Famous Quotes & Sayings

Democratic Freedoms Quotes & Sayings

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Top Democratic Freedoms Quotes

Democratic Freedoms Quotes By Stephen Harper

Human rights commissions, as they are evolving, are an attack on our fundamental freedoms and the basic existence of a democratic society ... It is in fact totalitarianism. I find this is very scary stuff. — Stephen Harper

Democratic Freedoms Quotes By Andy Hargreaves

High performance leaders know they have to breathe out when they are coming up for air. — Andy Hargreaves

Democratic Freedoms Quotes By Arthur Curley

Alliances are crucial to success in the political sphere. However, if we are to approach other organizations to propose alliances for the public good, we must be prepared to assert a far more important role for the library. We must clearly define what we do and establish and assert the relationship of libraries to basic democratic freedoms, to the fundamental humanistic principles that are central to our very way of life ... — Arthur Curley

Democratic Freedoms Quotes By Taylor Swift

When I was 9 or 10, I used to get all the lead roles because I was the tallest person. But my interest in music soon drew me to country music. I was infatuated with the sound, with the storytelling. I could relate to it. I can't really tell you why. With me, it was just instinctual. — Taylor Swift

Democratic Freedoms Quotes By Augusto Pinochet

The freedoms which had been so hard won from colonial domination were being crushed by Soviet-inspired and funded military and political forces. Their clear intention was to deprive the people of their democratic freedoms. As history shows, this is what had happened in the Soviet Union and in Cuba, and continues to be the case in other parts of the world. — Augusto Pinochet

Democratic Freedoms Quotes By Aung San Suu Kyi

Among the basic freedoms to which men aspire that their lives might be full and uncramped, freedom from fear stands out as both a means and an end. A people who would build a nation in which strong, democratic institutions are firmly established as a guarantee against state-induced power must first learn to liberate their own minds from apathy and fear. — Aung San Suu Kyi

Democratic Freedoms Quotes By Arthur Curley

When the function of libraries is put in terms of their contributions to the community, people see their centrality. The challenge to us is to continue to help them see it in those terms to describe our larger purposes. We must assert that libraries are central to the quality of life in our society; that libraries have a direct role in preserving democratic freedoms. Free access to information and the opportunity of every individual to improve his or her mind, employment prospects, and lifestyle are fundamental rights in our society. — Arthur Curley

Democratic Freedoms Quotes By Mikhail Gorbachev

In effect, according to Lenin, socialism and democracy are indivisible. By gaining democratic freedoms the working masses come to power. — Mikhail Gorbachev

Democratic Freedoms Quotes By J. Edgar Hoover

J. Edgar Hoover: When morals decline and good men do nothing, evil flourishes. A society unwilling to learn from past is doomed. We must never forget our history. — J. Edgar Hoover

Democratic Freedoms Quotes By Corey Ford

Properly trained, a man can be dog's best friend. — Corey Ford

Democratic Freedoms Quotes By Rosa Montero

Octavius Augustus became the first Roman emperor because the republic granted him enormous powers. And why did the republic do that? Why did it commit suicide to make way for an empire? Tacitus explains it thus: Cuncta fessa. Which means 'the whole world is tired.' Weariness in the face of political and social insecurity is what led to Rome losing its rights and freedoms. Fear induces a hunger for authoritarianism in people. Fear is a really bad adviser. And now look around you, Bruna: everyone's afraid. We're living in critical times. Our democratic system is also on the verge of suicide. Sometimes nations opt to throw themselves into the abyss. — Rosa Montero

Democratic Freedoms Quotes By Lee R. Raymond

A free economy is as essential to society as democratic political institutions. A strong market-based economy is the fertile ground for democratic freedoms that we think are important. — Lee R. Raymond

Democratic Freedoms Quotes By Simon Winchester

Any grand new dictionary ought itself to be a democratic product, a book that demonstrated the primacy of individual freedoms, of the notion that one could use words freely, as one liked, without hard and fast rules of lexical conduct. — Simon Winchester

Democratic Freedoms Quotes By Bernard Crick

Man's inclination to justice makes democracy possible; but man's capacity for injustice makes it necessary.' The optimism we need to prevent ourselves from destroying our own democratic freedoms and, indeed, our own human habitat must be based on reasoned pessimism. — Bernard Crick

Democratic Freedoms Quotes By Emanuel Celler

The Democratic Party will never desert the freedoms of our people under the guise of pretending to protect them. — Emanuel Celler

Democratic Freedoms Quotes By Patrick Mendis

Americans could achieve Jefferson's democratic freedoms through Hamilton's economic development strategies and trade policies. — Patrick Mendis

Democratic Freedoms Quotes By Thomas Paine

In mourning the plumage, he forgot the dying bird — Thomas Paine

Democratic Freedoms Quotes By Jeane Kirkpatrick

It is a different matter entirely to commit military resources to keep peace in such areas, where often no peace can be kept, or to build nations in our own image before they are ready for our freedoms - or even want them. The military need not do the work of sanctions and diplomacy. As we carry on in this new century, we would do well to remember the importance of balancing the twin goals of our foreign policy: preserving national security and promoting democratic principles. And we must remember that historic conflicts between enemies can be won on moral force, without firing a single bullet or missile; that cultural, market, political, and perhaps religious forces can be far more transformative in areas of the world where chaos and violence reign; and that America can contribute to the building of nations by any and all of these means - while preserving our military and reserving our sovereign right to wage war to maintain true peace. — Jeane Kirkpatrick

Democratic Freedoms Quotes By Genevieve Nnaji

I am a product of Nollywood and my loyalty remains unshaken. — Genevieve Nnaji

Democratic Freedoms Quotes By David Brion Davis

Although the Civil War was an apocalyptic success in the sense that it brought an end to nearly a century of struggle and broken hopes regarding the ultimate extinction of African American slavery, it also combined new freedoms, as in other major revolutions, with shock, breakdown, trauma, and tragedy. Neither desired nor accurately anticipated by leaders in the North and South, the war dramatized the failure of the whole American system of political negotiation and compromise that had never weakened the institution of slavery but had supported democratic government for whites for over eighty years. < ... > Moreover, the long-term outcome of this revolutionary decision would be determined within a context of sectional hate and bitterness, political revenge, and competing presssures for reconciliation, reunion, and forgiveness. — David Brion Davis

Democratic Freedoms Quotes By Jonathan Safran Foer

Desperately knocking against the blind little world, i loosened one of its planks, opening a window to a new, wider world. There, spread out, was a profusion of geography, of atmosphere, of full empty air. — Jonathan Safran Foer

Democratic Freedoms Quotes By Ronald Reagan

Today, the United States stands as a beacon of liberty and democratic strength before the community of nations. We are resolved to stand firm against those who would destroy the freedoms we cherish. We are determined to achieve an enduring peace - a peace with liberty and with honor. This determination, this resolve, is the highest tribute we can pay to the many who have fallen in the service of our Nation. — Ronald Reagan