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Dietrich Hildebrand Quotes & Sayings

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Top Dietrich Hildebrand Quotes

Dietrich Hildebrand Quotes By Dietrich Von Hildebrand

Purity perceives and respects the character of sex-its depth, seriousness, intimacy, and true home within wedded love, which alone makes possible the total and mutual gift of self. — Dietrich Von Hildebrand

Dietrich Hildebrand Quotes By Peter Kwasniewski

In his eloquent defenses of the traditional Mass, Dietrich von Hildebrand speaks often of the need for an attitude of reverence prior to all acts of worship; he appeals to the influence of silence on the human soul, which, after the Fall, tends to be in a state of noisy flux. The liturgy exemplifies the truth that in love, silence speaks louder than words. The — Peter Kwasniewski

Dietrich Hildebrand Quotes By Dietrich Von Hildebrand

Love is not concerned with a person's accomplishments, it is a response to a person's being: This is why a typical word of love is to say: I love you, because you are as you are. — Dietrich Von Hildebrand

Dietrich Hildebrand Quotes By Dietrich Von Hildebrand

Sex is essentially deep. We become what we do with our bodies, and there is no deeper act than sex. — Dietrich Von Hildebrand

Dietrich Hildebrand Quotes By Dietrich Von Hildebrand

Beauty kindles love, and only the one who remains captivated by it, only the one who is intoxicated by it, only the one who remains a lover while he is investigating its essence, can hope to penetrate its essence. — Dietrich Von Hildebrand

Dietrich Hildebrand Quotes By Narendra Modi

My stand has always been clear that I am from Gujarat and will keep working for the state. — Narendra Modi

Dietrich Hildebrand Quotes By Dietrich Von Hildebrand

The soldier of Christ is obligated to fight against sin and error. His battle against the Antichrist is prompted by his loved for Christ, and for the salvation of souls. He fights this battle for the salvation of those who have gone astray. His attitude is one of true love. But those who flee from the inevitable battle, and treat irenically those who have gone astray, obfuscating their error and playing down their revolt against God, are, fundamentally, victims of egoism and complacency. — Dietrich Von Hildebrand

Dietrich Hildebrand Quotes By Donald Johanson

Journalists often ask me when I go to the field, 'What do you expect to find?' And my answer always is, 'The unexpected,' because we're just looking at the tip of the iceberg; we've just scratched the surface. — Donald Johanson

Dietrich Hildebrand Quotes By Marketa Irglova

The songs, if I write alone in a room, end up being a little more quiet, a little more subdued. If I play with other musicians or percussive instruments, it might end up being a little more upbeat. — Marketa Irglova

Dietrich Hildebrand Quotes By Dietrich Von Hildebrand

One saintly priest attracts more souls to Christ ... than do those who lack the imprint of their sacred office — Dietrich Von Hildebrand

Dietrich Hildebrand Quotes By Candy Lightner

Death by drink driving is the only socially acceptable form of homicide. — Candy Lightner

Dietrich Hildebrand Quotes By Dietrich Von Hildebrand

There are really no serious arguments for communion in the hand. But there are the most gravely serious kinds of arguments against it. — Dietrich Von Hildebrand

Dietrich Hildebrand Quotes By Dietrich Von Hildebrand

The great mystery of our metaphysical situation, that God is nearer to us than we are ourselves, is manifest in the fact that we cannot even be wholly ourselves - in the sense of individuality as a unique divine thought - until we are reborn in Christ. — Dietrich Von Hildebrand

Dietrich Hildebrand Quotes By Thomas Sowell

Should a professor of accounting or chemistry be fired for using up class time to sound off about homelessness or the war in Iraq? Yes! There is no high moral principle that prevents it. What prevents it are tenure rules that have saddled so many colleges with so many self-indulgent prima donnas who seem to think that they are philosopher kings, when in fact they are often grossly ignorant or misinformed outside the narrow confines of their particular specialty. — Thomas Sowell

Dietrich Hildebrand Quotes By Dietrich Von Hildebrand

Humility involves the full knowledge of our status as creatures, a clear consciousness of having received everything we have from God. — Dietrich Von Hildebrand

Dietrich Hildebrand Quotes By Mary Baker Eddy

Spiritual teaching must always be by symbols. — Mary Baker Eddy

Dietrich Hildebrand Quotes By John Milton

Only this I know, That one celestial father gives to all. — John Milton

Dietrich Hildebrand Quotes By M.F. Moonzajer

That is how politics work; if you don't drink wine they will consider to bring you milk. — M.F. Moonzajer

Dietrich Hildebrand Quotes By Patrick Mendis

Unlike Confucius, Madison maintained that people have a limited capacity to control their passions themselves and act virtuously when their individual interests conflict with others. — Patrick Mendis

Dietrich Hildebrand Quotes By Maya Forbes

The people I know who suffer from mental illness, sometimes they do connect you to what it is to be really human. There's a vulnerability there, there's something very potent. — Maya Forbes

Dietrich Hildebrand Quotes By A.P. Sweet

Leave me to die a lonely death.
An artist's death.
A writer's playground.
A painter's background.
A philosopher's bread and butter.
An endeavor that we
all face. I just hope that
I'm not the only one
there. — A.P. Sweet

Dietrich Hildebrand Quotes By Dietrich Von Hildebrand

Better to be a beggar in freedom than to be forced into compromises against my conscience. — Dietrich Von Hildebrand

Dietrich Hildebrand Quotes By Dietrich Von Hildebrand

For, just as love embodies the life of all virtues and expresses the inmost substance of all holiness, humility is the precondition and basic presupposition for the genuineness, the beauty, and the truth of all virtue. — Dietrich Von Hildebrand

Dietrich Hildebrand Quotes By A.D. Posey

Peace is when we look upon the world together. — A.D. Posey

Dietrich Hildebrand Quotes By Dietrich Von Hildebrand

The way to attain the virtue of mercy lies in our constant awareness of being encompassed by mercy. — Dietrich Von Hildebrand

Dietrich Hildebrand Quotes By Dietrich Von Hildebrand

Happiness is love's outcome, never its motive. Where someone is loved he is an end in himself and certainly not a means toward something else. It is therefore of love's essence, wherever it is found, that the loved one seem precious, beautiful, and worthy of love. — Dietrich Von Hildebrand

Dietrich Hildebrand Quotes By Kristen Ashley

You're my only Duchess. — Kristen Ashley

Dietrich Hildebrand Quotes By Jean Williams

Some days are regroup days. Life comes at you and you lose focus. It happens to us all. Do something that brings you back into focus and don't let life get you to far off track. — Jean Williams

Dietrich Hildebrand Quotes By Emily St. John Mandel

A life, remembered, is a series of photographs and disconnected short films. — Emily St. John Mandel