Famous Quotes & Sayings

Desiren Quotes & Sayings

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Top Desiren Quotes

Desiren Quotes By Geoffrey Chaucer

Though Plente that is goddesse of rychesses hielde adoun with ful horn, and withdraweth nat hir hand, as many richesses as the see torneth upward sandes whan it is moeved with ravysshynge blastes, or elles as manye rychesses as ther schynen bryghte sterres in hevene on the sterry nyghtes; yit, for al that, mankende nolde nat cese to wepe wrecchide pleyntes. And al be it so that God resceyveth gladly hir preiers, and yyveth hem, as fool-large, moche gold, and apparayleth coveytous folk with noble or cleer honours; yit semeth hem haven igeten nothyng, but alwey hir cruel ravyne, devourynge al that they han geten, scheweth othere gapynges (that is to seyn, gapyn and desiren yit after mo rychesses.) What brydles myghte withholden to any certeyn ende the disordene covetise of men, whan evere the rather that it fletith in large yiftes, the more ay brenneth in hem the thurst of havynge? Certes he that qwakynge and dredful weneth hymselven nedy, he ne lyveth nevermo ryche. — Geoffrey Chaucer

Desiren Quotes By Kiera Van Gelder

I'm not interested in Bob Marley telling me to 'lively up' myself. The only music that satisfies me is Nine Inch Nails and Trent Reznor's voice crying through industrial rhytms. In the August evenings, I lie on my bed with earphones, letting his laments roll through me like unrepentant thunderstorms. I envy the courage that carries his voice into the world. He doesn't berate himself for pain and anger; he howls. And this delights me, even though I feel ashamed when my own rage comes to the surface. My anger doesn't signify courage; it's just more confirmation that I'm bad. — Kiera Van Gelder

Desiren Quotes By A. J. Jacobs

Like God and Duane Reade drugstores, toxins are everywhere. — A. J. Jacobs

Desiren Quotes By Tivadar Kosztka Csontvary

Life is not theory. It is reality, with inherent duties to everything and everyone. — Tivadar Kosztka Csontvary

Desiren Quotes By Kristin Hannah

I can't help smiling at that. He is such an American, this son of mine. He thinks one's life can be distilled to a narrative that has a beginning and an end. He knows nothing about the kind of sacrifice that, once made, can never be either fully forgotten or fully borne. And how could he? I have protected him from all of that. — Kristin Hannah

Desiren Quotes By Frederica Mathewes-Green

I've been able to dig deeper into awareness of my own sinfulness, and take baby steps toward spiritual healing. I'm able to worship in an ancient communion full of awesome beauty, one that is now being blessed with quiet revival. — Frederica Mathewes-Green

Desiren Quotes By Toby Keith

It's like pulling teeth to get me to do photo shoots. And I don't mind doing interviews if they're by phone, but I hate to go sit down and have to meet somebody somewhere, you know what I mean. — Toby Keith

Desiren Quotes By Greg Iles

But as my mother always said: You never know what's cooking in someone else's pot. — Greg Iles

Desiren Quotes By Charles Spurgeon

You never have to drag mercy out of Christ, as money from a miser. — Charles Spurgeon

Desiren Quotes By Donald Trump

I do have my ducks in line if I want to do it, but I'd love to see the Republicans pick somebody that was going to win and take over this country and frankly, to use the expression, 'Make America great again.' — Donald Trump

Desiren Quotes By Julie James

Please. Like a little hangover's going to get in the way of a man in love."
"Aw. That's very romantic," Rylann said.
"Plus, I haven't gotten laid in two months, and the reunion sex is awesome."
"And there's the Shane we know and love. — Julie James

Desiren Quotes By Dan Ariely

Often as I creep along in a traffic jam, someone inevitably tries to enter my lane from the side. Now here is the issue: If I let the car in, I feel good about it. But when I see others in front of me let someone in, I feel cheated, because I've been waiting longer than the car entering the lane, and I am upset with the driver who acted kindly at my expense. — Dan Ariely

Desiren Quotes By Sebastian Janikowski

There are times, where I am sad for the public. I am sad, because they do not get to know the brilliance that is Sebastian Janikowski. — Sebastian Janikowski