Famous Quotes & Sayings

Funny Upbuilding Quotes & Sayings

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Top Funny Upbuilding Quotes

Funny Upbuilding Quotes By Victor Hugo

Nothing could be so poignant and so terrible as this face, wherein was displayed all that may be designated as the evil of the good. — Victor Hugo

Funny Upbuilding Quotes By Brian Michael Good

Life's experiences are not woven with a constant thread; Life in our world is constantly changing. We must repurpose what we have endured and the lessons we have learned; creating a renewed sense of hope. Life is what it is. The question is... What are you willing to do to change your life? — Brian Michael Good

Funny Upbuilding Quotes By Herbie Hancock

You can expand, repeat, even change keys and do other things electronically to give certain elements and phrases more cohesiveness. — Herbie Hancock

Funny Upbuilding Quotes By Isaac Barrow

Generosity is nothing more seen than in a candid estimation of other men's virtues and good qualities. — Isaac Barrow

Funny Upbuilding Quotes By Mae West

I like a man who's good, but not too good - for the good die young, and I hate a dead one. — Mae West

Funny Upbuilding Quotes By Sylvia Earle

All through college, I had frequently been the only girl in a science class - which wasn't such a bad deal. — Sylvia Earle

Funny Upbuilding Quotes By Jud Barry

Librarian: taking the E.T. out of Libertarian. — Jud Barry

Funny Upbuilding Quotes By Michele Jennae

If ever there was a metaphor to illustrate the importance of the journey over the destination, it is life itself.
For everyone who departs from birth is destined for death, so the journey IS life. Savor it! — Michele Jennae

Funny Upbuilding Quotes By Ray Liotta

I like to think that even with some of the more intense ones sometimes there is humour in there, you try to make a complete human being, whether the guy is good or bad. — Ray Liotta

Funny Upbuilding Quotes By Carre Otis

I grew up on antibiotics. Every ailment - sore throats, earaches, flus - warranted a trip to the doctor and in most cases some kind of prescription. — Carre Otis

Funny Upbuilding Quotes By Gary Zukav

When you strive for perfection, you compare different versions of what could be instead of being present with what is. Perfectionism is an attempt to inhabit an imaginary world in order to avoid experiencing the world in which you live. — Gary Zukav

Funny Upbuilding Quotes By Alan Rickman

The more we're governed by idiots and have no control over our destinies, the more we need to tell stories to each other about who we are, why we are, where we come from, and what might be possible. Or, what's impossible? What's a fantasy? — Alan Rickman

Funny Upbuilding Quotes By Milan Kundera

People are going deaf because music is played louder and louder, but because they're going deaf, it has to be played louder still. — Milan Kundera

Funny Upbuilding Quotes By Nashoda Rose

You left me," her voice raised, "You gave me hope and then ripped it away. That was worse than dying. — Nashoda Rose

Funny Upbuilding Quotes By Angela Merkel

As a 7-year-old child, I saw the Wall being erected. No one - although it was a stark violation of international law - believed at the time that one ought to intervene militarily in order to protect citizens of the GDR and whole Eastern bloc, of the consequences of that - namely, to live in lack of freedom for many, many years. — Angela Merkel