Famous Quotes & Sayings

Fix My Mistakes Quotes & Sayings

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Top Fix My Mistakes Quotes

Fix My Mistakes Quotes By Sue Monk Kidd

Every person on the face of the earth makes mistakes, Lily. Every last one. We're all so human. Your mother made a terrible mistake, but she tried to fix it.'
'Good night,' I said, and rolled onto my side.
'There is nothing perfect,' August said from the doorway. 'There is only life. — Sue Monk Kidd

Fix My Mistakes Quotes By Dan Ariely

I always found the appeal to the market gods a bit odd. Why would the market fix mistakes instead of aggravating them? — Dan Ariely

Fix My Mistakes Quotes By Ava Harrison

It's okay to make mistakes. It's how you fix them that defines you. — Ava Harrison

Fix My Mistakes Quotes By Brandon Sanderson

Some mistakes, though, you can't fix by being sorry. Can't fix them, no matter what you do. — Brandon Sanderson

Fix My Mistakes Quotes By Julia Child

Of course I made many boo-boos. At first this broke my heart, but then I came to understand that learning how to fix one's mistakes, or live with them, was an important part of becoming a cook. — Julia Child

Fix My Mistakes Quotes By Kenzie Cade

-No- I swallowed past the fear in my throat- But I'm afraid of fucking it up.
- We all fuck things up, Gav. it's how we fix them after we've broken them matters. — Kenzie Cade

Fix My Mistakes Quotes By Abigail Thomas

The future was also the place where the bad stuff waited in ambush. My children were embarking on their futures in fragile vessels, and I trembled. I wanted to remove obstacles, smooth their way, I wanted to change their childhoods. I needed to be right all the time, I wanted them to listen to me, learn from my mistakes, and save themselves a lot of grief. Well, now I know I can control my tongue, my temper, and my appetites, but that's it. I have no effect on weather, traffic, or luck. I can't make good things happen. I can't keep anybody safe. I can't influence the future and I can't fix up the past.
What a relief. — Abigail Thomas

Fix My Mistakes Quotes By Ron Koertge

I'm not a big fan of inspiration. I'm too old to sit and wait for the muse to give me a little kiss ... I write a lot, and I'm not afraid to make mistakes or to write badly. I can alsways fix something weak and dull. But I can't fix a blank page. — Ron Koertge

Fix My Mistakes Quotes By Miranda Kenneally

I am so lucky. I used to think trust means "never let you down", but really, it's about love. Family can't always help fix a difficult situation, and everybody makes mistakes. We shouldn't expect perfect. But we can hope that the people we love love us enough to try to make it right. — Miranda Kenneally

Fix My Mistakes Quotes By April Bloomfield

I became a manager very young. My first sous chef job I was, maybe, 25. It was a bit too early for me. But it's on-the-job training. You really just get stuck in there and it's trial and error. You learn by your mistakes, and hopefully you don't keep making them. And if you do, you just keep trying to fix it. — April Bloomfield

Fix My Mistakes Quotes By Esther Dyson

I personally like the certainty of death. It is amazingly relaxing to realize that one can't do everything. If I knew I were going to live forever, I would feel obligated to fix all my imperfections. I would have to learn many more languages; I would worry about my teeth not holding out; I would have to make amends for all the mistakes I have made. — Esther Dyson

Fix My Mistakes Quotes By Julie Kagawa

My heart seemed to stop. Garret paused, as if gathering his thoughts, or his courage, then took a deep breath. "I know I've made mistakes," he continued, shaking his head. "But there's still the chance for me to fix them. I shouldn't have walked out that night." His brow creased, a flicker of pain and regret going through his eyes. "Ember, I know you can't feel what I do," he said. "I get that. But ... I want to be with you. And if that's not possible, I'll be content just to be close. Fighting Talon with you and Riley, helping people, saving other dragons from the Order-there is nothing I want more. And nowhere else I want to be. — Julie Kagawa

Fix My Mistakes Quotes By R.J. Palacio

Is that we can fix our mistakes sometimes. We learn from them. We get better. I never made a mistake like the one I made with Tourteau again, not with anyone in my life. And I have had a very, very long life. You will learn from your mistake, too. You must promise yourself that you will never behave like that with anyone else again. One mistake does not define you, Julian. Do you understand me? You must simply act better next time. I nodded, but I still cried for a long, long time after that. — R.J. Palacio

Fix My Mistakes Quotes By Ann Brashares

I'm afraid of time ... I mean, I'm afraid of not having enough time. Not enough time to understand people, how they really are, or to be understood myself. I'm afraid of the quick judgements or mistakes everybody makes. You can't fix them without time. I'm afraid of seeing snapshots, not movies. — Ann Brashares

Fix My Mistakes Quotes By Neil Diamond

My voice is unadorned. I don't try for perfection. I try to be honest and truthful and soulful with the voice I have. If I make mistakes in notes, or there are cracks in notes, I don't fix them. That's the way it is. — Neil Diamond

Fix My Mistakes Quotes By Andrea Lochen

It's easy to point out someone else's mistake, harder to recognize your own. Especially because most people - except the lucky few like ourselves - are forced to live with their mistakes. So they learn to justify their mistakes, build on them, until they can look back and convince themselves that their mistake was inevitable all along, a good choice, in fact. An unwed teenage mother can look back at her unexpected pregnancy fondly six years down the road once the child's out of her hair and in school all day. She wouldn't dare go back and fix that mistake because it's become part of her life. — Andrea Lochen

Fix My Mistakes Quotes By Les Miles

I think the good news is that our team understands the positon they're in. If they want to win a division or a conference, they're going to have to fix their mistakes. — Les Miles

Fix My Mistakes Quotes By Kamaran Ihsan Salih

Do not afraid of your previous mistakes, try to fix them. — Kamaran Ihsan Salih

Fix My Mistakes Quotes By Tim O'Brien

It was my view then, and still is, that you don't make war without knowing why. Knowledge of course, is always imperfect, but it seemed to me that when a nation goes to war it must have reasonable confidence in the justice and imperative of its cause. You can't fix your mistakes. Once people are dead, you can't make them undead. — Tim O'Brien

Fix My Mistakes Quotes By R.J. Palacio

But the good thing about life, Julian," she continued, "is that we can fix our mistakes sometimes. We learn from them. We get better. One mistake does not define you. — R.J. Palacio