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Excelled Thesaurus Quotes & Sayings

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Top Excelled Thesaurus Quotes

Excelled Thesaurus Quotes By Samuel Lyman Atwood Marshall

A man has integrity if his interest in the good of the service is at all times greater than his personal pride, and when he holds himself to the same line of duty when unobserved as he would follow if his superiors were present — Samuel Lyman Atwood Marshall

Excelled Thesaurus Quotes By Nhat Hanh

Human beings are innately loving beings. When we fail to love, it is because an element of ignorance has intruded into our experience, submerging our natural impulse to love. — Nhat Hanh

Excelled Thesaurus Quotes By Mark Lynas

Human releases of carbon dioxide are almost certainly happening faster than any natural carbon release since the beginning of life on Earth. — Mark Lynas

Excelled Thesaurus Quotes By Lenny Bruce

I was a Jew talking about Goyim religion. If I had just stuck to Moses, everything would have been cool. But, copping to being part of the whole Christ murder conspiracy got everyone goose-stepping again. — Lenny Bruce

Excelled Thesaurus Quotes By Bruce Meyer

Seasons have built our lives hour by hour in the twilight of long, darkening commutes, and we arrive home too tired to speak of love and this we say only with a goodnight kiss. — Bruce Meyer

Excelled Thesaurus Quotes By Thiruvalluvar

How can one, who eats the flesh of others to swell his flesh, show compassion? — Thiruvalluvar

Excelled Thesaurus Quotes By Deborah Butterfield

My work is not so overtly about movement. My horses' gestures are really quite quiet, because real horses move so much better than I could pretend to make things move. For the pieces I make, the gesture is really more within the body, it's like an internalized gesture, which is more about the content, the state of mind or of being at a given instant. And so it's more like a painting ... the gesture and the movement is all pretty much contained within the body. — Deborah Butterfield

Excelled Thesaurus Quotes By Veronica Roth

I was also beginning to learn about social psychology and the Milgram experiment on obedience to authority figures, which made me think about how malleable our supposedly strict moral codes become in the right conditions. Something that DIVERGENT grapples with. — Veronica Roth

Excelled Thesaurus Quotes By Wayne Dyer

If you believe it will work out , you'll see opportunities. If you believe it won't you will see obstacles. — Wayne Dyer

Excelled Thesaurus Quotes By Elizabeth Bowen

Nobody can be kinder than the narcissist while you react to life in his own terms. — Elizabeth Bowen

Excelled Thesaurus Quotes By Alice Englert

What's interesting is, for myself, when I become really attracted to somebody, I find them in my dreams ... conversations, nothing more. — Alice Englert

Excelled Thesaurus Quotes By Iccho Itoh

We proclaim our commitment to continue to strive for the establishment of lasting world peace. — Iccho Itoh

Excelled Thesaurus Quotes By Robert Kirkman

I know there are a lot of readers that think I've got a very crappy marriage just because of the things going on with Rick and Lori but there's really nothing that's been like a mirror. I'm just making this stuff up. — Robert Kirkman

Excelled Thesaurus Quotes By Tom Waits

Every single song has its own individual character and you can't treat each song the same way, because it wants to be treated differently and there are songs that are like scared birds that you have to sneak up on over the course of months in the woods. — Tom Waits