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Quotes & Sayings About Family And Love Quotes

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Top Family And Love Quotes Quotes

Family And Love Quotes Quotes By Iben Dissing Sandahl

Worrying about life's circumstances of those I love, but over which I have no control is a dangerous, never-ending and pointless game to play. — Iben Dissing Sandahl

Family And Love Quotes Quotes By Constance Savery

I am not a fairy godmother or anything of that sort, but I hope to give you a happy home and a good education, and to send you out into the world true, brave, generous men, prepared to serve God truly all the days of your life."
~Aunt Persis — Constance Savery

Family And Love Quotes Quotes By Ace Antonio Hall

Premeditated anger is a bitch. Instead of saying, "Next time he does this, I will ... ", say, "Next time he does that, I will show him more patience and more love. That's premeditative love. She's much sexier! — Ace Antonio Hall

Family And Love Quotes Quotes By C. JoyBell C.

They taught the women that the home is a shame and in doing so, they successfully decomposed nations. Instead of it being the greatest honour to build a family, it became a laughingstock. And in this becoming, they successfully deconstructed nations. They taught the men that loyalty is merely an option and in doing so, they successfully destroyed nations. Instead of it being the greatest pride to love one woman, it became a joke, a funny side comment. And in this becoming, they successfully poisoned nations. Your home is your atom, your cell, your genome. Your love is your honour, your word, your truth. You wonder why we live in deconstructed nations, you ask one another why you live on torn fibres, cracked ground, and yet you continue to listen to what they tell you. You have put shame where there should be a throne, you have placed a joke where there should be a crown. You have successfully destroyed your nations. — C. JoyBell C.

Family And Love Quotes Quotes By Michael Anthony

Gunner shook his head; he wasn't in the mood. He stared down at his bottle as he spoke. "Yeah, and what if I do go after it and what if I find no one, and I'm alone for the next sixty years? What then? Huh? Friends and family will get married. I'll be stuck buying gifts. Years pass: children, birthday parties. At dinner parties, I'll be odd man out, forcing people to arrange five chairs around a table instead of four or six. Or, okay, let's say maybe twenty years down the line I meet someone nice and I've already given up on ever finding true love. Let's say the girl is a few pounds overweight, has fizzy hair and an annoying laugh, but at this point, I'm also a few pounds overweight and my hair is thinning and my laughter is annoying. Maybe then the two of us get married, and both our groups of friends will say, 'See I told you that you'd find true love. It just took a while.' And we'll smile, but we'll both know it's a lie-- — Michael Anthony

Family And Love Quotes Quotes By Debasish Mridha

Love is the garland without thread that bound us together as a family, as a society, as a nation, and for the humanity. — Debasish Mridha

Family And Love Quotes Quotes By Paul Brinkley-Rogers

I am saving my love in four parts. One part I will give to my family, because they give life to me. One part I will give to my future husband, because he will be the one who I will accompany with me for the rest of the life. The third part I will give to my husband's family, because if it was not for his mother and father I would not have him. The fourth part I give to myself, because if a woman does not love herself, how she could love another? — Paul Brinkley-Rogers

Family And Love Quotes Quotes By S.J. Himes

Kane hugged Ghost to him. Ghost clung, pressing his face into Kane's chest. "Whether you are Luca or Ghost or you choose a new name, none of that will change how I feel about you. Your family may not be the way it was before you got lost, but I am here. You came back to me. And I am never going to let you go. — S.J. Himes

Family And Love Quotes Quotes By Tanya Masse

This LIFE is NOT about a BIG house, VALUABLE things, a FULL bank account or a POWERFUL status.
It's about having a BIG open mind and heart that respects and accepts differences.
It's about VALUING your family, friends & being grateful for the little things.
It's about FILLING your heart and soul full of love and laughter, making the best of each day while you can.
It's about having the POWER to have a positive attitude and show kindness even when you're dealing with your own adversity.
THAT'S what this LIFE is all about! — Tanya Masse

Family And Love Quotes Quotes By Steve Goodier

Yes, love your family, and also love your friends. For some friends are truly family. Love the people in your life. Love them without measure. And don't worry about spoilage. Potatoes spoil, people don't spoil. — Steve Goodier

Family And Love Quotes Quotes By Kilroy J. Oldster

We wait too long to tell the people we love that they are the very reason that we exist. We assume that our wife, child, other family members, and friends understand our love and affection. We assume that people we care about understand our enigmatic idiosyncrasies and willingly accept the shrouded reasons behind our demonstrable oddities. We assume that other people sense that we struggle valiantly in our blackened landscape. We presume that other people comprehend our struggle to glean meaning amongst the ashes spewed from the absurd circumstances that we operate. Sometimes we need to stop and tell the tenderhearted persons whom we care about that we love them and explain that our awkward strangeness is not a rejection of them. — Kilroy J. Oldster

Family And Love Quotes Quotes By Mrinalini Mitra

With time one ages, and with age one comes closer to their end. With time one builds a family, a house, a name and with age one learns to live without them. — Mrinalini Mitra

Family And Love Quotes Quotes By C.S. Pacat

I would court you, with all the grace and courtesy that you deserve, — C.S. Pacat

Family And Love Quotes Quotes By Gillian Duce

No one said parenting was easy,but NO good parent has any right to give up.It is one labyrinth you can never quit because it seems too hard. — Gillian Duce

Family And Love Quotes Quotes By Jessica-Lynn Barbour

Friday night's alright for fighting
Saturday, Sunday, Monday too
Every night is a night of fighting
With family and friends like you — Jessica-Lynn Barbour

Family And Love Quotes Quotes By Phil Volatile

America - where we hate our
fathers, love our mothers, and
everyone is hung up on trying
to be a man — Phil Volatile

Family And Love Quotes Quotes By Viola Shipman

A Mother & Daughter's Love Is Never Separated — Viola Shipman

Family And Love Quotes Quotes By Seth Adam Smith

Love is so much more than some random, euphoric feeling. And real love isn't always fluffy, cute, and cuddly. More often than not, real love has its sleeves rolled up, dirt and grime smeared on its arms, and sweat dripping down its forehead. Real love asks us to do hard things - to forgive one another, to support each other's dreams, to comfort in times of grief, or to care for family. Real love isn't easy - and it's nothing like the wedding day - but it's far more meaningful and wonderful. — Seth Adam Smith

Family And Love Quotes Quotes By Meg Jay

What no one tells twentysomethings like Emma is that finally, and suddenly, they can pick their own families - they can create their own families - and these are the families that life will be about. These are the families that will define the decades ahead. — Meg Jay

Family And Love Quotes Quotes By Amit Abraham

We were happier when we were poor. We were happier when we did not have good food to eat or good clothes to wear. We were happier when we did not have the luxurious of life. We were happier when we did not have our own house because we had a home, a family and understood, loved and lived for each other. I have failed to understand what we run after even after we have all. — Amit Abraham

Family And Love Quotes Quotes By Sanober Khan

I am filled time and again
with a heart-aching wonder
when I think

of the fire
and frost of memories

of the everlastingness
of love

the solace
of family
and the power
of prayer. — Sanober Khan

Family And Love Quotes Quotes By Euginia Herlihy

A great thank you to my family, friends and to those who supported me through this year of 2016. I also want to give a massive thanks to all those who are diligently spreading my work like a wild fire all over the globe. May God continue to bless you and give you more ability to spread your wings like never before.
I love and I wish you all a great Christmas and a prosperous New Year. — Euginia Herlihy

Family And Love Quotes Quotes By Monica Pradhan

I don't want to freeze my eggs. I don't want to visit a sperm bank. I don't want to be a single parent, if I have any choice in the matter. I want a nuclear family. I want to put down roots, to let my seeds germinate, to watch them bloom and flourish. Not one day, if and when I ever fall in love again, but now. While I still have my youth, damn it. — Monica Pradhan

Family And Love Quotes Quotes By Anuradha Bhattacharyya

A lover was affectionate and a husband was authoritative. His work was always way more important than his family. His work and his needs were to be accepted as uppermost in every way. She could take leave from her work for one day to take her child to the carnival but he could not. — Anuradha Bhattacharyya

Family And Love Quotes Quotes By Nikki Rowe

I just want a life of happiness, laughter and possibility,
I want a passion that I call my job, to pay my bills.
I want to spend my time, eating good food & making unremarkable memories with the family I have left.
I want friends that can be honest enough to tell me, if I fuck up, so I can fix it & also beautiful enough to know when I'm lieing in my smile.
I want a lover who isn't afraid to love me with every inch of his heart but also fearless in keeping his individual voice as we grow together.
And I will have all of it, because I believe I am worthy of it. — Nikki Rowe

Family And Love Quotes Quotes By Bell Hooks

When we see love as the will to nurture one's own or another's spiritual growth, revealed through acts of care, respect, knowing, and assuming responsibility, the foundation of all love in our life is the same. There is no special love exclusively reserved for romantic partners. Genuine love is the foundation of our engagement with ourselves, with family, with friends, with partners, with everyone we choose to love. — Bell Hooks

Family And Love Quotes Quotes By C. JoyBell C.

I have always been a lone wolf and in the real sense of the word (people say it all the time but it's usually not true.) I feel like I watch people and I wonder why they do things. Especially when it comes to love and relationships: most of the time I am thinking "Why are they together when they are not meant to be together?" but then I realize that they don't know that they're not meant to be together; it's just me who knows things like that! And I don't see any importance in all the other reasons why people usually want to be together - because it looks good, because it's convenient, because it's a fun game to play ... the only reason to be with someone is if you are meant for someone. You're a wolf and they're a wolf too and you look at each other and you say "You're my family, you're my home." Well, that's how I think. — C. JoyBell C.

Family And Love Quotes Quotes By David Jackson

My wife is a thief...
She takes the last cookie
Takes forever to get ready
She takes her time in the shower
Takes all of the hot water
She takes my favorite seat on the couch
Takes the high road when I lose control
My wife is a thief...
She took my last name
Took the time to get to know me, love me
She took the back seat and let me lead
Took on motherhood and the emotional toll that it brings
She took care of me the many times that I've gotten sick
Took on the pain of pregnancy so that the Jackson legacy would live on
My wife takes, and takes, and takes...
I'm so proud of my perpetual thief who stole my heart and won't give it back. — David Jackson

Family And Love Quotes Quotes By Abhishek Kumar

Keep looking for your passion and the contribution that you want to make. — Abhishek Kumar

Family And Love Quotes Quotes By Lily Amis

Love is the most precious gift in life. Be grateful for all the love and support you get from your parents, your family and friends. Because nothing is as precious as receiving true and devoted love" - Monsieur Jac Couture — Lily Amis

Family And Love Quotes Quotes By Joy Harris

I want to reach the top with it all--business, family and faith! — Joy Harris

Family And Love Quotes Quotes By Debasish Mridha

To find love, joy and peace for the humanity, let us promise to build a peace loving and a kind family. — Debasish Mridha

Family And Love Quotes Quotes By Billy Ray Chitwood

I ate some emotional soup in my childhood and have spent a lifetime trying to digest it. — Billy Ray Chitwood

Family And Love Quotes Quotes By Nina Jean Slack

Although my road to writing seems like it may have come easily, there were a few bumps in that road. I didn't get a lot of encouragement from friends, although my family were great supporters. I also had many ... what you would call "mind-boggling" moments, when I would doubt myself and what I was writing. It has been said that we, ourselves, are our own worst critics.
All the hard work had payed off though, and I created a children's book that I am proud of, and an unforgettable little girl that will touch the hearts of many."-Nina Jean Slack — Nina Jean Slack

Family And Love Quotes Quotes By Viola Shipman

The Kite Charm

For A Life Filled with High-Flying Fun, Play with the Wonder of A Child — Viola Shipman

Family And Love Quotes Quotes By Bell Hooks

Few of us enter romantic relationships able to receive love. We fall into romantic attachments doomed to replay familiar family dramas. Usually we do not know this will happen precisely because we have grown up in a culture that has told us that no matter what we experience in our childhoods, no matter the pain, sorrow, alienation, emptiness, no matter the extent of our dehumanization, romantic love will be ours. We believe we will meet the girl of our dreams. We believe 'someday our prince will come.' They show up just as we imagined they would. We wanted the lover to appear but most of us were not clear about what we wanted to do with them-what the love was that we wanted to make and how we would make it. We were not ready to open our hearts fully. — Bell Hooks

Family And Love Quotes Quotes By Auliq Ice

Sometimes you meet someone, and it's so clear that the two of you, on some level belong together. As lovers, or as friends, or as family, or as something entirely different. You just work, whether you understand one another or you're in love or you're partners in crime. You meet these people throughout your life, out of nowhere, under the strangest circumstances, and they help you feel alive. I don't know if that makes me believe in coincidence, or fate, or sheer blind luck, but it definitely makes me believe in something. — Auliq Ice

Family And Love Quotes Quotes By Viola Shipman

The Hot Air Balloon Charm

Life Can Be Filled with Adventure If You Let Yourself Soar — Viola Shipman

Family And Love Quotes Quotes By Vicky Adin

History is about ordinary people living their ordinary lives, just as we do today, while all around the world is changing. It makes heroes out of some people and victims out of others. — Vicky Adin

Family And Love Quotes Quotes By Carlos Wallace

As you celebrate your special day I hope you are showered with priceless gifts of love, thoughtfulness, friendships, family, laughter and good times. These are just a few simple presents that money can't buy and that you absolutely deserve! Happy Birthday! — Carlos Wallace

Family And Love Quotes Quotes By Ruth Ahmed

Honour and I would have to create our world, live by our own rules. My family wasn't ready for her just yet.

I didn't know if they ever would be. — Ruth Ahmed

Family And Love Quotes Quotes By Nikki Rowe

There's something about you,
Your eyes speak a story in a language only known to my soul. The kind of communication we as humans dream about, the one that reaches into the core of who you are and loves you for it.
It doesn't appear often or by accident & when it happens you just know " There's something about you ". — Nikki Rowe

Family And Love Quotes Quotes By April Mae Monterrosa

Funny how things work themselves out. Things happen that split up family and friends, then things happen that bring them back together. Everyone is in your life for a reason. My hope is for all the reasons to be good. Those who love you never lose touch, are always consistent, and unquestionable. — April Mae Monterrosa

Family And Love Quotes Quotes By Abhishek Kumar

It's okay to DREAM and dream BIG. — Abhishek Kumar

Family And Love Quotes Quotes By Lindsey Rietzsch

If you have friends and family who love you unconditionally - you truly have everything! — Lindsey Rietzsch

Family And Love Quotes Quotes By Avijeet Das

Love is when you have not been home for three months and call up home and your daughter picks up the phone and says "Papa, I love you! — Avijeet Das

Family And Love Quotes Quotes By Abhishek Kumar

By doing what you love and finding how to serve, you add a very special joy to life. — Abhishek Kumar

Family And Love Quotes Quotes By Debasish Mridha

Family is the garden of humanity where every flower grows with love and kindness, in search of beauty, purpose and happiness. — Debasish Mridha

Family And Love Quotes Quotes By Abhijit Naskar

The term "musalman" refers to someone with "musallam iman", that means, a pure conscience. Thus, any individual whose conscience is pure and clear, who can think for himself or herself, is a musalman or muslim, regardless of socio-religious background. Likewise, any human being who loves the neighbor as much as his or her own family is a Christian. — Abhijit Naskar

Family And Love Quotes Quotes By Debasish Mridha

Surround your family with love and kindness; there will be happiness. — Debasish Mridha

Family And Love Quotes Quotes By Sandi Gamble

But marriage is more than just two people. Marriages are a combination of two people, their closest family members, and the nearest and dearest of friends that enter that circle of love. — Sandi Gamble

Family And Love Quotes Quotes By Ivan Figueroa-Otero

When men feel like "family", where the blood and genetic inheritance that unites them is the force of Love, the qualities that for so long have been inhibited by ignorance, fear and anger manifest in them spontaneously. Selfishness then vanishes with the sensation of being a part of, and not apart from. — Ivan Figueroa-Otero

Family And Love Quotes Quotes By Madison Thorne Grey

You have family, only a brother you clearly don't like to speak about. Fine. That's all right." She ran her fingers through her hair. "But don't ever say dreams are a waste. It's a miracle I can still speak of dreams and futures after all I've been through. There's love in this world, Thristan, love that can encompass the heart abiding in humans' mortal, fragile bodies. And there are stupid little humans like me, dreamers, who believe one day they'll find it. — Madison Thorne Grey

Family And Love Quotes Quotes By Jason Versey

All the best and worse things in us are bound up in the legacy of our family. As children we ardently trust in the stability or, in some cases, the instability we were born into. No matter which...we embraced what was decent while simultaneously suppressing what was deficient yet both traits weaved roots of faithfulness and consternation into the very fabric of who we've become. This now plays significantly into how we nurture our own families and how we relate to others. Our love, our fears, our insecurities, and our loyalties all draw from how we were raised as well as our inherent desire to shift its paradigm to optimistically better the life of not just our children...but our children's children. That's the gift and or the curse of a legacy. Which will you leave behind? — Jason Versey

Family And Love Quotes Quotes By Karen Kingsbury

And like that, the decades disappeared and the memory of that night came to life again. The way John had known it would. He didn't fight it, didn't work to stay in the here and now. If he was going to go back, then he wanted to relive it. All of it. — Karen Kingsbury

Family And Love Quotes Quotes By Sharon Salzberg

With our close friends, family members, and lovers, we hope to create a special world, one in which we can expect to be treated fairly, with care, tenderness, and compassion. — Sharon Salzberg