Famous Quotes & Sayings

Diagnoza Smrti Quotes & Sayings

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Top Diagnoza Smrti Quotes

Diagnoza Smrti Quotes By Beth Broderick

There's a danger in Hollywood of becoming self-obsessed. — Beth Broderick

Diagnoza Smrti Quotes By Rachel Held Evans

I have a feeling that if Darwin turns out to be right, the Christian faith won't fall apart after all. Faith is more resilient than that. Like a living organism, it has a remarkable ability to adapt to change. At our best, Christians embrace this quality, leaving enough space within orthodoxy for God to surprise us every now and then. At our worst, we kick and scream our way through each and every change, burning books and bridges and even people along the way. But if we can adjust to Galileo's universe, we can adjust to Darwin's biology - even the part about the monkeys. If there's one thing I know for sure, it's that faith can survive just about anything, so long as it's able to evolve. — Rachel Held Evans

Diagnoza Smrti Quotes By Melissa George

No matter what the character is, I just say to myself 'If I, Melissa George, was in that situation, how would I react?' and once you do that you can just go for it, and hopefully the performance comes through. — Melissa George

Diagnoza Smrti Quotes By Ban Ki-moon

SUSTAINABLE PEACE IS POSSIBLE ONLY WITH WOMEN'S FULL PARTICIPATION, their perspectives, their leadership, their daily, equal presence wherever we seek to make and keep the peace. — Ban Ki-moon

Diagnoza Smrti Quotes By Josemaria Escriva

Many Christians take their time and have leisure enough in their social life (no hurry here). They are leisurely, too, in their professionally activities, at table and recreation (no hurry here either). But isn't it strange how those same Christians find themselves in such a rush and want to hurry the priest, in their anxiety to shorten the time devoted to the most holy sacrifice of the altar? — Josemaria Escriva

Diagnoza Smrti Quotes By Thomas Merton

To consider persons and events and situations only in the light of their effect upon myself is to live on the doorstep of hell. Selfishness is doomed to frustration, centered as it is upon a lie. To live exclusively for myself, I must make all things bend themselves to my will as if I were a god. But this is impossible. Is there any more cogent indication of my creaturehood than the insufficiency of my own will? For I cannot make the universe obey me. I cannot make other people conform to my own whims and fancies. I cannot make even my own body obey me. When I give it pleasure, it deceives my expectation and makes me suffer pain. When I give myself what I conceive to be freedom, I deceive myself and find that I am the prisoner of my own blindness and selfishness and insufficiency. — Thomas Merton

Diagnoza Smrti Quotes By Beth Ditto

I was brought up by a single mom in a poor town in Arkansas and while some aspects of small-town life were really positive - like the fact that everyone there is really sweet and hospitable - there is also this close-minded mentality, and that naturally made me want to rebel. — Beth Ditto

Diagnoza Smrti Quotes By Joseph Conrad

Old river in its broad reach rested unruffled at the decline of day, after ages of good service done to the race that peopled — Joseph Conrad

Diagnoza Smrti Quotes By John Ortberg

The space where we find rest and healing for our souls is solitude. — John Ortberg

Diagnoza Smrti Quotes By Frederick Douglass

Truth is proper and beautiful in all times and in all places. — Frederick Douglass

Diagnoza Smrti Quotes By Idries Shah

Practise your knowledge, for knowledge without practice is a body without life — Idries Shah

Diagnoza Smrti Quotes By Dawn Garcia

Stop messin' around. Be the person you are meant to be. Remember that somewhere someone is rooting for you to succeed! Don't worry about the others. They're too busy riding coattails, being unhappy and making excuses as to why they gave up on their own dreams. You've got this. And if today you were wondering if you could do it? Consider this your pep talk. — Dawn Garcia

Diagnoza Smrti Quotes By Vadim Zeland

To gain control over a large number of people you do not have to place them in containers with suction caps attached to their bodies like in the film "The Matrix". It is enough to create an all-encompassing information network because then people will automatically take their places in its cells. — Vadim Zeland

Diagnoza Smrti Quotes By Barry Lopez

Lying there, I thought of my own culture, of the assembly of books in the library at Alexandria; of the deliberations of Darwin and Mendel in their respective gardens; of the architectural conception of the cathedral at Chartres; of Bach's cello suites, the philosophy of Schweitzer, the insights of Planck and Dirac. Have we come all this way, I wondered, only to be dismantled by our own technologies, to be betrayed by political connivance or the impersonal avarice of a corporation? — Barry Lopez