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Friends Bonding Quotes & Sayings

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Top Friends Bonding Quotes

Friends Bonding Quotes By Sophie Kinsella

Shopping with friends is a great way of still enjoying the thrill of the chase without having to make a purchase. It can also be a real bonding opportunity. Helping your friend find something nice is just as rewarding as helping yourself. — Sophie Kinsella

Friends Bonding Quotes By Jen Kirkman

I wonder if that's the difference between fathers and mothers. I'm friends with people who have kids that are like 5 and under, and they're still in that intense mother-bonding phase. It might just be that. Because the dads haven't changed. — Jen Kirkman

Friends Bonding Quotes By Robyn Carr

Matt? Why did you really call me?" "Peyton asked the same question." "What did you tell her?" "I told her there was a special bonding moment when I groped you and you knocked me out ... " She laughed almost uncontrollably for a moment. "Really," he said. "It's because you felt like a friend. Strange as it might feel to you, I think we somehow became friends. I hope you're okay with that." She smiled. "Everyone can use a friend. — Robyn Carr

Friends Bonding Quotes By Samuel Taylor Coleridge

The Jews would not willingly tread upon the smallest piece of paper in their way, but took it up; for possibly, they say, the name of God may be on it. Though there was a little superstition in this, yet truly there is nothing but good religion in it, if we apply it to men. Trample not on any; there may be some work of grace there, that thou knowest not of. The name of God may be written upon that soul thou treadest on; it may be a soul that Christ thought so much of, as to give His precious blood for it; therefore despise it not. — Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Friends Bonding Quotes By Martina Navratilova

The whole idea of image is so confused. On the one hand, Madison Avenue is worried about the image of the players in a tennis tour. On the other hand, sports events are often sponsored by the makers of junk food, beer, and cigarettes. What's the message when an athlete who works at keeping her body fit is sponsored by a sugar-filled snack that does more harm than good? — Martina Navratilova

Friends Bonding Quotes By Debolina

It was not just friendship that we are attached to each other, it was sisterhood that made that bonding between us, but now that love doesn't exist anymore as people changes with time- that's reality. — Debolina

Friends Bonding Quotes By Sofia Vergara

Never take no personally. Sometimes people tell you no for a reason that has nothing to do with you. You must keep going. — Sofia Vergara

Friends Bonding Quotes By David Hume

The corruption of the best things gives rise to the worst. — David Hume

Friends Bonding Quotes By Todd Phillips

I never had a ton of male friends and it's always been something that's really interesting to me, what brings guys together? The bonding. 'Old School' is a good example of that. And even 'Starsky' and even 'Road Trip.' — Todd Phillips

Friends Bonding Quotes By Luke Evans

I don't carry off 'quirky.' — Luke Evans

Friends Bonding Quotes By Virginia Woolf

And I tried to remember any case in the course of my reading where two women are represented as friends. (...) almost without exception they are shown in their relation to men. (...) [women in fiction were] not only seen by the other sex, but seen only in relation to the other sex. And how small a part of a woman's life is that — Virginia Woolf

Friends Bonding Quotes By Megan Smith

Don't think, just feel it. I know you do; I can see it on your face. — Megan Smith

Friends Bonding Quotes By Terry Pratchett

Soon to come in licorice, orange, cinnamon, and banana, but not strawberry, because I hate strawberries. — Terry Pratchett

Friends Bonding Quotes By Ingeborg Bachmann

The woman was finally done, and Beatrix reached for a magazine. There were always German magazines lying around here, Vogue was extremely rare; who wanted to read German magazines, anyway? Twin Murders in Stuttgart. Certainly an awful place, it even sounded like murder. Sex in Germany. That was probably even worse. — Ingeborg Bachmann

Friends Bonding Quotes By Tim Cook

I'm not targeting government. I'm not saying hey, I'm closing it because I don't want to give you any data. I'm saying that to protect out customers, we have to encrypt. And a side affect of that is, I don't have the data. — Tim Cook

Friends Bonding Quotes By Scott Aukerman

You see people who are disenfranchised elsewhere coming to Comic Con and making lifetime friends. I love seeing the outcasts of society all bonding together. — Scott Aukerman

Friends Bonding Quotes By Donald Maass

Let's talk about me!" Generally speaking, that's not a great idea for handling yourself in social situations. A better plan is to listen and ask questions. Being interested in others is the way to make friends and influence people. In bonding readers to characters on the page, however, the reverse is true. We open our hearts to those whose hearts are first open to us. For — Donald Maass

Friends Bonding Quotes By Owen Wilson

Being in a bathtub with Jackie Chan, I don't know, it has a way of bonding you I'll tell you that. I don't know if there are some weird undertones. It was like we had met in Los Angeles and we didn't have that much to say to each other but, after that bathtub scene, we were great friends. — Owen Wilson

Friends Bonding Quotes By August Sander

No language on earth speaks as comprehensively as photography, always providing that we follow the chemical and optic and physical path to demonstrable truth, and understand physiognomy. — August Sander

Friends Bonding Quotes By Juliet Blackwell

Who's no longer an infant," Luc said. "Lily and I are ... 'friends' ... as well. As a matter of fact, she and I were trying on corsets together, just last night."
I rolled my eyes.
"You were doing what?" Max demanded.
"It's an ancient bonding ritual," I said, annoyed with both men. What were they, thirteen years old? "Invoked to ward off childish displays of sibling rivalry. Obviously it didn't work."
Bronwyn laughed, and Luc smiled a crooked smile. — Juliet Blackwell

Friends Bonding Quotes By Alan Loy McGinnis

The best transactions in families or between friends occur on the fly. They come as stochastic shocks, or serendipities.

People often step out onto our path as we are hurrying to a meeting or intent on finishing a project, and it usually turns out that the meeting or the project was inconsequential compared to the chance to get closer to someone we cared for. — Alan Loy McGinnis

Friends Bonding Quotes By Angela Y. Davis

even when police are indicted, we cannot be certain that change is on the agenda. There — Angela Y. Davis

Friends Bonding Quotes By Florence King

If any of us had heard the word "feminist" we would have thought it meant a girl who wore too much makeup, but we were, without knowing it, feminists ourselves, bound together by the freemasonry that exists among intelligent women who know they are intelligent. It is the only kind of female bonding that works, which is why most men do not like intelligent women. They don't mind one female brain if they can enjoy it privately; it's the idea of two or more on the loose that upsets them. The girls in the college-bound group might not have been friends in every case
Sharon Cohen and I gave each other willies
but our instincts told us that we had the same enemies. — Florence King