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Focusing On Your Strengths Quotes & Sayings

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Top Focusing On Your Strengths Quotes

Focusing On Your Strengths Quotes By Tom Rath

When we build on our strengths and daily successes - instead of focusing on failures - we simply learn more. — Tom Rath

Focusing On Your Strengths Quotes By Marcus Buckingham

Focusing on strengths is the surest way to greater job satisfaction, team performance and organizational excellence. — Marcus Buckingham

Focusing On Your Strengths Quotes By Nikki Rowe

You are here, alive and awake and for whatever reasons you have fought your battles, it's time to start focusing on what strengths pulled you up when the entire world had knocked you down.
That's where the virtue in self grows. — Nikki Rowe

Focusing On Your Strengths Quotes By Pierre-Ambroise Choderlos De Laclos

Indeed, if to be in love is not to be able to live without possessing that person one desires, to sacrifice to her one's time, one's pleasures, one's life, then I am really in love. — Pierre-Ambroise Choderlos De Laclos

Focusing On Your Strengths Quotes By Simon Sinek

Spending too much time focused on others' strengths leaves us feeling weak. Focusing on our own strengths is what, in fact, makes us strong. — Simon Sinek

Focusing On Your Strengths Quotes By Barack Obama

Cutting the deficit by gutting our investments in innovation and education is like lightening an overloaded airplane by removing its engine. It may make you feel like you're flying high at first, but it won't take long before you feel the impact. — Barack Obama

Focusing On Your Strengths Quotes By Henry Fielding

Commend a fool for his wit, or a rogue for his honesty and he will receive you into his favor. — Henry Fielding

Focusing On Your Strengths Quotes By Alexandre Dumas

So it was that Dantes, during the Hundred Days and after Waterloo, remained under lock and key, forgotten, if not by men, at least by God. — Alexandre Dumas

Focusing On Your Strengths Quotes By Marcus Buckingham

To encourage people to take responsibility for who they really are. And it is the only way to show respect for each person. Focusing on strengths is the storyline that explains all their efforts as managers. — Marcus Buckingham

Focusing On Your Strengths Quotes By Yehuda Berg

You invite judgment into your life every time you judge others. To avoid this invitation to negativity, it's best to stop focusing on others' darkness. Instead, pay attention to their strengths. Today, be a horse with blinders. Look at only the good. As you develop this power, you will attract positive forces into your life. — Yehuda Berg

Focusing On Your Strengths Quotes By Rodolfo Costa

Erase self-doubt by working to build your strengths instead of focusing on your weaknesses. — Rodolfo Costa

Focusing On Your Strengths Quotes By Warren Berger

The main premise of appreciative inquiry is that positive questions, focusing on strengths and assets, tend to yield more effective results than negative questions focusing on problems or deficits. — Warren Berger

Focusing On Your Strengths Quotes By Andrew Evans

Witnessing Panama's overnight transition from banana republic to middle-class retirement haven is like watching the Univision version of Extreme Makeover: it feels so tacky but you can't change channels because you just have to find out what happens next. — Andrew Evans

Focusing On Your Strengths Quotes By Nikki Rowe

You have to learn where your weaknesses end and your strengths starts or you will spend your life focusing on all that falls apart. — Nikki Rowe

Focusing On Your Strengths Quotes By Joe Arpaio

Many times, when you go to arrest somebody, they pull their gun, and here I am, a federal agent, telling them to drop their gun. But the gun is like that. I give them a split second to drop it, and they drop it. I could have shot them - who is going to complain? — Joe Arpaio

Focusing On Your Strengths Quotes By William James

Belief and doubt are living attitudes, and involve conduct on our part. Our only way, for example, of doubting, or refusing to believe, that a certain thing is, is continuing to act as if it were not. — William James

Focusing On Your Strengths Quotes By Archibald Marwizi

If you check your personal blind spots, you can be able to guard against focusing on what you cannot do, but reduce the areas of weakness by taking their space with more of your strengths. — Archibald Marwizi

Focusing On Your Strengths Quotes By Carsten Jensen

But that's how it is on a sailing ship, and in this respect its journey parallels that of life: simply knowing where you want to go isn't enough, because life is a windblown voyage, consisting mainly of the detours imposed by alternating calm and storm. — Carsten Jensen

Focusing On Your Strengths Quotes By Ambrose Bierce

IMPOSTOR n. A rival aspirant to public honors. — Ambrose Bierce