Famous Quotes & Sayings

Easy To Please Quotes & Sayings

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Top Easy To Please Quotes

Easy To Please Quotes By Irving Stone

It's pleasant to get used to the expensive, the soft, the comfortable. Once you're addicted, it's so easy to become a sycophant, to trim the sails of your judgment in order to be kept on. The next step is to change your work to please those in power, and that is death to the sculptor. — Irving Stone

Easy To Please Quotes By Kirk Franklin

It's not easy waiting on You, it's not easy believing that You got this together, but without faith it is impossible to please You. — Kirk Franklin

Easy To Please Quotes By Bob Smith

It wasn't easy telling my family that I'm gay. I made my carefully worded announcement at Thanksgiving. It was very Norman Rockwell. I said, 'Mom, would you please pass the gravy to a homosexual?' She passed it to my father. A terrible scene followed. — Bob Smith

Easy To Please Quotes By Nicholas Sparks

So, it's not gonna be easy. It's gonna be really hard. We're gonna have to work at this every day, but I want to do that because I want you. I want all of you, forever, you and me, every day. Will you do something for me, please? Just picture your life for me? Thirty years from now, forty years from now? What's it look like? If it's with him- go. Go! I lost you once, I think I can do it again, if I thought that's what you really wanted. But don't you take the easy way out. — Nicholas Sparks

Easy To Please Quotes By Colleen Hoover

Time to go," he says. "I already see this heading somewhere I'm too drunk to go right now. I'll see you tomorrow night." I jump up and run and block the window before he can leave. He stops in front of me and folds his arms over his chest. "Stay," I say. "Please. Just lay in bed with me. We can put pillows between us and I promise not to seduce you since you're drunk. Just stay for an hour, I don't want you to go yet." He immediately turns and heads back to the bed. "Okay," he says simply. He throws himself onto my bed and pulls the covers out from beneath him.
That was easy. — Colleen Hoover

Easy To Please Quotes By Jamie McGuire

First, it's okay to be sad. It's okay to feel things. Remember that. Second, be a kid for as long as you can. Play games, Travis. Be silly" - her eyes glossed over - "and you and your brothers take care of each other, and your father. Even when you grow up and move away, it's important to come home. Okay?"
My head bobbed up and down, desperate to please her.
"One of these days you're going to fall in love, son. Don't settle for just anyone. Choose the girl that doesn't come easy, the one you have to fight for, and then never stop fighting. Never" - she took a deep breath - "stop fighting for what you want. And never" - her eyebrows pulled in - "forget that Mommy loves you. Even if you can't see me." A tear fell down her cheek. "I will always, always love you. — Jamie McGuire

Easy To Please Quotes By Ben Jonson

If I freely may discover
What should please me in my lover,
I would have her fair and witty,
Savouring more of court than city;
A little proud, but full of pity;
Light and humorous in her toying,
Oft building hopes, and soon destroying,
Long, but sweet in the enjoying;
Neither too easy nor to hard;
All extremes I would have barr'd. — Ben Jonson

Easy To Please Quotes By Pope Benedict XVI

The Catechism was not written to please you. It will not make life easy for you, because it demands of you a new life. — Pope Benedict XVI

Easy To Please Quotes By A.M. Robinson

Please don't tell your family that I'm here," he says softly. "I want to keep a low profile."
"Done," I say, knowing that the story of how I got caught peeping in his back window like a weirdo will be an easy secret to keep. — A.M. Robinson

Easy To Please Quotes By Leigh Bardugo

You were meant for more than me, and I'll die fighting to give it to you. But please don't ask me to pretend it's easy. — Leigh Bardugo

Easy To Please Quotes By Erin Kellison

Lady Amunsdale," Talia said, looking around the room.
Nothing. Ridiculous.
She tried again, louder, with melodrama. "Lady Amunsdale. Please grace us with your presence."
All quiet.
Jim buried his face in his hands, his bald head reddening. Talia felt bad for her mocking tone. The man was crazy, but also desperately in love.
"You're too nice," Adam observed. "It might take more of a command to get her to come out."
Talia rolled her eyes. A command - those came all too easy to Adam. This was the last time, and she was done.
She raised her voice. "Lady Amunsdale. Come here. Now."
A pause, then a distorted voice whined. — Erin Kellison

Easy To Please Quotes By Charles Caleb Colton

It is an easy and vulgar thing to please the mob, and not a very arduous task to astonish them; but essentially to benefit and to improve them is a work fraught with difficulty, and teeming with danger. — Charles Caleb Colton

Easy To Please Quotes By Richard Carlson

Find your true path. It's so easy to become someone we don't want to be, without even realizing it's happening. We are created by the choices we make every day. And if we take action in order to please some authority figure, we'll suddenly wake up down the road and say, This isn't me. I never wanted to be this person. — Richard Carlson

Easy To Please Quotes By Ian Thomas Curtis

Two ways to choose, which way to go
Decide for me, please let me know
Pictures all around, of how a good life should be
A model for the rest, that bred insecurity
Everything seemed easy but I didn't have the heart
Me in my own world, yeah you there beside
The gaps are enormous, we stare from each side — Ian Thomas Curtis

Easy To Please Quotes By Rick Warren

Genuine surrender says, "Father, if this problem, pain, sickness, or circumstance is needed to fulfill your purpose and glory in my life or in another's, please don't take it away." This level of maturity does not come easy. — Rick Warren

Easy To Please Quotes By Ilona Andrews

I flexed my wrist, popped a silver needle into my palm, and offered it to him.
'What's this?'
'A needle.'
'What should I do with it?'
He'd walked right into it. Too easy. 'Please use it to pop your head. It's obscuring my view of the room.'
- Kate & Saiman — Ilona Andrews

Easy To Please Quotes By Ashley Purdy

I'm a hard man to fight and an easy man to please ... A Rock n' Roll Outlaw on a Sweet Romance.. I Want To Be Your Man. — Ashley Purdy

Easy To Please Quotes By Kate Andersen Brower

But most accounts agree that the residence workers' devotion to President George H. W. Bush was more than customary - it was genuine, almost profound. The Bushes were generally easy to please, and the residence workers found themselves quickly at ease with them. — Kate Andersen Brower

Easy To Please Quotes By Charles Bukowski

To whom it may concern: please phone me for appointments when you want to see me. I will not answer unsolicited knocks upon the door. I need time to do my work. I will not allow you to murder my work. please understand that what keeps me alive will make me a better person toward and for you when we finally meet under easy and unstrained conditions. — Charles Bukowski

Easy To Please Quotes By Ilona Andrews

What's this "
"A needle."
"What should I do with it " He'd walked right into it. Too easy.
"Please use it to pop your head. It's obscuring my view of the room. — Ilona Andrews

Easy To Please Quotes By Thich Nhat Hanh

When we live with another person, we should help each other transform the internal formations that we have produced in each other. By practicing understanding and loving speech, we can help each other a great deal. Happiness is no longer an individual matter. If the other person is not happy, we will not be happy either. Therefore, to transform the internal formations in the other is to bring about our own happiness as well. A person can create internal formations in her partner, and her partner can do so for her, and if they continue to create knots in each other, one day they'll have no happiness left. A person needs to recognize quickly any newly formed knot inside herself. She should take the time to observe it and, with her partner's help, transform the internal formation. She might say, "Darling, I have an internal formation. Can you please help me?" This is easy when the states of mind of both partners are still light and not loaded with many internal formations. — Thich Nhat Hanh

Easy To Please Quotes By Barton Swaim

He wrote so many letters that occasionally he would forget the name of the person he was writing to. "This is a letter to what's-his-name," he'd begin. "Jeane will know his name, ask Jeane." Jeane was our senate liaison and someone who knew nearly everyone. "Dear whoever," he would continue, "I just wanted to let you know how sorry I was to hear about your dad. I remember losing my dad when I was seventeen, and all I can say is it wasn't easy. Please know you'll be in our prayers over the coming weeks and months." I wondered if the governor would pray for somebody whose name he couldn't remember. Would he tell God to ask Jeane? — Barton Swaim

Easy To Please Quotes By Robert Louis Stevenson

[T]he kingdom of heaven is of the childlike, of those who are easy to please, who love and who give pleasure. Mighty men of their hands, the smiters and the builders and the judges, have lived long and done sternly and yet preserved this lovely character; and among our carpet interests and twopenny concerns, the shame were indelible if we should lose it. Gentleness and cheerfulness, these come before all morality; they are the perfect duties. — Robert Louis Stevenson

Easy To Please Quotes By A.E. Coppard

O, sir,' murmured Sheila, still on her knees, 'please forgive me.'
'Forgive you! 0, la, la, la!' cunningly cried the droll, and strutting like an actor. 'Forgiveness is easy, is it not? O, yes, it is nothing. You are a young woman full of pride. O. yes! - but that is nothing. And full of penitence, and that is nothing, too. Pride is nothing, penitence nothing, forgiveness nothing, but even a bargain in farthings must be paid to be made, and I am a plain business man. What costs nothing brings no balm, and you would not like that, you would not like that, now would you?' ("The Bogey Man") — A.E. Coppard

Easy To Please Quotes By Sojourner McConnell

Growing up is not easy for anyone but for anyone to deliberately block the path of the child from their family, it is nothing short of a sin." Lowering her voice a little she quietly said, "I believe she has done us all an injustice." The smile that she gave Melanie lit up her entire face as she patted the scrapbook. "Please look over the book and call me anytime. I don't sleep much and I will be here for you. — Sojourner McConnell

Easy To Please Quotes By Tammy Blackwell

It's not always going to be easy, and you will, without a doubt, screw up over and over again; but the next morning you'll wake up a new, changed person, and you'll try again. Be strong. Be brave. And, please, be good. — Tammy Blackwell

Easy To Please Quotes By Ian Shoales

Advice to rock gods: drugwise, stick to Ibuprofen, decaf lattes, and pale Pilsners ... If your stomach is not a flat slab, please leave your shirt on while performing ... If your girlfriend asks you to choose between her and your music, sell your instruments immediately - especially if you're a drummer ... Finally, go easy on the supermodels, don't forget to tune, and remember: a tiny bit of dry ice and lasers goes a long way. Ditto with tattoos. — Ian Shoales

Easy To Please Quotes By Seth Godin

In our desire to please everyone, it's very easy to end up being invisible or mediocre. — Seth Godin

Easy To Please Quotes By Fannie Flagg

I wish I could describe what it feels like to have thousands of people listening to your every word, how easy it is to please them, to get that applause and to hear them out there screaming for you. It's like being in control of one big ocean and you can calm it down or make it roar. — Fannie Flagg

Easy To Please Quotes By Sue Patton Thoele

Being aware of our feelings sounds easy, but it's not because many of us spend our entire lives pushing feelings aside as we try to please others. — Sue Patton Thoele

Easy To Please Quotes By Sylvia Plath

Please let him come, and give me the resilience & guts to make him respect me, be interested, and not to throw myself at him with loudness or hysterical yelling; calmly, gently, easy baby easy. He is probably strutting the backs among crocuses now with seven Scandinavian mistresses. And I sit, spiderlike, waiting, here, home; Penelope weaving webs of Webster, turning spindles of Tourneur. Oh, he is here; my black marauder; oh hungry hungry. I am so hungry for a big smashing creative burgeoning burdened love: I am here; I wait; and he plays on the banks of the river Cam like a casual faun. — Sylvia Plath

Easy To Please Quotes By Samuel Johnson

It is easy for a man who sits idle at home, and has nobody to please but himself, to ridicule or censure the common practices of mankind. — Samuel Johnson

Easy To Please Quotes By Jamie Lee Curtis

If indeed it's a race
Then the chicks do the most
It isn't a brag
Or an estrogen boast
It's the women who've led me
With big open hearts
If not for their love
I'd have failed at the start.
And it's not just the mothers
I speak of them ALL
It's a woman there first
When somebody falls.

The multi of tasking
That's easy to tease
I dare a great man
To try it all, PLEASE!
So this is my shout out
My rallying cry
To women all over
I hold you up high
And though there are others
Who'll think this poem strange
It's the women who plant
The root of big change. — Jamie Lee Curtis

Easy To Please Quotes By Dalai Lama

When a person is in a miserable situation, then, yes, it is difficult to develop genuine compassion toward others. That's why I find it difficult to say to poor people, "Please have compassion toward millionaires." That's not easy. — Dalai Lama

Easy To Please Quotes By Stephen Richards

Mad people are very emotionally orientated! They have complex feelings, they're easily upset, but are also easy to please! Most mad people have lonely lives, as nobody understands them. So they become "Lost Souls." They dream a lot. Go within their minds to search - some will turn strange, become dangerous. So a madman is created! His world becomes a mission. — Stephen Richards

Easy To Please Quotes By Haruki Murakami

Hatred is like a long, dark shadow. Not even the person it falls upon knows where it comes from, in most cases. It is like a two-edged sword. When you cut the other person, you cut yourself. The more violently you hack at the other person, the more violently you hack at yourself. It can often be fatal. But it is not easy to dispose of. Please be careful, Mr.Okada. It is very dangerous. Once it has taken root in your heart, hatred is the most difficult think in the world to shake off. — Haruki Murakami

Easy To Please Quotes By Kristin Davis

My golden retriever, Callie, is so easy to please. She finds great pleasure in our day-to-day routine, which helps me to enjoy the simple things. She loves to jump on the couch with her favorite toys and roll around while I clap my hands. — Kristin Davis

Easy To Please Quotes By Paul Weller

I never get too many problems. You can never please everyone anyway, obviously. And some people take the easy route and just play the greatest hits, and their audience is happy to hear that as well, and that's fine, but it wouldn't please me. But it doesn't trouble me. — Paul Weller

Easy To Please Quotes By Cassandra Clare

I imagine that it will not be easy to persuade Mortmain into a bonnet," Magnus observed. "Though the color would be fetching on him."
Henry burst into laughter. "Very droll, Mr. Bane."
"Please, call me Magnus."
"I shall! — Cassandra Clare

Easy To Please Quotes By Mark Billingham

I'd read one too many crime novels where the victim was just a name: body number one, dead woman number 12. I understood fear, and I wanted to create characters who made readers say, 'Please, don't hurt this guy.' That's the key to suspense. It's easy to disgust a reader. It's much harder to make them care. — Mark Billingham

Easy To Please Quotes By Confucius

The superior man is easy to serve, but difficult to please ... The inferior man is difficult to serve, but easy to please. — Confucius

Easy To Please Quotes By Peter Heller

She was very easy to please, because she took joy in the smallest things, but exacting, too, because that small thing must be authentic, and wondrous in its small self, and not any kind of bullshit. She could detect bullshit from a hillside away. But then she took people at face value and expected the best of them until proven otherwise. — Peter Heller

Easy To Please Quotes By Joshua Rosenthal

We can, and must, develop dialogue and relatedness with our body because it's talking to us all the time. And please remember, your body loves you. It does everything it can to keep you alive and functioning. You can feed it garbage, and it will take it and digest it for you. You can deprive it of sleep, but still it gets you up and running next morning. You can drink too much alcohol, and it will eliminate it from your system. It loves you unconditionally and does its best to allow you to live the life you came here for. The real issue in this relationship is not whether your body loves you, but whether you love your body. In any relationship, if one partner is loving, faithful and supportive, it's easy for the other to take that person for granted. That's what most of us do with our bodies. It is time for you to shift this, and working to understand your cravings is one of the best places to begin. Then you can build a mutually loving relationship with your own body. — Joshua Rosenthal

Easy To Please Quotes By Charles Dickens

But is it really possible to please the world!' says some doubting reader. It is indeed. Nay, it is not only very possible, but very easy. The ways are crooked, and sometimes foul and low. What then? A man need but crawl upon his hands and knees, know when to close his eyes and when his ears, when to stoop and when to stand upright; and if by the world is meant that atom of it in which he moves himself, he shall please it, never fear. — Charles Dickens

Easy To Please Quotes By Claudia Putnam

Cairn Stone
This is the rock he lifted
to lay upon a cairn
in a high place.
This rock, warmed by the near sun,
felt right, somehow, in his hand.
He decided to carry it down
to his mother, who lay in bed,
It is so easy to please
a mother. Just to think of her
for a moment, from a high place,
and to carry that thought to her
in the form of a stone. — Claudia Putnam

Easy To Please Quotes By Alexandra Adornetto

It's here somewhere," I assured him.
"Please tell me you haven't lost it already."
"We did fall out of the sky, you know," I said indignantly. "It's easy for things to go missing. — Alexandra Adornetto

Easy To Please Quotes By Sarah J. Maas

Please - please just do this for me," Tamlin said, stroking his stallion's thick neck as the beast nickered with impatience. The others had already moved their horses into easy canters, the first of them nearly within the shade of the woods. Tamlin jerked his chin toward the alabaster estate looming behind me. "I'm sure there are things to help with around the house. Or you could paint. Try out that new set I gave for you for Winter Solstice. — Sarah J. Maas

Easy To Please Quotes By Steven Spielberg

Audiences are harder to please if you're just giving them effects, but they're easy to please if it's a good story. — Steven Spielberg

Easy To Please Quotes By Hazel Rowley

Beauvoir lent Maheu a recent English novel she had enjoyed, The Green Hat, by Michael Arlen. She admired its independent heroine, Iris Storm. Maheu did not. 'I have no liking for women of easy virtue,' he told her. 'Much as I like a woman to please me, I find it impossible to respect any woman I've had.' Beauvoir was indignant. 'One does not HAVE an Iris Storm! — Hazel Rowley

Easy To Please Quotes By J.C. Ryle

I dare say you are planning on a late repentance. You do not know what you are doing. You are planning without God. Repentance and faith are the gifts of God, and they are gifts that He often withholds, when they have been long offered in vain. I grant you true repentance is never too late, but I warn you at the same time, late repentance is seldom true. I grant you, one penitent thief was converted in his last hours, that no man might despair; But I warn you, only one was converted, that no man might presume. I grant you it is written, Jesus is 'Able to save completely those who come to God through him' (Hebrews 7:25). But I warn you, it is also written by the same Spirit, 'Since you rejected me when I called and no one gave heed when I stretched out my hand, I in turn will laugh at your disaster; I will mock when calamity overtakes you' (Proverbs 1:24-26).

Believe me, you will find it no easy matter to turn to God whenever you please. — J.C. Ryle

Easy To Please Quotes By C.S. Lewis

God is easy to please, but hard to satisfy. — C.S. Lewis

Easy To Please Quotes By Jose N. Harris

Look at me
It really was not easy
But I can breathe
And I'm so grateful because I can see
I am free
To do exactly what I please
So come with me
To a place where we can be — Jose N. Harris

Easy To Please Quotes By Grace Gealey

I'm really easy to please and not high-maintenance at all. I like that chill, not stressed-out kind of lifestyle. — Grace Gealey

Easy To Please Quotes By Morrissey

You say: 'Oh, please forgive'
You say: 'Oh, live and let live.'
But sorry doesn't help us.
Sorry will not save us.
Sorry is just a word you find so easy to say (so you say it anyway).
Sorry doesn't help us.
Sorry won't protect us.
Sorry won't undo all the good gone wrong. — Morrissey

Easy To Please Quotes By Susanna Kearsley

Such is the endless dilemma of dialect. Not every reader will ever agree with the way that I handle it, no matter how hard I work to keep everything readable. But again it's that balance I have to maintain between keeping it easy and keeping it real, and I know that I'll never please everyone. — Susanna Kearsley

Easy To Please Quotes By John Tillotson

Men expect that religion should cost them no pains, that happiness should drop into their laps without any design and endeavor on their part, and that, after they have done what they please while they live, God should snatch them up to heaven when they die. But though the commandments of God be not grievous, yet it is fit to let men know that they are not thus easy. — John Tillotson

Easy To Please Quotes By Olly Murs

It would have been easy for me to bring out a real cheesy pop song, but 'Please Don't Let Me Go' isn't your typical 'X Factor' single, and it's a grower, not a shower. — Olly Murs

Easy To Please Quotes By Elle Aycart

We're trying to figure women out," he explained. "What, in your opinion, would be the best Valentine's Day present ever?"
"We're easy to please, any small detail will do," Tate said.
The collective male snort was loud.
"It's true," Christy added coming out in her defence.
"Yeah right. Any small detail will do, my ass," Max began. "Let's put it this way: what do my poor bros have to do for Valentine's Day so that their Steak and BJ Day in a month will be memorable and won't degrade into a handy and a hamburger? — Elle Aycart

Easy To Please Quotes By Sarah Morgan

From Bought: The Greek's Innocent Virgin ... He drew in a long breath. 'You are very difficult to please.'
'No, I'm not. I'm easy to please. When you peel my orange for breakfast, you please me. When you rub my shoulders before I go to sleep, that pleases me. When you defend me from a nasty comment, that pleases me. I'm easy to please, Angelos.' Her heart was pounding. 'Just don't try and buy me. — Sarah Morgan

Easy To Please Quotes By Richard Siken

I'm not suggesting the world is good, that life is easy, or that any of us are entitled to better. But please, isn't this the kind of thing you talk about in somber tones, in the afternoon, with some degree of hope and maybe even a handful of strategies? — Richard Siken

Easy To Please Quotes By Amanda Grange

As he talked, I watched Emma and wondered what is to become of her. She is of an age to be married but she spends her time with people who are so much older than she, that she is never likely to meet a husband. And if she does, I do not know if she will wish to marry. She is too comfortable where she is. Her father is easy to please and she can do as she likes with the household. A husband will have his own views, and Emma is not likely to take to that way of living. — Amanda Grange

Easy To Please Quotes By Obert Skye

Take me to my new trailer," Ezra ordered Dennis.
Dennis didn't move.
"What, did you not hear me?" Ezra raged. "I'm standing on your deaf ear?"
Dennis just stood there calmly.
Ezra slapped his own forehead with his right hand and sighed - civility didn't come easy. And here Dennis was standing his ground and demanding he be treated right.
"Please," Ezra said, defeated.
Dennis turned away from Elton and walked confidently toward the new RV the U.S. government had brought in for Ezra.
"Some people and their inflated egos," Ezra sniffed.
Dennis just smiled. — Obert Skye

Easy To Please Quotes By Penelope Leach

A preschool child does not emerge from your toddler on a given date or birthday. He becomes a child when he ceases to be a wayward, confusing, unpredictable and often balky person-in-the- making, and becomes a comparatively cooperative, eager-and-easy-to-please real human being
at least 60 per cent of the time. — Penelope Leach

Easy To Please Quotes By Geoffrey Moore

As a buying group, visionaries are easy to sell but very hard to please. This is because they are buying a dream - which, to some degree, will alwasy be a dream. — Geoffrey Moore

Easy To Please Quotes By David Whelan

Maybe so, but check just to be sure; and Whelan, please go easy on the bullets. — David Whelan

Easy To Please Quotes By Tom Scholz

If you listen to my tapes, you'd hear 14 different ways to arrange the rhythm guitar behind the harmony vocal, and then 14 different ways with a different vocal. You'd have to really be a music lover to sit through that and find it entertaining. I enjoy it, but I'm easy to please. — Tom Scholz

Easy To Please Quotes By Clint Hurdle

I'm easy to please and hard to satisfy. — Clint Hurdle

Easy To Please Quotes By Sherrilyn Kenyon

I wanted to ask you more questions about your hallucination."
"Please tell me it's the one I have where you mistake my body for a popsicle."
She let out a short laugh. "Where did that come from?"
Easy. The image he had in his head right now of her naked in his bed.
"A bear can dream, can't he?" "A bear can dream. But those dreams can also get him skinned."
"Will you be naked when you skin me?"
She shook her head. "Does everything come back to being naked?"
"Not everything. Just when a beautiful woman's involved and only if I'm really lucky ... Any chance I might get lucky tonight?"
She let out a short "heh" sound. "You sure you're a bear and not a horn dog?"
He laughed. "Believe it or not, I'm not usually quite this bad."
"Why don't I believe you when you tell me that?"
"Probably because I've been really bad tonight." He winked at her. "I'll stop. You said you have a question that unfortunately does not involve nudity? — Sherrilyn Kenyon

Easy To Please Quotes By Neal Shusterman

What he's really saying is: Please be a human being. With a life so full of rules and regiments, it's so easy to forget that's what they are. She knows - she sees - how often compassion takes a back seat to expediency. — Neal Shusterman

Easy To Please Quotes By Jerzy Grotowski

So always avoid banality. That is, avoid illustrating the author's words and remarks. If you want to create a true masterpiece you must always avoid beautiful lies: the truths on the calender under each date you find a proverb or saying such as: "He who is good to others will be happy." But this is not true. It is a lie. The spectator, perhaps, is content. The spectator likes easy truths. But we are not there to please or pander to the spectator. We are here to tell the truth. — Jerzy Grotowski

Easy To Please Quotes By Sherrilyn Kenyon

I love you, don't I? And the gods know you are definitely not easy to deal with. (Aimee) Thanks, Aim. By the way I still have a tiny bit of confidence left. Please make sure you stomp on it too while you're at it. Gods forbid it should actually grow into something called self-esteem. (Fang) — Sherrilyn Kenyon