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Did You Know Fitness Quotes & Sayings

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Top Did You Know Fitness Quotes

Did You Know Fitness Quotes By Frosty Wooldridge

A bicycle journey through life enhances a person's body, mind and spirit. Each encounter creates an opening for intellectual growth. A bicycle journey promotes exceptional fitness. Two-wheeled travel offers spiritual lifts in ways unexplainable. On a bicycle, you know you live on the edge, at the peak and into the thrust of life. You live it because you choose it. Or, it chooses you and you accept the opportunity. Thus, you command your life." Frosty Wooldridge-- Bicycling Around the World--Tire Tracks for Your Imagination — Frosty Wooldridge

Did You Know Fitness Quotes By Sonu Nigam

If you ask me about my success story, the secret is I know when to pull myself back. I don't overexpose myself; I give proper gaps whenever I can. I do not over spend myself, I keep myself busy in lot of activities. I really work hard; I work harder than others, by focussing on my fitness level and studying music. — Sonu Nigam

Did You Know Fitness Quotes By Kenny Smith

Take a good long look at human beings in their actual practices and motives; bring the utmost psychological and bio-economic factors to bear on making sense of their illusions and delusions. What then would the truth have to be, such that such human beings are FIT TO KNOW IT at all, even provisionally or tentatively? — Kenny Smith

Did You Know Fitness Quotes By Alex Chediak

How can you know if a college is prioritizing education and training rather than amenities or a bloated bureaucracy? One way is to look at the quality of the academic and professional resources (the buildings where classes are held, the classrooms themselves, the library, the laboratories, the career center, and so on) in comparison to the social and recreational amenities (the cafeteria, student union, football stadium, fitness center, and so forth). Go on a campus tour and see how the tour guide "sells" the college. — Alex Chediak

Did You Know Fitness Quotes By Charlie Kimball

The typical response from people when I tell them I'm diabetic is, 'Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.' You know, I'm not. I'm a better athlete because of diabetes rather than despite it. I'm more aware of my training, my fitness and more aware of nutrition. I'm more proactive about my health. — Charlie Kimball

Did You Know Fitness Quotes By Neila Rey

I already know what giving up feels like. I want to see what happens if I don't. — Neila Rey

Did You Know Fitness Quotes By Jeff Olson

Americans know they're overweight. In fact, we spend huge amounts of money on diet books and diet programs to help us lose that burdensome extra weight. There are more than 30,000 fitness clubs in the United States, all aimed at serving the national desire to lose weight and be fit. And it's not just a question of being a little too heavy, or of how we look. Nutrition is one of the most significant factors in society's major killers, like heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. Most of us are literally digging our graves with our teeth. And we know all this - yet clearly the majority of us aren't doing anything about it. Why not? — Jeff Olson

Did You Know Fitness Quotes By Lyle McDonald

There is a fairly common pattern in this field where folks go through about three distinct stages. it true of other areas.
1. You know that you know nothing: here you pretty much just use someone else's canned workouts since you don't know what you're doing
2. You know just enough to be dangerous. This is when everybody starts overcomplicating things. You see these insanely complicated training programs and periodization schemes. Lots of charts, graphs and flowcharts.
3. You realize that the above doesn't matter 999 times out of 1000 and you go back to keeping it simple. You realize that hard work on the basics + talent + time > everything else. — Lyle McDonald

Did You Know Fitness Quotes By Andy Murray

Staying more controlled mentally stemmed from taking my fitness more seriously. When you're doing track work, sprints and so on, it's pretty painful, but that does make you feel better prepared and therefore mentally stronger when you're going into a match. You know, without a doubt, that you are strong enough to last. — Andy Murray

Did You Know Fitness Quotes By Noah Hawley

If there are any limits to what can be done. The limit is right here (in your head). You've got to get physically fit between your ears. Muscles don't know anything. They have to be thought. — Noah Hawley

Did You Know Fitness Quotes By Tony Horton

People focus too much on weight, dress sizes, and tape measurements - and those aren't motivating. What gets me going is: I'm 52, and because I work out, I know my fitness will improve and my immune system will stay strong, and my body will prevent injuries. I like being fit, strong, coordinated, and agile. — Tony Horton

Did You Know Fitness Quotes By Sarah Michelle Gellar

I don't smoke, don't drink much, and go to the gym five times a week. I live a healthy lifestyle and feel great. I can run a marathon, you know. — Sarah Michelle Gellar

Did You Know Fitness Quotes By Jenny Colgan

All the real blokes I know are obsessed with cars and have started doing cycling at the weekend and being really, really boring about it and banging on about their Fitbits and growing stupid beards and talking about being on Tinder. That's what all the 'real men' are like these days! — Jenny Colgan

Did You Know Fitness Quotes By Eva LaRue

I am a firm believer in The Paleo Solution. I maintain a hectic schedule that starts early and finishes late. Filming a television series, maintaining my fitness, and being a mom can be harrowing some days. Since adopting a Paleo way of eating I look and feel better, and I know that I am setting a good example for my daughter. — Eva LaRue

Did You Know Fitness Quotes By Robert Cheeke

Before starting a fitness program or diet, know why you're doing it. Have specific goals with deadlines and visualize the end result each night before going to bed. — Robert Cheeke

Did You Know Fitness Quotes By Oscar Pistorius

I have run two Olympic 'A' standard times over the past 12 months and with the time I ran at the African Championships last week I know my speed and fitness are constantly improving so that I will peak in time for the Olympics. — Oscar Pistorius

Did You Know Fitness Quotes By Bill Maher

Karl Rove thinks we shouldn't have Hillary Clinton in the White House because she fell and hit her head a couple years ago, spent three days in the hospital, and maybe she has brain damage. You know, I don't recall the Republicans being this concerned with mental fitness during the years when Reagan was talking to house plants in the White House. — Bill Maher

Did You Know Fitness Quotes By Tipper Gore

I have long recognized a link between fitness and mental health and I think we need to encourage young people to take part in sports and team activities because we know it has such positive results. — Tipper Gore

Did You Know Fitness Quotes By Michael Phelps

Swimming is normal for me. I'm relaxed. I'm comfortable, and I know my surroundings. It's my home. — Michael Phelps

Did You Know Fitness Quotes By J.C. Ryle

Lastly, we must be holy, because without holiness on earth - we will never be prepared to enjoy Heaven. ...I do not know what others may think - but to me it does seem clear that Heaven would be a miserable place to an unholy man. It cannot be otherwise. People may say in a vague way, that they "hope to go to Heaven," but they do not consider what they say. There must be a certain "fitness for the inheritance of the saints in light." Our hearts must be somewhat in tune. To reach the holiday of glory - we must pass through the training school of grace. We must be heavenly-minded and have heavenly tastes in the present life - or else we will never find ourselves in Heaven in the life to come! (Holiness) — J.C. Ryle

Did You Know Fitness Quotes By Geoff Dyer

I've always been intimidated by gyms, have never been able to enjoy the towel-round-the-shoulder confidence of somebody who knows he can bench-press 250 pounds, or even knows what that means or how much 250 pounds weighs. I just know I don't like lifting heavy things, especially since I had this wrist injury which stopped me playing tennis and which means that I've gone from being fit and thin-looking to just a feeble streak of unshouldered manhood whose only saving grace is that he doesn't take up much space, who leaves plenty of room for others - especially now that I was several days into a quasi-hunger strike. — Geoff Dyer

Did You Know Fitness Quotes By Charles Haddon Spurgeon

He whose life is one even and smooth path, will see but little of the glory of the Lord, for he has few occasions of self-emptying, and hence, but little fitness for being filled with the revelation of God. They who navigate little streams and shallow creeks, know but little of the God of tempests; but they who "do business in great waters," these see his "wonders in the deep. — Charles Haddon Spurgeon

Did You Know Fitness Quotes By Rupa Mehta

What makes us feel fat, stuck, and lacking in confidence is not just our bodies; it's the situations and relationships in our lives. It's the weight of the situations and relationships we may not know how to navigate or change. It's easier to choose the quick fixes, like drinking, smoking, emotional eating, or avoidance, to help us manage these situations. Yet these untenable solutions just continue to add more physical and emotional weight. If we could all step on a scale that measures emotional weight, I think many of us would be shocked. We have no idea how much our unaddressed emotions can add to any discouraging heaviness and weight in our lives. — Rupa Mehta

Did You Know Fitness Quotes By Neal Shusterman

She was deemed an unfit mother, in spite of the fact that she goes to the gym every day,' Hal once told me.
... Beautiful people are often forgiven for many things
and maybe she's gotten through life that way, but I don't forgive her for anything
and I don't even know what awful things she's done other than showing a lack of parental fitness. — Neal Shusterman

Did You Know Fitness Quotes By Adrian Peter Schmidt

We are living in times that demand more and more of our brains and muscles, of our nerves and physical energy. Only those who are strong and know how to keep it so, can stand the wear and tear. It pays to stop once in a while to look over our machinery and oil the parts that need it. — Adrian Peter Schmidt

Did You Know Fitness Quotes By Tom Moody

I remember Simon O'Donnell being struck with cancer during Australia's 1987 World Cup campaign. I know very well what it is like to have a teammate who has been struck with a potentially fatal disease. He fought through: managed to get himself back to 100% fitness and back to playing again. — Tom Moody

Did You Know Fitness Quotes By Lindy West

Like most fat people who've been lectured about diet and exercise since childhood, I actually know an inordinate amount about nutrition and fitness. — Lindy West

Did You Know Fitness Quotes By Jen Lancaster

You know what it was like? It was like thinking I was heading to a surprise party and instead it was a surprise pap smear. — Jen Lancaster

Did You Know Fitness Quotes By Lance Armstrong

Obviously, I come from one background, and the people that design fitness equipment have been doing it for years and years, and they know what works and doesn't work. — Lance Armstrong

Did You Know Fitness Quotes By Chalene Johnson

Successful people do what others know they should do but will not. To become a success, or just be *more* successful, you will do what average, less-motivated people will not. — Chalene Johnson