Famous Quotes & Sayings

Foundation Framework Quotes & Sayings

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Top Foundation Framework Quotes

Foundation Framework Quotes By Josh Hartnett

I want to experiment; I want to keep growing. I didn't want to just sit back and rest on my haunches and do the things I knew I could do for a while. — Josh Hartnett

Foundation Framework Quotes By Tom Robbins

The Divine was beyond description, beyond knowing, beyond comprehension. To say that the Divine was Creation divided by Destruction was as close as one could come to definition. But the puny of soul, the dull of wit, weren't content with that. They wanted to hang a face on the Divine. They went so far as to attribute petty human emotions (anger, jealousy, etc) to it, not stopping to realize that if God were a being, even a supreme being, our prayers would have bored him to death long ago. — Tom Robbins

Foundation Framework Quotes By Billy Campbell

Most sailing ships take what they call trainees, who pay to be part of the crew. The Picton Castle takes people who are absolutely raw recruits. But you can't just ride along. You're learning to steer the ship, navigation; you're pulling lines, keeping a lookout; in the galley you're cooking. — Billy Campbell

Foundation Framework Quotes By Susan Elizabeth Phillips

All it means is that, while our minds may have trouble communicating, our bodies don't have any problem at all."
"I don't think it's that simple."
"Sure it is."
"The earth moved," she said softly. "That has to be more than bodies communicating. — Susan Elizabeth Phillips

Foundation Framework Quotes By Peter Sloterdijk

The hero of the following account, Homo immunologicus, who must give his life, with all its dangers and surfeits, a symbolic framework, is the human being that struggles with itself in concern for its form. We will characterize it more closely as the ethical human being, or rather Homo repetitious, Homo artista, the human in training. None of the circulating theories of behaviour or action is capable of grasping the practising human - on the contrary: we will understand why previous theories had to make it vanish systematically, regardless of whether they divided the field of observation into work and interaction, processes and communications, or active and contemplative life. With a concept of practice based on a broad anthropological foundation, we finally have the right instrument to overcome the gap, supposedly unbridgeable by methodological means, between biological and cultural phenomena of immunity - that is, between natural processes on the one hand and actions on the other. — Peter Sloterdijk

Foundation Framework Quotes By Elizabeth Jarrett Andrew

The basements of the churches I've loved reveal the foundation of the spiritual life to be not belief so much as engagement with the mystery lurking at the base of all things. We build a framework on top of mystery because we need someplace to live, some manner of surviving nature's fury and our mundane daily needs. — Elizabeth Jarrett Andrew

Foundation Framework Quotes By Laurel Nakadate

The act of recording requires you to look at and handle and touch things, so yes - art is more than just looking and recording. It's messy and time consuming and people might fall in love and get hurt. — Laurel Nakadate

Foundation Framework Quotes By Mahatma Gandhi

Anything which is a hindrance to the fight of the soul is a delusion and a snare, even like the body which often does hinder you in the path of salvation. — Mahatma Gandhi

Foundation Framework Quotes By Honore De Balzac

Woman is a most charming creature, who changes her heart as easily as she does her gloves. — Honore De Balzac

Foundation Framework Quotes By Nicola Yoon

It's hard to love someone who doesn't love you back — Nicola Yoon

Foundation Framework Quotes By Lucy Corin

I didn't learn how to read and write until pretty late, and it was this very mysterious, incredible thing, like driving, that I didn't get to do. And then I started writing things down on little scraps of paper and I would hide them. I would write the year on them and then I would stuff them in a drawer somewhere. But I didn't start to really read until about eight. I'm dyslexic, so it took a long time. — Lucy Corin

Foundation Framework Quotes By Napoleon Bonaparte

God! How men of letters are stupid. — Napoleon Bonaparte

Foundation Framework Quotes By Coco Chanel

In 1919 I woke up famous. I'd never guessed it. If I'd known I was famous, I'd have stolen away and wept. I was stupid. I was supposed to be intelligent. I was sensitive and very dumb. — Coco Chanel

Foundation Framework Quotes By Martin Klebba

I'd love to drive a Lamborghini, but I think it's hard when the pedals are way down in there, and you sit real low, but I've come up with some pedal extensions. I actually sit in a kids' car seat that my old boss put this beautiful leather wrap around, and it looks just like a Corvette seat that sits on top of my leather Corvette seat. — Martin Klebba

Foundation Framework Quotes By Cynthia Sue Larson

What we wish for, dream and imagine is the very framework and foundation of everything we create — Cynthia Sue Larson

Foundation Framework Quotes By Gena Showalter

Can I stay with the other angel, then? The blond."

Thane? "Why?" he demanded.

"Don't take this the wrong way, but I like him better than I like you."

There was a right way to take that statement? Honesty was to be commended, and yet Zacharel suddenly battled an inexplicable need to shake her. "You cannot know who you like better. You only spent a few seconds in his company."

"Sometimes a few seconds is all it takes."

-Annabelle and Zacharel — Gena Showalter