Famous Quotes & Sayings

Furlong Quotes & Sayings

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Top Furlong Quotes

Furlong Quotes By Edward Furlong

You just can't go around killing people! — Edward Furlong

Furlong Quotes By Edward Furlong

I enjoy playing people that are totally different than me. — Edward Furlong

Furlong Quotes By Melanie Furlong-Riesgo

The infant sucked his lips, his eyes closed, exhausted from the journey. — Melanie Furlong-Riesgo

Furlong Quotes By Edward Furlong

I've always wanted to do a movie that takes place in the 70's and was about rock and roll and getting high, like Dazed and Confused or Fast Times at Ridgemont High. — Edward Furlong

Furlong Quotes By Edward Furlong

Im not this tortured soul or anything. — Edward Furlong

Furlong Quotes By Melanie Furlong-Riesgo

Why did it make her feel like she had nothing? — Melanie Furlong-Riesgo

Furlong Quotes By Edward Furlong

It hasn't been a totally smooth road, but in the whole span of things I feel like a very lucky person. — Edward Furlong

Furlong Quotes By Daniel Defoe

walked about a furlongDaniel Defoe

Furlong Quotes By Arthur Conan Doyle

Come what may, I am bound to think that all things are ordered for the best; though when the good is a furlong off, and we with our beetle eyes can only see three inches, it takes some confidence in general principles to pull us through. — Arthur Conan Doyle

Furlong Quotes By Monica Furlong

People are like a pack of dogs sometimes. All right one by one, but together ... together they do awful things they don't mean to do. — Monica Furlong

Furlong Quotes By Sara Furlong Burr

We weren't born to suffer, we were born to make a difference. Our pain is just an unfortunate consequence of becoming the people we were destined to be — Sara Furlong Burr

Furlong Quotes By Sara Furlong Burr

Ignorance is like a disease. If you don't fight it, it will spread until we all succumb to it. — Sara Furlong Burr

Furlong Quotes By Edward Furlong

But I'm not like sad, depressed miserable person. I guess sometimes I give off that impression. — Edward Furlong

Furlong Quotes By Sara Furlong Burr

Life is full of tough decisions, Chase. Decisions that may make a person seem horrible, when in reality that decision was the most humane thing they could have done. A person isn't horrible for having second thoughts, for realizing they've made a mistake and deciding to correct it before it's too late. What makes a person horrible is when they do nothing. When they string other people along with them through their misery when they could have let them go and find happiness elsewhere. What's horrible is seeing the light leave your eyes and taking theirs with it. — Sara Furlong Burr

Furlong Quotes By Melanie Furlong-Riesgo

Of course, he had no control whether the news he brought was good or bad. — Melanie Furlong-Riesgo

Furlong Quotes By Edward Furlong

I was scared I was going to have some weird shape to my head and I was pleased that I didn't. — Edward Furlong

Furlong Quotes By Melanie Furlong-Riesgo

No he doesn't, Rafael thought. No one does. — Melanie Furlong-Riesgo

Furlong Quotes By Edward Furlong

I know a lot of people my age are still trying to figure out what to do, and I consider myself lucky that I can make a living doing something that I truly enjoy. — Edward Furlong

Furlong Quotes By Leonardo DiCaprio

I have the same problem as Edward Furlong. I'm so thin! — Leonardo DiCaprio

Furlong Quotes By Edward Furlong

I'd be a liar if I said I had a normal family. — Edward Furlong

Furlong Quotes By Monica Furlong

If envy was not such a tearing thing to feel it would be the most comic of sins. It is usually, if not always, based on a complete misunderstanding of another person's situation. — Monica Furlong

Furlong Quotes By Edward Furlong

I look up to actors. I look up to Robert DeNiro, I look up to Johnny Depp, I look up to Al Pacino, I look up to run-of-the-mill really good actors. I love watching movies, and I love watching other actors and learning from them. — Edward Furlong

Furlong Quotes By Edward Furlong

If I was in a room with a bunch of skinheads talking about racism, then I would be disturbed, but after we finished a take, we were normal people again. — Edward Furlong

Furlong Quotes By Edward Furlong

We're not gonna make it, are we? People, I mean. — Edward Furlong

Furlong Quotes By Monica Furlong

Wise Child: Why don't you beat me then?
Juniper: I can't be bothered. — Monica Furlong

Furlong Quotes By Edward Furlong

Who wants to go to school and be asked for, like, 20 autographs? — Edward Furlong

Furlong Quotes By Edward Furlong

I am very, very competitive and ambitious. I would definitely fight hard for a role I believed in. — Edward Furlong

Furlong Quotes By Edward Furlong

People aren't born racist. — Edward Furlong

Furlong Quotes By Saloma Miller Furlong

Murphy's law inverted: What can go right, will go right. (Works if you're an optimist.) — Saloma Miller Furlong

Furlong Quotes By Edward Furlong

I have a little brother. He's actually living at my house right now. He's going to be 18. — Edward Furlong

Furlong Quotes By Edward Furlong

Little Odessa. Of all my movies, it's the one that I still really love when I watch it and I'm pretty happy with what I didn in that. — Edward Furlong

Furlong Quotes By Edward Furlong

It's really hard to find good movies, and that's pretty much what I try to find, good movies. — Edward Furlong

Furlong Quotes By Edward Furlong

It is in your nature to destroy yourselves. — Edward Furlong

Furlong Quotes By Monica Furlong

It used to irritate a friend of mine that when he went to confession he never got the chance to tell the priest the good things he had done. — Monica Furlong

Furlong Quotes By Edward Furlong

Detroit was kind of a random thing where it was like a chance to be in a rock 'n' roll movie. — Edward Furlong

Furlong Quotes By Edward Furlong

I don't think anyone has a normal family. — Edward Furlong

Furlong Quotes By Monica Furlong

Resisting life, he finds that the Self is more than his own being; it includes the whole universe. — Monica Furlong

Furlong Quotes By Monica Furlong

What I like about gluttony, a bishop I knew used to say, is that it doesnt hurt anyone else. — Monica Furlong

Furlong Quotes By Edward Furlong

Basically, man, I just love myself. — Edward Furlong

Furlong Quotes By Edward Furlong

I had a hard time going back to school after T2. I really didn't want to go to private school. — Edward Furlong

Furlong Quotes By Monica Furlong

I don't like cleaning or dusting or cooking or doing dishes, or any of those things," I explained to her. "And I don't usually do it. I find it boring, you see."
"Everyone has to do those things," she said.
"Rich people don't," I pointed out.
Juniper laughed, as she often did at things I said in those early days, but at once became quite serious.
"They miss a lot of fun," she said. "But quite apart from that
keeping yourself clean, preparing the food you are going to eat, clearing it away afterward
that's what life's about, Wise Child. When people forget that, or lose touch with it, then they lose touch with other important things as well."
"Men don't do those things."
"Exactly. Also, as you clean the house up, it gives you time to tidy yourself up inside
you'll see. — Monica Furlong

Furlong Quotes By Monica Furlong

All learned people learn Latin. It's bound to come in useful. Fairy tales, on the other hand, are about real life. — Monica Furlong

Furlong Quotes By Finley Peter Dunne

I'll now fall back a furlong or two in me chair, while me larned but misguided collagues r-read th' Histhry iv Iceland to show ye how wrong I am. But mind ye, what I 've said goes. I let thim talk because it exercises their throats, but ye 've heard all th' decision on this limon case that'll get into th' fourth reader.' A voice fr'm th' audjeence, ' Do I get me money back ? ' Brown J. : ' Who ar-re ye ? ' Th' Voice : ' Th' man that ownded th' limons.' Brown J. : ' I don't know.' (Gray J., White J., dissentin' an' th' r-rest iv th' birds concurrin' but fr entirely diff'rent reasons.) — Finley Peter Dunne

Furlong Quotes By Walt Whitman

And whoever walks a furlong without sympathy walks to his own funeral drest in his shroud. — Walt Whitman

Furlong Quotes By Ralph Waldo Emerson

Another point of economy is to look for seed of the same kind as you sow, and not to hope to buy one kind with an other kind. Friendship buys friendship; justice, justice; military merit, military success...Yet there is commonly a confusion of expectations on these points. Hotspur lives for the moment, praises himself for it, and despises Furlong, that he does not. Hotspur of course is poor, and Furlong is a good provider. The odd circumstance is that Hotspur thinks it a superiority in himself, this improvidence, which ought to be rewarded with Furlong's lands. — Ralph Waldo Emerson

Furlong Quotes By Monica Furlong

What is difficult about learning - any kind of learning - is that you have to give up what you know already to make room for the new ideas. Children are much better at it than grownups. — Monica Furlong

Furlong Quotes By Edward Furlong

The first willing concert I went to was Aerosmith when I was like 14. — Edward Furlong

Furlong Quotes By Edward Furlong

But i think it would drive me more crazy to just go do a movie that I didn't believe in, you know? — Edward Furlong

Furlong Quotes By Edward Furlong

Hate is baggage. Life's too short to be pissed off all the time. It's just not worth it. — Edward Furlong

Furlong Quotes By Edward Furlong

I've always liked women. But I don't want somebody who likes me because I'm famous. I like girls who are intelligent and who are kind of quiet like me. — Edward Furlong

Furlong Quotes By Sara Furlong Burr

There's a fine line between being brave and just not giving a shit anymore. — Sara Furlong Burr

Furlong Quotes By Edward Furlong

I'm so embarrassed by that album. I don't even own it myself. — Edward Furlong

Furlong Quotes By Edward Furlong

When I was a kid, the idea of why I wanted acting to be the thing I do for the rest of my life was different. It was, Oh yeah, I'll get girls and be famous. — Edward Furlong

Furlong Quotes By Edward Furlong

I never thought I'd reach 21. I used to feel that was old, but growing old doesn't scare me anymore. I just want to have done something super special and have had someone to do it with. — Edward Furlong

Furlong Quotes By Edward Furlong

A lot of people my age are so hyper. I like hyper people. — Edward Furlong

Furlong Quotes By Ian Holloway

Paul Furlong is my vintage Rolls Royce and he cost me nothing. We polish him, look after him, and I have him fine tuned by my mechanics. We take good care of him because we have to drive him every day, not just save him for weddings. — Ian Holloway

Furlong Quotes By Edward Furlong

By the time I'm old, I'm sure I'll have lived a full enough life. I think we're mortal for a reason. Life gets tiring, man! — Edward Furlong

Furlong Quotes By Nicola Furlong

The Kiss of the Sun for Pardon, The Song of the Birds for Mirth, One is Nearer God's Heart in a Garden, Than Anywhere Else on Earth. — Nicola Furlong

Furlong Quotes By Edward Furlong

Jim Cameron used to call me 'Special Ed.' — Edward Furlong

Furlong Quotes By Bill Bryson

All the light switches in the hallways were timed to go off after ten or fifteen seconds, presumably as an economy measure. This wasn't so bad if your room was next to the elevator, but if it was very far down the hall, and hotel hallways in Paris tend to wander around like an old man with Alzheimer's, you would generally proceed the last furlong in total blackness, feeling your way along the walls with flattened palms, and invariably colliding scrotally with the corner of a nineteenth-century oak table put there, evidently, for that purpose. — Bill Bryson