Quotes & Sayings About Flores
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Top Flores Quotes

I who have nothing may have nothing, but I'll always have something that you don't. And that's respect. — Roberto Flores

Without the principle of private property there would be no reason for government, which is necessary solely for the purpose of keeping the disinherited within bounds in their quarrels or in their rebellions against those who hold the social wealth — Ricardo Flores Magon

As the day died and the afterglow stretched upward in the soft, empty sky, the Hat Creek outfit, seven strong, crossed the river and rode southeast, toward the Hacienda Flores. — Larry McMurtry

Workers are like lemons: When the rich have sucked out all the juice, they throw them in the garbage. — Ricardo Flores Magon

He has taken she who is mine, so I shall take from him, she who is his. Balance. Only then will I take his life
and that is vengeance. (Juan Flores) — Patricia Briggs

You've got to respond to the fans, and play well, or people will jump on you. They'll read something and jump on you. — Tom Flores

Life is such good thing, you learn and at the same time you get close to god the most precious love. I love you god! — Diana Flores

We live in an extraordinary time. We are caught up in a pace of social and technological change that makes our work, our business and education, sources of anxiety and unfulfillment. Thinking about our thinking and observing our observations can bring us a new world in which work becomes a place for innovation, and in which peace, wisdom, friendship, companionship and community can exist. Let us design this world together. — Fernando Flores

I never told a victim story about my imprisonment. Instead, I told a transformation story - about how prison changed my outlook, about how I saw that communication, truth, and trust are at the heart of power. — Fernando Flores

When trust improves, the mood improves. — Fernando Flores

People are very independent. And what I have seen with all the unions is that you have members who, regardless of who their union choose to endorse, ultimately want to exercise their own judgment and want to vote for the person they feel is best. — Lucy Flores

A total commitment is paramount to reaching the ultimate in performance. — Tom Flores

I can also tell in whose hands I am. Do these hands tremble? There can be no doubt: these are the hands of a military officer. Is it a firm pulse? I say without vacillating: these are the hands of a liberator. — Ricardo Flores Magon

Nevada is certainly more representative of what the entire country looks like demographically, so you really are testing how these candidates are doing across ethnicities, across genders, across cultures. — Lucy Flores

I did not threaten anybody in any moment and even less with a brick. — Chico Flores

You can't ever take your love for granted. It's like a flower than needs sun, water, and food to survive. Without them, it cannot bloom. And besides, it's never too late to fall in love all over again, even for us old folks. — Jacob Z. Flores

A man should never measure his wealth in achievements or personal riches, but rather by his love for her. She is more than a woman; she is a queen. She is more than the world; she is your universe. — Chris Flores

I have been very lucky. I have always been able to eat and drink and dance in my life so I am not afraid of anything. And if suddenly I should have nothing I would still be grateful. — Micaela Flores Amaya

Don't wait for Tomorrow, as tomorrow might be too late- Tylia Flores — Tylia Flores

I think Nevada is going to really be the first true test of whether or not these candidates have particular strengths in particular demographics. — Lucy Flores

Remember, I am always 12 steps ahead.. — Silvia Flores

On the rare occasions when a reporter asks if a criminal is an immigrant, government officials summarily dismiss the question as if it would be racist to discuss the defendant's nation of birth. Ricardo DeLeon Flores killed a teenaged girl in Kansas after speeding through a stop sign and crashing into two cars. "When asked whether Flores was a U.S. citizen," the local Kansas newspaper reported, "Deborah Owens of the Leavenworth County Attorney's Office said she had no knowledge of his citizenship status."33 Was the Spanish translator a hint? The ICE officials showing up in court? His Oakland Raiders T-shirt? Two families' lives were forever changed by the reckless behavior of someone who should not have been in this country, but the prosecutor refused to tell a reporter that Flores was an illegal immigrant. Owens must have felt a warm rush of self-righteousness, thinking how much better she is than all those blood-and-soil types who want to know when foreigners kill Americans. — Ann Coulter

Ah, girls. All warm and soft and fragrant, upset when their skirts tantalized a wind, anxious when no one noticed the smooth lengths of their legs, those pink knees. Ah, girls! Outraged by your indifference, frightened by your passion. — Bobby Flores-Villasis

You have to be able to risk your identity for a bigger future than the present you are living. — Fernando Flores

You don't think the dead guy is Miguel Flores."
"I think the dead guy's name was Lino."
"But ... that means maybe he wasn't even a priest, and he was up there doing the Mass thing, and marrying people, burying people."
"Maybe God struck him down for it. Case closed. We'll arrest God before end of shift. I want those dental records, and the dental records from New York."
"I'm pretty sure that arrest God stuff is blasphemy. — J.D. Robb

Daddy, you said ass. — Kimi Flores

We all know pain, in one form or another, it is what you do with it for others that is most important. — Gina Flores

Love, Trust & Pixie Dust ! — Silvia Flores

We don't realize how much we create reality through language. If we say that life is hard, it will be hard. — Fernando Flores

So think of the American Great Plains as one more reminder that we can find home again. — Dan Flores

We live in an extraordinary time — Fernando Flores

That's why we're doing this, to defend our traditions a little. I don't have anything against it (Halloween), but it's not our tradition. — Fernando Flores

A feel-good style can be a symptom of unawareness or lack of caring. — Fernando Flores

But every company of the future is going to be in the business of exquisite care - which means quick turnaround time and convenience. To deliver exquisite care, you need an organization that coordinates well and listens well. — Fernando Flores

Everywhere revolutions are painful yet a fruitful gestation of people; they shed blood but create light, they eliminate men but elaborate ideas. — Manuel Gonzalez Flores

Be not afraid of going slow, be afraid of standing still. — Eddie Flores Jr.

If we publicly declare that Cuba is a threat to our security, forty million Mexicans will die laughing. — Antonio Carrillo Flores

Sharpen your Claws against wrong doing, against human suffering. Have Ears like Owls, HEAR what your child isn't telling you. Have Eyes like a Hawk, so that you might SEE all that passes before you. Be Brave like a Bear and have the Courage of a Mother Lion to SAVE our young. — Theresa L. Flores

I think that that's why Bernie's [Sanders] message is resonating the way that it does with everyone, including Latinos, is because, you know, look, they're worried about whether or not they can feed their families and take care of themselves. — Lucy Flores

It was as if there were always some good fortune with me that would keep me from going hungry. I knew I would never die of hunger. — Micaela Flores Amaya

You have one big mythology in your favor: Everyone believes that you Europeans are impeccable. But I know you are jerks. — Fernando Flores

I made my own assessment of my life, and I began to live it. That was freedom. — Fernando Flores

An organsation's results are determined through webs of human commitments, born in webs of human conversations. — Fernando Flores

I like very little to talk. There are many things I cannot say, I can only feel them and dance them. — Micaela Flores Amaya

In the name of justice the most savage and revolting acts are perpetrated. — Ricardo Flores Magon

No, really," I said. "Now that we know that Flores is really this nasty, fiery, superpowerful nothing-can-kill-me demon from hell, maybe we should consider just giving Christy to him? — Patricia Briggs

We obviously talk about immigration, but that's not the number one priority for - at least that I've seen with the Latino demographic. And we have not seen that as polling as the number one issue either. — Lucy Flores

Whether Sapiens are to blame or not, no sooner had they arrived at a new location than the native population became extinct. The last remains of Homo soloensis are dated to about 50,000 years ago. Homo denisova disappeared shortly thereafter. Neanderthals made their exit roughly 30,000 years ago. The last dwarf-like humans vanished from Flores Island about 12,000 years ago. They left behind some bones, stone tools, a few genes in our DNA and a lot of unanswered questions. They also left behind us, Homo sapiens, the last human species. — Yuval Noah Harari

Look at what Al Davis has done. He hired the first Hispanic head coach (Tom Flores), the first black head coach (Art Shell), and now me. It's not a coincidence. People in sports talk a lot about inclusiveness and giving people opportunities. While they talk, I only see one person doing it. Al is the last person on Earth who'd do this for a pat on the back. A pat on the back would annoy him. He does it for the right reasons. — Amy Trask

Our best comes out when we have honest discussions. — Fernando Flores

We are free, truly free, when we don't need to rent our arms to anybody in order to be able to lift a piece of bread to our mouths. — Ricardo Flores Magon

Many people find that they frequently slip into negative, unproductive moods, and, once in these moods, it can be difficult to shift out of them. We suggest that this happens because most people have an interpretation of mood and emotion that limits their power to observe and change their moods. — Fernando Flores

Over the last year, the RNC has made an unprecedented effort to engage Hispanic communities across Florida and around the country. Here in Florida the RNC has hired a diverse group of Hispanic staffers who are growing and reaching out to our community, to them I offer my most sincere gratitude. — Anitere Flores

Halfway through the set, the lead singer, who goes by Cloud, knife in hand, begins to stab at the cutout of Copal Brandt with a lion's passion. Out of nowhere blood is produced and Cloud proceeds to rub it all over his own face and body, then on his own bandmates. Afterwards he roars into the microphone, 'Do you know why we're doing this, McAllen? We're doing this FOR NO PARTICULAR REASON!!!!!!!!! — Fernando A. Flores

Now, as a culture, we've accepted that texting, video chatting, and instant messaging are to be respected, and that means that you stop whatever you are doing in real life, pick up your smartphone and respond to whatever push notification you are receiving. — Suzana Flores