love, on their nests. Like frenzied, desperate birds, they overdecorated everything; fussed and fidgeted over their hard-won homes; canned, jellied, and preserved all summer to fill the cupboards and shelves; they painted, picked, and poked at every corner of their houses. And these houses loomed like hothouse sunflowers among the rows of weeds that were the rented houses. — Toni Morrison

Fussed Quotes By Bernard Berenson

Who will free me from hurry, flurry, the feeling of a crowd pushing behind me, of being hustled and crushed? How can I regain even for a minute the feeling of ample leisure I had during my early, my creative years? Then I seldom felt fussed, or hurried. There was time for work, for play, for love, the confidence that if a task was not done at the appointed time, I easily could fit it into another hour. I used to take leisure for granted, as I did time itself. — Bernard Berenson

Fussed Quotes By Carl Hiaasen

That's the thing about being a Labrador retriever - you were born for fun. Seldom was your loopy, freewheeling mind cluttered by contemplation, and never at all by somber worry; every day was a romp. What else could there possibly be to life? Eating was a thrill. Pissing was a treat. Shitting was a joy. And licking your own balls? Bliss. And everywhere you went were gullible humans who patted and hugged and fussed over you. — Carl Hiaasen

Fussed Quotes By David Gemmell

The abbot had called her a sweet soul. This was true, but she was also massively irritating. She fussed over Rabalyn as if he was still three years old, and her conversation was absurdly repetitive. Every time he left the little cottage she would ask: 'Are you going to be warm enough?' If he voiced any concerns about life, schooling or future plans, she would say: 'I don't know about that. It's enough to have food on the table today.' Her days were spent cleaning other people's sheets and clothes. In the evenings she would unravel discarded woollen garments and create balls of faded wool. Then she would knit scores of squares, which would later be fashioned into blankets. Some she sold. Others she gave away to the poorhouse. Aunt Athyla was never idle. — David Gemmell

Fussed Quotes By Marie Rutkoski

Kestrel saw a certain curiosity in the way they lingered. A waiting, a wondering.
"Deliah, what is it?"
"You haven't heard?"
"Heard what?"
Deliah fussed with the hem. "The Herrani representative has arrived."
"He arrived this morning on horseback. He came through the pass in the nick of time."
"Take this dress off."
"But I'm not finished, my lady."
"Just a few more--"
Kestrel tugged the fabric from her shoulders. She ignored Deliah's small cry, the pricks of pins, the thin chime of them scattering onto the stone floor. Kestrel stepped out of the dress, pulled on her day clothes, and rushed out the door. — Marie Rutkoski

Fussed Quotes By Jennifer Ashley

He also brought Carly's purse from the living room. Having lived for months in the same house as Liam and his mate, Kim, Tiger had learned that these large bags were full of things females considered essential. They fussed when they didn't have them. — Jennifer Ashley

Fussed Quotes By Patricia Briggs

And it was easier to have an unrequited love than to get all fussed and dressed and go out on dates every Saturday with men she was never going to fall in love with. So she'd quit dating, quit dressing up - and on the whole she was happier than she'd been before. — Patricia Briggs

Fussed Quotes By Sue Monk Kidd

Watch now," Handful told her. "This rabbit goes under the log, and this rabbit goes over the log. You make them hop like that all the way down. See, that's how you make a plait - hop over, hop under." Nina took possession of the rabbits and the log and created a remarkably passable braid. Handful and I oohed and ahhed as if she'd carved a Florentine statue. It was a winter evening like so many others that passed in quiet predictability: the room flushed with lamplight, a fire nesting on the grate, an early dark flattening against the windows, while my two companions fussed over me at the dresser. — Sue Monk Kidd

Fussed Quotes By Kerrelyn Sparks

Why are you willing to protect me?"
Because no matter how much she fussed and snarled, it was music to his ears. When he breathed in her scent, he was in heaven. And when he gazed into her sky-blue eyes, an eternity wasn't long enough.
But he couldn't tell her that, so he shrugged. "I don't like people to be unhappy. — Kerrelyn Sparks

Fussed Quotes By Benjamin Spock

Perhaps a child who is fussed over gets a feeling of destiny; he thinks he is in the world for something important, and it gives him drive and confidence. — Benjamin Spock

Fussed Quotes By Lesley Jones

. You're not fussed about unique or being impressed. After everything we've been through, the lives that we've already lived. What we have survived to get to this point brought me to the conclusion that all that matters, is you, me and our family — Lesley Jones

Fussed Quotes By Richard Meltzer

If I looked at some of these pieces as if this project was not spoken-word but just short anthology, I probably would have fussed with some of the sentences, you know? Syllabication and prosody and such crap. Because the printed word is etched in stone. But for reading purposes I accepted this book of texts in the manner in which I wrote them, no need to fuss. Most of the shorter stuff was written as poetry. Meaning lots of white space on the page. — Richard Meltzer

Fussed Quotes By Penelope Tree

I try to see what the priorities are and not get terribly fussed about things that don't matter. Not be swept away by feelings and emotions, which is my tendency. — Penelope Tree

Fussed Quotes By Anne Bishop

He didn't understand why everyone fussed about taking clean clothes out of a drawer. Underclothes smelled a lot more interesting after the female wore them. — Anne Bishop

Fussed Quotes By Will James

To my way of thinking there's something wrong, or missing, with any person who hasn't got a soft spot in their heart for an animal of some kind. With most folks the dog stands highest as man's friend, then comes the horse, with others the cat is liked best as a pet, or a monkey is fussed over; but whatever kind of animal it is a person likes, it's all hunkydory so long as there's a place in the heart for one or a few of them. — Will James

Fussed Quotes By Sandra Dallas

Emma fussed with the cinnamon-rose starts she had planted all over the backyard. She was as tender with the roses as if they were her children, and every hour or two she watered them. — Sandra Dallas

Fussed Quotes By Kirsty Logan

She used to be all right, Una, when we were kids. I liked that she wasn't fussed about her antlers. — Kirsty Logan

Fussed Quotes By Graham Elliot

I'm in love with 'pure' flavors, things that are natural and delicious, minimally fussed with, that showcase the season. — Graham Elliot

Fussed Quotes By Joe Abercrombie

The one thing she hated worse than being fussed over was being ignored. — Joe Abercrombie

Fussed Quotes By Kate DiCamillo

The words were good words, Ulysses felt, maybe even great words, but the list was very incomplete. He was just getting started. The words needed to be arranged, fussed with, put in the order of his heart. — Kate DiCamillo

Fussed Quotes By Vimala McClure

The child who feels your respect
during silences is nourished more
than the child who is constantly
fussed and chattered over. — Vimala McClure

Fussed Quotes By Claire North

Sophia: Go with it?
Harry: Don't fight against inevitability. Life is until it is not, so why get fussed? Don't hurt anyone, try not to give your dinner guests food poisoning, be clean in word and deed-what else is there? Just be a decent person in a decent world.
Sophia: Everyone's a decent person in their own eyes. — Claire North

Fussed Quotes By Thomas Frank

While Democrats fussed with the details of health care reforms, conservatives spent months telling the nation that the real issue is freedom, that what's on the line is American liberty itself. — Thomas Frank

Fussed Quotes By Carolyn Brown

Aunt Birdie laughed. "That's my Sophie." "What the . . ." Travis picked up the shotgun and ejected both shells. "Aunt Birdie, you brought a loaded gun over here with that baby?" "She'll be six years old in a few weeks. And there ain't a way in hell I can kill a man with an unloaded gun. I don't have the strength to beat him to death with the butt," Aunt Birdie fussed. "Lord!" He rolled his eyes upward. "You probably can't kill him with an — Carolyn Brown

Fussed Quotes By Elizabeth Warren

Does anyone believe that Goldman Sachs is gonna give up a deal that would yield millions of dollars because someone fussed at them behind closed doors? — Elizabeth Warren

Fussed Quotes By Maeve Binchy

I am much more understanding of people than I used to be when I was young - people were either villainous or wonderful. They were painted in very bright colours. The bad side of it - and there is a corollary to everything - is that when we get older, we fuss more. I used to despise people who fussed. — Maeve Binchy

Fussed Quotes By Rick Riordan

While Leo fussed over his helm controls, Hazel and Frank relayed the story of the fish-centaurs and their training camp.
'Incredible,' Jason said. 'These are really good brownies.'
'That's your only comment?' Piper demanded.
He looked surprised. 'What? I heard the story. Fish-centaurs. Merpeople. Letter of intro to the Tiber River god. Got it. But these brownies
'I know,' Frank said, his mouth full. 'Try them with Ester's peach preserves.'
'That,' Hazel said, 'is incredibly disgusting.'
'Pass me the jar, man,' Jason said.
Hazel and Piper exchanged a look of total exasperation. Boys. — Rick Riordan

Fussed Quotes By Tessa Dare

Brooke fussed over the wounded lady as they transferred her to the pallet, going so far as to plant a kiss on her brow to praise her bravery.
"What a kiss," Portia complained. "As if I were a child."
Brooke cupped her face in his hands and kissed her thoroughly. He released her only when Portia's faint growl of protest melted to a pleased sigh. "There, was that better?"
"Quite." Portia's cheeks pinked.
"All right, then. Now be a good little girl, and lie still."
She swatted at him feebly as he and Denny lifted the pallet - Brooke carrying the end at Portia's head, and Denny lifting her feet. — Tessa Dare

Fussed Quotes By Alan Moore

I could never be the kind of writer who went to the set of the movie and fussed and fretted about, 'Oh, that dialogue's wrong,' or 'That character doesn't look like that.' That would be insufferable. — Alan Moore