Famous Quotes & Sayings

Footwear Shoes Quotes & Sayings

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Top Footwear Shoes Quotes

Footwear Shoes Quotes By Penelope Lively

Since then, I have just read and read - but, that said, I suppose there is a raft of writers to whom I return again and again, not so much because I want to write like them, even if I were capable of it, but simply for a sort of stylistic shot in the arm. — Penelope Lively

Footwear Shoes Quotes By M T Anderson

How do we change - within moments, the whole form of our habits and dispositions may become alien to us, and we almost cannot remember what we were. — M T Anderson

Footwear Shoes Quotes By Jonathan Turley

Few people know that President Obama has used drone attacks many times more than Bush ever did. Obama's off the charts in terms of drone attack. — Jonathan Turley

Footwear Shoes Quotes By Christian Siriano

Shoes are a big part of your look. I think that if your outfit isn't really something special, then fun footwear is a great way to jazz it up and make your ensemble more interesting. — Christian Siriano

Footwear Shoes Quotes By Thomas Dewey

The law is bigger than money - but only if the law works hard enough. — Thomas Dewey

Footwear Shoes Quotes By Agata Pyzik

Hoffland, as it was called, was, next to Moda Polska (simply "Polish Fashion") one of the rare examples of the quasi-private, though officially nationalized fashion companies in Poland. Both have survived communism, and Hoff kept designing well into the 90s. You could be sure, that if Hoff wrote about a new style for wearing a shawl in her column, the same afternoon there would already be dozens of girls on the streets trying to copy this style. Her flagship idea was blackening the "coffin shoes" (i.e. light, paper shoes, used as footwear for the deceased) which when colored black could pass as elegant "ballerinas". — Agata Pyzik

Footwear Shoes Quotes By Chloe Sevigny

I definitely spend the most money on shoes, partly because vintage footwear can be a little funky - in a bad way. I like to keep things pretty simple up top and then go weird with the shoes. — Chloe Sevigny

Footwear Shoes Quotes By Terry Pratchett

She had heard it said that, before you could understand anybody, you needed to walk a mile in their shoes, which did not make a whole lot of sense, because probably AFTER you had walked a mile in their shoes, you would understand that they were chasing you and accusing you of the theft of a pair of shoes
although, of course, you could probably outrun them, owing to their lack of footwear. — Terry Pratchett

Footwear Shoes Quotes By MaryJanice Davidson

I zoomed in on the shoe department like a blonde homing pigeon. Shoes, shoes everywhere! Ah, sweet shoes. I truly think you can take the measure of a civilization by looking at its footwear. — MaryJanice Davidson

Footwear Shoes Quotes By Chloe Neill

If it was appropriate to judge a person based on her footwear - and it obviously was - I decided I liked her immediately. — Chloe Neill

Footwear Shoes Quotes By Tracy Engelbrecht

Maybe the Truth of the Meaning of Life, Ancient and Arcane Knowledge of the Great Unknowable Universe is handed down only to persons presenting with the correct brand-name footwear. If you turn up wearing Shoe City knock-offs, you don't get to pass Go and collect Infinite Enlightenment. — Tracy Engelbrecht

Footwear Shoes Quotes By Nora Roberts

It's called male bonding. You'll never get it. I believe women are as capable as men, deserve equal pay - and that one day, should be sooner than later, in my opinion, the right woman can and should be leader of the free world. But you can't understand the male bonding rituals any more than men can understand why the vast majority of women are obsessed with shoes and other footwear. — Nora Roberts

Footwear Shoes Quotes By Basil The Great

The bread which you hold back belongs to the hungry; the coat, which you guard in your locked storage-chests, belongs to the naked; the footwear mouldering in your closet belongs to those without shoes. The silver that you keep hidden in a safe place belongs to the one in need. Thus, however many are those whom you could have provided for, so many are those whom you wrong. — Basil The Great

Footwear Shoes Quotes By Thomas Moore

The key to seeing the world's soul, and in the process wakening our own, is to get over the confusion by which we think that fact is real and imagination is illusion. — Thomas Moore

Footwear Shoes Quotes By Steven D. Levitt

Mullaney often took the subway to visit the client. His ride sometimes coincided with the end of the school day; — Steven D. Levitt

Footwear Shoes Quotes By Josh Lanyon

Wear something sexy." "Asshole." "That will certainly work. — Josh Lanyon

Footwear Shoes Quotes By Lemony Snicket

They could only stare at Esme's shoes and wonder why she as wearing footwear that was so violent and impractical. — Lemony Snicket

Footwear Shoes Quotes By Amelia LeFay

You both are attracted to me," she said boldly. "I'm attracted to the both of you. Now I thought I could run away from you both but that failed. Then I thought I'd just be a friend, but now that I've seen and touched you both, it wouldn't be enough. So I've decided to make you my lovers. This could end horribly, horribly wrong, but until then I'm going to have the best goddamn sex of my life. Don't hold back, and cheers." She clinked her glass against ours.
God have mercy. — Amelia LeFay

Footwear Shoes Quotes By Sophie Ellis-Bextor

I've got a thing for footwear; I have about 200 pairs of shoes from all over the world. — Sophie Ellis-Bextor

Footwear Shoes Quotes By Stephanie Rowe

Just so you know, I.."
He stopped.
Her heart began to race at the softness of his expression. True love declaration? That would go so far to easing the pain of his treachery "You what?"
He gritted his jaw and shook his head. "Nothing" He stepped away, grabbed her shoes, and handed them to her.
Fantastic. She'd wanted an I'll Love You Forever, My Darling moment, and she'd gotten footwear. Sigh. — Stephanie Rowe

Footwear Shoes Quotes By Alice Temperley

When it comes to shoes, I always think Charlotte Olympia, of course! Her footwear is always feminine and sexy and also just right for every occasion. — Alice Temperley

Footwear Shoes Quotes By John Rudy

The world is captivated by Hollywood superstars, music artists, and sports personalities. Hollywood is portrayed as the epitome of beauty and fashion capital of the world. Whatever the actors and actresses are wearing dictate the fashion trends and lifestyle being followed by fans in a global scale.
The said movie and music characters never fail to amuse and amaze us with their clothes, shoes, bags, and hairstyles. The most popular shoes are the high heel booties studded with gems, gold, and anything sparkling in-between.
You certainly wonder how they can perform dance and stage stunts with these booties heels. Women look so attractive donning high heel booties. They get few extra inches in height and look stunning from head to toe.
If you are going for mall shopping or walking long distances, stay away from heeled bootiesas your feet will surely get hurt. However, if you are attending special occasions and corporate functions, heel bootiesis the perfect footwear. — John Rudy

Footwear Shoes Quotes By Caitlin Moran

If I'm going to spunk £500 on a pair of designer shoes, it's going to be a pair that I can a) dance to Bad Romance in and b) will allow me to run away from a murderer, should one suddenly decide to give chase. That's the minimum I ask from my footwear. To be able to dance in it, and for it not to get me murdered. — Caitlin Moran

Footwear Shoes Quotes By Michael Johnson

Opting for gold shoes could have been considered downright cocky, but I was confident and never doubted my ability to deliver gold medals to match my shimmering footwear. — Michael Johnson

Footwear Shoes Quotes By John Kapelos

Sometimes writers or writer-directors can get nuts about words, but you know and I know that it's the thought process behind the words that motivates the words, that conveys real communication and meaning. — John Kapelos

Footwear Shoes Quotes By Eugene Kennedy

The whole world feels that it knows Francis, not so much because he follows Francis of Assisi but because he is always himself. We have seen him pay his own hotel bill and heard that Francis called Buenos Aires for a pair of ordinary black shoes, like John XXIII, who preferred stout peasant shoes to the traditional papal footwear. — Eugene Kennedy

Footwear Shoes Quotes By Christopher McDougall

The 'Tarahumara' use their legs 'as designed.' By running at a young age with minimal footwear, they naturally develop the best biomechanical use of their legs. Cushioned shoes restrict foot movements and allow for over-striding. Short strides are natural. — Christopher McDougall

Footwear Shoes Quotes By Stephen McAndrew

The reason many are loathe to acknowledge the possibility of absolute truth is not simply because they do not wish to accept the possibility of the existence of an all-powerful, all-knowing deity. It is because they do not want to accept the consequences that follow from the existence of an all-powerful, all-knowing deity as the source of absolute moral truth. — Stephen McAndrew