Famous Quotes & Sayings

Dr Venture Quotes & Sayings

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Top Dr Venture Quotes

Dr Venture Quotes By Nigel Lane

The family is both the fundamental unit of society as well as the root of culture. It ... is a perpetual source of encouragement, advocacy, assurance, and emotional refueling that empowers a child to venture with confidence into the greater world and to become all that he can be. Marianne E. Neifert Dr. Mom's Parenting Guide — Nigel Lane

Dr Venture Quotes By Violet Hunt

It came at last.
"'Dr. Graham, tell me,' she asked tremulously, 'do you believe that prayers - wicked unreasonable prayers - are granted?'
He helped himself to another slice of bread-and-butter before answering. 'Well-' he said slowly, 'it seems hard to believe that every fool who has a voice to pray with and a brain to conceive idiotic requests should be permitted to interfere with the economy of the universe. As a rule, if people were long-sighted enough to foresee the result of their petitions, I fancy very few of us would venture to interfere.' ("The Story of A Ghost") — Violet Hunt