Famous Quotes & Sayings

Fill The Gap Quotes & Sayings

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Top Fill The Gap Quotes

Fill The Gap Quotes By Jean-Francois Lyotard

One knows that frontal and/or profile photography is torn to pieces ... Inversely, what remains of the photograph must be seen as a fragment coming to fill a gap in the drawing. — Jean-Francois Lyotard

Fill The Gap Quotes By M.F. Moonzajer

If you cannot fill the gap and emptiness in your heart, don't be disappointed. If you had already filled it, your life would have meant finished. — M.F. Moonzajer

Fill The Gap Quotes By Don Winslow

Simon drove as if he knew something about physics that Einstein hadn't thought of and God never intended. If nature abhorred a vacuum, Simon positively loathed one, and rushed to fill in the tiniest gap in the heavy flow of speeding traffic. He passed on the right, left, center, and all variations in between, and the Keble responded as if involved in some kind of blood compact with its human master. — Don Winslow

Fill The Gap Quotes By Christopher Nolan

Superheroes fill a gap in the pop culture psyche, similar to the role of Greek mythology. There isn't really anything else that does the job in modern terms. For me, Batman is the one that can most clearly be taken seriously. — Christopher Nolan

Fill The Gap Quotes By Mason Cooley

Great talkers are trying to fill the gap between themselves and others, but only widen it. — Mason Cooley

Fill The Gap Quotes By Justine Musk

Don't think about what you want, think about what the world needs, and strive to fill that gap. Success is a game of inches. — Justine Musk

Fill The Gap Quotes By Nikolai Lobachevsky

In geometry I find certain imperfections which I hold to be the reason why this science, apart from transition into analytics, can as yet make no advance from that state in which it came to us from Euclid.
As belonging to these imperfections, I consider the obscurity in the fundamental concepts of the geometrical magnitudes and in the manner and method of representing the measuring of these magnitudes, and finally the momentous gap in the theory of parallels, to fill which all efforts of mathematicians have so far been in vain. — Nikolai Lobachevsky

Fill The Gap Quotes By Claudia Gray

The silence between us stretched out, but it wasn't awkward. Sometimes there are people you can be quiet with, and you never feel the need to fill the gap with meaningless chit-chat. I'd only become that close to a couple people in my hometown, and I'd always thought it took years. Lucas and I were already there. — Claudia Gray

Fill The Gap Quotes By John Gimlette

People my age and younger do think much more towards Europe. We have to fill the gap sometime - we can't think we are an empire any longer after all. — John Gimlette

Fill The Gap Quotes By Bill O'Reilly

The gap between rich and poor under President Obama is getting bigger because fewer well-paying jobs are available. Corporations are being taxed to the hilt and are loathe to add more workers. Thus, salaries fall because there are more than enough applicants to fill any job vacancy. — Bill O'Reilly

Fill The Gap Quotes By Jonathan Sacks

Britain, relative to the U.S., is a highly secular society. Philanthropy alone cannot fill the gap left by government cutbacks. And the sources of altruism go deep into our evolutionary past. — Jonathan Sacks

Fill The Gap Quotes By Hazrat Inayat Khan

The more sincerity is developed, the greater share of truth you will have. And however much sincerity a person may have, there is always a gap to fill, for we live in the midst of falsehood, and we are always apt to be carried away by this world of falsehood. Therefore we must never think we are sincere enough, and we must always be on our guard against influences which may carry us away from that sincerity which is the bridge between ourselves and our ideal. No study, no meditation is more helpful than sincerity itself. — Hazrat Inayat Khan

Fill The Gap Quotes By Daisaku Ikeda

Where there is an absence of international political leadership, civil society should step in to fill the gap, providing the energy and vision needed to move the world in a new and better direction. — Daisaku Ikeda

Fill The Gap Quotes By Lewis N. Roe

One of the most important things I have found is that no one
school of thought has all of the answers. Sometimes history plugs a
gap that science can't fill. Often philosophy has answers that
science relies on for its discoveries. Theology needs the support of
all of these things for any of its claims to make sense. — Lewis N. Roe

Fill The Gap Quotes By Anne Morrow Lindbergh

It is the striving after perfection that makes one an artist. It is the sense that one is imperfect, unfulfilled, unfinished. One attempts by a superhuman effort to fill the gap, to leap over it, to finish it in another medium. And one creates a third and separate thing: 'Adventure rarely reaches its predetermined end. Columbus never reached China. But he discovered America. — Anne Morrow Lindbergh

Fill The Gap Quotes By Joss Whedon

If I wrote what I really think, I would be so sad all the time. We create to fill a gap - not just to avoid the idea of dying, it's to fill some particular gap in ourselves. — Joss Whedon

Fill The Gap Quotes By Karen Mills

We really accomplished what we set out to do with the Recovery Act programs, which was to fill the lending gap created by the crisis. — Karen Mills

Fill The Gap Quotes By Matt Padwick

Learning to leave his mind in meditation could be compared to snorkelling, which is breathing with his face under water. Which is just wrong!
It had taken a lot of time and nagging for his brain to get used to snorkelling, for all those doubts and questions to be overcome - for him to relax and just breathe.
Learning to leave his mind in meditation was the same kind of challenge; when there was a gap in his thoughts, when a space opened up, to resist the temptation to immediately fill it up - instead for him to relax and just breathe. — Matt Padwick

Fill The Gap Quotes By Sarah Dessen

Well, it's New Year's now but I don't feel that way anymore. I wonder if you do either. Something's happening to me. It's like I'm shrinking smaller and smaller and I can't stp it. There's just os much wrong that I can't imagine the shame in admitting even the tiniest part of it. When you left it was like there was this huge gap to fill, but instead of spreading wide enough to do it I just fell right in, and I'm still falling. Like I'm half-asleep, and I can't wake up, can't wake up ... — Sarah Dessen

Fill The Gap Quotes By Brit Morin

I made physical objects because I know how to do something on the computer. That struck a chord with me: Most women of my generation have grown up with technology but lack the handmade creative skills of former generations. This is a big opportunity to fill that gap. — Brit Morin

Fill The Gap Quotes By Julian Castro

What we see out there is an affordable housing crisis, particularly in the rental market in cities big and small, and we don't have the resources necessary to fill that gap. — Julian Castro

Fill The Gap Quotes By Ruby Wax

to fill that gap. The habit of judging ourselves is what pounds us into the ground. You're — Ruby Wax

Fill The Gap Quotes By Mark Twain

The longing of my heart is a fairy portrait of myself: I want to be pretty; I want to eliminate facts and fill up the gap with charms. — Mark Twain

Fill The Gap Quotes By Jeremiah P. Ostriker

The discrepancy between what was expected and what has been observed has grown over the years, and we're straining harder and harder to fill the gap. — Jeremiah P. Ostriker

Fill The Gap Quotes By Sigmund Freud

We find a place for what we lose. Although we know that after such a loss the acute stage of mourning will subside, we also know that we shall remain inconsolable and will never find a substitute. No matter what may fill the gap, even if it be filled completely, it nevertheless remains something else. — Sigmund Freud

Fill The Gap Quotes By Sunday Adelaja

You can be a sincere person devoting yourself to your husband child or boss, but your sincerity cannot and will not, fill the gap in your knowledge about your life purpose — Sunday Adelaja

Fill The Gap Quotes By Mary Renault

People like me are blamed for curiosity; having lost part of our lives, we are apt to fill the gap from the lives of others. In this I am like the rest, and make no pretences. — Mary Renault

Fill The Gap Quotes By Sue Tompkins

I've got a twin sister who's an artist and growing up I was always "the loud one." She's not actually quiet at all, but I would rather fill a gap with chatter and she would just let a gap be. So there was no inclination to actually perform. — Sue Tompkins

Fill The Gap Quotes By John Banville

He knows that after him everything will continue on much as before, except that there will be a minuscule absence, a barely detective gap in the so-called grand scheme, one unit fewer now. Or not even that, not even an empty space where he once was, for all will rush immediately to fill that vacuum. Pft. Gone. Recollections of him will remain in the minds of others for a while, but presently those others too will die and his few relics with them. And then all will be dark. — John Banville

Fill The Gap Quotes By Brad Wilcox

Continuing, she said, "I know Christ can fill the gap between my best efforts and perfection, but who fills the — Brad Wilcox

Fill The Gap Quotes By Lucretius

If one thing frightens people, it is that so much happens, on earth and out in space, the reasons for which seem somehow to escape them, and they fill in the gap by putting it down to the gods. — Lucretius

Fill The Gap Quotes By Wendy Jean

I sit in the front seat listening to the hum of the engine with a kind of dread, not for what Mama will say but for what she won't. For the gap she will leave for me to fill. — Wendy Jean

Fill The Gap Quotes By Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni

I liked his voice, rich and unself-conscious even when he forgot words and hummed to fill in the gap. What I didn't understand, I imagined, and thus it became a love song. — Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni

Fill The Gap Quotes By Roland Martin

I can't talk about the education of black children if I ignored two of my nieces who were a couple of grade levels behind. I believe that charity begins at home, and I take seriously the role of a godfather to fill the gap when the parents aren't doing their job. — Roland Martin

Fill The Gap Quotes By Richard Dawkins

Does religion fill a much needed gap? It is often said that there is a God-shaped gap in the brain which needs to be filled: we have a psychological need for God
imaginary friend, father, big brother, confessor, confidant
and the need has to be satisfied whether God really exists or not. But could it be that God clutters up a gap that we'd be better off filling with something else? Science, perhaps? Art? Human friendship? Humanism? Love of this life in the real world, giving no credence to other lives beyond the grave? — Richard Dawkins

Fill The Gap Quotes By Djuna Barnes

I couldn't ever boil potatoes over the heat of your affection. Your love would never bridge a gap; it wouldn't even fill up the hole that the mice came through ... — Djuna Barnes

Fill The Gap Quotes By James Surowiecki

In practice, downsizing is too often about cutting your work force while keeping your business the same, and doing so not by investments in productivity-enhancing technology, but by making people pull 80-hour weeks and bringing in temps to fill the gap. — James Surowiecki

Fill The Gap Quotes By Nishikant

Red eyes, clogged vessels, tanned cells and septum holes,
She came up to me with an ashtray, and a bunch of tobacco rolls,
I mean, how can I fill the gap that you've created??
How could I switch the clock back to the past, for the time I have wasted?
I have gone a sedate now; the heart has stopped pumping zeal into my head,
And for the hole in my heart, which is so dead now, which has run out of life now,
I carry the loads of moments that you've endowed. — Nishikant

Fill The Gap Quotes By John Fowles

He knew the world and its absurdities as only an intelligent Irishman can; which is to say that where his knowledge or memory failed him, his imagination was always ready to fill the gap. — John Fowles

Fill The Gap Quotes By Recep Tayyip Erdogan

When there is no such thing as religious culture and moral education, serious social problems such as drug addiction and racism fill the gap. — Recep Tayyip Erdogan

Fill The Gap Quotes By Haruki Murakami

But even though I was with my father again, I never felt really secure deep down. I don't know how to put it exactly, but things were never really settled inside me. I always had this feeling like, I don't know, like somebody was putting something over on me, like my real father had disappeared forever and, to fill the gap, some other guy was sent to me in his shape. — Haruki Murakami

Fill The Gap Quotes By Rabindranath Tagore

If one had to fill in, little by little, the gap between day and night, it would take an eternity to do it. But the sun rises and the darkness is dispelled- a moment is sufficient to overcome an infinite distance. — Rabindranath Tagore

Fill The Gap Quotes By Marcel Proust

We feel in one world, we think and name in another. Between the two we can set up a system of references, but we cannot fill in the gap. — Marcel Proust

Fill The Gap Quotes By Marie Forleo

There's a huge gap in the market for modern online marketing and business education for women that's effective, fun, and gorgeous to engage with. I knew I could fill that gap. — Marie Forleo

Fill The Gap Quotes By Niels Henrik Abel

The mathematicians have been very much absorbed with finding the general solution of algebraic equations, and several of them have tried to prove the impossibility of it. However, if I am not mistaken, they have not as yet succeeded. I therefore dare hope that the mathematicians will receive this memoir with good will, for its purpose is to fill this gap in the theory of algebraic equations. — Niels Henrik Abel

Fill The Gap Quotes By Neale Donald Walsch

First, make sure you get into a relationship for the right reasons. (I'm using the word "right" here as a relative term. I mean "right" relative to the larger purpose you hold in your life.) As I have indicated before, most people still enter relationships for the "wrong" reasons - to end loneliness, fill a gap, bring themselves love, or someone to love - and those are some of the better reasons. Others do so to salve their ego, end their depressions, improve their sex life, recover from a previous relationship, or, believe it or not, to relieve boredom. None of these reasons will work, and unless something dramatic changes along the way, neither will the relationship. — Neale Donald Walsch

Fill The Gap Quotes By Sara Baume

Now see the nasturtiums. The leaves are like tiny green parasols blown inside-out and the flowers are terrifically garish. In every village we pass through, see how they are everywhere, how they fill every gap in every wall, every crack in every path.
The nasturtiums have it figured out, how survival's just a matter of filling in the gaps between sun up and sun down. Boiling kettles, peeling potatoes, laundering towels, buying milk, changing light-bulbs, rooting wet mats of pubic hair out of the shower's plughole. This is the way people survive, by filling one hole at a time for the flightiest of temporary gratifications, over and over and over, until the season's out and they die off anyway, wither back into the wall or path, into their dark crevasse. This is the way life's eaten away, expended by the onerous effort of living itself. — Sara Baume

Fill The Gap Quotes By Andrew Tan

This is a timely and relevant initiative. The environmental challenges facing Singapore and the region are becoming more complex. Tackling them will require inter-disciplinary approaches combined with a good understanding of science, economics and governance aspects. The NUS Bachelor of Environment programme will fill a much needed gap in the current framework. NEA is pleased to be a partner to this programme. — Andrew Tan

Fill The Gap Quotes By Margaret Whiting

So many schools have cut the music classes out of their curriculum. We're trying to fill that gap by teaching the teachers how to educate the kids about their musical heritage. — Margaret Whiting

Fill The Gap Quotes By John Herrick

I've learned difference between a friend and an acquaintance. Acquaintances provide a warm body in the room. They provide entertainment. They can keep you from feeling lonely. And acquaintances don't involve sacrifice. If they don't fit your schedule, it's no big loss. You can know someone for decades, get together with them on countless occasions, and never become their friend. Friendship means cutting away a small piece of your heart and allowing another person to fill that gap. Friendship is anchored in love. When we put love into action, it communicates value. — John Herrick

Fill The Gap Quotes By Cora Carmack

Don't be the gap on this team. Be the person who fills it.
I know Dad's talking about sports and training and all that stuff I don't care about, but I can't help but hear his words through the filter of our lives. There is a gap in our house. Maybe it's the mom I never knew. Maybe it's the words we never say. Or maybe it's both of us. Maybe there's a gap in each of us so big that we can't get past it to fill the one between us. Maybe we'll never fill it. — Cora Carmack

Fill The Gap Quotes By Karen Mills

The 2009 stimulus law got the ball rolling, allowing the agency to reduce and eliminate fees and raise loan guarantees to 90 percent of the total. I knew that we had the opportunity to use S.B.A. products to fill that gap in a rapid manner, as we ended up doing in the Recovery Act. — Karen Mills

Fill The Gap Quotes By Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Nothing can fill the gap when we are away from those we love, and it would be wrong to try to find anything ... It is nonsense to say that God fills the gap; he does not fill it, but keeps it empty so that our communion with another may be kept alive, even at the cost of pain. — Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Fill The Gap Quotes By Bob Smith

Since most parents are reluctant to talk about sex, schools have tried to fill the gap. In America, when we decide to ignore a subject, our favorite form of denial is to teach it incompetently. Familiarity without true understanding is not only the basis of our families but of our educational system as well. — Bob Smith

Fill The Gap Quotes By Sarah Silverman

In the big picture, life has a gap in it. It just does. You don't go crazy trying to fill it. — Sarah Silverman

Fill The Gap Quotes By Jennifer Ehle

There is a cost that comes with moving schools so often and it's not what I want for my son when he gets older, but it did make me very adaptable. I became aware of what was missing from the social structure of each class that I arrived in, and made sure to fill that gap. — Jennifer Ehle

Fill The Gap Quotes By Abraham Joshua Heschel

The Search for reason ends at the known; on the immense expanse beyond it only the sense of the ineffable can glide. It alone knows the route to that which is remote from experience and understanding. Neither of them is amphibious: reason cannot go beyond the shore, and the sense of the ineffable is out of place where we measure, where we weigh. We do not leave the shore of the known in search of adventure or suspense or because of the failure of reason to answer our questions. We sail because our mind is like a fantastic seashell, and when applying our ear to its lips we hear a perpetual murmur from the waves beyond the shore. Citizens of two realms, we all must sustain a dual allegiance: we sense the ineffable in one realm, we name and exploit reality in another. Between the two we set up a system of references, but we can never fill the gap. They are as far and as close to each other as time and calendar, as violin and melody, as life and what lies beyond the last breath. — Abraham Joshua Heschel

Fill The Gap Quotes By Ilchi Lee

Can you maintain the awareness of ultimate commonality while you are fully engaged in your life as a functional ego or a character? I believe you can, and this can be a powerful spiritual practice for anyone. This practice will continue until the gap between those two, your true nature and your characte, is filled, and your character manifests your true nature completely. My guess is that you will find the gap to be very enjoyable to fill. — Ilchi Lee

Fill The Gap Quotes By Jodi Picoult

There are an endless number of people who have left a love-shaped hole in the heart of someone else. Eventually someone brave and stupid will come along and try to fill that hole. But it never works, and so instead, that selfless soul winds up with a gap in his heart, too. And so on. It's a miracle that anyone survives, when so much of us is missing. — Jodi Picoult

Fill The Gap Quotes By Richard Holloway

There are many strengths in modern society, but one of its weaknesses is the breakdown of many of the old structures and networks that supported people in times of crisis and need. Whenever we lose a strengthening element in society, we need to replace it with alternative systems as quickly as possible. Befriending schemes are a crucial part of this process, because they fill the gap that social erosion has left in the lives of so many vulnerable people. — Richard Holloway