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Quotes & Sayings About Finding A Solution To A Problem

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Top Finding A Solution To A Problem Quotes

Finding A Solution To A Problem Quotes By Donna Karan

I think I was always inspired by seeing a problem, and finding a solution. — Donna Karan

Finding A Solution To A Problem Quotes By Napoleon Hill

All personal achievement starts within the mind of the individual-knowing your problem is the first step in finding the solution. — Napoleon Hill

Finding A Solution To A Problem Quotes By Albert Einstein

If I had only one hour to save the world, I would spend fifty-five minutes defining the problem, and only five minutes finding the solution. — Albert Einstein

Finding A Solution To A Problem Quotes By Paul Gitwaza

Your solution lies not in finding favor before men but before God. Learn to seek Him for your problems and His favor will meet you. — Paul Gitwaza

Finding A Solution To A Problem Quotes By Tara Moss

There are those who see a problem and there are those who will not give up until they find a solution - finding a solution is what the Full Stop Foundation is about — Tara Moss

Finding A Solution To A Problem Quotes By Anthony Liccione

The problem is, first take your eyes off the problem and focus on a solution. — Anthony Liccione

Finding A Solution To A Problem Quotes By Rupa Mehta

Thinking of a problem as a situation that is unwelcome or harmful can be limiting and distracting. When we attach ourselves to dissecting and focusing on the negativity of the problem, we take away valuable time and effort from finding the solution. When we allow our problem to emotionally outweigh our search for a solution, we aren't as open to the many possible solutions. In fact, both solutions and problems are just options - except one works and the other doesn't. — Rupa Mehta

Finding A Solution To A Problem Quotes By Steven Pinker

Many textbooks point out that no animal has evolved wheels and cite the fact as an example of how evolution is often incapable of finding the optimal solution to an engineering problem. But it is not a good example at all. Even if nature could have evolved a moose on wheels, it surely would have opted not to. Wheels are good only in a world with roads and rails. They bog down in any terrain that is soft, slippery, steep, or uneven. Legs are better. Wheels have to roll along an unbroken supporting ridge, but legs can be placed on a series of separate footholds, an extreme example being a ladder. Legs can also be placed to minimize lurching and to step over obstacles. Even today, when it seems as if the world has become a parking lot, only about half of the earth's land is accessible to vehicles with wheels or tracks, but most of the earth's land is accessible to vehicles with feet: animals, the vehicles designed by natural selection. — Steven Pinker

Finding A Solution To A Problem Quotes By Sarah Napthali

I had uncovered a widely held but overlooked attachment: our attachment to the view that every problem must have a solution. We delude ourselves that we can think our way out of a problem or we see it as a matter of finding the right person to advise us. We become beggars for our problems, asking numerous people for an opinion. So often, we refuse to relax until a problem is fixed, only to discover our inability to relax was most of the problem. — Sarah Napthali

Finding A Solution To A Problem Quotes By Auliq Ice

Having new problems everyday without finding a solution is definitely a flag of permanent defeat, try other ways you will find it's solution. — Auliq Ice

Finding A Solution To A Problem Quotes By Peter Turchi

Actually solving the puzzles in the book isn't going to improve anyone's writing, but "trying to solve the puzzle" is one way to think about what a lot of us - writers and other artists - do every day. Step one is to recognize the problem, step two is deciding what constraints you want to impose or respect, and step three is finding a pleasing/surprising/exciting solution. — Peter Turchi

Finding A Solution To A Problem Quotes By Deepak Chopra

Spiritually, there is a level that is the highest of all. This is the level of transcendence. When you transcend, you release personal attachments. No longer struck in old habits and conditioning, you ask for your highest awareness to enter the situation and find a solution. Transcending is more than simply letting go. In practical terms, several other steps are involved: You step back from the problem and acknowledge that there is more than one way to look at it. You give up your claim to know the truth already. You open yourself to new possibilities. You remove inner resistance to finding an answer; such resistance might come in the form of anger, resentment, envy, stubbornness, or insecurity. Finally, you invite the answer to unfold any way that it wants to, which means being alert to unexpected shifts and changes. — Deepak Chopra

Finding A Solution To A Problem Quotes By Henry Hazlitt

The real solution to the problem of poverty consists in finding how to increase the employment and earning power of the poor. — Henry Hazlitt

Finding A Solution To A Problem Quotes By Richard Rohr

The genius of the Gospel was that it included the problem inside the solution. The falling became the standing. The stumbling became the finding. The dying became the rising. The raft became the shore. The small self cannot see this very easily, because it doubts itself too much, is still too fragile, and is caught up in the tragedy of it all. It has not lived long enough to see the big patterns. No wonder so many of our young commit suicide. This is exactly why we need elders and those who can mirror life truthfully and foundationally for the young. Intimate I-Thou relationships are the greatest mirrors of all, so we dare not avoid them, but for the young they have perhaps not yet taken place at any depth, so young people are always very fragile. — Richard Rohr

Finding A Solution To A Problem Quotes By Demi Moore

You have to acknowledge a problem exists before you can actually go about finding a solution. — Demi Moore

Finding A Solution To A Problem Quotes By Daniel H. Pink

The quality of the problem that is found is a forerunner of the quality of the solution that is attained. It is in fact the discovery and creation of problems rather than any superior knowledge, technical skill, or craftsmanship, that often sets the creative person apart from others in his field. — Daniel H. Pink

Finding A Solution To A Problem Quotes By Muhammad Yunus

When we want to help the poor, we usually offer them charity. Most often we use charity to avoid recognizing the problem and finding the solution for it. Charity becomes a way to shrug off our responsibility. But charity is no solution to poverty. Charity only perpetuates poverty by taking the initiative away from the poor. Charity allows us to go ahead with our own lives without worrying about the lives of the poor. Charity appeases our consciences. — Muhammad Yunus

Finding A Solution To A Problem Quotes By Ilona Andrews

I like problem solving. I like taking a crisis, breaking it into manageable pieces, and finding a solution. I don't like the minutiae. I don't like paperwork." "You — Ilona Andrews

Finding A Solution To A Problem Quotes By Seneca The Younger

The important thing about a problem is not its solution, but the strength we gain in finding the solution — Seneca The Younger

Finding A Solution To A Problem Quotes By Rickson Gracie

Jiu-jitsu puts you completely in the moment, where you must have a complete focus on finding a solution to the problem. This trains the mind to build that focus, to increase your awareness, your capacity to solve problems. — Rickson Gracie

Finding A Solution To A Problem Quotes By Albert Camus

Now I can broach the notion of suicide. It has already been felt what solution might be given. At this point the problem is reversed. It was previously a question of finding out whether or not life had to have a meaning to be lived. It now becomes clear, on the contrary, that it will be lived all the better if it has no meaning. Living an experience, a particular fate, is accepting it fully. Now, no one will live this fate, knowing it to be absurd, unless he does everything to keep before him that absurd brought to light by consciousness. — Albert Camus

Finding A Solution To A Problem Quotes By Kris Gopalakrishnan

Continuing on my theme of backing inclusive innovations, I am optimistic of the success of Uniphore. Man-machine communication is one of the more complex problems to solve. Uniphore's vision lends possibility of finding a solution to this very difficult problem, and the company has already made substantial progress. — Kris Gopalakrishnan

Finding A Solution To A Problem Quotes By Russell L. Ackoff

A problem never exists in isolation; it is surrounded by other problems in space and time. The more of the context of a problem that a scientist can comprehend, the greater are his chances of finding a truly adequate solution. — Russell L. Ackoff

Finding A Solution To A Problem Quotes By Russell L. Ackoff

Successful problem solving requires finding the right solution to the right problem. We fail more often because we solve the wrong problem than because we get the wrong solution to the right problem. — Russell L. Ackoff