Famous Quotes & Sayings

Quotes & Sayings About Dreams Not Coming True

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Top Dreams Not Coming True Quotes

Dreams Not Coming True Quotes By Richelle E. Goodrich

Prayer, faith, and vision, plus real effort too.
Blend them together for one potent brew.
The magical spell to your dreams coming true. — Richelle E. Goodrich

Dreams Not Coming True Quotes By Giacomo Lee

Sleep is the true rehearsal for death, Soobin thought with a sigh. That's why grandma had more dreams of the future the older she got, for death is the future of all things, coming back towards us like a feedback loop. — Giacomo Lee

Dreams Not Coming True Quotes By Scott Cohen

A lot of people have already been impacted by the Life Cube Project and the principles behind it. They write to me and post on social media all the time, about their dreams coming true after writing them down, or how writing down their goals resonated with them. — Scott Cohen

Dreams Not Coming True Quotes By Brittainy C. Cherry

You are worthy of love, and success, and your dreams coming true. Never stop speaking, even when your voice begins to shake, okay? Never give up on yourself. You are important, you are loved, and your beautiful voice matters. — Brittainy C. Cherry

Dreams Not Coming True Quotes By Lailah Gifty Akita

Dream your dreams.
Ask God to help you.
God will pour overflowing grace and divine power upon your life to accomplish your dreams. — Lailah Gifty Akita

Dreams Not Coming True Quotes By Patti Roberts

The Saying, "you can't always get what you want" is very true. One day you wake up and realize that the likelihood of your dreams coming into fruition is long gone. And that's okay because you change, you grow, and so should your dreams. It is never too late to let go of the old, worn-out dreams of yesterday to make room for bright, shiny new dreams today! — Patti Roberts

Dreams Not Coming True Quotes By Adi Shankar

I went my whole life without winning anything and now all of a sudden after years of hard work my dreams were coming true all at once and I didn't know how to deal with it. It felt like the world was changing its relationship with me but I had stayed the same. — Adi Shankar

Dreams Not Coming True Quotes By Erica Sehyun Song

I brooded over it. If it had been any other dream, I would have ignored it. But it was one of those dreams. One of those purple dreams. One of those dreams that had an unusual tendency to come true. — Erica Sehyun Song

Dreams Not Coming True Quotes By Sophia Amoruso

If you listen only to those around you, the chances of your dreams coming true are very small. — Sophia Amoruso

Dreams Not Coming True Quotes By Eva Marcille

The business is about coming up with a business plan and using your relationships and networking and seeing your dreams come true. Everyone on this show has their own business. Fifteen minutes of fame is fleeting. It's about learning the business and creating a new business. — Eva Marcille

Dreams Not Coming True Quotes By Moffat Machingura

If every day you are not paying the
price to make your dreams come true,
then your everyday is a price that you
are paying to stop your dreams
coming true. — Moffat Machingura

Dreams Not Coming True Quotes By Mario Vazquez

It's surreal to know my dreams are coming true. — Mario Vazquez

Dreams Not Coming True Quotes By N. T. Wright

Note, though, something else of great significance about the whole Christian theology of resurrection, ascension, second coming, and hope. This theology was born out of confrontation with the political authorities, out of the conviction that Jesus was already the true Lord of the world who would one day be manifested as such. The rapture theology avoids this confrontation because it suggests that Christians will miraculously be removed from this wicked world. Perhaps that is why such theology is often Gnostic in its tendency towards a private dualistic spirituality and towards a political laissez-faire quietism. And perhaps that is partly why such theology with its dreams of Armageddon, has quietly supported the political status quo in a way that Paul would never have done. — N. T. Wright

Dreams Not Coming True Quotes By Richelle E. Goodrich

Remember this - the journey is part of the dream. Whatever it is you're chasing, so long as you are actively moving in the right direction, the dream is coming true. — Richelle E. Goodrich

Dreams Not Coming True Quotes By Dane Cook

My professional dreams were coming true while I was living a personal nightmare. — Dane Cook

Dreams Not Coming True Quotes By Frank Iero

Everything I've ever dreamed of, everything in my wildest dreams, is coming true. — Frank Iero

Dreams Not Coming True Quotes By Ashley Ormon

I want to know we're not pushing children toward the traditions of life, but instead cultivating them to grow in their own specific purposes, and make the dreams of their youth become realities as they age. — Ashley Ormon

Dreams Not Coming True Quotes By Billy Corgan

In 1992, with the weight of a perceived world on our shoulders, we disappeared into a parking garage to write the songs that would change the course of our lives forever. 'Siamese Dream' represents all of our dreams coming true, while the dreams of a happy band fell apart. — Billy Corgan

Dreams Not Coming True Quotes By C. Nzingha Smith

I'm not sure why the saying goes ... "be careful what you wish for" ... it should be, "prepare yourself for your wishes". We need to know ahead of time to prepare for what we wish for, so that when our wishes come true, we don't regret the wish or have them turn into nightmares. — C. Nzingha Smith

Dreams Not Coming True Quotes By Robert Darnton

To eat one's fill, eat until the exhaustion of the appetite, was the principal pleasure that the peasants dangled before their imagination, and one that they rarely realized in their lives.
They [the peasants] also imagined other dreams coming true, including the standard run of castles and princesses. But their wishes usually remained fixed on common objects in the everyday world. One hero gets "a cow and some chickens"; another, an armoire full of linens. A third settles for light work, regular meals, and a pipe full of tobacco. And when gold rains into the fireplace of a fourth, he uses it to buy "food, clothes, a horse, land." In most of the tales, wish fulfillment turns into a program for survival, not a fantasy of escape. — Robert Darnton

Dreams Not Coming True Quotes By Greg Behrendt

I went to stand-up when my rock n' roll dreams weren't coming true. I knew it wasn't going to happen when I was in a New Wave band in 1992 - at the height of grunge. Then I heard No Doubt's 'Spiderwebs' and I said, 'Well, we're done.' They did - and succeeded at - what we were trying to do. — Greg Behrendt

Dreams Not Coming True Quotes By Lailah Gifty Akita

You can go as far as you dream, think and imagine. — Lailah Gifty Akita

Dreams Not Coming True Quotes By Jaha Knight

Your dreams and goals are bigger than small minded people or the fears that they harbor. Don't let their ocean of fear trap you in the undertow. — Jaha Knight

Dreams Not Coming True Quotes By Sonia Sotomayor

But experience has taught me that you cannot value dreams according to the odds of their coming true. Their real value is in stirring within us the will to aspire. That will, wherever it finally leads, does at least move you forward. And after a time you may recognize that the proper measure of success is not how much you've closed the distance to some far-off goal but the quality of what you've done today. — Sonia Sotomayor

Dreams Not Coming True Quotes By Jared Leto

Don't ever ask for permission to follow your dreams. Follow them no matter fucking what. It's important. We have one life here and you are the author of your story, more than anybody else. You are much more responsible for your dreams coming true or not than anyone else in your life you have contacted with. So, dream big, work hard, and make it happen no matter what. — Jared Leto

Dreams Not Coming True Quotes By Tammy L. Kubasko

A heart of gold is where the rainbow begins. — Tammy L. Kubasko

Dreams Not Coming True Quotes By Lisa Bu

Coming true is not the only purpose of a dream. Its most important purpose is to get us in touch with where dreams come from, where passion comes from, where happiness comes from. Even a shattered dream can do that for you. — Lisa Bu

Dreams Not Coming True Quotes By Mohammed Sekouty

Happiness is a dream but as we know dreams coming true — Mohammed Sekouty

Dreams Not Coming True Quotes By Lailah Gifty Akita

Prof. Christoph Heubeck said, "Dream on, dreams can come true. — Lailah Gifty Akita

Dreams Not Coming True Quotes By John Green

The voracious ambition of humans is never sated by dreams coming true, because there is always the thought that everything might be done better and again. -The Fault In Our Stars — John Green

Dreams Not Coming True Quotes By Doreen Virtue

Never be afraid of failure or disappointment, because those are just temporary experiences on the path to your dreams coming true — Doreen Virtue

Dreams Not Coming True Quotes By Stevan V. Nikolic

For a dream to come true, you have to wake up first. — Stevan V. Nikolic

Dreams Not Coming True Quotes By Rosanne Catalano

Never give up on your dreams, because they can come true! — Rosanne Catalano

Dreams Not Coming True Quotes By Stasi Eldredge

Awakening and owning the dreams that God has placed in our hearts isn't about getting stuff or attaining something. It's about embracing who we are and who he has created us to be. In him. He is our dream come true, and the one true love of our life. But we can't love him with our whole hearts when our hearts are asleep. To love Jesus means to risk coming awake, to risk wanting and desiring. — Stasi Eldredge

Dreams Not Coming True Quotes By Neil Gaiman

I would not have understood that the best way to show people true things is from a direction that they had not imagined the truth coming, nor that the majesty and the magic of belief and dreams could be a vital part of life and of writing. — Neil Gaiman

Dreams Not Coming True Quotes By Ann Brashares

The dreams weren't as pleasing when they had no chance of coming true — Ann Brashares

Dreams Not Coming True Quotes By Farid Al-Din Attar

If you will but aspire
You will attain to all that you desire.
Before an atom of such need the Sun
Seems dim and mirky by comparison.
It is life's strength, the wings by which we fly
Beyond the further reaches of the sky. — Farid Al-Din Attar

Dreams Not Coming True Quotes By Richard Sammel

I've met a lot of actors who have three dreams: You dream of making a sci-fi, you dream of making a Western and you dream of making a vampire movie. So this is one of my life-dreams as an actor coming true. — Richard Sammel

Dreams Not Coming True Quotes By Scott Patterson

I think L.A.'s terrific. You fly an hour and a half and you're in the mountains in three feet of powder. I also think it's a much better city if you're working as an actor. If you're not working and you don't see your dreams coming true, there can be a lot of heartache. — Scott Patterson

Dreams Not Coming True Quotes By Randy Pausch

Sometimes all you have to do is ask, and it can lead to all your dreams coming true. — Randy Pausch

Dreams Not Coming True Quotes By D.F. Jones

True love is what makes life worth living. — D.F. Jones

Dreams Not Coming True Quotes By Padraig Pearse

The wise have pitied the fool that hath striven to give a life
In the world of time and space among the bulks of actual things,
To dream that was dreamed in the heart, and that only the heart could hold.
Oh wise men, riddle me this: What if the dream come true? — Padraig Pearse

Dreams Not Coming True Quotes By Christy Birmingham

Let's go for our dreams and be stronger than any obstacles. — Christy Birmingham

Dreams Not Coming True Quotes By Jay Electronica

All my dreams are coming true all across the board for some reason. — Jay Electronica

Dreams Not Coming True Quotes By Doreen Virtue

Don't just wish for your dreams to come true, but passionately want them! Don't just hope for your dreams, but know they are coming to you right this minute! Don't fear that good things only happen to other people, but know that good is for everyone, including you! Don't just request that your divine path come true. — Doreen Virtue

Dreams Not Coming True Quotes By John Green

It occurred to me that the voracious ambition of humans is never sated by dreams coming true, because there is always the thought that everything might be done better and again. That is probably true — John Green

Dreams Not Coming True Quotes By Lailah Gifty Akita

When God give you a vision, He will give you what you need to accomplish the vision. — Lailah Gifty Akita

Dreams Not Coming True Quotes By John Green

I missed the future. Obviously I knew even before his recurrence that I'd never grow old with Augustus Waters. But thinking about Lidewij and her boyfriend, I felt robbed. I would probably never again see the ocean from thirty thousand feet above, so far up that you can't make out the waves or any boats, so that the ocean is a great and endless monolith. I could imagine it. I could remember it. But I couldn't see it again, and it occurred to me that the voracious ambition of humans is never sated by dreams coming true, because there is always the thought that everything might be done better and again. — John Green