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Funny Intimidating Quotes & Sayings

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Top Funny Intimidating Quotes

Funny Intimidating Quotes By Ellen Gilchrist

It was spring when it happened and the schoolroom windows were open all day long, and every afternoon after Billy left we had milk from little waxy cartons and Mrs. Jansma would read us chapters from a wonderful book about some children in England that had a bed that took them places at night. — Ellen Gilchrist

Funny Intimidating Quotes By John Wyndham

I suppose a book is still a book, even if no one but the author and his wife reads it," she said. — John Wyndham

Funny Intimidating Quotes By Adolf Hitler

The German has not the slightest notion how a people must be misled if the adherence of the masses is sought. — Adolf Hitler

Funny Intimidating Quotes By Peter Jacobson

Hugh Laurie was intimidating, but he's the greatest guy. He's so wonderful and smart and funny and serious, and he sets the bar high. So if I was scared, it's because I wasn't measuring up. — Peter Jacobson

Funny Intimidating Quotes By Douglas Preston

Does a toilet seat get ass? — Douglas Preston

Funny Intimidating Quotes By Jim Benton

I'm telling you, the gorgeous of the world can actually look pretty intimidating when they scowl. Imagine a snow-white swan with a scary tattoo holding a chain saw. There's just no way to really prepare for that. — Jim Benton

Funny Intimidating Quotes By Epictetus

To pay homage to beauty is to admire Nature; to admire Nature is to worship God — Epictetus

Funny Intimidating Quotes By Jodi Picoult

You will eventually find your way out, but it's going to be slow going, and you're bound to get some bruises along the way. I — Jodi Picoult

Funny Intimidating Quotes By Django Wexler

The name meant "Angel of Victory," which Jaffa supposed was appropriate enough. The Divine Hand himself had started the fashion for taking the names of angels when he'd called himself Vale-dan-Rahksa, the Angel of Vengeance. At the rate the Council was expanding, there would soon be a serious shortage of angels. Jaffa wondered what would happen when they ran out of manly, intimidating names and were reduced to naming themselves after the Angel of Sisterly Affection or the Angel of Small Crafts. — Django Wexler

Funny Intimidating Quotes By Dan Howell

I'm about as intimidating as a butterfly. — Dan Howell

Funny Intimidating Quotes By Norm MacDonald

Letterman is very intimidating because he's so funny, so you have to be really prepared. Also, he's a little squeamish about certain things, so you have to always be on guard to please him. — Norm MacDonald

Funny Intimidating Quotes By Andy Roddick

I don't know that I'll ever be the guy who needs to go to a tournament to be seen and to spectate. I feel like I can accomplish spectating from home. — Andy Roddick

Funny Intimidating Quotes By Martha Gellhorn

[On the United States:] We are a wildly energetic people in our pursuit of pleasure, let alone in our pursuit of money, and we are very odd to look at as we go about our lives. — Martha Gellhorn

Funny Intimidating Quotes By Ryan Holiday

It's okay to be discouraged. It's not okay to quit. To know you want to quit but to plant your feet and keep inching closer until you take the impenetrable fortress you've decided to lay siege to in your own life - that's persistence. — Ryan Holiday

Funny Intimidating Quotes By Jasmine Angell

Adante cocked her head to the side. "What did you expect one of the Bahree to be? Intimidating and angry?"
"Yeah, something more like you," he said with a disarming smile.
Adante rolled her eyes. "Very funny. — Jasmine Angell

Funny Intimidating Quotes By Stephen King

Was there even such a thing as normall? People had terrible things behing their faces sometimes. He knew that now. — Stephen King

Funny Intimidating Quotes By J.D. Nixon

We drove in silence for a while.
"Can I have a gun?" I asked.
"Just a little one? For my handbag? It'll give me some street cred with the client."
"No! No! No!"
His clenched fists pounded the steering wheel with each word.
- heller 1 — J.D. Nixon

Funny Intimidating Quotes By Ryan Connolly

What I always tell people is ... Unless you are so passionate about filmmaking that you would rather live out of your car than not do it, find something else to do as a career and do filmmaking as a hobby. This industry is one of the hardest to break into and be successful. It takes a lot of passion and dedication for it to get anywhere ... — Ryan Connolly

Funny Intimidating Quotes By Adam Carolla

Everyone keeps saying, "Oh my God, oh my God, how intimidating." It's like saying, "How could you date Jennifer Aniston after she's been with Brad Pitt?" I don't care. — Adam Carolla

Funny Intimidating Quotes By Morgan Matson

All I could determine was that it must have been a nice thing to see if it was a house you were thinking about moving into. But not so nice if it was the house you were moving out from. I could practically hear Mr Collins, who had taught my fifth-grade English class and was still the most intimidating teacher I'd ever had, yelling at me. "Amy Curry," I could still hear him intoning, "never end a sentence with a preposition!" Irked that after six hears he was still mentally correcting me, I told the Mr. Collins in my head to off fuck. — Morgan Matson

Funny Intimidating Quotes By Jon Feltheimer

We're not going to scramble to make Chinese movies that we don't believe in; we're not going to make co-productions that we don't believe in, and we're not going to try to jam product into China that doesn't make sense. — Jon Feltheimer

Funny Intimidating Quotes By Patti Austin

All of Europe is tremendously integrated now; perhaps from all those years of colonization. Everybody that they've colonized has come to the mainland, so you'll have a racially diverse audience as well. You'll have many Middle Easterners, Asians, Africans, from seven to ninety sitting in the audience, and the really incredible thing is that they all know the music. I don't mean they just know a song here and there. They know the music. They are a very educated audience. — Patti Austin

Funny Intimidating Quotes By Galen Beckett

Ivoleyn is the most beautiful and remarkable woman in all of Altania, he said, his throat so tight the words inflicted a pain upon him, but he forged on all the same. I admire and love her to the fullest extent I am capable. I have ever since meeting her, though I was too stupid to understand at first what it was I felt. And once I did, I was too cowardly to make as stand for it. — Galen Beckett