Famous Quotes & Sayings

Flesh Movie Quotes & Sayings

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Top Flesh Movie Quotes

Flesh Movie Quotes By Simon McBurney

Mozart makes us care about people in flashes of lightning. — Simon McBurney

Flesh Movie Quotes By Gemma Files

As time passes, the cast and crew go the way of all flesh, though their celluloid echoes remain--walking, talking, fighting, fucking. After enough time, every person you see onscreen will have died, transformed through the magic of cinema into a collection of visible memories: light on a screen, pixels on a videotape, information on a DVD. We bring them back every time we start a movie, and they live again, reflected in our eyes. It's a cruel sort of immortality, I guess, though it probably beats the alternative. — Gemma Files

Flesh Movie Quotes By Andrew Klavan

Joy. The joy of my joy. There through everything. A shocking sense of vitality and beauty present in both happiness and in the midst of pain. The only thing I can think to compare this experience to is the experience of an excellent story - reading a great novel, say, or watching a great movie. The scene before you might be a happy one or a sad one. You might feel uplifted or you might feel heartbroken or you might feel afraid. But whatever you feel, you're still loving the story. Through prayer, I came to experience both pleasure and sorrow in something like that way. In God, the life of the flesh became the story of the spirit. I loved that story, no matter what. During — Andrew Klavan

Flesh Movie Quotes By Wilhelm Grimm

He who helped you when you were in trouble ought not afterwards be despised by you — Wilhelm Grimm

Flesh Movie Quotes By Ralph Waldo Emerson

But the man is, as it were, clapped into jail by his consciousness. As soon as he has once acted or spoken with eclat, he is a committed person, watched by the sympathy or the hatred of hundreds, whose affections must now enter into his account. — Ralph Waldo Emerson

Flesh Movie Quotes By J.K. Rowling

Would the realization of Sukhvinder's desperation lead, at last, to some crack in her mother's implacable disapproval, her disappointment, her endless stone-faced criticism? — J.K. Rowling

Flesh Movie Quotes By Union Gospel Press

Stated negatively (I John 4:18). "There is no fear in love," wrote John, "but perfect love casteth out fear." Love and fear are incompatible; the one who lives in terror of God's disapproval shows that love is lacking from his life. "Perfect love" should be understood as love brought to completion (cf. 2:5; 4:12). This kind of sacrificial love casts out fear. John's observation that fear lives in torment — Union Gospel Press

Flesh Movie Quotes By Uwe Boll

So if you want to have a great video game-based movie you have to keep the mood of the game, use the normal character setup - but you have to flesh out the story and provide more background for the characters. — Uwe Boll

Flesh Movie Quotes By Harlan Coben

And then she walked into the room. Like calling this place a "house" was inadequate, saying she "walked" also seemed far too tame. Accurate, yes. I mean, she didn't do anything extraordinary. Not really. She didn't glide into the drawing room or ride in on a white horse or anything like that. But she might as well have. She made an entrance and she made it just by entering. I didn't say "wow" out loud, but I almost did. We both quickly stood, not because we were being gentlemen, but because something about her entrance demanded it. There, in the flesh, was the talk of the town, the movie poster come to life, Angelica Wyatt. "You — Harlan Coben

Flesh Movie Quotes By Ingrid Bergman

[On Alfred Hitchcock:] Hitch is a gentleman farmer who raises goose flesh. — Ingrid Bergman

Flesh Movie Quotes By Rebecca Mead

Some very eminent critics writing in the decades immediately after the novel's publication felt that Eliot failed to maintain sufficient critical distance in her depiction of Ladislaw
that she fell in love with her own creation in a way that shows a lack of artistic control and is even unseemly, like a hoary movie director whose lens lingers too long on the young flesh of a favored actress. Lord David Cecil calls Ladislaw 'a schoolgirl's dream, and a vulgar one at that,' while Leslie Stephen complained 'Ladislaw is almost obtrusively a favorite with his creator,' and depreciated him as 'an amiable Bohemian. — Rebecca Mead

Flesh Movie Quotes By Arina Tanemura

If you are willing to jump in front of a car to save a friend, then that friendship is real. — Arina Tanemura

Flesh Movie Quotes By William Shakespeare

Now I could drink hot blood! — William Shakespeare

Flesh Movie Quotes By Sarah Hay

I want to act in a Tarantino movie and be a vixen in one of his films. Maybe I'll secretly drop an episode of 'Flesh and Bone' in his mailbox and see what he thinks. — Sarah Hay

Flesh Movie Quotes By Wendell Berry

The real work of planet-saving will be small, humble, and humbling, and (insofar as it involves love) pleasing and rewarding. Its jobs will be too many to count, too many to report, too many to be publicly noticed or rewarded, too small to make anyone rich or famous. — Wendell Berry

Flesh Movie Quotes By Anthony Hopkins

I can't stand directors who try to micro-manage everything. When it happens these days I just walk off set, saying if they don't like the way I'm doing it they can get someone else. — Anthony Hopkins

Flesh Movie Quotes By Jane Devin

Being with other people is hard for me, even when I love them. People have different ways of seeing and feeling, and things they like and things they don't, and trying to keep up with all of that- trying to keep another person happy all the time
can be exhausting. — Jane Devin

Flesh Movie Quotes By Susan Carroll

I am not an analytical writer. Once I flesh out my characters and decide on the elements of my plot, the story unfolds in my head almost as though it was a movie reel. — Susan Carroll

Flesh Movie Quotes By Ellen Schreiber

Every time the phone rang, my heart jumped. Was it Alexander? And when it wasn't him my heart would break into a million pieces. It had been two longs days since I had seen my Gothic mate. I was so preoccupied with Alexander, dreaming of the next time we'd be together, nothing else mattered. I didn't wash the spot where his tender love lips had pressed against my flesh. I was acting like I was straight out of a Gidget movie! What had happened to me? I was losing my edge! For the first time in my life I was really afraid. Afraid of never seeing him again and afraid of being rejected. — Ellen Schreiber

Flesh Movie Quotes By Henry Rollins

She touches me The jungle lights up with incinerating fire Looks like a flaming serpent I look into her eyes I see a movie flickering Car crashes People kicking corpses Men ripping their tracheas out and shaking them at the sky I think to myself: I don't want to survive this one I want to burn up in the wreckage Cooking flesh in the jungle — Henry Rollins

Flesh Movie Quotes By Elon Musk

If anyone has a vested interest in space solar power, it would have to be me. — Elon Musk

Flesh Movie Quotes By Albert Camus

What he had loved in Marthe were those evenings when they would walk into the movie theater and men's eyes turned toward her, that moment when he offered her to the world. What he loved in her was his power and his ambition to live. Even his desire, the deepest craving of his flesh, probably derived from this initial astonishment at possessing a lovely body, at mastering and humiliating it. — Albert Camus

Flesh Movie Quotes By Shane Black

I have a shoebox: for ideas, fragments, snatches of conversation I hear. I scrawl it down, throw the scraps in the box. Every time I start a new script I start picking through the pieces. Suddenly you get five pieces together and think: this is almost the first Act of a movie, if I flesh it out a bit. — Shane Black

Flesh Movie Quotes By Virginia Woolf

And her old Uncle William used to say a lady is known by
her shoes and her gloves. — Virginia Woolf

Flesh Movie Quotes By Jim Butcher

I've had worse," Michael said, his voice strained. He shifted his weight, testing the leg, and made a hissing sound - but it supported his weight. "Only a flesh wound." "Yeah," I said. "'Tis but a scratch. Come on, ya pansy." He blinked and looked at me. "Pansy?" "Oh," I said. "You weren't quoting the movie. Sorry." "Movie?" "Holy Grail?" "Nicodemus still has it." I sighed. "Never mind. — Jim Butcher

Flesh Movie Quotes By Rick Astley

Scientology always makes me think of that movie 'V' where that woman takes off her mask of human flesh to reveal her true, alien self. — Rick Astley

Flesh Movie Quotes By Sahar Abdulaziz

There is probably nothing more menacing or dangerous than an individual who is devoid of compassion or empathy. When this individual is permitted by community apathy and bias to successfully cloak himself in the attire of one who claims allegiance to his or her Creator, it becomes the moral imperative of those who lay witness to the peril to step up before it is too late. Until such a time when domestic violence and sexual assault are eradicated for good, the perpetrators of these deplorable acts will continue to cause unspeakable harm as Evil's welcomed ambassadors and Tyranny's strongest ally. — Sahar Abdulaziz

Flesh Movie Quotes By Amy Harmon

So.....you're the guy Maggie's got the hots for." Maggie rolled her eyes and dropped her head into her hands. Leave it to Shad to just come right out with it. From her dejected position, she couldn't see Johnny's response, but she felt his interest pique like a blow torch aimed right at her face. Her neck and cheeks flamed hot.

"Johnny Kinross - in the flesh," Shad was warming up to the subject now, his lines right out of a poorly-written made-for-TV movie. "You are Johnny Kinross, right? I mean...I never saw you. But I think we had a pretty good relationship." Maggie sputtered, a laugh erupting from her chest. Shad swiveled his head and gave her his "Shut-up-woman!" lips and his "domineering male" chin thrust. He was talking again before Maggie could give him her "you've-got-ten-seconds-to-vacate-the-premises-before-I-cut-you" glare in response. — Amy Harmon

Flesh Movie Quotes By Barbara Kingsolver

Come on, people. Doesn't anybody remember how to take a big old knife, whack open a pumpkin, scrape out the seeds, and bake it? We can carve a face onto it, but can't draw and quarter it? Are we not a nation known worldwide for our cultural zest for blowing up flesh, on movie and video screens and/or armed conflict? Are we in actual fact too squeamish to stab a large knife into a pumpkin? Wait till our enemies find out. — Barbara Kingsolver