Famous Quotes & Sayings

Foot Reflex Quotes & Sayings

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Top Foot Reflex Quotes

Foot Reflex Quotes By Kathy Acker

For the poet, the world is word. Words. Not that precisely. Precisely: the world and words fuck each other. — Kathy Acker

Foot Reflex Quotes By PZ Myers

The mediocrity principle simply states that you aren't special. The universe does not revolve around you; this planet isn't privileged in any unique way; your country is not the perfect product of directed, intentional fate; and that tuna sandwich you had for lunch was not plotting to give you indigestion. — PZ Myers

Foot Reflex Quotes By Nora Roberts

Perhaps it was simple reflex, her own instinct for survival. Or perhaps it had been his
words, bringing back the horror of her mother's death. But when he reached for the
satchel, Adrianne ignored the knife and brought her foot up hard between his legs. The
knife clattered to the ground only seconds before he did.
"Bastard," she muttered as she sent the knife careening into the dark. "Now your pride's
as small as your brain and just as useless."
"Well put," Philip said as he came up behind her. — Nora Roberts

Foot Reflex Quotes By B.F. Skinner

You must feel a certain lack of excitement in these accouncements. No garish posters, no bright lights, none of the paraphernalia with which the entertainment industry whips up a jaded public. But in a day or so these simple notices will begin to take on all the excitement of the shimmering marquee. When there are no signs ten feet high, five feet will do. When there are none five feet high, one foot serves well enough. It isn't the color or brightness or size of a poster which makes it exciting. It's the experiences which have accompanied similar posters in the past. The excitement is a conditioned reflex. Our bulletin board is our Great White Way, and we're dazzled by it. — B.F. Skinner

Foot Reflex Quotes By Charles Kurzman

The obvious path to a two-state solution would be for the United States and the rest of the world to simply recognize the State of Palestine, regardless of Israeli objections, but no president has seriously contemplated taking that step. — Charles Kurzman

Foot Reflex Quotes By Dorothy Dunnett

Music, the knife without a hilt, — Dorothy Dunnett

Foot Reflex Quotes By Taylor Jenkins Reid

It's always my impulse to ignore the bad, to run toward the good. — Taylor Jenkins Reid

Foot Reflex Quotes By George R R Martin

Bloodraven is the root of all our woes, the white worm gnawimg at the heart of the realm. — George R R Martin

Foot Reflex Quotes By Leigh Bardugo

No fainting in the middle of the road," said a voice close to my ear as a heavy arm landed across my shoulders and gave me a squeeze. I looked up to see Mal's familiar face, a smile in his bright blue eyes as he fell into step beside me. "C'mon," he said. "One foot in front of the other. You know how it's done." "You're interfering with my plan." "Oh really?" "Yes. Faint, get trampled, grievous injuries all around." "That sounds like a brilliant plan." "Ah, but if I'm horribly maimed, I won't be able to cross the Fold." Mal nodded slowly. "I see. I can shove you under a cart if that would help." "I'll think about it," I grumbled, but I felt my mood lifting all the same. Despite my best efforts, Mal still had that effect on me. And I wasn't the only one. A pretty blond girl strolled by and waved, throwing Mal a flirtatious glance over her shoulder. "Hey, — Leigh Bardugo

Foot Reflex Quotes By Rosa Parks

We didn't have any civil rights. It was just a matter of survival, of existing from one day to the next. I remember going to sleep as a girl hearing the Klan ride at night and hearing a lynching and being afraid the house would burn down. — Rosa Parks