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Fighting Is Worth It Quotes & Sayings

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Top Fighting Is Worth It Quotes

Fighting Is Worth It Quotes By Hugh Prather

Before, I thought I was actually fighting for my own self-worth; that is why I so desperately wanted people to like me. I thought their liking me was a comment on me, but it was a comment on them. — Hugh Prather

Fighting Is Worth It Quotes By Mandy Fender

If you don't fight for your faith, you will lose it. Your faith is worth fighting for, Lennox. — Mandy Fender

Fighting Is Worth It Quotes By Carsen Taite

The truth is always worth fighting for, even if it isn't what you expect or want it to be. — Carsen Taite

Fighting Is Worth It Quotes By Margaret Mitchell

The land is the only thing in the world worth working for, worth fighting for, worth dying for, because it's the only thing that lasts ... Gerald O'Hara, Gone With The Wind. — Margaret Mitchell

Fighting Is Worth It Quotes By Ada Palmer

Child: "The Major and the soldiers and Mycroft told me what war is like. They say it's the second worst thing in the world."
Man: "That's an interesting definition. What did they say is the worst thing?"
Child: "Not having anything worth fighting for in the first place. — Ada Palmer

Fighting Is Worth It Quotes By Beth Moore

Victory always assumes a counterpart defeat. We will never take our places as "more than overcomers" with nothing to overcome. We will never be victors without opponents. As we will continue to see in our journey, God gave the Israelites the Promised Land but told them they'd have to take what was theirs in fierce battle. Why? Probably one reason was so they'd develop the strength to keep it once they conquered it. Surely another was to let them experience the thrill of victory that only a battle hard fought can bring. In God's economy, much of what is worth having is proved worth fighting for. — Beth Moore

Fighting Is Worth It Quotes By Woodrow Wilson

A right is worth fighting for only when it can be put into operation. — Woodrow Wilson

Fighting Is Worth It Quotes By Helmut Kohl

The future will belong to the Germans ... when we build the House of Europe. In the next two years, we will make the process of European integration irreversible. This is a really big battle but it is worth the fight. — Helmut Kohl

Fighting Is Worth It Quotes By Stuart Duncan

While fighting for acceptance, we must remember that our own self worth is not determined by whether or not we get it. — Stuart Duncan

Fighting Is Worth It Quotes By Lilly Singh

'Unicorn Island' is the synonym for my happy place. It's a really beautiful message: that happiness is one of the hardest things you'll ever fight for, but it's the only thing worth fighting for. — Lilly Singh

Fighting Is Worth It Quotes By Andrew Hussie

JADE: but it makes me sad to think i would act like this
JADESPRITE: act like what?
JADE: i would like to think that even if i was sad and scared, if i was put in a position where everyone depended on me, i could put all those feelings aside and do whats right!
JADESPRITE: but i dont know whats right
JADE: yes you do!
JADE: even though you dont want to be, youre here now, and there are still people who need you
JADE: there is still something worth fighting for! — Andrew Hussie

Fighting Is Worth It Quotes By Samantha Young

I settled back on the bed with my own heavy sigh. The point of this reluctant outpouring of all my crap isn't to make you feel guilty. I don't need anyone to be concerned for me. That's my point. Will that change one day? I don't know. I'm not asking it to. But Rhian, when you trusted James with all you baggage you decided that day that you were asking someone to be concerned. You were tired of being alone. Will staying with him be hard? Yes. Will fighting your fears every day be difficult? Yes. But how he feels for you ... jeez, Rhian ... that's worth it. And telling yourself that it's okay to run way from him to be alone just because I'm alone and okay with it, is bullshit. I'm alone because I just am. You're alone because you made a choice. And it's the wrong fucking choice. — Samantha Young

Fighting Is Worth It Quotes By Laura Miller

Dallas is a great city, and it's worth fighting for. — Laura Miller

Fighting Is Worth It Quotes By Eric Hoffer

One of the rules that emerges from a consideration of the factors that promote self-sacrifice is that we are less ready to die for what we have or are than for what we wish to have and to be. It is a perplexing and unpleasant truth that when men already have "something worth fighting for," they do not feel like fighting. People who live full, worthwhile lives are not usually ready to die for their own interests nor for their country nor for a holy cause. — Eric Hoffer

Fighting Is Worth It Quotes By Abbi Glines

I'd just known I wanted her happy. It was important to me.
But I knew why now. She was special. The kind of special that is hard to find in this life. The kind of special most people don't get to touch. It's the rare kind that, when you find it, you know it's worth fighting for. — Abbi Glines

Fighting Is Worth It Quotes By Rachel Kaadzi Ghansah

So often I'm like, No, thanks, to all of that stuff, just give me the room to exist both in the shit and stars . . . We have to fight to be understood as being distinct and incongruent. But I think it is worth fighting for. — Rachel Kaadzi Ghansah

Fighting Is Worth It Quotes By T.D. Jakes

Time is a precious commodity and it must be used carefully and judiciously. Your time is worth everything. Time is your greatest weapon, so choose the situations and circumstances that are worth fighting for. Don't waste your time fighting meaningless battles. Meaningless combat won't help your future. Invest your time where it matters. On the way to Destiny, know that there will be battles to fight. Know that what you're fighting for is worth it. Your children, your marriage, your career are always worth fighting for, but even then, you may come to a point when you have to give up an active fight and just let God fight the battle for you. — T.D. Jakes

Fighting Is Worth It Quotes By Anne Perry

The great question, is there anything at all which is worth fighting such a war about, with the devastating loss it will bring? I believe yes, there are some freedoms which to sacrifice would be EVEN worse. — Anne Perry

Fighting Is Worth It Quotes By James Connolly

Whoop it up for liberty! After Ireland is free, says the patriot who won't touch socialism, we will protect all classes, and if you won't pay your rent you will be evicted same as now. But the evicting party, under command of the sheriff, will wear green uniforms and the Harp without the Crown, and the warrant turning you out on the roadside will be stamped with the arms of the Irish Republic. Now, isn't that worth fighting for? — James Connolly

Fighting Is Worth It Quotes By Sherrilyn Kenyon

Anyone can battle for pride, power, vanity, greed, or hate, but war should always be approached with an equal measure of wisdom and strength. It's not just enough to know when to fight, but to know when to lay down the sword and negotiate. Not everything in the world is worth fighting for. — Sherrilyn Kenyon

Fighting Is Worth It Quotes By Five For Fighting

Musically, there's probably nothing better than, after spending weeks or months of grinding on a lyric or a song, when you play a good song from beginning to end for the first time - there's a moment there where all the pain and suffering is worth it. — Five For Fighting

Fighting Is Worth It Quotes By Anne Frank

Is discord going to show itself while we are still fighting, is the Jew once again worth less than another? Oh, it is sad, very sad, that once more, for the umpteenth time, the old truth is confirmed: What one Christian does is his own responsibility, what one Jew does is thrown back at all Jews. — Anne Frank

Fighting Is Worth It Quotes By John William Tuohy

I was tired of fighting the windstorm I was tossed into, and instead I would let go and ride with the winds of change. How bad could it be, compared to the life I knew? I was living life as if it were a rehearsal for the real thing. Another beginning might be rough at first, but any place worth getting to is going to have some problems. I wanted the good life, the life well lived, and you can't buy that or marry into it. It's there to be found, and it can be taken by those who want it and have the resolve to make it happen for themselves. — John William Tuohy

Fighting Is Worth It Quotes By Jay Crownover

When you find someone, someone who gets you, who understand you, it's worth fighting for. The last thing you want to do is be five years down the road and look back and wonder what could have happened. Trust me, that kind of regret that kind of what-if, can gnaw on your soul until there is nothing left. — Jay Crownover

Fighting Is Worth It Quotes By Hal Hartley

There's a right way and a wrong way to do things. If you make a chair, you want to make a nice chair. You want people to admire it. I think doing something well is a form of respect for humanity in general. I have found that all incompetence comes from not paying attention, which comes from people doing something that they don't want to do. And doing what you don't want to do means either you have no choice, or you don't think that the moments of your life are worth fighting for. — Hal Hartley

Fighting Is Worth It Quotes By Dorothy Canfield Fisher

Freedom is not worth fighting for if it means no more than license for everyone to get as much as he can for himself. — Dorothy Canfield Fisher

Fighting Is Worth It Quotes By Jen Turano

Where are you going?" Millie whispered, although why she was whispering was a bit of a mystery since the sound of yelling, along with a lot of cursing, was flowing into the house. "I'm not just going to sit here while everyone else is fighting my battle." She made it all the way to the door, crawling on her stomach, no less, before she was forced to stop when she encountered a pair of shoes. They were nice shoes, a little dusty, and unfortunately, they belonged to none other than Bram. "You weren't trying to sneak out to help, were you?" he asked, squatting down next to her. "I might have been." "There's no need. Silas has been secured." Lucetta frowned. "He came down here on his own?" Holding out a hand, Bram helped her to her feet before he smiled. "Apparently, yes. I imagine those women he hired weren't too keen to travel the country with him. Aiding and abetting men on the run usually results in a stint behind bars, and they must have decided he wasn't worth that." "I — Jen Turano

Fighting Is Worth It Quotes By Kay Robertson

One of the great tragedies I see is people not putting every effort into the foundation of their marriage. My grandmother told me that it's one man and one woman for life and that your marriage is worth fighting for. — Kay Robertson

Fighting Is Worth It Quotes By Alexandra Ripley

To anyone with a drop of Irish blood in them the land they live on is like their mother. It's the only thing that lasts, that's worth working for, for fighting for ... — Alexandra Ripley

Fighting Is Worth It Quotes By Erica Jong

Do you want me to tell you something really subversive? Love is everything it's cracked up to be. That's why people are so cynical about it. It really is worth fighting for, being brave for, risking everything for. And the trouble is, if you don't risk anything, you risk even more. — Erica Jong

Fighting Is Worth It Quotes By Christopher Hitchens

It was sometimes feebly argued, as the political and military war against this enemy ran into difficulties, that it was 'a war without end.' I never saw the point of this plaintive objection. The war against superstition and the totalitarian mentality is an endless war. In protean forms, it is fought and refought in every country and every generation. In bin Ladenism we confront again the awful combination of the highly authoritarian personality with the chaotically nihilist and anarchic one. Temporary victories can be registered against this, but not permanent ones. As Bertold Brecht's character says over the corpse of the terrible Arturo Ui, the bitch that bore him is always in heat. But it is in this struggle that we develop the muscles and sinews that enable us to defend civilization, and the moral courage to name it as something worth fighting for. — Christopher Hitchens

Fighting Is Worth It Quotes By Janet Hagberg

Passion is the engagement of our soul with something beyond us, something that helps us put up with or fight against insurmountable odds, even at high risks, because it is all worth it. — Janet Hagberg

Fighting Is Worth It Quotes By Michael Shaara

He bent down, scratched the black dirt into his fingers. He was beginning to warm to it; the words were beginning to flow. No one in front of him was moving. He said, This is free ground. All the way from here to the Pacific Ocean. No man has to bow. No man born to royalty. Here we judge you by what you do, not by what your father was. Here you can be something. Here's a place to build a home. It isn't the land
there's always more land. It's the idea that we all have value, you and me, we're worth something more than the dirt. I never saw dirt I'd die for, but I'm not asking you to come join us and fight for dirt. What we're all fighting for, in the end, is each other. — Michael Shaara

Fighting Is Worth It Quotes By Marco Rubio

We cannot allow our fears and our disappointments to lead us into silence and into inaction. Because this country that God has blessed us with, it is worth fighting for. — Marco Rubio

Fighting Is Worth It Quotes By Micalea Smeltzer

Love is a weakness. Look what it has done to me."
"Love is not a weakness," I said vehemently. "Love is worth fighting for. Fight for me, Siva. Fight for us."

Siva and Sloane — Micalea Smeltzer

Fighting Is Worth It Quotes By Julie Kagawa

I learned that love can transcend race and time, and that it can be beautiful and perfect and worth fighting for but also fragile and heartbreaking, and sometimes sacrifice is necessary. That sometimes it's you against the world, and there are no easy answers. That you have to know when to hold on ... and when to let go. And even if that love comes back, you could discover something in someone else who has been there all along. — Julie Kagawa

Fighting Is Worth It Quotes By Ahmed Mostafa

Going against oneself is the hardest of all battles, but is it really worth it? — Ahmed Mostafa

Fighting Is Worth It Quotes By Nicole Williams

Love isn't easy. Especially the really good kind. It's difficult, and you'll want to rip your hair out just as many days as you'll feel the wind at your back. But it's worth it. It's worth fighting for. Don't let what isn't real blind you from what is. Life isn't perfect, we sure as shit aren't perfect, so why should we expect love to be? — Nicole Williams

Fighting Is Worth It Quotes By Ernest Hemingway,

The world is a fine place and worth the fighting for and I hate very much to leave it. — Ernest Hemingway,

Fighting Is Worth It Quotes By George Carlin

I have a suggestion that I think would help fight serious crime. Signs. There are lots of signs for minor infractions: No Smoking, Stay Off the Grass, Keep Out, and they seem to work fairly well. I think we should also have signs for major crimes: Murder Strictly Prohibited, NO Raping People, Thank You for Not Kidnapping Anyone. It's certainly worth a try. I'm convinced Watergate would never have happened if there had just been a sign in the Oval Office that said, Malfeasance of Office Is Strictly Against the Law, or Thank You for Not Undermining the Constitution. — George Carlin

Fighting Is Worth It Quotes By Barbara Elsborg

Know that when you have love and lose it, it takes time to survive the pain. Your heart doesn't want to accept it. You cling to every bit of hope, and while you're still together, you listen for a kind word, for a smile aimed at you, the slightest look that you're something worth fighting for. And even when all hope is gone, the flame is never completely extinguished. — Barbara Elsborg

Fighting Is Worth It Quotes By Chris Bradford

It is our duty to ensure we have a peace worth fighting for. — Chris Bradford

Fighting Is Worth It Quotes By Lynne Reid Banks

I know what is wrong. You havn't decided what you want.' She'd underlined this many times. 'Terribly important to draw up a balance sheet every now and then, debits and credits. Decide what's important, what's worth fighting for. Don't drift, ever. Decide then act. If you fail well at least you tried. Don't know what you want so can't advise you how to get it. — Lynne Reid Banks

Fighting Is Worth It Quotes By Tom Ford

I think we are becoming more and more linked, and before long, we'll all be one culture. It's happening in every field, not just fashion. Actually, I think the only hope for peace is if culture is homogenized. Unfortunately, money seems to be the only solution to political disagreements. If we are all linked through culture and trade, it won't be worth fighting each other. — Tom Ford

Fighting Is Worth It Quotes By Jamie Tworkowski

I don't know your story or your dreams or the things that steal your sleep, but I know they matter. I hope you story is rich with characters, rich with friends and conversation. I hope you know some people who carry you, and I hope you have the honor of carrying them. I hope that there's beauty in your memories, and I hope it doesn't haunt you. And if it does, then I hope there is someone who will walk you through the night and remind you of the promise of the sunrise, that beauty keeps coming, that there are futures worth waiting and fighting for, and that you were made to dream. — Jamie Tworkowski

Fighting Is Worth It Quotes By Kristin McTiernan

Coming from where we do, it's a rough adjustment - living here." He put a hesitant hand on her shoulder, his calluses scratching against the fabric of her dress. "It's true what they say about life in the dark ages, you know: nasty, brutish, and short. You and I once took it for granted we would die as old people in our beds, but we have no such assurance now. I'll help you how I can, Isabella; but I can't guarantee that either of us will live even to see tomorrow. Life is worth fighting for, young lady. But don't feel it is something you're owed. — Kristin McTiernan

Fighting Is Worth It Quotes By Chanda Hahn

Sometimes love is worth fighting for. And if you don't fight for it, then it slips through your fingers. — Chanda Hahn

Fighting Is Worth It Quotes By Jamie Tworkowski

Don't give up. Don't give up no your story. Don't give up on the people you love. Hope is real. Love is real. It's all worth fighting for. — Jamie Tworkowski

Fighting Is Worth It Quotes By John Milton

Such bickerings to recount, met often in these our writers, what more worth is it than to chronicle the wars of kites or crows flocking and fighting in the air? — John Milton

Fighting Is Worth It Quotes By Dew Platt

Blank state and I am that Caucasian in slavery America fighting for Abolition. I have to fight for something that didn't directly affect me in value-communal (As differentiated from worth in Chapter Fourteen.) I have to shut the material communal out to gain this state. The Blank State is powerful in this sense, it recognizes and celebrates first, essence, as any blank state must to initiate existence as consciousness, whether good or bad. — Dew Platt

Fighting Is Worth It Quotes By Paulo Coelho

A warrior is always aware of what is worth fighting for. He does not go into combat over things that do not concern him, and he never wastes his time over provocations. A warrior accepts defeat. He does not treat it as a matter of indifference, nor does he attempt to transform it into a victory. The pain of defeat is bitter to him; he suffers at indifference and becomes
desperate with loneliness. After all this has passed, he licks his wounds
and begins everything anew. A warrior knows that war is made of many
battles; he goes on. Tragedies do happen. We can discover the reason, blame others, imagine how different our lives would be had they not occurred. But none of that is important: they did occur, and so be it. From there onward we must put aside the fear that they awoke in us and begin to rebuild. — Paulo Coelho

Fighting Is Worth It Quotes By Abhijit Naskar

As a scientist who deals with the deepest secrets of human mind, I know very well that global harmony is something that cannot be truly achieved in a few millennia. Yet it is the most glorious cause worth fighting for as a true sapiens. And I shall keep working for it relentlessly through thousands of generations yet to come. — Abhijit Naskar

Fighting Is Worth It Quotes By Diem Brown

I want people to know that the fight is worth it. — Diem Brown

Fighting Is Worth It Quotes By Erica Jong

Love is everything it's cracked up to be. It really is worth fighting for, being brave for, risking everything for. — Erica Jong

Fighting Is Worth It Quotes By Vincent Cassel

The minute your parents die, you stop fighting them. I realized the more I changed my face for films, the more I looked like him. I always liked to disguise myself because I was trying to run away from his image. But all that is not worth it. — Vincent Cassel

Fighting Is Worth It Quotes By Lesley Kinzel

Your body is not a tragedy. It is the only one you get, no matter how much it may challenge, confound, frustrate, or thrill you, and fighting your body isn't worth the hurt and the divide. — Lesley Kinzel

Fighting Is Worth It Quotes By Bill Whittle

We fight wars not to have peace, but to have a peace worth having. Slavery is peace. Tyranny is peace. For that matter, genocide is peace when you get right down to it. The historical consequences of a philosophy predicated on the notion of no war at any cost are families flying to the Super Bowl accompanied by three or four trusted slaves and a Europe devoid of a single living Jew. — Bill Whittle

Fighting Is Worth It Quotes By Eric Hoffer

It is a perplexing and unpleasant truth that when men already have something worth fighting for,they do not feel like fighting. — Eric Hoffer

Fighting Is Worth It Quotes By Ernest Hemingway,

I have fought for what I believed in for a year now. If we win here we will win everywhere. The world is a fine place and worth the fighting for and I hate very much to leave it.
And you had a lot of luck, he told himself, to have had such a good life. You've had as good a life as any one because of these last days. You do not want to complain when you have been so lucky.
I wish there was some way to pass on what I've learned, though. Christ, I was learning fast there at the end. — Ernest Hemingway,

Fighting Is Worth It Quotes By Kim Gandy

It's always an uphill battle to defeat a Supreme Court nominee, but this is a fight worth having. — Kim Gandy

Fighting Is Worth It Quotes By Gabriel Garcia Marquez

But what worries me is not your shooting me, because after all, for people like us it's a natural death." He laid his glasses on the bed and took off his watch and chain. "What worries me," he went on, "is that out of so much hatred for the military, out of fighting them so much and thinking about them so much, you've ended up as bad as they are. And no ideal in life is worth that much baseness. — Gabriel Garcia Marquez

Fighting Is Worth It Quotes By Raymond C. Ortlund Jr.

The most remarkable thing about marriage today is not that it can be troubled but that we still have this privilege at all. When God justly expelled us from the garden of Eden, he did not take this gift back. He let us keep his priceless gift, though we sometimes misuse it. But what every married couple needs to know is that their marriage is a remnant of Eden. This is why every marriage is worth working at, worth fighting for. A marriage filled with hope in God is nothing less than an afterglow of the garden of Eden, radiant with hope until perfection is finally restored. — Raymond C. Ortlund Jr.

Fighting Is Worth It Quotes By CM Punk

A lot of people in the WWE try to paint themselves as outlaws and rebels and I really honestly believe I'm the only one left. I always do what I want and I never get any flack for it. I don't know if it's because they know they're not gonna win, or it's not worth fighting me over. Plus I don't see what the big deal is about me wearing a Cabana shirt. The guy should be working there, first of all, and it's promoting my friend. I don't see what the big deal is. — CM Punk

Fighting Is Worth It Quotes By Rashida Jones

When a thing you love faces adversity, you start to feel more protective of it. Also, you take an inventory all the time. You ask yourself, "Is this worth all my fighting?" — Rashida Jones

Fighting Is Worth It Quotes By Aleksandar Hemon

There is a point in fighting. There is a point in struggle. Not wholesale revolution, maybe, that might not be possible, an absolutely just society, but there are plenty of spaces and places where it's worth putting up a fight. — Aleksandar Hemon

Fighting Is Worth It Quotes By Robert M. Hensel

Being born with a disability, can sometimes be a struggle, but it is the ability to overcome such a challenge, that makes it so worth the fight. NEVER GIVE UP!!! — Robert M. Hensel

Fighting Is Worth It Quotes By Thisuri Wanniarachchi

You know how when you step on court your coach is like "go go go!"? And all throughout you just keep telling yourself to hit harder and harder and keep at it? You know how much you treasure those five-minute timeouts? You know how good you feel at the end of a session? You know how you're glad you're tired? No pills, no shots, just plain energy. I want to work like that. Whether I have to write ten thousand words or send five hundred emails, brainstorm for hours at a time, I want to have that energy. To keep fighting. To know it's all worth it.
Oh, yeah. That's my perfect day. — Thisuri Wanniarachchi

Fighting Is Worth It Quotes By Tony Curl

At some time you start to think your dreams are beyond you. The universe is sending you messages to quit... contrary. The universe is simply making sure that it really is something you want. Anything great is worth fighting for. Keep fighting, keep persisting. It is only through persistence that we ultimately succeed. — Tony Curl

Fighting Is Worth It Quotes By C.W. Gortner

Was it worth it?" she sighed "I have found it is always worth fighting for what we believe in, regardless of the outcome. Risk is never without consequence. — C.W. Gortner

Fighting Is Worth It Quotes By Woodrow Wilson

I have found one can never get anything in life that is worth while without fighting for it. — Woodrow Wilson

Fighting Is Worth It Quotes By Darlene Schacht

I can't promise you that this will be easy, but I can say that marriage - the way that God intended it to be - is a treasure worth fighting for. — Darlene Schacht

Fighting Is Worth It Quotes By El-P

Trying to separate myself from my instincts of pessimism and cut out and define what it is that I really do love, what I'm here to be, why I'm here, and what I think is worth being alive for and fighting for. And those things change, but I think that that's something I am always chasing. — El-P

Fighting Is Worth It Quotes By Bobby Jindal

It has become fashionable in Washington to argue that Obamacare cannot be reversed. That is nonsense. It's a fight worth waging, and a fight which can be won. — Bobby Jindal

Fighting Is Worth It Quotes By Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse

To believe that life's problems will somehow work themselves out, everything bad is fixable and something about samsara has to be worth fighting for makes it virtually impossible to nurture a genuine, all-consuming desire to practise the dharma. The only view that truly works for a dharma practitioner is that there are no solutions to the sufferings of samsara and it cannot be fixed. — Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse

Fighting Is Worth It Quotes By Phil Szostak

Power was unleashed by identifying that there is something worth fighting for, that there is purpose. There is a good. There is evil. And there are complexities to it, but that's the scope of who we are. What we strive to be is worthy. — Phil Szostak

Fighting Is Worth It Quotes By H.M. Ward

Anything that's worth having is worth fighting for. Love is a strange thing. It shows up when you least expect it and defies expectation. — H.M. Ward

Fighting Is Worth It Quotes By Harper Sloan

When you grow up with parents like mine, you know without a shadow of a doubt that a love worth fighting for is a love worth keeping. The fight - that drive - the desire to have the person you love, love you back just as fiercely? That's all it's about. They showed me that when you want something, you don't stop until it's yours. — Harper Sloan

Fighting Is Worth It Quotes By J.R.R. Tolkien

There is some good in this world, and it's worth fighting for. — J.R.R. Tolkien

Fighting Is Worth It Quotes By Caprice Crane

I didn't want to accept failure. Even though sometimes the strength it takes to admit failure is probably worth as much as the determination not to quit. So there you have, I was stuck fighting for a relationship with a boyfriend who, in truth be told, I'd rather forget ever existed. — Caprice Crane

Fighting Is Worth It Quotes By Demi Lovato

Life can be so difficult at times, but fighting through the pain is so worth it. It's better to feel every kind of emotion than not feel at all. — Demi Lovato

Fighting Is Worth It Quotes By John Dryden

Softly sweet, in Lydian measures, Soon he sooth'd his soul to pleasures. War, he sung, is toil and trouble; Honour but an empty bubble; Never ending, still beginning, Fighting still, and still destroying. If all the world be worth the winning, Think, oh think it worth enjoying: Lovely Thais sits beside thee, Take the good the gods provide thee. — John Dryden

Fighting Is Worth It Quotes By Cassandra Clare

If love is great, then it is worth fighting for. — Cassandra Clare

Fighting Is Worth It Quotes By Ernest Hemingway,

If we win here we will win everywhere. The world is a fine place and worth the fighting for and I hate very much to leave it. And you had a lot of luck, he told himself, to have had such a good life. You've had just as good a life as grandfather's though not as long. You've had as good a life as any one because of these last days. You do not want to complain when you have been so lucky. I wish there was some way to pass on what I've learned — Ernest Hemingway,

Fighting Is Worth It Quotes By Kate Meader

Stop twisting what I'm saying. It's not how you start, it's where you end up. This is where we are now and it's worth fighting for. — Kate Meader

Fighting Is Worth It Quotes By Clark Gable

The things a man has to have are hope and confidence in himself against odds, and sometimes he needs somebody, his pal or his mother or his wife or God, to give him that confidence. He's got to have some inner standards worth fighting for or there won't be any way to bring him into conflict. And he must be ready to choose death before dishonor without making too much song and dance about it. That's all there is to it. — Clark Gable

Fighting Is Worth It Quotes By Kinky Friedman

I don't see how the people who created the problem can fix it. Texas is worth fighting for, and the best way to fight is to get the politicians out of politics. — Kinky Friedman

Fighting Is Worth It Quotes By Mahatma Gandhi

I learned from my illiterate but wise mother that all rights to be deserved and preserved came from duty well done. Thus the very right to live accrues to us only when we do the duty of citizenship of the world. From this one fundamental statement, perhaps it is easy enough to define the duties of Man and Woman and correlate every right to some corresponding duty to be first performed. Every other right can be shown to be a usurpation hardly worth fighting for. — Mahatma Gandhi

Fighting Is Worth It Quotes By Margaret Atwood

All stories are about wolves. All worth repeating, that is. Anything else is sentimental drivel.
All of them?
Sure, he says. Think about it. There's escaping from the wolves, fighting the wolves, capturing the wolves, taming the wolves. Being thrown to the wolves, or throwing others to the wolves so the wolves will eat them instead of you. Running with the wolf pack. Turning into a wolf. Best of all, turning into the head wolf. No other decent stories exist. — Margaret Atwood

Fighting Is Worth It Quotes By Roxanne Hargrove

Many people lack the passion to keep trying in their relationships. I believe that is why people start to resent their lovers and start cheating on them. It's sad really. Love is so wonderful and so worth fighting for. — Roxanne Hargrove

Fighting Is Worth It Quotes By Kristen Ashley

I'm gonna piss you off, honey, probably enough for you to want to leave. I've got a temper and so do you, we're gonna clash. It won't feel good, it'll feel not worth it sometimes but, you leave me, I'll wait for you to come back. And you'll come back because, something we've both learned, this, what we have is worth getting over it. Whatever it is that ticks us off of holds us back, we know it's worth fighting for. — Kristen Ashley

Fighting Is Worth It Quotes By Tom DeLay

If Israel falls to the terrorists, the entire free world will tremble. To forsake Israel now would be tantamount to forsaking Great Britain in 1940. It is unthinkable, and it is unthinkable because the world wants to know if we believe freedom is worth fighting for. — Tom DeLay

Fighting Is Worth It Quotes By Bec Botefuhr

You won't always spoil her .or treat her like a princess.You won't tell her she's beautiful everyday.You won't make her smile every night and you won't always want her the way you do now.That fades.Those giddy little stomach flutters fade and you're then left with reality.There will be day's you will forget to tell her she's beautiful,even though she needs to hear it.There will be days you'll to say i love you.There will be days you'll forget a birthday or an anniversary.There will be a time when she will walk past you and you won;t want to ravish her, the way you do now.Those things fade, and when they do, what's left is what's truly worth fighting for Love isn't always beautiful, heck,it's not even close to being perfect half the time,feelings change, the spark dies down and what you're left with is something you either chose to fight for you don't When you know that even through those things are gone,you're still willing to fight for every breath ,then you know the love is real. — Bec Botefuhr

Fighting Is Worth It Quotes By Salma Hayek

When it is important for you to say something and you find a vehicle to say it, then go for it. It is so rare when that happens so I think every minute spent fighting for it is always worth it. Even if nothing ends up happening, it's still worth the fight. — Salma Hayek