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Fire Of Kindness Quotes & Sayings

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Top Fire Of Kindness Quotes

Fire Of Kindness Quotes By Debasish Mridha

When you're angry and the fire of revenge is burning your mind, that is the best time to practice calmness, forgiveneess, kindness and love — Debasish Mridha

Fire Of Kindness Quotes By Clarice Lispector

But I also know of yet another life. I know and want it and devour it ferociously. It's a life of magical violence. It's mysterious and bewitching. In it snakes entwine while the stars tremble. Drops of water drip in the phosphorescent darkness of the cave. In that dark the flowers intertwine in a humid fairy garden. And I am the sorceress of that silent bacchanal. I feel defeated by my own corruptibility. And I see that I am intrinsically bad. It's only out of pure kindness that I am good. Defeated by myself. Who lead me along the paths of the salamander, the spirit who rules the fire and lives within it. And I give myself as an offering to the dead. I weave spells on the solstice, spectre of an exorcised dragon. — Clarice Lispector

Fire Of Kindness Quotes By Richelle E. Goodrich

The glory of fame isn't in having so many people know you, but in having so many people know you care. Otherwise, it's like being drawn to a fire to find no warmth. — Richelle E. Goodrich

Fire Of Kindness Quotes By Srividya Srinivasan

I realise and finally acknowledge that at the core I am only a lover. Of life. Of beauty. Of love. Of being in love. Of kindness. Of words. Of conversations. Of dreams. Of imagination. Of ideas. Of realness. Of vulnerability. Of solitude. Of Silences. Of companionship. Of poetry. Of music. Of movement. Of stillness. Of energy. And, when the lover in me is stifled,starved, not finding resonance, is misunderstood, is dulled or ignored, I question my very existence because I do not feel alive. When the lover in me dies, everything in me dies. I realise that my inner fire is only a lover. I have no other identity of self than as a lover. — Srividya Srinivasan

Fire Of Kindness Quotes By George R R Martin

I will say, I think it odd that I am loved by one for a kindness I never did, and reviled by so many for my finest act. — George R R Martin

Fire Of Kindness Quotes By Mehmet Murat Ildan

Man must have fires in his life: Fire of love; fire of work; fire of doing kindness ... Without fires, man is just a cold rock! — Mehmet Murat Ildan

Fire Of Kindness Quotes By Charles Williams

but he did not change his purpose, nor did the universe invite him to change. It accepted the choice; no more preventing him than it prevents a child playing with fire or a fool destroying his love. It has not our kindness or our decency; if it is good, its goodness is of another kind than ours. — Charles Williams

Fire Of Kindness Quotes By Joanna Scott

Masks are wonderfully paradoxical in this way: while they may hide the physical reality, they can show us how a person wants to be seen. — Joanna Scott

Fire Of Kindness Quotes By Kristin Cashore

To Garan's credit, the treatment of Dellian prisoners did change after that. One particularly laconic man, after a session in which Fire learned positively nothing, thanked her for it specifically. "Best dungeons I ever been in," he said, chewing on a toothpick.
"Wonderful," Garan grumbled when he had gone. "We'll grow a reputation for our kindness to lawbreakers. — Kristin Cashore

Fire Of Kindness Quotes By Garth Risk Hallberg

College stirred in her a certain contempt for virtues like kindness and persistence. She would have appeared to have been a kind and persistent person herself, but a steady diet of Antonioni films and an introductory course on existentialism had awakened her to the fact that she wanted more. — Garth Risk Hallberg

Fire Of Kindness Quotes By Debasish Mridha

The fire of kindness can melt the most hateful heart. — Debasish Mridha

Fire Of Kindness Quotes By B.A. Tortuga

He caught Ben's come in the napkin, the smell making his mouth water harder than any chile sauce could. — B.A. Tortuga

Fire Of Kindness Quotes By Albert Camus

Love cannot accept what it is. Everywhere on earth it cries out against kindness, compassion, intelligence, everything that leads to compromise. Love demands the impossible, the absolute, the sky on fire, inexhaustible springtime, life after death, and death itself transfigured into eternal life. — Albert Camus

Fire Of Kindness Quotes By Richelle E. Goodrich

Learning to breathe fire isn't nearly as extraordinary as learning to breathe a word of kindness. — Richelle E. Goodrich

Fire Of Kindness Quotes By Lou Reed

The rich son waits for his father to die, the poor just drink and cry. — Lou Reed

Fire Of Kindness Quotes By Molly Friedenfeld

A simple truth delivered in kindness may be the impetus that ignites a passionate fire in another's soul and goes on to become the source of motivation for positive change. — Molly Friedenfeld

Fire Of Kindness Quotes By Janette Oke

When men don't have God, they need substitutes. To my way of thinking, whiskey is a poor substitute - but many men depend upon it. But what I am angry about is that they didn't obey my orders. — Janette Oke

Fire Of Kindness Quotes By Sterling W. Sill

The hottest coals of fire ever heaped upon the head of one who has wronged you are the coals of human kindness. — Sterling W. Sill

Fire Of Kindness Quotes By Samuel Rutherford

It is the Lord's kindness that he will take the scum off us in the fire. Who know how needful winnowing is to us and what dross we have before we enter the kingdom of God? So narrow is the entry to heaven that our knots, lumps of pride, self-love, idol-love, and world-love must be hammered off us, that we may stoop low and creep through into that narrow entry. — Samuel Rutherford

Fire Of Kindness Quotes By Rob Bignell, Editor

..here's the editor's prescription, writer: 1000 words daily until next checkup. — Rob Bignell, Editor

Fire Of Kindness Quotes By Charlotte Bronte

God bless you, my dear master! I said. God keep you from harm and wrong
direct you
solace you
reward you well for your past kindness to me."
"Little Jane's love would have been my best reward," he answered; "without it, my heart is broken. But Jane will give me her love: yes
nobly, generously."
Up the blood rushed to his face; forth flashed the fire from his eyes; erect he sprang; he held his arms out; but I evaded the embrace, and at once quitted the room.
"Farewell!" was the cry of my heart as I left him. Despair added, "Farewell for ever!"
... immeasurable distant was the tone, yet so near, it whispered in my heart
"my daughter, flee temptation."
"Mother, I will. — Charlotte Bronte

Fire Of Kindness Quotes By Kenneth Eade

You have to remember, William. It may make the difference between freedom and half a lifetime in prison. — Kenneth Eade

Fire Of Kindness Quotes By Henry Rollins

You can get what you want. Never sell out. Don't break. Don't weaken. Don't let the kindness of strangers be your salvation, for it is no salvation at all. Unless you sleep alone, you sleep with the enemy. Never come out of the storm. On the other hand, maybe you should. You don't have what it takes to go the hard way. Come out of the cold and sit by the fire. Let them warm you with the smiles and promise of friendship's fortune. Lose your edge. A soft body and chained mind suit you. Chances are you don't have what it takes to walk the frozen trail. Stay home and relax. — Henry Rollins

Fire Of Kindness Quotes By Stephen R. Lawhead

I have seen a land shining with goodness, where each man protects his brother's dignity as readily as his own, where war and want have ceased and all races live under the same law of love and honour.
I have seen a land bright with truth, where a man's word is his pledge and falsehood is banished, where children sleep safe in their mother's arms and never know fear or pain.
I have seen a land where kings extend their hands in justice rather than reach for the sword; where mercy, kindness, and compassion flow like deep water over the land, and men revere virtue, revere truth, revere beauty, above comfort, pleasure or selfish gain. A land where peace reigns in the hill, and love like a fire from every hearth; where the True God is worshipped and his ways acclaimed by all. — Stephen R. Lawhead

Fire Of Kindness Quotes By Helen Humphreys

Now I see how many wolf characteristics you had. You were wary, didn't really trust anyone or anything. You were elusive and secretive. You paced out behind the trees, watching everything and waiting for the moment when it was safe to come in and rest by the fire. But you weren't happy there -- no, I take that back, you were happy there, but you weren't comfortable. It wasn't what you knew. It wasn't what you trusted. You trusted meanness, not kindness. Kindness spooked you -- you were always looking for the trap in it. You trusted in a scrappy existence where you had to fight for your survival. — Helen Humphreys

Fire Of Kindness Quotes By Aristotle.

The specific excellence of verbal expression in poetry is to be clear without being low. — Aristotle.

Fire Of Kindness Quotes By Ashe Vernon

don't you dare, for one minute,
believe that my kindness makes me
anything but insurmountable.
i did not unzip my chest to every kind of hurt,
and stagger back, wounded and alive,
just to hear you call me weak for trying.
i opened my door to heartache -
i gave her the fucking key.
my softness for wayward strangers
has made me nothing less
than a halfway house for aching soles.
so when you open your mouth
and call me 'baby'
understand that i am not your next victim
in a laundry list of broken girls.
you think i don't know you? people like you?
people with mouths for hands.
i've got skin like topsoil
and your teeth could never take root.
so when you go looking to make a plaything
of a sunburst,
you better look for someone with less fire
than me.
because softness or no,
i will eat you alive
before i let you make a meal of me. — Ashe Vernon

Fire Of Kindness Quotes By Jojo Moyes

Try to write at least 500 words a day. You may ditch 499 of them tomorrow, but you will still be moving forward. — Jojo Moyes

Fire Of Kindness Quotes By Kelly Moran

The woman got to him. Deeply. If she wasn't spitting fire she was driving him to his knees with her kindness. Such an endearing contradiction she was. — Kelly Moran

Fire Of Kindness Quotes By Kristin Cashore

I'd thought once, actually, of taking your mind, if you asked. I'd thought I could help you fall asleep at night."
He opened his mouth to say something. Shut it again. His face closed for a moment, his unreadable mask falling into place. He spoke softly. "But that wouldn't be fair; for after I slept you'd be left awake, with no one to help you sleep. — Kristin Cashore

Fire Of Kindness Quotes By Eudora Welty

Don't want to do a thing, Ran, do we, from now and on till evermore. — Eudora Welty

Fire Of Kindness Quotes By Martin Luther

But whoever wants to call upon God, regardless of where he may be in the world, must turn His face heavenward to Christ and thus come to God through Christ, the real and true temple. For Christ is the proper mercy seat (Rom 3:25), with whom sheer mercy, love, and kindness are found. But whoever seeks God apart from Christ will find the God described by Moses as 'a devouring fire' (Deut. 4:24). — Martin Luther

Fire Of Kindness Quotes By Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni

After the fire, when I'd tried to express my gratitude for their kindness to our customers, they'd been awkward, uncomfortable. My father had had to explain to me that giving thanks is not a common practice in India.
'Then how do you know if people appreciated what you did?' I'd asked.
'Do you really need to know?' my father had asked back. — Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni

Fire Of Kindness Quotes By Sarah Castille

You have fire, you have soul. Your strength and resilience amaze me. Your gentleness and kindness humble me. Your beauty takes my breath away. If I could have only one thing in this life, it would be you. — Sarah Castille

Fire Of Kindness Quotes By Richelle E. Goodrich

When you tend to another's dying embers, you find both warmth and an increase in the glow of your own fire. — Richelle E. Goodrich

Fire Of Kindness Quotes By Mackenzie Herbert

I know you're just trying to be kind. But the world isn't always kind. So sometimes you have to know what you're up against, and match it.' He held up a hand to stop the words about to be spoken; I could see the vague shape of it hovering in the blackness. 'I know it's not right to fight fire with fire. But sometimes, it's all we've got." His voice grew soft, and, in the darkness, his hand found mine, squeezed. 'Don't put your fire out, Kaitlyn. Use it, or pass the torch. — Mackenzie Herbert

Fire Of Kindness Quotes By Elise Kova

Fritz, this is Daniel. Daniel, Fritz," she introduced.
Daniel extended his palm in greeting.
"You best be nice to our Vhal!" Fritz said, ignoring Daniel's hand and pointing in his face.
"My, you didn't warn me you had bodyguards," Daniel chuckled, taking Fritz's hand from his face and shaking it. "You have my word, only kindness and care from me. — Elise Kova