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Quotes & Sayings About Edwards Beauty

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Top Edwards Beauty Quotes

Edwards Beauty Quotes By Jonathan Edwards

As God delights in his own beauty, he must necessarily delight in the creature's holiness which is a conformity to and participation of it, as truly as [the] brightness of a jewel, held in the sun's beams, is a participation or derivation of the sun's brightness, though immensely less in degree. — Jonathan Edwards

Edwards Beauty Quotes By Tryon Edwards

Appreciation, whether of nature, or books, or art, or men, depends very much on temperament. What is beauty or genius or greatness to one, is far from being so to another. — Tryon Edwards

Edwards Beauty Quotes By Vincent Edwards

I have seen a lot of beautiful things in my time. I have seen the sun rise and set. I have seen the moon upon the waters reflecting it's love. I have seen roses that's beauty sat upon heaven's doors. I have seen some of the most beautiful things in my life, and none of them can compare to the thought of you. — Vincent Edwards

Edwards Beauty Quotes By Kim Edwards

There was so much force and beauty in the windows, such unsettled sadness in what little I knew of Rose's life, all her longing, her distance from her daughter. Just knowing she had existed opened new and uneasy possibilities within my understanding of the story I'd always thought I'd known by heart ... Whoever Rose had been, she was gone, unable to speak for herself, fading into the past as surely as these rainy colors were diffusing, even now [p. 142]. — Kim Edwards

Edwards Beauty Quotes By Nicki Edwards

Yeah. I went out while you were getting your beauty sleep."
"Which I needed," she said with a chuckle.
"Well it worked. — Nicki Edwards

Edwards Beauty Quotes By Kim Edwards

The challenges in this place are real and sometimes very difficult, but I've learned to slow down and look for beauty in my days, for the mysteries and blessings woven into everything, into the very words we speak. — Kim Edwards

Edwards Beauty Quotes By Julie Andrews Edwards

A rose lay open in full bloom
and, looking from my garden room,
I watched the sun-baked flower fill with rain.
It seemed so fragile,
resting there,
and such a silence filled the air,
the beauty of the moment caused me pain.
"What more?" I thought. "There must be more."
As if in answer then, I saw
one weighty drop that caused my rose to fall.
It trembled, then cascaded down
to earth just staining gentle brown
and, since then, I've felt different.
That's all. — Julie Andrews Edwards

Edwards Beauty Quotes By Kim Edwards

The city of Pittsburgh gleaming suddenly before her ... so startling in its vastness and its beauty that she had gasped and slowed, afraid of losing control of the car — Kim Edwards

Edwards Beauty Quotes By Jonathan Edwards

Natural men may have lively impressions on their imaginations; and we can't determine but that the devil, who transforms himself into an angel of light, may cause imaginations of an outward beauty, or visible glory, and of sounds and speeches and other such things; — Jonathan Edwards

Edwards Beauty Quotes By Jonathan Edwards

This glorious Person came down from heaven to be 'the Light of the world,' that by him the beauty of the Deity might shine forth, in the brightest and fullest manner, to the children of men. — Jonathan Edwards

Edwards Beauty Quotes By Jonathan Edwards

Since holiness is the main thing that excites, draws, and governs all gracious affections, it is no wonder that all such affections tend to holiness. That which men love, they desire to have and to be united to, and possessed of. That beauty which men delight in, they desire to be adorned with. Those acts which men delight in, they necessarily incline to do. — Jonathan Edwards

Edwards Beauty Quotes By Jaroldeen Edwards

One unexpected bonus of motherhood is the visual beauty. I am enchanted by the sights of my children, the tones of skin, the clear eyes, the grace, the curve of a hand and cheek, to see them racing across the back lawn in a certain slant of light. — Jaroldeen Edwards

Edwards Beauty Quotes By Jonathan Edwards

But saints and angels behold that glory of God which consists in the beauty of His holiness; and it is this sight only that will melt and humble the hearts of men, wean them from the world, draw them to God, and effectually change them. A sight of the awful greatness of God may overpower men's strength, and be more than they can endure; but if the moral beauty of God be hid, the enmity of the heart will remain in its full strength. No love will be enkindled; the will, instead of being effectually gained, will remain inflexible. But the first glimpse of the moral and spiritual glory of God shining into the heart produces all these effects as it were with omnipotent power, which nothing can withstand. — Jonathan Edwards

Edwards Beauty Quotes By Vincent Edwards

There is no man on this earth that has the right to tell you how beautiful you are, for no words we use has enough power to tell that truth. Your beauty can only be describe by the heavens above in a language none of us know. — Vincent Edwards

Edwards Beauty Quotes By Conan O'Brien

During last night's Republican debate, Mike Huckabee got a big laugh when he said that Congress has been spending money like John Edwards at a beauty salon. Then Huckabee got an even bigger laugh when he said he's running for president — Conan O'Brien

Edwards Beauty Quotes By Herman Edwards

It's always the same when you don't get enough snaps. If we can get it going, stay on the field, the beauty of the offense is they'll all get involved in it. You've got to have drives, you've got to make first downs. You can't get players involved if you only have three plays and out. That's not real good. — Herman Edwards

Edwards Beauty Quotes By Martin Edwards

For Marc, books were objects of beauty, to be loved, not just read. — Martin Edwards

Edwards Beauty Quotes By Jonathan Edwards

There is a difference between having a rational judgment that honey is sweet, and having a sense of its sweetness ... So there is a difference between believing that a person is beautiful, and having a sense of his beauty. The former may be obtained by hearsay, but the lat- ter only by seeing the countenance. — Jonathan Edwards

Edwards Beauty Quotes By Jonathan Edwards

The Creator is infinite. This means he has all possible existence, perfection, and excellence. This means he must also have all possible honor and respect. In every way God is first and supreme. His excellent qualities are the supreme beauty and glory, the original good, and the fountain of all good. This, of course, means that he must in every way have the highest regard and honor. — Jonathan Edwards

Edwards Beauty Quotes By Vincent Edwards

The beauty of each heart beat is the fact that the heart knows another heart beats for it. — Vincent Edwards

Edwards Beauty Quotes By Vincent Edwards

Love is the beauty of time passing and everything remaining the same between two heart — Vincent Edwards

Edwards Beauty Quotes By Kim Edwards

Around me the beautiful windows, connecting me to other lives and other times, to things done and also deliberately left undone, stood dark. Rose, I was sure, had acted out of love, yet for Iris her mother's absence had remained an unresolved sadness at the center of her life. I thought of what Rose had written about anger, about its power to corrupt, to make a space for evil. Maybe she was right. Maybe evil, that old-fashioned word, could be called other things, disharmony or dysfunction. Maybe Rose was right and evil wasn't attached top an individual as much as if was a force in the world, a seeing force, one that worked like a self-replicating virus, seeking to entangle, to ensnare, to undo beauty. [p.353] — Kim Edwards

Edwards Beauty Quotes By Jonathan Edwards

The beauty of the world consists wholly of sweet mutual consents, either within itself or with the supreme being. — Jonathan Edwards

Edwards Beauty Quotes By Jonathan Edwards

The Lord God is the light of the heavenly Jerusalem; and is the "river of the water of life" that runs, and "the tree of life that grows, in the midst of the paradise of God." The glorious excellencies and beauty of God will be what will forever entertain the minds of the saints, and the love of God will be their everlasting feast. The redeemed will indeed enjoy other things; they will enjoy the angels, and will enjoy one another; but that which they shall enjoy in the angels, or each other, or in any thing else whatsoever that will yield them delight and happiness, will be what shall be seen of God in them. — Jonathan Edwards

Edwards Beauty Quotes By Kim Edwards

All day she had been dreaming of the comet, its wild and fiery beauty, what it might mean, how her life might change. — Kim Edwards

Edwards Beauty Quotes By Jonathan Edwards

He that sees the beauty of holiness or true moral good ,sees the greatest and most important thing in the world. — Jonathan Edwards

Edwards Beauty Quotes By Kim Edwards

He carried Paul inside and up the stairs. He gave him a drink of water and the orange chewable aspirin he like and sat with him on the bed, holding his hand ... This was what he yearned to capture on film: these rare moments where the world seemed unified, coherent, everything contained in a single fleeting image. A spareness that held beauty and hope and motion - a kind of silvery poetry, just as the body was poetry in blood and flesh and bone. — Kim Edwards

Edwards Beauty Quotes By Jonathan Edwards

All the shall stand about the God of glory, the fountain of love, as it were opening their bosoms to be filled with those effusions of love which are poured forth from thence, as the flowers on the earth in a pleasant spring day open their bosoms to the sun to be filled with his warmth and light, and to flourish in beauty and fragrancy by his rays. Every saint is as a flower in the garden of God, and holy love is the fragrancy and sweet odor which they all send forth, with which they fill that paradise. — Jonathan Edwards

Edwards Beauty Quotes By Jonathan Edwards

It is a proper and excellent thing for infinite glory to shine forth; and for the same reason, it is proper that the shining forth of God's glory should be complete; that is, that all parts of his glory should shine forth, that every beauty should be proportionably effulgent, that the beholder may have a proper notion of God.
Thus it is necessary, that God's awful majesty, his authority and dreadful greatness, justice, and holiness, should be manifested. But this could not be, unless sin and punishment had been decreed; so that the shining forth of God's glory would be very imperfect, both because these parts of divine glory would not shine forth as the others do, and also the glory of his goodness, love, and holiness would be faint without them; nay, they could scarcely shine forth at all. — Jonathan Edwards

Edwards Beauty Quotes By Mike Huckabee

We've had a Congress that's spent money like John Edwards at a beauty shop. — Mike Huckabee

Edwards Beauty Quotes By Jonathan Edwards

Almost all men, and those that seem to be very miserable, love life, because they cannot bear to lose sight of such a beautiful and lovely world. The ideas, that every moment whilst we live have a beauty that we take not distinct notice of, brings a pleasure that, when we come to the trial, we had rather live in much pain and misery than lose. — Jonathan Edwards

Edwards Beauty Quotes By Jonathan Edwards

Spiritual delight in God arises chiefly from his beauty and perfection, not from the blessings he gives us. — Jonathan Edwards

Edwards Beauty Quotes By Jonathan Edwards

Thus there is a difference between having an opinion that God is holy and gracious, and having a sense of the loveliness and beauty of that holiness and grace. There is a difference between having a rational judgment that honey is sweet, and having a sense of its sweetness. A man may have the former, that knows not how honey tastes; but a man can't have the latter unless he has an idea of the taste of honey in his mind. So there is a difference between believing that a person is beautiful, and having a sense of his beauty. — Jonathan Edwards

Edwards Beauty Quotes By Matthew Paul Turner

Edwards's God was glorious, full of beauty, and seemingly uninterested in making people feel insecure. Edwards was a mystic, a man who didn't simply write or preach about God, he experienced him. — Matthew Paul Turner

Edwards Beauty Quotes By Jonathan Edwards

If we take reason strictly, the perceiving of spiritual beauty and excellence no more belongs to reason than it belongs to the sense of feeling to perceive colors or to the power of seeing to perceive the sweetness of food. — Jonathan Edwards

Edwards Beauty Quotes By Jonathan Edwards

Wicked people will on the day of judgment see all there is to see of Jesus Christ, except His beauty and loveliness — Jonathan Edwards

Edwards Beauty Quotes By Jonathan Edwards

Because God is not only infinitely greater and more excellent than all other being, but he is the head of the universal system of existence; the foundation and fountain of all being and all beauty; from whom all is perfectly derived, and on whom all is most absolutely and perfectly dependent; of whom, and through whom, and to whom is all being and all perfection; and whose being and beauty are, as it were, the sum and comprehension of all existence and excellence: much more than the sun is the fountain and summary comprehension of all the light and brightness of the day. — Jonathan Edwards

Edwards Beauty Quotes By Jennifer Edwards

The beauty of life is, while we cannot undo what is done, we can see it, understand it, learn from it and change. So that every new moment is spent not in regret, guilt, fear or anger, but in wisdom, understanding and love. — Jennifer Edwards